Evan Bourne - Too Injury Prone To Make It?

Really guys? Are you kidding me? Yeah he may be selling it, but for those who say he wasn't in a world of hurt must be totally blind. There's a BIG difference between selling a Hogan legdrop and getting dropped on your back from 6+ feet high. I've been in a ring before and the padding is pretty minimal. I don't care who you are, that crap hurts! I don't doubt for a minute that he was selling the move, but those of you who say that a powerbomb does not hurt, lay some plywood down, a 1" rubber matting and practice with your friends. You'll change your minds.

I understand wrestling moves do hurt, BUT its more than just plywood and a mat. The plywood is loosely raised off the ground on a RING, and is also supported with springs and such.

Once again, im not saying wrestlers dont feel real pain because its obvious they do, but what you are suggesting is completely false about compare it to a piece of plywood on the ground with a mat on it. Thats more comparable to the outside of the ring.
Guys like Bourne have a bigger problem (pun intended) than whether they are injury prone or not. They generally are not considered to be believable as anything beyond a midcarder due to their size. Rey is one of the few who made it past that stereotype. He too is considered injury prone. If Rey can make it despite being injury prone AND very short, then so can Bourne. Bourne's injury potential is not what will hold him back because that was not the case with others who have the same problem. What will hold him back more than anything is his size since Vince likes bigger guys so much. I hope Bourne has a good career despite either of these two issues.
Evan Bourne isn't exactly injury prone. As far as I'm aware, he's had one serious injury in his career - that was the shoulder problem last year (I believe he said that in an interview with Colt Cabana). We don't know if he sustained an injury on Raw or not. No dirtsheets have reported it, so it's likely that he hasn't.

I don't think being "injury prone" really hinders a person as a wrestler. A guy like Randy Orton is what people would describe as injury prone considering his shoulder problems. Yet he's a bona fide main eventer. That's because drawing power takes precedence over anything else in wrestling. If Evan Bourne (or someone who is actually injury prone) can draw money, they will "make it".

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