Evan Bourne As Champion

I understand you not liking Benoit but c'mon... worst wrestler ever? That's just an overstatement. You can dislike Benoit all you want but there's no way he could be the worst wrestler.

Doesn't really matter if a wrestler has mic skills, or charisma. As long as the wrestler is drawing millions of people and making Vincent's pocket fatter everyday, then the wrestler will get pushed.

Matthew Korklan wouldn't even need a mic. He'll probably just jump off ladders and perform his SSP all night and he'll draw.

Clearly I was exaggerating...although I would probably say he's the most overrated wrestler of all time. That could very well be quite accurate.

And I wouldn't say that Chris Benoit was "drawing millions and making Vince's pockets fatter"...I would say he had a similar following that another mid-carder like Rob Van Dam had (maybe even less of a following)...and due to his work ethic...perhaps he was given the opportunity over similar other boring mid-carders in the business. We see Vince honor work ethic quite a bit...even if the guy stinks and the storyline doesn't make any sense.

It doesn't ALWAYS have to do with money...because Vince will have the same attendance whether he has Kurt Angle as world champ or Chris Benoit as world champ. People will still go within a certain time span. If Chris Benoit held on to the title for longer than he did? Then perhaps you'd see the ratings gradually plummet and then attendance would follow.

I wouldn't think Evan Bourne's character would do much better. Would people immediately quit watching? (besides me) No. Not right away. But depending on how long he kept the title - I bet you would see a decline in every way possible at some point. Yes, you could say that about anybody having the title...but guys like Benoit and Bourne would do it in much less time.
Bourne's gonna get a run eventually. It will be short lived and may come out of nowhere via some type of gimmick match. He will get that run because of the fans love for him. We've seen it before, and we'll see it again. Just look at Eddie, Benoit, RVD and Mysterio. We as fans, force Vince to throw those guys a bone after years of hard work. We'll bitch and moan to no end until they finally get their's. And honestly, I think it's a good thing. Most of those types of guys deserve at least one run in their career, b/c of their hard work and dedication, but more importantly, for their constant quest to entertain us, the paying, adoring fan. Bourne oozes that intangible that tells me he is trying to give us a show every time he steps in the ring. I, as a paying fan, appreciate the shit out of that. That being said, other than his one (or possibly two) run(s) with the belt, he'll be a successful, lifelong mid-carder and as I've stated in many other threads, there is NOT A DAMN THING WRONG WITH THAT. In fact, I find it quite admirable.
I absolutely don't see Evan Bourne becoming a WWE Champion. At the least, I can probably see him challenging for the title once or twice but that's it. He's entertaining, he's fast and he can pull off aerial moves like no tomorrow. But, I can't see him competing at the main event level and carrying the company. He seems like he fits in the mid-card and if he ever gets a title, it'll be a mid-card belt. And, just because he picks up victories over high calibre stars occasionally doesn't mean he's ready to hold the WWE title. That just seems like a lot of work. Who knows though. There's always room for vast improvement.

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