Evan Bourne or Tyson Kidd?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think that these two guys are quite similar, but they are obviously polar opposite characters in real life.

If I were to compare them to current main eventer's in terms of what I think their attitudes are;
Evan Bourne has a John Cena attitude in the works.
Tyson Kidd has an Edge like outlook.

What i'm trying to say is that I think we can compare these two contrasting people by their similar in ring styles.

My question is who has the staying power?

From what I hear, Tyson (TJ) can get a bad attitude. I think in this way he can be compared to Jeff Hardy, because he can give up easily, and has monster potential.

Evan Bourne will become the next Rey Mysterio. I don't believe he has the size that Vince likes to be WWE or World champion. He will make the ECW Championship at some point, perhaps IC title but that is his haven. Bourne will be very very committed but wont make it big more than once.

My choice is Kidd.
Evan Bourne hopefully surpasses Mysterio. Rey would not have been champ if not for Eddie's unfortunate passing. As far as the push goes, the fans will push Evan as far as they want him to go. I don't think Vince wanted Jeff Hardy as champ, but the fans forced it.
I'd take Kidd he's graduated from teh Dugeon so you know he's got skills plus he has the Hart Trilogy backing him. His worst matches are solid, he has an interseting look more specifically haircut, but that could change shortly if it gets in the way. Evan on the other hand his like the highflyingf version of cena he has limited but spectacular moveset that centers around his finisher but if he breaks his leg he might never be able to peform his SSP therefore he'd be screwed so Kidd.
I think that these two guys are quite similar, but they are obviously polar opposite characters in real life.

If I were to compare them to current main eventer's in terms of what I think their attitudes are;
Evan Bourne has a John Cena attitude in the works.
Tyson Kidd has an Edge like outlook.

What i'm trying to say is that I think we can compare these two contrasting people by their similar in ring styles.

My question is who has the staying power?

From what I hear, Tyson (TJ) can get a bad attitude. I think in this way he can be compared to Jeff Hardy, because he can give up easily, and has monster potential.

Evan Bourne will become the next Rey Mysterio. I don't believe he has the size that Vince likes to be WWE or World champion. He will make the ECW Championship at some point, perhaps IC title but that is his haven. Bourne will be very very committed but wont make it big more than once.

My choice is Kidd.

Kidd has a bad attitude? Where the hell do you get you information from? If you weren't banned, oh boy... this argument would be better. Kidd is a great talent, and a great member of the roster. As a personal contact of his, I can vouch for his great behaviour. Perhaps you are thinking of... his best friends cousin, Tenny Annis (Hart)?

And I think that Kidd will go far. Bourne will probably go far too, but in completely different ways. Bourne will go to the kids, while Kidd will go to be a great upper mid card talent.
Heh, good thread!
I think Tyson Kidd is amazing when it comes to in ring skills he has great moves! He has various submission holds including the LEGENDARY Sharp-Shooter, great kicking technique, some pretty good grappling, and amazing speed! He is also a great high flyer! (love his Spring Board Elbow *no homo*) :)
Now look at Bourne YES he's a great cruiserweight and can make the crowd literally erupt with his SSP which is really a thing of beauty!
But I just don't think his in ring skills nor his mic skills are good enough to stay!
So my choice is Tyson!
I'll go with Bourne. I can't believe you guys think he has a limited moveset. His moves are awesome. I really don't think Kidd will be around a lot longer. Casual fans don't give a shit about Bret Hart's "protege". If he was his son maybe. Bourne is already over. Kidd has an uphill battle.
U really cant compare them, they have two different fighting styles, Bourne is more highflyer while Kidd is more showman. Both have a very bright future, I see Kidd being more successful while Bourne will have a bigger fanbase
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I'm guessing Bourne will be more successful in the WWE. He just seems like he's more marketable, and I think the best he can do is be the next Rey Mysterio. He just doesn't have the size to be the top guy.

Kidd is very good as well, and I thinking you're confusing him with DH Smith who has the attitude problems. I think Kidd is very good in the ring and should be helped by the Hart Triology gimmick.

They are two different wrestlers, and it's a matter of preference, but I prefer Kidd.
It sad to say. But Evan Bourne is based around one thing.

The Shooting Star Press.

People cheer for him because he does that move at the end of the match. And we all know he cant use it in every match for the rest of his career. So he has to become interesting pretty quickly if he wants any attention. Some time working on promos would help, as thats what he has to rely on, not having the bigger, "WWE title" look on him, at least in my opinion.
Not saying he doesnt pull off a mean hurracanrana. But still, all it takes is one stuff up for management to crack down on his high risk moves, and then he's up the creek without a paddle.

Tyson Kidd is a mixed case for me. I have a vehement dislike for people thinking the world of wrestlers because of their background. If you have a famous wrestling dad, that doesn't mean you're worth two shits in the ring
"cough Ted DiBiase cough."
Tyson Kidd doesn't even have that, just training from the Hart Dungeon. But I like him, based off his in ring stuff, and he hasnt bored me as of yet.
He has a more rounded offense, but Im really looking for him to prove himself against more opponents than the usual ECW slosh "DJ Gabriel etc". With this new Hart Dynasty in the works, things can only go up.

Tyson Kidd for me.

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