Tyson Kidd and that HUGE dude (Jackson Andrews)

Last night, Kidd should have went over Mark Henry. Kidd should have distracted the ref while Andrews comes in and beats Henry down, Kidd would then get the pin. Now could of, would of, should of, it all doesn't matter because it isn't reality. Now Kidd is a solid in ring performer but I think his promos are boring and he isn't getting heat. Now if WWE wants Tyson Kidd to get heat then they need to step up on there game. Have Kidd and Andrews take guys out like DH Smith who was his best friend. Now that would get him heat. All they would have to do is have Andrews and Kidd take him out and put him on the shelf (kayfabe). DH Smith would then return the following month and re-ignite the feud which would get him over as a face and Kidd over has a heel.

If WWE doesn't work hard and think of something to get him over then he won't be worth shit. I bet he can put on some good macthes with Daniel Bryan for the United States title but they need to get him over before they push him towards the US title.
Kidd and Andrews will probably attack Henry next week and lay him out. Kidd needs a feud to get over. Squashing Henry wouldn't accomplish anything.

IMO DH Smith will go to Smackdown, and next year Kidd will go too, and they will reunite.

I think they split the team so they can work on their mic skills.
They had a lot of momentum, Tyson Kidd could have became the next Shawn Michaels. I said it before and i will say it again every time i look at the body guard of his i have to keep reminding myself it isn't 1995 and thats not kevin nash because thats how kidd could have been booked like. Then after last night i get the feeling we are going to see another The Brian Kendrick because he got squashed by a nobody. Hell i can't say he's gonna be the next The Brian Kendrick cuz at least Brian won the WWE title for a couple of seconds during a championship scramble match.
It wouldnt be the first time that a heel made a bragadocious claim in the back and it turned out to be a red herring. While I don't like the idea of it being at the expense of a talent like Tyson Kidd, this could be much-a-do about nothing. Tyson doesn't exactly have the size needed, one would logically think, to beat a 400 pound man. It shouldn't matter how much he outmaneuvered him, there was no way around it. He bragged about what he was going to do to Henry, so its not like a countout victory would have worked here. Its puzzling that they made Andrews look like a schmuck as well, but it may be that Kidd isn't in their long term plans for a feud with Daniel Bryan. It could also mean that it may take time for the new bodyguard to "figure out" how to use more then just his size and strength against a 15 year pro like Mark Henry. It could also mean that....

Tyson Kidd is just a stopgab to feud with Bryan until Wade Barrett "recovers and regroups." While it may have been for one night, these two were stablemates in the past. Wade did nothing to hide his disgust towards Bryan for showing remorse, and subsequently exiled him from the group. It could easily be Bryan's second best "storyline feud'(behind Miz of course) While WWE obviously doesn't see Barrett as WWE Championship material(for now) a feud over the US title wouldn't be that far of a step down for Barrett. Bryan's done so much to bring prestige back to and elevate the US title, and the man he took it from became WWE Champion only 2 months later.

It may seem as if Im off topic, but I asure you Im not. While Im sure Tyson(great wrestler IMO) and Bryan could put on some excellent matches regarding the US title, it would just be another feud for Bryan that has no backstory whatsoever. Bryan and Ziggler, good matches, no storyline. Bryan and DiBiase, good matches, no storyline. Im sure youre getting the pattern here. So where do I see Tyson Kidd heading? He may be a player in the mid-card scene at a later time. Right now, I see him as another stepping stone for Daniel Bryan before a more high profile feud with Wade Barrett comes to fruition.
I think WWE just gave up on Tyson honestly...i mean i could be mistaken but i dont hear him getting any heat at all...but WWE had the chance beat fan loved Mark Henry, he already called out a favorite fan daryling in Daniel Bryan...like i said he is just not gaining any heat at all...i mean maybe this lose is part of the "plan" with him but i don't know how i guess you must watch to see.
Tyson Kidd is still good. So what, he loses against Mark Henry. It makes him cockier and cockier by talking crap to Bryan. Also, I see a US Title reign for Kidd in the future. I predict that Daniel will lock in the LaBell Lock and Jackson Andrews breaks it up(The ref didn't see it), Daniel will be mad and a distracted Bryan gets hit by Kidd and pinned.
Let's not forget that everyone on these boards were complaining that Daniel Bryan got railroaded and squashed in a match with Sheamus, and everyone said it was going to ruin everything he worked for and his push. It's really an afterthought now, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same type of scenario. I also wouldn't be surprised if Tyson Kidd won the US strap off of Bryan at the Royal Rumble.

The weirdest thing about it was them clowning out Jackson Andrews. He's a massive individual with a decent look, it seemed unnecessary for him to also be beaten by Mizzark.

They could also be doing something along the lines of a mini push with Mark Henry, he did win the Tribute for the Troops battle Royal, so you never know
I think I saw someone else post this but I think kidd and Andrews lost last week like they did so they can take Henry out either this coming week or the one following. JUst a way to start a fued for kidd. By making him look week at first then taking Henry out in the back or somethin it gives the feeling that he is ruthless and you can turn around near him. THat being said I could be completely wrong. I do feel though that if done right a Daniel Bryan vs Tyson Kidd fued would be classic with really good matches. The last person to be trained in the hart dungeon vs a true mat artist.
Wow, Tyson Kidd set up a U.S. Title feud with Daniel Bryan and bragged about how unstoppable he is with his enormous bodyguard. Then he lost to Mark Henry. Well gee, I guess that means all that setup was meaningless, right? Obviously that Kidd/Bryan feud they hinted at isn't going to happen now, since everybody knows that once you lose a midcard RAW match you quietly vanish forever.
Wow, Tyson Kidd set up a U.S. Title feud with Daniel Bryan and bragged about how unstoppable he is with his enormous bodyguard. Then he lost to Mark Henry. Well gee, I guess that means all that setup was meaningless, right? Obviously that Kidd/Bryan feud they hinted at isn't going to happen now, since everybody knows that once you lose a midcard RAW match you quietly vanish forever.

Unlike with Daniel Bryan's squash by Sheamus, the problem with this is Jackson Andrews. I'm sure a lot of people thought that Tyson was gonna lose that match and he did. What surprised me was that this beast of a man in Jackson who is supposed to be imposing, intimidating, and looks like he could do some damage got bitched out after a missed clothesline.

How effective would Brock Lesnar have looked if Kane Chokeslammed him in his second ring appearance. And that should be everyone's beef with this segment.
This is exactly what i was gonna post before i seen it. Noones beef should be Kidd loosing to Henrey. Its what happenend afterwards.

Jackson Andrews was supposed to be this monster to onlt get bitch slapped by Henrey. Yes, Kidd will come back cockier than ever and run hos mouth on Daniel Bryan next week. But where does Andrewes go? Off into obscurity.

And god lets hope that Kidd takes the title off the talentless Bryan...
Well so far I'm not impressed with Andrew Jackson. If you're supposed to be this big and dominating man, then gettting slammed by a jobber like Mark Henry doesn't help very much. Also can Andrew Jackson do anything other than that stupid clothesline? It's pathetic.
My opinion is simple. I'd say he is going to be great for Kidd, and should be able to get over on his own, too, if/when they decide to split the two. I'm hoping we'll see at least a Tag-Team championship run with those two, OR see Kidd take the US Title.
i think jacksonss debut was a fail getting killed by mark... i thought he was ganna be like this monster dude that would back uyp tyson and actually help but after his first impression being fail then that idea died... lets see if he can pick up the pace becuase tat duo lost an important match momentum wise.
I was completely shocked at the way that played out. Given the backstage altercation that appeared to be setting up an angle and feud for Kidd/Bryan, having it ultimately result in Kidd getting squashed and Andrews being made to look dumb was a strange call. I'm not willing to write it off as a total fail yet, however.

If on Monday Kidd calls for a rematch and he and Andrews turn the tables on Henry, resulting in a massive beatdown, it could contribute to Kidd's image and gain him heat. It could turn out that he ends up with a more aggressive and retaliatory nature, using Andrews to help him get a cheap win and causing some damage, essentially telling the world that you don't fuck with him the way Henry did last week. He could still come out of this looking good, and so can Andrews. They just have to book the retaliation angle properly. If Kidd wrestles against anyone other than Henry on Monday, I guess we can then assume at that point that the chances of them fucking it up are pretty high, as I don't think a slow build of getting owned is a good idea for anyone, particularly a heel.
I was completely shocked at the way that played out. Given the backstage altercation that appeared to be setting up an angle and feud for Kidd/Bryan, having it ultimately result in Kidd getting squashed and Andrews being made to look dumb was a strange call. I'm not willing to write it off as a total fail yet, however.

The problem with the Mizark Henry squash was that it bore no logic. Kidd claims that he was going to show Bryan that he was going to be the US champion of 2011, but after that, he and Andrews both get the beatdown by Henry (though Kidd showed some offense, but he didn't do anything after the match. He just powdered out of the ring, and there wasn't anything heelish like coming up from behind Henry, or stalling so Andrews could get some chance to be booked strong by beating Henry six ways from today.

This, I think, is an example of how WWE creative comes across these "gaps" where there's no consistency between what's said on a backstage vignette and a match itself. You want to be able to have SOME consistency with Kidd, since he's pretty much "carrying" Jackson Andrews, in terms of exposure. But what's the point if you get the one chance for Andrews to REALLY show his presence, only for him to get body slammed by Henry? Jericho once said he could lose and get MORE heel heat than when he walked in. Kidd can't say the same.

If on Monday Kidd calls for a rematch and he and Andrews turn the tables on Henry, resulting in a massive beatdown, it could contribute to Kidd's image and gain him heat. It could turn out that he ends up with a more aggressive and retaliatory nature, using Andrews to help him get a cheap win and causing some damage, essentially telling the world that you don't fuck with him the way Henry did last week. He could still come out of this looking good, and so can Andrews. They just have to book the retaliation angle properly. If Kidd wrestles against anyone other than Henry on Monday, I guess we can then assume at that point that the chances of them fucking it up are pretty high, as I don't think a slow build of getting owned is a good idea for anyone, particularly a heel.

This could work, somewhat. Thing is, this shouldn't have happened in the first place if the feud was to be done right away. Going by the Bryan/Kidd vignette, Kidd wants the US title. Now, in this particular case, a slow build does not work, in my opinion. Well, not entirely a slow one, in the sense that it's something that one cannot drag out for too long. If creative wants the feud to happen, it should have been a Bryan/Kidd match where Andrews interferes, and gets Kidd a shot at the title on a pay per view. The feud would have given Bryan something to work at least until the pay per view, and given the fact that his work can match with Kidd somewhat nicely, we could have had a nice match.

But who knows, maybe next Monday, WWE gets a chance at getting Kidd some heel heat. Not through the mic, however. Kidd needs to switch his ring work to a more heel route. So far, what he works with in the ring just screams face to me, in my opinion.
Well, it was shocking. When Kidd and Andrews come out, everyone (including me) was expecting Kidd to get the dirty win and for Andrew to display his dominance. Everyone was wrong.

I don't think WWE did this purely for the shock factor; they have a plan. Maybe it's a push for Henry (I hope not; one U.S title shot would be bearable, but anything more than that...eh). Or maybe it's the start of a losing streak for Kidd that will end up with him reuniting with DH Smith. Either way, WWE has a plan. I highly doubt Kidd will fade into obscurity, he's average, but I'm guessing he's a factor in McMahon and Hart's relationship. As for Andrews...so what? There are hundred of other guys like him. So he got squashed, he was hardly gonna be anything special.
Yeah I do not get why they did it either. That was a great way for the WWE to show that Kidd was a threat to take the US Title from Daniel Bryan.

Even if it wasn't clean and Andrews had to interfere for him to win, a victory over Mark Henry would have been a perfect stepping stone for Tyson Kidd.

Sure beating Mark Henry doesn't mean you should headline Wrestlemania. But, what did Henry defeating Kidd get him?

I think it was a bad decision on the part of creative. Though I think Kidd will actually defeat Henry in the near future, a victory in this match would have kept his small roll going and maybe turned into a big roll. I don't think it is over for Kidd or anything, but I think it was a bad decision to have him lose.

Also, I don't get why they had Andrews look so weak. Bad segment overall for WWE on that one. Hopefully it doesn't destroy what I thought they were trying to do with Kidd.
The problem with Kidd is he's too small in size to go for the WWE Championship and Daniel Bryan is doing a great job as US Champion at present for creative to contemplate giving Kidd the US title.
This is why WWE needs to have more lower card titles that are spread over the WWE landscape, rather then show orentated, I could easily see Tyson with Light Heavyweight title and having some decent matches and with his Andrews as his bodyguard I could see Kidd having a decent push/run with the belt.
yea, they need to push Tyson Kidd because what else is there for him? they split him and David up for no damn reason and they give him a bodyguard....to solidify himself as a midcarder Tyson has to lose every now and then...it happens....it wasnt believable that he could beat Henry because he JUST got out of a tag team...this isnt the same push where Sheamus was squashing everyone every week just because of the political game....Tyson Kidd wont get that kind of push.....thats what made people resent Sheamus so much in last year is that won like every match until they dropped him down and made him work his way up.....thats what Tyson needs...he'll be a decent midcarder, but they do need a light heavyweight title

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