Tyson Kid getting pushed instead of DH Smith, Why?


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We all know the push Tyson Kid is getting in WWE recently having a huge bodyguard named Jackson Andrews. I like where Tyson is going but why did they push him instead of DH Smith? DH Smith has the size and can wrestle. That is what the WWE usually looks for in a WWE Superstar. In the beginning of the Hart Dynasty Break-up, it looked like DH Smith was going to be the one to turn heel but it looks like WWE creatives thought turning Tyson heel would work and it certainly is but why the change up? Does WWE think Tyson Kid is a future star in the WWE than DH Smith? The question is what are they going to do with DH Smith?

Let me know what you think.
I think that you stated the answer yourself. DH is a big guy, and WWE likes big guys. They look credible on their own. By the same token, they see enough in Kidd that they'd like him to be relevant and until they really get a chance to shine, it's hard for the small guys to seem threatening. DH can survive on his own, but the little guy, in becoming a heel, is willing to take shortcuts and cover his ass, making up for his lack of size with an intimidating presence behind him. I wouldn't read too much into who is getting the "bigger" push yet.
I think the problem with DH is his bland persona at present - Cole has even went out of his way to point this out on several occasions and (as we all know) this would be quashed if the guerilla position did not agree. I like the current influx of smaller wrestlers on RAW (Kidd, Bourne, Bryan and Gabriel) and would love a potential four way feud amongst these guys over the US belt - my only area of caution for Kidd's current persona is these three words... The Brian Kendrick
We all know the push Tyson Kid is getting in WWE recently having a huge bodyguard named Jackson Andrews. I like where Tyson is going but why did they push him instead of DH Smith?.

For one, its easier to be a heel then it is to be a face. Tyson happens to be a proficient technical wrestler with a good bit of high flying ability as well. He'ld be a good fit in a small mid-card on Raw. Id bet he and Daniel Bryan would tear the house down, if given the chance. Alongside his bodyguard, he'ld give Bryan all he can handle in a U.S. Championship war.

If Monday was any indication, Tyson can talk a little bit too. Kelly was the wrong person to be his foil in his first "heel" promo, as she's just terrible. But Tyson showed he can handle himself on the mic somewhat, and will likely improve over time. Tyson is the superior wrestler, and showed he can talk, so pushing him over Smith is the right idea.

DH Smith has the size and can wrestle. That is what the WWE usually looks for in a WWE Superstar. In the beginning of the Hart Dynasty Break-up, it looked like DH Smith was going to be the one to turn heel but it looks like WWE creatives thought turning Tyson heel would work and it certainly is but why the change up?

Tyson was a decent heel managed buy Natalya back in the days of ECW. He had some great heel mannerisms and looked really solid in matchups with ECW Champion Christian, and Finlay, among others. So WWE probably knows what they have as a heel in Tyson. With DH, not so much.

Does WWE think Tyson Kid is a future star in the WWE than DH Smith?

Did you mean he'll become the bigger star, in WWE's eyes. I think so. Smith is very bland, in every way. He has a bland look, and is very boring in the ring. Kidd has all the tools to be an excellent mid-card heel on Raw. Im not sure where Smith even fits.

The question is what are they going to do with DH Smith?

Future Endeavor him? Im not sure, really. There was some talk of a "Fortunate Sons" Stable lead by Ted DiBiase, and Smith might have a role there. But outside of the tag team, I never saw much in him, and certainly don't see the value of him as a single's wrestler whatsoever.
Simply put, DH Smith is a robot. Absolutely brutal (Personally I didn't think his dad wasn't that great either) Tyson Kidd has more upside : He's small and quick which can create great feuds with Bryan, Gabriel, Bourne, Punk even Tatsu and Ryder if they ever get pushed. I actually quite enjoy his moveset and on the mic on Raw he seemed quite comfortable (Yeah, I know he needs some work, but it was great to see some potential) . Personally the giant bodyguard bit has been done to pieces... So, lose Test, whoops I mean Tomko , wait Diesel right. Oh , his name is Jackson Andrews, yeah lose him, bodyguards aren't that important in todays wrestling
We all know the push Tyson Kid is getting in WWE recently having a huge bodyguard named Jackson Andrews. I like where Tyson is going but why did they push him instead of DH Smith?

Because he's better in the ring than DH Smith, though not by a great distance but is a lot better on the stick. Andrews is a tank for him to hide behind and get heat. Weasle heels for the win.

DH Smith has the size and can wrestle.

Indeed he does. He's also in his mid 20s he can put Tyson over in their upcoming feud and still be a success. He's got plenty of time to improve and be pushed. Kidd's older and has less time to be pushed up the card and survive coming out on the ass ends of feuds. It hurts him that he can't cut a promo to save his life, but that's pretty much his only drawback.

That is what the WWE usually looks for in a WWE Superstar.

They look for charisma in their top tier tallent though, and that's the one thing Smith lacks.

In the beginning of the Hart Dynasty Break-up, it looked like DH Smith was going to be the one to turn heel but it looks like WWE creatives thought turning Tyson heel would work and it certainly is but why the change up?

Tyson's heel turn is something that's worked out well for the both of them. Smith doesn't really have the charisma to be a heel of the type Kidd is, and it's hard to get an unspeaking heel over without squashing somebody's ass. Which would be bad for Kidd's future prospects.

Does WWE think Tyson Kid is a future star in the WWE than DH Smith? The question is what are they going to do with DH Smith?

Kidd's certainly the one with the brighter short term prospects. He's got someone on his level to feud with once he's done with Smith (Bryan), and as mentioned above has the essentials bar size in larger quantities than Smith.

What I'd do with him if I was WWE is put Kidd over in their feud and then send him to Smackdown so that the two can grow without having to share the limelight, and just let the guy have decent length matches so he can get over with his ring work. Kidd's future is clearer, because it's fairly obvious that he's going to enter a feud with Daniel Bryan, which will be a lot of fun to watch unfold.
it's easier to put the pretty boy as a heel. Tyson, out of the 2, is the "HBK" in that regard. he can wrestle, he's better on the mic than Smith. the problem with Smith is that he can't talk. he's a big fella, but he's not that "oh man he's a BIG GUY" (not really tall nor ripped/muscle).

i don't think Smith can be a good face because he's too bland as one and his face/mannerisms don't scream out heel either. i think he could work as both, but he needs a lot of help (a really good mouth piece or a 2nd tier role in a stable).
I think its simply the fact that Raw needs Kidd in this role. Punk is hurt and Gabriel and Slater are a tag team in a stable. The only mid card heel on Raw is Ted Dibiase. SD has Ziggler, The Chosen One, Swagger and Del Rio.

They need to do something to showcase Daniel Bryan, the US title and mid card story lines and Raw isnt to do any of that unless they hold KOTR tournaments or have the US and IC champs wrestle one another...but since they are on differet brands you cant create a story line and interest viewers.

So they are going to push Kidd to get the undercard some worth while attention on Raw. Look for Smith to get an opportunity at some point in the future but right now Kidd is the better option when looking at the big picture. I beginning to think that right now its all about the road to Mania...so since there is no place for Smith at this year's mania, he's not going to be pushed. Look for Bryan/Kidd to slowly build a program that'll lead to a US title match at Mania...even if the title changes hands before then.
Tyson is a lot better than Smith. He has the high flying and technical side down. Hart was used mainly in the tag team as the hot tag and he'd then just play the powerhouse card for a while before either picking up the win or tagging Kidd back in. I always felt more entertained with the big guy on the apron.

I'm actually relieved to see WWE notice this for once. As has been said, The big guy normally gets the push because "WWE loves big guys." Add that to the whole Son of The British Bulldog moniker, as well as being given Bret Hart's music (remixed) Smith seems to be the obvious choice. Despite all that, they've pushed the smaller guy and I'm actually very excited to see where that will lead.

I predict that both will come out of this very well. Jackson Andrews offers up another variable in the eventual Kidd/ Smith fued and will pit green giant against greener giant before Kidd and Smith really takes off... possibly for the US Belt? Afterward, Smith will join up with Smackdown after the trade and should do pretty well in the mid card for the next year or so.
his push will not last jackson is the wolf in sheeps clothing here ala nash he is going to be the new nash mark my words. this guy is just green time will making him better.
I'm actually relieved to see WWE notice this for once. As has been said, The big guy normally gets the push because "WWE loves big guys." Add that to the whole Son of The British Bulldog moniker, as well as being given Bret Hart's music (remixed) Smith seems to be the obvious choice. Despite all that, they've pushed the smaller guy and I'm actually very excited to see where that will lead.

Smith used that theme exactly once on his own, and that was for his debut match on ECW against Finlay, which you may recall was after he was teamed up with Kidd and Natalya. Since then it was the stable's theme which is now being used exclusively by Natalya. Since their split he's using this theme and titantron.


Kidd is the right choice to push now. He's better on the mic and slightly better in the ring, but Smith has a ton of potential which I feel Kidd doesn't have and will probably end up being the bigger star out of the two.
Kidd is the right choice to push now. He's better on the mic and slightly better in the ring, but Smith has a ton of potential which I feel Kidd doesn't have and will probably end up being the bigger star out of the two.

To say that Kidd is slightly better in the ring that Smith is a joke!!! Kidd is way better than Smith all around. I said this before. Back when they were in FCW as the Hart Dynasty, they had Smith turn heel on Kidd, and it was a total mess. Smith needs to stay face. As for the fortunate sons thing, Smith can't really go there, unless they are a face team!! Smith is decent in the ring, he needs to work a little bit more, but I think he will get there!!
I agree with Kidd being the obvious choice for a push. Like everybody said, Smith is bland, both physically and personality-wise. He doesn't have his father's physique or his charisma, and Kidd looks like he's going to be a very good cocky heel. Every time I see Smith, I can't help but think he looks like a jacked up version of David Flair. And that's definitely not a compliment...
It's more so a up coming push for Jackson Andrews in my opinion, by the way I can already tell I'm not going to be a fan of that guy, he seems very, very bland. I like both DH and Hart, they should have never broken up as a tag team. DH seems to have more of the "it" factor to me than Tyson Hart though.
To say that Kidd is slightly better in the ring that Smith is a joke!

I disagree. I consider Smith do be a damn good big man who has the capacity to have good matches with a larger selection of opponents than Kidd. What is Kidd going to be able to do to make himself seem like a threat to Cena for example? Smith can suplex the shit out of him, but Kidd's offence is hamstrung.

And I really don't see the difference as that big. Sure Kidd can fly, but Smith trades that for power, which works for him when combined with his technical ability.

Kidd is way better than Smith all around.

Never denied it. Smith's size is a big advantage in more ways than one though.

I said this before. Back when they were in FCW as the Hart Dynasty, they had Smith turn heel on Kidd, and it was a total mess.

Was it? My knowledge of FCW from around that time is limited, but the good matches he had with Kidd and Escobar (among others, I expect) would say otherwise. Also, how long between their feud and Smith's callup was there?

Smith needs to stay face.

For now I agree. Especially if he gets sent to Smackdown (which is likely in my opinion) there are more heels he can work with than faces.

As for the fortunate sons thing, Smith can't really go there, unless they are a face team!

There was never going to be a fortunate sons stable in my opinion. 'Twas a case of the IWC latching on to unconnected ideas and deciding that it IS going to happen. Brett DiBiase and Joe Hennig had a tag team in FCW called the Fortunate Sons and Ted called himself the fortunate son in a promo or two. A dirtsheet decided that was evidence of there being a Legacy 2.0 stable with Ted at the helm.

Smith is decent in the ring, he needs to work a little bit more, but I think he will get there!!

Agreed, he's got a lot of time to improve in the ring and on the mic and he's good enoguh to keep his paycheck while he does so.

It's more so a up coming push for Jackson Andrews in my opinion,

Couldn't disagree more. Andrews is a tool to get Kidd over. He may have no skill of his own, but Kidd can get heat for sending in the mountain to save his own skin.

by the way I can already tell I'm not going to be a fan of that guy, he seems very, very bland.

Probably a fair assessment.

I like both DH and Hart, they should have never broken up as a tag team.

I assume you mean Kidd, the only member of the Hart Dynasty not related to the Hart family or to have Hart somewhere in their name.

DH seems to have more of the "it" factor to me than Tyson Hart though.

I sort of agree. He's got an assload of potential, is pretty damn big and is only 24/25 (depending on where you get his age) which is in his favor. Depends on what you mean by the "it" factor though. Kidd's definately got more tallent at this time, but I agree that if Smith improves in the ring and especially on the mic he'll end up being the bigger star.
Kidd is getting the push because he is smaller and WWE wants smaller guys to be recognized(Danielson, Morrison, Mysterio and now Kidd). With Jackson Andrews next to him and his in-ring skills, he should get the push over Baby Bulldog. His mic work is actually pretty good(Promo with Kelly Kelly). Jackson Andrews is very intimidating and it makes Tyson Kidd look like a better heel with a HUGE bodyguard.
to be honest i dont see any of them having any future in the WWE im surprise they have lasted this long anyway. I think Tyson doesnt have a good look and neither does DH they both shouldve stayed where theyre at.
i dont think either of them will make a very good push...they needed to spend more time together as a tag team...

kidd has a better body but sucks on the mic...smith needs to workout more...and is way too sloppy...his mic skills suck as well

they wont get very far unless they're on smackdown...
I think they have quite a few options with Smith. The one that might have needed the momentum out of the break up of the group, was Kidd.

I actually like Kidd better as a Heel. I can see Smith as that powerful show-off Face. Will it lead to a World Title? Time will tell. But I think Kidd beats Smith to a single's title. Whether it be the IC Title or US Title. I think the WWE uses this immediate momentum with Kidd turning Heel, leaving his title winning tag team, and taking on a massive speciment of humanity as his NXT Rookie, or bodyguard or whatever.... To dethrone Daniel Bryan of The US Title.

Bryan can't be the champion forever, but take a look at who are the options to take his title.

Ted Dibiase is really his only competition at this point. As hyped up as Ted was, coming out of Legacy and everything, Kidd seems to have more momentum right at this moment, than Dibiase ever had.

So that is something to think about. If Punk does not come back soon, Kidd seems to be a likely opponent/rivalry with Bryan.

It is almost a classic storyline in the making and it hasn't even been hinted at yet. Think about it, Bryan is considered that throw back kind of technical wrestler. Kidd is the last graduate of the Hart Dungeon. It sounds like a launch pad for both of those guys.
DH Smith is a good wrestler but folks but lets face it; the only reason why he is on WWE programing is because of who his dad was. The only way for DH to breakout is for him to get away from being billed as "the late-great Davey Boy Smith's" son. Tyson for the time being looks like he is ready for a singles career. As we saw at the Slammys, Tyson can handle the mic and will be a terrific heel. I hope I'm wrong about DH cause I really am rooting for him as a fan, but he needs to be different than good ol dad.
Why? Because Tyson is simply far more talented than DH Smith in every aspect. He is a better wrestler, he did the bulk of the in ring work for the Hart Dynasty and is far more exciting to watch with his high flying offence, Smith on the other hand is a bout a generic of a big man as you could ask for inside the ring. Plus we have already seen that he Tyson can have good- great one on one matches with the likes of Morrison, Yoshi, Ryder etc. the same can not be said for Smith who seems to me to be a tag wrestler only.

He is also far better when it comes to charisma and mic skills. Now this isn't saying that much a Smiths charisma/mic skills are almost non existent but at least it is something. We have also already seen what Kidd can do on the mic with a pretty decent promo on Kelly Kelly this past monday on Raw.
i tottally agree with the kidd push over smith mainly because, smith is only still with the company because of his father and well kidd is more talented he has the look as well and makes a pritty decent heel. Ok maybe kidd aint the best in the world on the mic but he does have the talent to put into play and could have some decent feuds EG :Bryan,Bourne even Gabriel. got a feeling smith will be future endorsed soon anyway after this feud
Kidd is better in the ring and on the stick. A buddy of mine suggested a Kidd vs Byran fued for the U.S. title. I think those 2 would have great matches and a good fued could really solidify both of them.
Fuck this

DH Smith is a good wrestler but folks but lets face it; the only reason why he is on WWE programing is because of who his dad was. The only way for DH to breakout is for him to get away from being billed as "the late-great Davey Boy Smith's" son. Tyson for the time being looks like he is ready for a singles career. As we saw at the Slammys, Tyson can handle the mic and will be a terrific heel. I hope I'm wrong about DH cause I really am rooting for him as a fan, but he needs to be different than good ol dad.

and this.

i tottally agree with the kidd push over smith mainly because, smith is only still with the company because of his father and well kidd is more talented he has the look as well and makes a pritty decent heel. Ok maybe kidd aint the best in the world on the mic but he does have the talent to put into play and could have some decent feuds EG :Bryan,Bourne even Gabriel. got a feeling smith will be future endorsed soon anyway after this feud

If you think the only reason Smith is employed by WWE is because of his father, then gtfo. I'm not going to deny that being born into the buisness helped his career because it has, but to claim it is the only reason he has one is ridiculous. If anything's saved his job it was choosing to go down to FCW to improve. (See also: Curt Hawkins, Rosa Mendes, Dolph Ziggler (on two separate occasions) and Johnny Blaze/Superstar/Onyx/Spade/Nitro). And he's proven why he was kept despide Shad doing the same thing and getting cut, because he's actually a damn good wrestler. He's not as good as Kidd, but he will in my opinion be more successful than him. For one thing he's got more time to make a success out of himself (Kidd has 5 years on Smith), for another he's less limited against larger opponents (what's Kidd going to be able to do against someone like Sheamus, for example?).

I'm not saying Smith should be pushed over Kidd. Quite the opposite, Kidd should go over him at this stage of their careers but Smith is more than just a famous name. He's also a good wrestler with a ton of potential.
I don't think it really matters anyways because I don't see anything to bright in their future. By this time next year, they will probably still be in the mid-card. Also, I wouldn't call it a push because he does not even compete or at least hasn't in the last 2 weeks.

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