Eyes Out For Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne?

Bourne joining TNA sounds like a rather likely scenario. He probably won't last long in WWE after this second suspension so he will either quit or end up future endeavoured after a third violation and after his 90 days are up he'll join TNA. Bourne will flourish in the X Division because it was made for guys like him. People had asked in other threads who would be good for dethroning Aries. How about Bourne? He can be the king of the X Division. I don't see him doing much else, even in TNA, but at least it'd be better than his WWE run up until Air Boom was.
I dont mind Bourne...on WWE programing.

His spotfest style is scarce on Raw so its exciting to see. Whereas there are 10 other wrestlers on the TNA roster who do exactly what he does with the same amount of personality (which for the record is sweet fuck all).

Why would you bring in a wrestler who offers nothing new in the way of a moveset. Practically nothing in the way of mic skills or personality and finally very limited star appeal. Who is really going to channel hop to see Evan Bourne? On top of all those points, hes a wrestler with an apparently issue with either drugs or authority.

I mean if youre going to poach a spot monkey poach one who knows where the on button on the microphone is.

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