Oh look, Sully's turned into Mr. Self-Righteous again.
I was never self righteous, a matter a fact most of the people I've argured with were the self righteous ones. Not in this thread at all, but in threads passed. Although saying I was never self righteous could possibly make me look self righteous, so maybe that wasn't the correct thing to say.
And I'm not really trying to say my opinion is better, I was just pointing out that people are making themselves look quite silly, complaining that everyone is making fun of Matt Hardy.
Look at it this way, when Michael Jackson was going through his problems, people didn't hesitate to make jokes. A matter a fact, I think MJ had it the worst out of all the celebrities running themselves into the ground. People were always poking fun at Michael Jackson, or worse.
Now I'm not saying that the people complaining in this thread did that, and I'm not singling out anyone in this thread to be a hypocrite, all though it looked that way earlier. When I used the term hypocrite, I was refereeing to the general group of people out there, that are always acting like this towards things in the WWE.