Matt Hardy to TNA?

You know I always liked Jeff better than MAtt, but I never understood why. Matt is better in the ring, he cuts better promos considering Jeff can't cut any sort of promo. Jeff has always been a face, while Matt can play both. I guess I only liked Jeff more because he would always have cooler spots than Matt.

I've always wanted Matt to get out of his brother's shadow, only because I think he deserves it just as much as Jeff does. Jeff going to TNA has been a disappointment in my opinion, he was really over in the WWE, but it shows that he can only draw with the WWE machine, not TNA. If Matt goes and reunites the Hardy Boyz it will draw some interest to me as I would love to see a HArdy Boyz-Beer Money feud, or Hardy Boyz-MCMG feud. It'll keep Jeff out of trouble too, but Matt just looks awful out there. He looks bad in the ring, and I'm saying it's because he looks out of shape, and it's obvious, he's gained a lot of weight and it looks awful.
Matt hardy in TNA? Only if his job description reads "Jeff Hardy's babysitter-not a wrestler." Matt is dull in the ring. In TNA that means dull as fuck. If Rob Terry can be more exiting than you, TNA is not your place to be. Both Hardy's lack motivation, but at least Jeff has some sort of personality and oozes charisma from somewhere. Hell, Shannon Moore is a better asset than Matt Hardy. He's helped keep Jesse Neal relevant. Unless Matt is off TV keeping Jeff company and worrying about him, there is no way he should be in TNA.

However, I'm more than sure if he does get released from WWE, Jeff will be quick to call him over and talk TNA into hiring him.
If Matt Hardy leaves WWE (which seems more and more likely if the latest stories are to be believed) he will almost certainly join TNA. In my opinion, this will happen if he is in shape or not. A reformation of the Hardy Boyz would be too good of an opportunity for TNA to pass up. One of the main factors that Matt Hardy is currently still with WWE that Vince knows that Matt was released, he would immediately cross the line, so to speak. And TNA would pay handsomely for his services.

I don't watch TNA, so I wouldn't care if he turned up at the iMPACT Zone. And, if you believe the dirt sheets, Vince wouldn't either because he seems more trouble than he's worth. I've never really 'got' Matt (or Jeff for that matter) so if he turned up at Orlando one day, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
No, I don't want Marty Janett—err—Matt Hardy in TNA, and why the hell should I? Both Hardys are overrated, but at least Jeff has something of a personality with which you can connect with via all his cryptic "Creatures of the Night" business, as well as his gimmicky arm-bands and face-paint, both of which are often easily purchased/duplicated by fans. What do Matt Hardy fans bring, their beer guts?

I've gotten into this with a number of users here on more than one occasion, but I stand by my opinion to date – Matt was carried by Jeff, and sans having his real-life girlfriend fuck a budding superstar, not much would have come of him. Better put, if Matt's last name was Bentley, no one would know him, just like no one knows Matt Bentley (who incidentally was actually trained by Shawn Michaels).

I am glad i wasn't the only person who thought the same thing about Matt Hardy. I mean what has Matt done so far with his character??? all i seen him do was change his attire a little bit and stayed with the same gimmick character. As far as bring back Hardyz i can careless because jeff getting really sloppy in the ring especially when he does the swanton bomb and lands the wrong way.. I dont see what can Matt bring to TNA
Matt Hardy will always be a waste of talent now, he wants more, more, more because of his tenure there? F that, the WWE would be way better off without this guy in the company.

He can go to TNA and still be a nobody. To babysit Jeff Hardy? Really? Why? Cuz without big brother Matt, little Jeff can't take care of himself. That's pretty sad if that was the case. Rebuilding the Hardy Boys is not going to bring ratings or improve any storylines in TNA, it didn't do anything for WWE either recently. The only positive reaction you would receive is from fans that are still stuck in the past and want to re-live the Attitude Era.

I just hope Dixie doesn't pull the "a surprise is coming that will change TNA forever" card, or "this is what fans want to see" crap.
If you haven't heard there are many rumors stating due to recent "incidents" Matt Hardy may be released. If released all signs point to Matt joining his brother Jeff in TNA.

Can Matt Hardy pull a Christian Cage and jump right into the main event picture...I think it's possible due to the fact that most of TNA's head liners have a light/limited schedule. I understand that Matt Hardy isn't in the best shape right now but do you think that will stop TNA from putting the world championship around his waist ?
It's funny how all the WWE fans cry for a Matt Hardy World Title run for some reason, but now that we are talking about him going to TNA he's shit. Funny how that stuff works.

He might as well go to TNA. A Hardy Boys re-union could be at least semi-entertaining, though that could hold Jeff back from being a consistent main eventer in his own right. Matt is okay. Not great, not terrible, just okay. Matt's a decent wrestler, but Jeff was the heart and soul of the Hardy Boys. After a Hardy Boys re-union, there wouldn't really be much for him to do.

His days have passed, though I suppose he can go to TNA to get his last 15 minutes of fame with Jeff.
He would need to use his 90 days to sort out his health issues and to get back into shape. If he could do that I would much prefer him with the TNA title than his brother, I do see Matt as the much safer option.

I always feel Vince dropped the ball after the whole Matt-Edge-Lita love triangle, when we saw Matt run in promoting ROH and the "Us vs Them" gimmick, it could have been his 3.16 moment. But Vince chose to bury Matt and push Edge. I feel Edge would have been a main eventer anyway, and Matt could have done it with that gimmick.
I don't think it would be that bad to have Matt in TNA, he's good in the ring and okay on the mic. A Hardy Boyz reunion would be kind of entertaining and I would like to see them have matches with Gen Me, MCMG, and even Beer Money. If Matt were to come to TNA it wouldn't be a great signing but it also wouldn't be a terrible signing for TNA.
I heard that he was sent home due to health concerns. I'm not wholly positive about that but regardless, I think WWE is a better option for Matt Hardy at this point. I don't see him going any higher up the card in TNA than where he is right now. IMO, he would only be getting paid less to do the same thing he's doing now. He's great for talent enhancement and putting over the younger guys. I like Hardy but I honestly don't see him ever going beyond the midcard, whether in WWE or TNA so I think he's better off where he is now assuming he's not getting released. He's a good asset to WWE right now despite his weight issues.
I'm laughing at the thought of Matt Hardy going to TNA.

This dude takes more and more losses. He's the Gerard Way of wrestling- the more time he spends on his computer acting like an emo rock star in his blogs, the more he plays himself and it takes away from his talent. But then again, he's been doing it longer, so Gerard Way is actually the Matt Hardy of rock music.

At least TNA may have a reunion to look forward to. A Lower level, lackluster, flabby and sick, second-hand reunion, but a reunion nonetheless.
At least TNA may have a reunion to look forward to. A Lower level, lackluster, flabby and sick, second-hand reunion, but a reunion nonetheless.

Hall and Waltman already came back. ;)

But seriously... I won't completely crap on the idea even though I'm pretty down on the Hardys. If Beer Money was beating down Jeff one night and Matt ran in to make the save, I'd mark out ever so slightly. Even if it's only good for a few months of newness and one solid PPV blowoff match, it's better than watching Generation Me do anything (I swear they look like a couple of guys who work at a video store, or maybe grocery baggers).
Hardy has a better chance of being over in WWE than TNA. I don't think we will see Matt stay in WWE much longer with his attitude. WWE will probably fire him because of his health issues and anti WWE comments on Twitter. Honestly TNA has nothing to gain by signing Hardy. As some have sad before, 5 years ago Hardy could have been a main eventer. Now he is a shell of his former self. WWE never knew what to do with Matt. He was pushed as a mid carder after being in a tag team with Jeff. I thought we would see him be a main eventer with he feud with Edge, but that didn't turn out like we thought.

I was never a Matt Hardy or even Jeff Hardy fan. I enjoyed the Hardys as a tag team when they first started though. Matt and Jeff have been broken up and reformed too many times to care. I guess TNA could put Matt and Jeff together in a tag team, but who really wants to see that? Maybe for a one night only appearance. TNA really doesn't need any more talent. Especially any talent that is let go by WWE. Maybe 5 years ago it would be different.

The best thing for Matt would be to get healthy. He may have more freedom in TNA to tweet and do a bunch of other silly stuff, but he will never be more than a jobber in TNA.
Let me first state that I think the idea of Matt Hardy being lazy is absolute BS. He just carried (w/ Christian) the past two MITB matches he was in, and like every MITB match he's ever been, he's shouldered matches while the winners (like Swagger and Kane) contributed next to nothing. It really saddens me and reaffirms why I seldom get along with my fellow wrestling peers, to hear these opinions about him.

I don't think now's the right time to have his breakdown, which honestly he should've had at least five years ago. But I understand. He's frustrated at his job and, while he's clearly one of the very best at what he does, he's been used as enhancement talent for undeserving noobs (mainly the thankfully-so-far-failed-pushed Drew McIntrye). If he goes to TNA, at this point, he's going to be too much in-between the legends and the fresh-up-and comers (the undeniably great Pope and Anderson).

I honestly just wish this story wasn't happening, that he wasn't just now having his realization that he's received very little compensation or respect from the WWE for his contributions to the overall product (IMO).

I don't know, it just sucks. It reminds me why I've never really been a WWE guy since Nitro started fifteen years ago and have never been able to really enjoy the program since. Besides the few runs by WCW transfers (Jericho, Guerrero, Benoit, Mysterio) and the RVD run, I really don't think I've really appreciated anything else they've done. Hardy should've been something by now, but he hasn't, and now it looks like he'll never be. It sucks.
Matt Hardy should have gone to TNA a few years ago, when he was still at his best, and could have been a big main event star. He would have been pushed like Christian Cage was, and would probably have several NWA/TNA World Titles under his belt by this point.

Now, with his health issues, he isnt the wrestler he once was. If he can get himself back into some sort of decent shape, which I believe he will now his digestive problems have hopefully been sorted, I think he could still be an asset to TNA. A feud with Jeff over the title would be entertaining, but both brothers would have to be at 100%, as fans would expect a high-flying, risk taking match.

Also, a Hardy Boyz reunion would be pretty cool, and they could have great matches against MCMG, Generation Me and Beer Money, but again with the athleticism of MCMG and GENME, the Hardyz would need to be in great shape and on their game, or they would get blown away by the younger high-fliers

Still, I believe at this point in his career, if he is still adamant about gettig into the main event, I think TNA would be a better option for Matt Hardy, as they still get hard-ons down there for ex-WWE talent, but if he is satisfied with being an enhancement talent/mid carder for the rest of his career, and maybe ending up in a backstage agent role, then WWE is the place for Matt to be...that is if they decide not to release him after recently sending him home from a tour
I always get the feeling that Matt sees himself as a main event guy but has never lived up to that. His feud with edge should have delivered him a permanent top 5 spot on the roster, instead edge carried him and Matt was boring in the ring and awful on the stick. He should have parlayed his ECW title win into a main event spot but through bad booking and not being able to get over without Jeff it never happened. He should have been able to take the next step during his feud with Jeff instead he fades into obscurity.

Now the reality Matt is a career midcarder as a single wrestler. In a tag team with Jeff he is main event. But here is the problem Jeff still will likely due time behind bars being someones bitch. Matt on the other hand looks likes he is up about 100 pounds and if he is trying to get into shape it must be round. Putting him and Jeff against the Young Guns. Machine Guns and more athletic teams of that nature would be a major mistake because the Hardy's would be exposed as not being able to hang. They could not be put against Beer Money because they would have to be able to use ring psychology and that was never the Hardy's strong point. So whats left the Dudley's well im sorry I just don't want to see 1000 pounds of washed up in the ring at the same time.

The truth is not only should TNA forget its WWE fetish all together and not sign Matt but they should unload the prison butt rape bound Jeff as quickly as possible.
The only reason I see TNA bringing in a Hardy Boyz reunion is to recycle another WWE storyline. The Hardy Boyz vs Team 3D.....again. This time recycled by TNA.

I can see it now, Fat Hardy showing up in the Impact Zone, all emotional, tears rolling down his face and sweat off his gut. Cue Jeff Druggy, a hug happens. Team 3D's music hits and attacks the Hardyz. Then gets put through a table by Brother Ray. Wow...very original. Then Shannon Moore comes running down....and he gets put through a table. Next PPV, Hardyz vs Dudleys XXXVII. Done to death. Then impact the following weeks, six man tag, Spike, Ray and Devon against Fatt, Druggy and Shannon. How terribly predictable. How terribly over done. Just plain TERRIBLE.
I always get the feeling that Matt sees himself as a main event guy but has never lived up to that. His feud with edge should have delivered him a permanent top 5 spot on the roster, instead edge carried him and Matt was boring in the ring and awful on the stick. He should have parlayed his ECW title win into a main event spot but through bad booking and not being able to get over without Jeff it never happened. He should have been able to take the next step during his feud with Jeff instead he fades into obscurity.

Now the reality Matt is a career midcarder as a single wrestler. In a tag team with Jeff he is main event. But here is the problem Jeff still will likely due time behind bars being someones bitch. Matt on the other hand looks likes he is up about 100 pounds and if he is trying to get into shape it must be round. Putting him and Jeff against the Young Guns. Machine Guns and more athletic teams of that nature would be a major mistake because the Hardy's would be exposed as not being able to hang. They could not be put against Beer Money because they would have to be able to use ring psychology and that was never the Hardy's strong point. So whats left the Dudley's well im sorry I just don't want to see 1000 pounds of washed up in the ring at the same time.

The truth is not only should TNA forget its WWE fetish all together and not sign Matt but they should unload the prison butt rape bound Jeff as quickly as possible.

Matt, IMO, isn't even a midcard guy that's worth pushing up the card. He does alright where he is. I think that in a main event situation, he'd tank. There's nothing wrong with being a very good midcarder though. Rude was, Hennig was, Owen was, Pillman was, Valentine was, Santana was, etc. I'd rather see a midcard guy do quality matches in his role than get moved up to a spot he's not cut out to occupy(i.e. The Miz). And Hardy still doesn't come off to me as a guy who could one day be a constant main-eventer.

Also, that incident happened 5 years ago and shit has gotten progressively worse for him since then. I guarantee you, Matt Hardy will end up being one of those ultra-bitter wrestlers who gives shoot interviews and be mad as hell about everything. Everything is gonna be someone else's fault, and every one of his failings is gonna be blamed on the dudes who were actually drawing(with the exception of a certain wrestler named Edge).
Matt, IMO, isn't even a midcard guy that's worth pushing up the card. He does alright where he is. I think that in a main event situation, he'd tank. There's nothing wrong with being a very good midcarder though. Rude was, Hennig was, Owen was, Pillman was, Valentine was, Santana was, etc. I'd rather see a midcard guy do quality matches in his role than get moved up to a spot he's not cut out to occupy(i.e. The Miz). And Hardy still doesn't come off to me as a guy who could one day be a constant main-eventer.

Also, that incident happened 5 years ago and shit has gotten progressively worse for him since then. I guarantee you, Matt Hardy will end up being one of those ultra-bitter wrestlers who gives shoot interviews and be mad as hell about everything. Everything is gonna be someone else's fault, and every one of his failings is gonna be blamed on the dudes who were actually drawing(with the exception of a certain wrestler named Edge).

I agree with much of what you said but do have to point out Henning was main event in the AWA were they valued wrestling ability and would have main evented NWA and pre- hogan WCW. He also had a really nice main event fued with Hogan in the WWF. Rude did in fact main event NWA/WCW before messing up his neck.

You are correct in some midcarders just being great career midcarders, but I don't think Hardy at present even rates as a decent micarder. He is fat, often injured and his so called passion seems to be lacking unless you consider his tweets as passion instead of an obvious ploy to stay relevent in the midst of the youth movement going on in the WWE at the moment.
If Matt Hardy wrestled as hard as he tweets whiny crap and posts YouTube videos, subjecting us all to listen to the whistling sound his nostrils make when he breathes - he'd reach the highest peak of his career - the Divas' title.

I'd like to have Hardy in TNA ONLY if he teams up with the other Hardy just so I don't see him wrestling as much with his weird wood-like legs. Have you noticed that his knees are like locked in one place? Anyway, that's an option ONLY if he HAS to go to TNA and has no other chance.

Do I want him in TNA. FUCK no. He's out of shape, he's not agile, he's not exciting, he looks like crapped crap on crap. If he loses the baby fat, works on his mic skills and overall pulls a freaking miracle out of his ass and becomes decent - then yeah, come to TNA and go nuts. If not, just stay home, rest, and look like Bret Hart.
The Hardy Boyz ship has most definitely sailed. They're both overweight, and their careers peaked years and years ago.

Careers peaked years and years ago? Didn't Jeff Hardy win the WWE title like a little over a year ago??? How is that an example of peaking years and years ago??? I don't even think I need to elaborate on how STUPID of a comment that is??? That is like a 20 year old saying that he was in highschool years and years ago... WTF???
Careers peaked years and years ago? Didn't Jeff Hardy win the WWE title like a little over a year ago??? How is that an example of peaking years and years ago??? I don't even think I need to elaborate on how STUPID of a comment that is??? That is like a 20 year old saying that he was in highschool years and years ago... WTF???

The peak of his career is not the championship belt he won at a fake sport, but the best matches he had, when he was quickest, in best shape, sharp as a tack and exciting as a motherfucker. That's Jeff and Matt during The Attitude Era and a short while after.

"Hardy was at his peak when he won the belt" is as true as "Jericho is at his peak when he came back". Both huge pile of B.S. Y2J drew boos and cheers ten times as big back in the day, he had a cooler gimmick, he was faster, stronger, fitter. Same for Hardy. Both of them.

'Cause, if belts mean ANYTHING, then Ric Flair is indeed the best to ever grace a pro wrestling ring - and we know that's FAR from the truth.
No, I don't want Marty Janett—err—Matt Hardy in TNA, and why the hell should I? Both Hardys are overrated, but at least Jeff has something of a personality with which you can connect with via all his cryptic "Creatures of the Night" business, as well as his gimmicky arm-bands and face-paint, both of which are often easily purchased/duplicated by fans. What do Matt Hardy fans bring, their beer guts?

I've gotten into this with a number of users here on more than one occasion, but I stand by my opinion to date – Matt was carried by Jeff, and sans having his real-life girlfriend fuck a budding superstar, not much would have come of him. Better put, if Matt's last name was Bentley, no one would know him, just like no one knows Matt Bentley (who incidentally was actually trained by Shawn Michaels).

You had me sold with the Marty Janetty reference. There is a reason Matt doesn't get a fair shake in the WWE and that's because he isn't any good. Then again I don't care much for either Hardy,but like you said at least Jeff has some personality.

The guy has had countless chances to get over in the E,he just doesn't make the most of them.
I think matt should come to TNA and form a tag team with Shannon Moore and bring back V1 and put them in a feud with Jeff Hardy and Jesse Neal (Jesse would be pissed after Shannon left him for Matt). I think he will get a good chance in TNA unlike he is in WWE. He hasn't done a damn thing for about a year and it would be a good experience for him
He won't go to TNA, he does this all the time. Bitch and moan, bitch and moan and then goes back and does his job. TNA wouldn't work for him, it really wouldn't. Why reform The Hardy Boyz or bring back V1? Why? No reason to, and I'm sure he wouldn't be champ. He's not stupid, he knows his loyalty to the WWE will pay off in the future.

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