Matt Hardy to TNA?


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Recently a lot of unusual events have occurred that have led to speculation that Matt Hardy maybe going to tna and or being fired by wwe.

"A WWE spokesperson confirmed that Matt Hardy was pulled from a live event in White Plains, N.Y. recently, as well as Sunday's live event in Europe. The spokesman told Alfonso Castillo of that Hardy "was pulled off the card" but would not comment "as to why.""

"WWE wrestler Matt Hardy posted a new Youtube video in which he disputed online reports that he was sent home a day early from the UK tour. Hardy noted late in the video that there are probably some changes coming, but he did not elaborate."

Here are the links:

In my opinion he is really out of shape and overall just not in a good state, I think he should just step away from pro wrestling. If he came to tna this would just allow tna haters to revive their old "tna is a place for wwe rejects" line. I do not think tna needs Matt Hardy not will they benefit from Matt Hardy and they are better off without him. In my opinion I do not want Matt Hardy in tna, ESPECIALLY after seeing this picture:

Please give your opinions thoughts and ideas in this thread.
Do you want Matt Hardy in TNA? How do you think Matt Hardy feels? Is WWE right about pulling him from the live events?
Well IF and that is a big IF, Matt Hardy does get released gets back into shape. TNA will jump at the opportunity to sign and will shed a good amount of cash to sign him, for the sole reason of reforming the Hardy Boyz and for someone to keep a little watch of Jeff on the road and to TRY and keep him out of trouble. But that is only if Matt Hardy is released. Do i want Matt in TNA not really, as i don't really buy into the Matt Hardy hype he is very overrated and i genuinely feel that he really isn't as god as people say he is, he is a 10+ year veteran and he has never been a World Champ (WWECW title doesn't count) nor has he been involved in a World Title program so sorry Matt i don't like you much. He is destined for the mid card in WWE.
I'm not a huge fan of TNA, but I'm not getting into why. I can agree with most of this thread though. I'd like to see Matt go elsewhere, not because I don't like him or anything, because I do like him; but because I want better for him. It's obvious that his career in the WWE is going downhill very fast. He isn't happy, and he has every right to be abit pissed off. I don't have a problem with him having his say on Twitter and Youtube, but I don't see why he allegedly "walked out of the arena" during the European Tour a few days/weeks ago.

I guess WWE have the right to pull Matt from the live events, it's a punishment or something right? If he is "walking out of arena" like the tabloids are saying, then WWE are just doing it as a punishment.

I saw his video, and he's just expressing his opinion somewhere where he's allowed. I'd like to see Matt Hardy in TNA because he's deffenitly not too happy where he is right now. I wouldn't like to see him leave WWE because he's a valuable asset when he's actually on the card competing. I like Matt Hardy, it'll be sad to see him go. He's alright.
hardy is a great midcarder in the wwe. you dont have to be in the m.e. or the title scene to be successful. he is great for putting talent over and doing great midcard fueds. he is probably just unhappy in wwe. if he went to tna, i think it would be good for tna. who cares if they get wwe rejects. the iwc, we dont account for much. reforming the hardys would be awsome, and having him in the x division scene would be pretty cool.
To think, if Matt Hardy had gone to TNA in 2005 they might've actually done something with him. He'd probably be a former TNA NWA champion by now. As it stands if he goes to TNA he'll get nowhere near the world title. Why? Because hardly anybody does other than the usual couple of guys. Also, if TNA can strip Jeff Hardy of his aura then they'll have no problem turning Matt Hardy into more of a mess than he already is.

Personally I think WWE is a better option for him. He's still over, despite looking like shit and he's still a very good enhancement talent.

I don't know why WWE would be concerned about a Hardy Boyz reunion, it's not like they were a draw during their last run as a team.
If and that's a big if, he can keep Jeff in check, I'd say TNA should sign him for that and maybe put him with GENME as some kind of mentor like they did with Flair/Styles.
First of all. I was never a huge fan of Matt. I was more of a Jeff mark. But, as recently as a year ago, I started watching his youtube vids. I appreciated him taking a few moments here and there to let people see him in his personal life, and a few backstage, preshow segs. Pretty cool for doing that. The last few months, he's been different. I can understand that he's going through a lot of personal issues with medical problems, missing his brother, and of course, feeling that he should be world champ after all this time. Would it be good for Matt, the E, and TNA? Sure. Here's why:

Matt leaving the E and joining TNA reunites him with his brother. Like someone said earlier, he may be able to keep an eye on Jeff, and vice versa. Dixie Carter, as we all know, is a huge fan of tag teams and the division they have. And I will admit, MCMG are awesome, as is Beer Money. Now, you can take two seasoned vets and use them as a tag team. Brings Jeff out of the main event status, opening the door for another talent to step in. So, the Hardy's win, TNA wins with changing storyline, and the fans win. Cause, as a fan, I like to see the Hardy's together. Jeff was good as a singles guy, Matt is okay, but together they are good. They are no way as good as they were.

The E wins by getting rid of someone who is disgruntled. Always will be. I believe that Matt will never get WWE championship. Not with Cena/Orton on Raw, not even with guys on Smackdown. Swagger, Punk, McIntyre. All young, good workers, who also have a much better look. Should Matt go, it is another roster spot open for them to move other guys in the company up. Changes storyline. He's always in segs with McIntyre and Christian. Matt needs the time to have off, recondition himself, and go to Florida and not travel as much, be burnt out, and be with family. (Jeff/ShannonMoore/JesseNeal).
well honestly i have always hated Matt Hardy. Always saw him as a mid card at best. Belive if released he'd end up in TNA. After his 90 day no compete clause expires you know he's going to show up on Impact next to lil ol Jeffy-boy. TNA may even give both hardys TNA World Title only to have them fued over the title. It's going to happen, just wait and see.
well i see it as this if he does get released he should go to tna for the less traveling i have been a big fan of both hardys equally since their debut. but the way i see it is even if hardy wasnt in the bad shape as he is in now i doubt wwe would even get a title even the ic why? because he is a vet and wwe is pushing the new generation.
i think it would be good for him to be in tna on only 2 conditions 1 he gets back into better shape and 2 tna's booking gets better.
Matt Hardy has always been over rated. He is nothing outside of Jeff Druggy's tag team partner and the only move he could pull off effectively was getting on all fours so Jeff could jump off his back and finish poetry in motion. I personally love what brock lesnar did to both hardyz, as well as the classic tlc matches with edge and christian and the team 3d.

If Fat Hardy goes to TNA, then TNA is officially WWE's recycling bin folder.
He will most definitely get picked up by TNA, but until he's in shape, he should really not be wrestling. He's been going over a decade and a break could really help him.
i have a similar stomach from losing 97 pounds, but it's from excess skin. So there's a possibility the excuse for that was excess from not training. But 75% of that looks like a beer belly.

And it's pretty obvious we'd be seeing the hardy's feuding for the world title. Matt could come in face and win the title where he'll give some speech and cry. Jeff could be heel blah blah

But seriously, after watching his last couple years especially on ECW, Matt Hardy lost any ounce of talent people have said he has. Mark Henry had more ability during his ECW title run and he only knows like 5 moves.
To think, if Matt Hardy had gone to TNA in 2005 they might've actually done something with him. He'd probably be a former TNA NWA champion by now. As it stands if he goes to TNA he'll get nowhere near the world title. Why? Because hardly anybody does other than the usual couple of guys.

Uh Styles, Daniels, Joe, Dinero, Angle, RVD, Sting, Wolfe, Abyss, Hardy, and Anderson have all been in the title picture within the last year.

As for Hardy... i would have loved him 2 years ago. I always saw Matt as someone who could be like Christian was, underutilized in the E who came to TNA and shined becoming a World champion. But after seeing that picture... no thanks. TNA doesnt need any lazy wrestlers right now.
Uh Styles, Daniels, Joe, Dinero, Angle, RVD, Sting, Wolfe, Abyss, Hardy, and Anderson have all been in the title picture within the last year.

How many of them have held the title? You aren't near a title if you challenge for it and lose, you've also got to at least stand a chance of winning it. People challenge for and lose title matches all the time, Zack Ryder is a WWE example and and almost every wrestler within TNA is another.
As for Hardy... i would have loved him 2 years ago. I always saw Matt as someone who could be like Christian was, underutilized in the E who came to TNA and shined becoming a World champion. But after seeing that picture... no thanks. TNA doesnt need any lazy wrestlers right now.

EXCUSE ME? What do you know about Matt Hardy's life?? He is not lazy the reason why he is overweight is because he has been having dietary issues which are being worked out now.

Matt is at least over with the fans and even though that might not be enough to get him the WHC he still is a hard and dedicated worker. And i would pissed off as well if I was being treated like he is.

Even if Matt does get released he at least they may have some use for him in TNA.
The Hardy Boyz ship has most definitely sailed. They're both overweight, and their careers peaked years and years ago.

Saying all that probably makes Matt a prime target for TNA

I'm in no doubt TNA will try it, but if I'm WWE I wouldn't be worried, the Hardy's are a tribute act to their former selves. If TNA are incapeable of making Jeff Hardy vs Kurt Angle a big deal, then I wouldn't fear The Hardys vs MCMG.

So much baggage with those two, you'd have Jeff (most likely) still awaiting trial, and Matt Hardy with all of his YouTube videos.
Even if he gets back into shape, IF the WWE releases him (its all speculation right now) what does he really offer TNA? Does he have a huge fanbase that is going to follow him to TNA? No. Does he have world class wrestling ability that is going to blow people away? No. Does he have above average mic skills? No. Does he have charisma? No. What does Matt Hardy really have to offer? He is an ex-high flyer who is afraid to go to the top rope anymore. He climbs to the second rope, and sits on the top rope a lot, but when was the last time he actually climbed up to the top? He isn't big enough to be an effective mat wrestler, he isn't a brawler, so what exactly is his niche? There is little reason why TNA should want him, other than Matt being yet another ex-WWE wrestler for them to collect. He simply isn't that good.
Matt Hardys chance at any world championship is long gone. He definitely should of won it in 05. He was in shape INCREDIBLY over and had just finished his incredible rivalry with Edge which resulted in him being moved to Smackdown. He definitely should of beaten JBL for the strap and he should of being the one who faced John Cena at WM 21 in my opinion. It would of been a better quality match with better quality opponents.

But on the actual subject I believe it is time for Matt Hardy to step back, get his shit together and hit the gym. Then, if he can get himself back in shape, only then would I even consider hiring Matt Hardy. This is what WWE should of gotten Matt to do ages ago. Just get him to step back and spend all his time losing his gut!
TNA pushes tag wrestling. Both Hardy boys work better as a tag team. Neither have a personality or is good on the mic. The fact that Jeff calls himself the charismatic enigma is laughable. There is nothing charismatic about him. Seeing them wrestle the MCMG or Beer Money could make for some great tag matches. It's the one aspect I like about TNA because WWE tag division is a joke. They gave up on it years ago...
Even if he gets back into shape, IF the WWE releases him (its all speculation right now) what does he really offer TNA? Does he have a huge fanbase that is going to follow him to TNA? No. Does he have world class wrestling ability that is going to blow people away? No. Does he have above average mic skills? No. Does he have charisma? No. What does Matt Hardy really have to offer? He is an ex-high flyer who is afraid to go to the top rope anymore. He climbs to the second rope, and sits on the top rope a lot, but when was the last time he actually climbed up to the top? He isn't big enough to be an effective mat wrestler, he isn't a brawler, so what exactly is his niche? There is little reason why TNA should want him, other than Matt being yet another ex-WWE wrestler for them to collect. He simply isn't that good.

To be fair, he just hit a top rope moonsault on Alberto del Rio on Smackdown last week. I see what you're saying, but despite being clearly out of shape, the guy puts it on the line more often than he gets credit for.
No, I don't want Marty Janett—err—Matt Hardy in TNA, and why the hell should I? Both Hardys are overrated, but at least Jeff has something of a personality with which you can connect with via all his cryptic "Creatures of the Night" business, as well as his gimmicky arm-bands and face-paint, both of which are often easily purchased/duplicated by fans. What do Matt Hardy fans bring, their beer guts?

I've gotten into this with a number of users here on more than one occasion, but I stand by my opinion to date – Matt was carried by Jeff, and sans having his real-life girlfriend fuck a budding superstar, not much would have come of him. Better put, if Matt's last name was Bentley, no one would know him, just like no one knows Matt Bentley (who incidentally was actually trained by Shawn Michaels).
There is no way Jeff would have ever made it through all the stuff that allowed him the chance to be the superstar without Matt but that is a different debate.

I'd like Matt in TNA. I found that mention of change pretty interesting because of what Dixie has been saying recently. However, that could easily being Hardy working people. That is the criminally underrated thing about Matt, his wrestling business intelligence. I contend this is why he is capable of making his feuds standout even though he might be lacking some of the top level pieces of a "superstar." He does need to get in the right kind of condition again, but TNA is a more conducive environment for that anyway. I'd mark out for a takeover group with both Hardys, Helms, Moore and a few others. I think Matt Hardy would be useful to TNA even just in a role like he currently does in WWE. Do they "need" him? No, but arguably there is almost no one they truly need.
I have zero interest in Matt Hardy potentially going to TNA. As others have said and as I've said in other posts regarding Matt Hardy, the guy is supremely overrated by the IWC. At best, he's average in the ring, has very little charisma and is beyond terrible on the mic. He's simply not nearly as good as his fans try to make him out to be, not even close.

As for a possible Hardy Boyz reunion in TNA, it's really Matt Hardy's only hope really. He's always needed Jeff, or at least another more talented wrestler, to really shine and it'd be no different in TNA. It wouldn't surprise me to see TNA push heavily push Matt Hardy as a singles wrestler, but he's just not got the juice on his own. He's had lots of chances in the WWE, he's been placed in high profile feuds, he's had title runs with just about every singles title in the WWE save a world title and it hasn't happened. Matt Hardy simply is not a main event caliber wrestler.
I have to agree with what people are saying. Matt won't bring anything to TNA besides a possible crappy Hardy Boys reunion. If they'd got him when he was on fire in 2005 he would have made a difference, but Matt is a WWE mark and still is. I think he'll do everything he can to stay in WWE
In my opinion TNA needs to fire one hardy as it is...he sounds awkward as hell on the mic, not to mention all the bad publicity it brings to TNA...that goes for RVD as well...if they do sign Matt, they need to put him with a patner and beat the hell out of Jeff and RVD until they both retire for good!:banghead:

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