New Hot Fed
Championship Contender
Skinny, zit-faced, greasy, funny looking. Great in the ring, no doubt, but they have no place in a mainstream company of any kind. They don't look the part and they have zero charisma.
Max was doing this weird smirk thing that was just so fake and cheesy. If that's his view of being witty or heelish, I am not impressed.
Meanwhile Jeremy suffers from the skinny fat guy syndrome. No charisma. No personality.
These two had the opportunities to impress. They started off hot, had a couple of feuds with The Guns, turned heel, turned face. They had chances and they squandered them. Did they have good matches? Absolutely. But that's not enough. Not in this version of TNA. You need to be able to talk, you need charisma, a look and some personality. They didn't have it.
But I can see why they left. The tag-team division is crippled by injuries and hasn't been any great since the series between B.M and The Guns. There is no use for tag team wrestling in TNA, currently. Maybe in the future. It's hard to jam everything in two hours. X-Division, Tag Division, KO's Division, Mid Card, Main Event.
Anyhow, I'm kind of glad they're gone because they made TNA look like an indy just by being there. They look stupid as hell.
You do realise that what you are saying defines the Hardy Bros?

When the Hardys started everyone was saying "oh these guys can fly but they look like indie wrestlers, they have no personality and charisma". Lo and behold Jeff become WWE champ.
People said the same with AJ, no charisma flip-flopper that look like a perpetual indie guy. People keep the saying the same thing about him TODAY. Same as the MCMG. The lesson in this? Never underestimate anybody.
GenMe where two young guys with creativity and talent and TNA should have used them to reenergizes the X Division. They were what the X division used to be, fast-past, high energy, pulling unreal moves out of nowhere.