Matt Hardy Arrested... Again

I'm with nick. It's one thing if someone is apologetic and takes responsibility. Guys like the Hardys and Angle come up with every excuse possible as to why it was someone elses fault.
Really? See, I can't go that route. He still hasn't accepted an ounce of responsibility for what has gone down, and that bothers me.

It's hard. I was enraged at him for a good while. But I just don't feel it anymore. I just feel sorry for him, really.
It's hard. I was enraged at him for a good while. But I just don't feel it anymore. I just feel sorry for him, really.

Well, I'm not angry with him, seeing I never gave a shit about the guy in the first place. But, I think he has the mentality of a 15 year old (I didn't do anythingz wrong! I can do whateverz I want! Everyone just leave me alone!). Be accountable, act like a grown man. That's my only real issue with the Hardy brothers (along with Matt being nowhere near as good as he thinks he is).
Sad, really freaking sad, I dont know if hes doing this for attention or is just actually depressed but the guy really needs help.

I feel sorry for the moron
Really? See, I can't go that route. He still hasn't accepted an ounce of responsibility for what has gone down, and that bothers me.

I'm with nick. It's one thing if someone is apologetic and takes responsibility. Guys like the Hardys and Angle come up with every excuse possible as to why it was someone elses fault.

That's rather judgmental and cruel, isn't it? You guys really don't know the first thing about Matt Hardy (or Kurt Angle), his life, his choice, his relationship, his problems, his demons, his mental health, what he's going through or what he had to do to get where he is right now. At all. Acting all indignant and mad at him because you think he should be smarter and take responsibility only shows a lack of maturity on your part, not Matt's. We all know Matt is crudely fucked up and has been hurting himself and everyone around him for a long time now, but calling him a fuck up, saying he should just "Get it together" and treating him like a scumbag isn't going to help him get better. And if you don't want him to get better, well than that brings me back to the whole "immature, judgmental, and cruel" thing I was talking about.

I absolutely hate when people make empathy seem like an enabler and an enemy. It kind of sickens me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with empathy and trying to help other people who can't help themselves through their own subconscious neuroses. Just saying "Well fuck Matt why don't you just STOP? It's all just a matter of will-power right?" is absolute bullshit and anyone who pulls that line out doesn't understand the first thing about addiction or mental health honestly.

End of rant. I swear. No offense at all meant to either Nick or Shocky, you're both my homeys and I have tons of respect for both of you and your opinions, even when I vehemently disagree with them. I apologize if I came off snarky or mean in this post, wasn't my intentions. I know neither of you are actually immature, cruel, or stupid at all, just trying to make some kind of esoteric point I guess. Forgive me?
taken from

As reported earlier, former WWE and TNA wrestler Matt Hardy was arrested at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport once again this week in North Carolina and charged with DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). has published the police report from Matt Hardy’s arrest and the details are disturbing to say the least.
Matt Hardy was at the airport on Monday afternoon when police received several phone calls from concerned drivers who said Matt’s car “almost hit two drivers three separate times.”
When an airport police officer spotted Hardy, the wrestler’s car, “swerved into the curb and then back onto the road.”
Once Hardy was pulled over, the officer claims Hardy was asked to step out of the vehicle. Matt proceeded to open his door and get out of the car – without putting the car in park. The police report reads, “The vehicle rolled forward and I yelled for him to put the vehicle in park.”
Matt Hardy was observed to have “slow and slurred speech, sleepy eyes and a very lackadaisical demeanor.”
Hardy was asked to walk in a straight line but – “after taking two steps, Mr. Hardy lost his balance and failed to stay on the line.” He was given a second chance but only made it “two or three steps” before failing to remain “heel-to-toe” and lost his balance again. Hardy took another field sobriety test where he had to stand on one leg. “He was unable to hold his leg up past 1 second.”
Hardy took a breathalyzer test – which showed that he had zero alcohol in his system.
Cops then called in a “Drug Recognition Officer” to perform even more tests – and they determined Hardy was under the influence of “Central Nervous System depressants” and arrested him on the spot. Hardy’s blood was taken for drug testing – and those results are not in as of this writing.
Hardy is due back in court [for this offense] on November 30th.
Shortly after the arrest, Matt Hardy’s girlfriend Reby Sky tweeted, “F*ck this.”
this is even more disturbing it means that matts abusing antidepressants i dont understand why he would even go that route, I think your right on the money with this X where the hell are his buddies?. wheres the moores, the helms, the kemo's to help their friend were is his god damn brother, this is ridiculous !
CNS drugs are different from anti-depressants actually Deexter, but you've got the right spirit. Anti-depressants usually don't have any recreational/intoxication abuse possibility to them, trust me, you can't get high off of most any anti-depressants. CNS are a totally different kind of drugs though that deal with not just depressive disorders but mainly anxiety disorders and social ones, it messes with how your brain acts and how you interact with people. Example of drugs like these are benzos like Xanax, Ambien, or Valium or tranquilizers like Nembutal that are used for extreme cases of physical/mental pain and disorders. Basically when abused the effects are similar to alcohol in that it really messes up your motor functions and slurs your speech, etc. So alot of times when people you think could be driving drunk like a Matt Hardy or Kurt Angle and they blow a clean breathalyzer, odds are they're high as a kite on a CNS drug. Disassociative drugs (which I have alot of experience with) are very similar, but that's another discussion for another day, we'll save that for Remix's chemical thread in the Potluck section I think.

/Nightly drug lesson from X.html
I suppose I sound cruel. Then again, I'm not endangering the lives of innocent people by continuing to drive around after using drugs/drinking/whatever the fuck he's doing, so no, I don't feel all that bad for saying what I'm saying. However, I don't wish death upon the guy, or anything twisted like that.
X pretty much hit the nail on the head there. Though I will add that antidepressents are CNS drugs, since they act in the Central Nervous System. Also they usually do have depressant effects. Even if they don't get you high, they can still affect driving because they can make you drowsy and dizzy (that's actually a counselling point for pretty much every antidepressant out there).
Fuck Matt Hardy, he does needs help but first you have to WANT helpin order to get it. At this point he doesn't care.
In order for Matt to get help he needs to admit he has a problem first and unfortunately i don't see that happening until someone dies.

I hope to GOD I'm wrong
does anyone actually care anymore? this idiot is spiraling downwards, i expect to hear that he commites suicide within the year or so or that he died while driving under the influence.
That's rather judgmental and cruel, isn't it? You guys really don't know the first thing about Matt Hardy (or Kurt Angle), his life, his choice, his relationship, his problems, his demons, his mental health, what he's going through or what he had to do to get where he is right now. At all. Acting all indignant and mad at him because you think he should be smarter and take responsibility only shows a lack of maturity on your part, not Matt's.

I don't try to come off sounding cruel. Quite frankly, in Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle's private life, they can do whatever they want. It's this recent string of getting behind the wheel of vehicle and possibly hurting a third party that I have no sympathy for whatsoever.

Substance abuse is a helluva thing in it's own. I've also lost people to drunk driving, so I will never make an excuse and feel sorry for someone who risk the lives of others.
Safer than driving, for sure. I nod my head in approval towards you, good sir.

I am sure if I fell over I would find it rather. . . . . . . . . shocking

Really? See, I can't go that route. He still hasn't accepted an ounce of responsibility for what has gone down, and that bothers me.

My thoughts exactly. His total lack of responsibility for his actions is inexcusable. If he would stand on his own two feet (without losing his balance), admit to having a problem, and actively seek help for it, which we all know that WWE will pay for, that would be one thing. But his continued failures, with a litany of excuses such as being framed, being visited by ghosts, whatever, makes me lose even more respect for him, if that's even possible.

I cannot help but wonder if guys like Kurt Angle or Matt/Jeff Hardy actually have a substance abuse problem, or if they simply have a problem of arrogance, entitlement, and stupidity. If they truly have a problem, that's one thing. But if they simply do whatever the hell they want, simply because they think they are above the law and beyond reproach, that's a total other thing. I can't decide if these guys cannot help themselves, or if they simply choose not to. Until they show me it's the former and not the latter, I feel no sympathy for them whatsoever.
My thoughts exactly. His total lack of responsibility for his actions is inexcusable. If he would stand on his own two feet (without losing his balance), admit to having a problem, and actively seek help for it, which we all know that WWE will pay for, that would be one thing. But his continued failures, with a litany of excuses such as being framed, being visited by ghosts, whatever, makes me lose even more respect for him, if that's even possible.

I cannot help but wonder if guys like Kurt Angle or Matt/Jeff Hardy actually have a substance abuse problem, or if they simply have a problem of arrogance, entitlement, and stupidity. If they truly have a problem, that's one thing. But if they simply do whatever the hell they want, simply because they think they are above the law and beyond reproach, that's a total other thing. I can't decide if these guys cannot help themselves, or if they simply choose not to. Until they show me it's the former and not the latter, I feel no sympathy for them whatsoever.

There are no words to describe...

I stopped at the whole "arrogance, entitlement, and stupidity" part. I couldn't go on.
Judging by their past reactions, who's to say guys like Helm haven't already tried to reach out for their friend? Im pretty much with Crock and xfear about this except when it comes to that. These folk.have seemingly done everything they could to talk their friend out of this path and the obstinate fuck still won't change.

Just goes to show; you can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop it from shooting Heroin into it's eye.

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