Mark Henry and other Black WWE stars being held back.

This is where fans are wrong about Chris Benoit. In terms of his charisma while wrestling, his personality wasn't cracking jokes or cutting promos with sharp quips or zings... he was INTENSE. That was his character. He walked into a wrestling ring, destroyed everyone, walked out, and called it a day. And he did it better than anyone in his generation, with a few exceptions.

Speaking of those few exceptions, you actually put Bret Hart into a category that speaks of him being without personality or charisma?? Did you watch pro-wrestling prior to 2005? How about prior to 2000? If so, you would have seen his personality shine in every promo that he ever cut from when he was a tag team member in the Hart Foundation, through his world title reigns, and especially throughout his most recent Hart Foundation stint where he was the leader of Canadian supporters on a mission against America. Ignoring this is just plain, well, IGNORANT.

All of you Shelton Benjamin lovers need to wake up and smell his lack of charisma... the guy was all in-ring skill and nothing outside of it.

I absolutely could not agree with this response any MORE! This is dead on!

Chirs Benoit had Charisma..but not in the way that most people think of it. His character was ALL BUSINESS. You didn't feel that he needed to be a great talker...he was a "less talk, more action" type of character. He is one of the only guys I ever saw that pulled this off and made it work.

Breat Hart is simply one of the BEST! He was not the greatest talker EVER, but he could hold his own. He cut some AWSOME promos back in the Hart Foundation (Team Canada) days. He also was pretty much the mouth piece of the Hart Foundation (Tag Team) days with The Anvil. Bret was also a great story teller in the ring. One of the most solid workers all the way around to ever step into the ring.

Benjamin can not "lace the boots" of either of these two guys. He just does not have the "it" factor when it comes to charisma...
-im sorry sir (OP) but booker T's career destroys this argument, he got the title cause he could carry a show and because the fans liked him, he was also a good wrestler and very charismatic.
-big zeke, i could see him getting a world title run in a year or so, mark henry, with his new attitude i think he might get a title run, r-truth i hope he gets a title run, even if its just 2 or 3 months then he drops it someone.
-im sorry sir (OP) but booker T's career destroys this argument, he got the title cause he could carry a show and because the fans liked him, he was also a good wrestler and very charismatic.
-big zeke, i could see him getting a world title run in a year or so, mark henry, with his new attitude i think he might get a title run, r-truth i hope he gets a title run, even if its just 2 or 3 months then he drops it someone.
Great point about Booker. Of course, he received most of his title reigns while in WCW, but let's not forget how WWE strapped the rocket to his back in 2006 when they gave him a King gimmick and a lengthy World Heavyweight Championship reign. They could have held it for someone like Orton instead, but they shipped him over to Raw. And he was built up as a MAJOR heel, even getting lackeys and having people kiss his feet. Hell, he beat Cena and Big Show at Cyber Sunday that year to be declared the best champion in the company (K-Fed interference notwithstanding).

Even now, they bumped Striker off the SmackDown announce team to make room for Book, and they have him on pay-per-views now instead of Mathews. All this in spite of the fact that he has, as he would say, limited skill and ability. Now I wouldn't see any of this as a racial thing at all, unless someone was trying to claim the opposite.
You do have somewhat of a point...I guess...
All of the main event, big time names in the history of the WWE have been white... Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Steve Austin, Bret Hart, John Cena, Kurt Angle, the Undertaker, Edge, Chris Jericho... Oh wait, half of those guys aren't American...they're Canadian...

Oh wait, I forgot about Booker T and the Junkyard Dog. I forgot that the Rock is a crazy black, Samoan, Autobot hybrid... For that matter, the Rock's extremely crazy Samoan family that includes his dad, grandad, Jimmy Snuka, the Wild Samoans, Rakishi, Umaga, and now the Usos.

I forgot that Mark Henry has proven to be entertaining about 8% of the time, boring as hell 90% of the time, and impregnating Mae Young the other 2% of the time. I forgot that they gave him the ECW championship to see if anybody would buy him, but nobody gave a damn. And then they kept trying to put him in new main event feuds, and it never...ever...worked...ever.

Don't even get me started on Shelton Benjamin. The guy is a hell of an athlete, but he has zero charisma and sat around doing nothing for the last few years of his run in the WWE. He didn't deserve the main event, even if he could have been there. R-Truth might fade, but that's because his gimmick will run dry and people will get tired of booing him.

No, VKM is not a corporate racist. He's a good business man that knows what will sell, and what will not sell. You could say that the reason why so many white people get pushed is that the WWE's main fanbase is middle-class white Americans. That's not racist, it's just a fact. He'd be a fool not to market to them...
I love the argument about "no black superstars are draws and they're not talented enough". On every thread I see at least 50 people talking about how "Cena sucks" and how he has no good ring skills yet I see no one complaining about him being wwe champion unless it's referring to him winning it for the 1000th time. My point is that if Cena is not that good in the ring yet he's a 10 time wwe champion, then why not give a black superstar a chance to accomplish what Cena has accomplished? Give him a chance to prove himself and show that he deserves to be a main eventer. Just like some of you want to see Zack Ryder pushed, or Dolph Ziggler pushed we want to see a Kof Kingston pushed or a David Otunga pushed. Ok Mark Henry is beating up on big show........who hasn't beat up on big show? He was ecw champion, yea thats like being sunday night heat champion, that title was a joke and any real wrestling fan knows that. Mark Henry is being pushed but lets be real, do we really think this is gunna end in even a title match let alone a title reign for Mark Henry? I think we wall know the answer to that question, that would be a big NO! Now am i saying that every black superstar deserves to be a world champion? Of course not, but I am saying that mark henry, big zeke, kofi kingston and r-truth at least deserve a shot. I guess we're all just going to have to agree to disagree.
I love the argument about "no black superstars are draws and they're not talented enough". On every thread I see at least 50 people talking about how "Cena sucks" and how he has no good ring skills yet I see no one complaining about him being wwe champion unless it's referring to him winning it for the 1000th time. My point is that if Cena is not that good in the ring yet he's a 10 time wwe champion, then why not give a black superstar a chance to accomplish what Cena has accomplished?

Why not give another white superstar a chance to accomplish what Cena has accomplished? Why should a black guy get given the shot because he is black? If there are better options who are white, pink, yellow or polkadot they should get the shot.

It pisses me off when people say there needs to be a black guy in this job, or an asian guy in this spot. Who really cares? Everyone is the same in my eyes, and it should not matter what you look like. The best person for the role should be given the role, simple as.

Also, when people announce "THE FIRST BLACK WORLD CHAMPION/POLITICIAN/OSCAR WINNER" etc, just emphasises in peoples minds that their is a difference between whites and blacks. There isn't. Everyone should be treated the same, and it shouldnt need to be a triumph/big deal for a black guy to get a title in WWE. It's a scripted show, and I honestly believe that Vince would put the strap on whoever was suitable for it, no matter their race or skin colour.

People just claiming racism is just lazy. There isn't any. Booker T, Rock, Lashley, Benjamin etc prove that. So stop your whining please, this shit is getting old.
Let me guess a black guy started this... Funny how you always say don't treat us different coz of the colour of our skin, n whenever something happens negative YOU seem to make it a colour issue. Jesus Christ grow a brain. What about ezikiel Jackson? They just gave him the intercontinental title and he's boring as hell!!! N what about rtruth? Got lots of screen time recently and headlined a ppv!!!
Let me guess a black guy started this..

It says in the original post that he is a white guy.

I could make my own thread saying "Why has there never been an English/British WWE Champion?!"...but I won't

I could say its discriminatory that the English wrestlers, such as British Bulldog and William Regal, are often given sterotypical "God Save The Queen" style entrance music, and never pushed to the title.

I could complain that Wade Barrett was not given the title during or after his Nexus push after winning NXT. I could say that Drew McIntyre was looking set to be the first British WWE champion, but then his push was scrapped and he has dropped out of site.

I could moan about William Regal being made to drink tea, talk in an overexxagerated English accent and being made to look a fool when he is a proven quality wrestler.

Paul Birchall is another talented Brit who was wasted, why didnt Vince sign Desmond Wolfe when he was on the indies, why didn't Vince sign Doug Williams, why did the Highlanders have to wear kilts have had the ancient Scottish stereotypes...why did Finlay have a leprechaun? Why weren't they ALL WWE CHAMPION?! I WANT A BRITISH CHAMPION!!

I could, but I won't. The answer is because Vince can decide who he wants to represent his company as champion. He had an Indian champion, he has had Black champions, he has had an Irish Champion, and in the past he has had other foreign champions. He will push whoever he thinks is the right man to push, and the evidence shows it.
I think if we take a look at the WWE in the last 20 years we'll quickly see how it's divided up when it comes to skin colour. I'd say been it's at the very least 75% White men and I count those men from America, Canada, England, France, South Africa, Australia and anywhere else. As long as they were white, they go in that bracket.
Then I'd say our next 15% was the Latino guys like Rey, Eddie, Chavo, Sin Cara etc.
Then we'd get our final 10% which would be made up of Black guys from the West Indies or Africa and Asians.

My point being that White guys more often than not get the push over any other skin colour because there are more White guys in the company. For anyone to be spotted, they have to better than the rest. When a black guy, Mexican or Japanese guy does it... it's more noticeable because of their race. TAKA Michinoku and Tajiri were much more over when in WWE than Yoshi Tatsu or Jimmy Wang Yang. Because they were better and got over with the crowd. It's as simple as that.

So the fact that The Rock isn't deemed Black enough in your eyes is ridiculous. The 10% have offered us one of the biggest superstars since Hogan and he's changed the way Wrestling is viewed to the outside world. I don't think you can sweep that under the rug. He got there because he was good... not because he looks whiter than Mark Henry.
Vince is a business man and will always do whats best for business.

Using your example with Mark Henry, he was signed to a cushy 10 year contract with the WWE because they had high hopes for him. The WWE WANTED to put Henry at the top of the card (which makes sense since Henry is the Worlds Strongest Man and you know Vince loves stuff like that) but the truth is Henry ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH to be at the top of the card. I have no issue with Mark Henry but he has gotten some pretty huge pushes in his day and he could never get past mid card no matter how much the WWE pushed him. WWE can only do so much there comes a time where Henry has to kick it into a higher gear to be a main eventer, WWE gave him the chance and Henry didn't do what he should have.

Now lets look at today, right now Kofi is getting a good push, so is R-Truth and so is Mark Henry, and even Ezekiel Jackson to an extent, if he was so Anti-Black why would all these guys be getting pushes? Why would he put Truth with their top star? Why would he put Kofi with Orton (also a top star)? Sounds to me that WWE has nothing against black superstars.

Also not to be that guy but how many black stars can you think of that were true money makers and draws in the last 25 years? There have been some awesome talent in the way of African Americans but almost none of them (maybe 1 or 2 like Booker T) were true main eventers and championship material. You can say that black stars are being held back all you want but truthfully how many of them were really good enough to be main eventers and world champions?

At the end of the day Vince is a business man, he will do what HE THINKS is best for the WWE and if he thinks putting an African American at the top of the card is what's best, then he will be there. I'm not saying Vince is always right with who he makes champ and main eventers, but he is doing what he thinks is best. Vince probably hated Bischoff more than anyone that ever worked for him yet him and HHH dominated RAW programming for 3 years.

PS. The Rock is half african american, his dad was complete 100% black. His Dad got pushed heavily, so did JYD and there aren't too many wrestlers in history that got pushed as hard as The Rock did, but yeah Vince always holds back African Americans.
Hey everyone this is my 1st post and alot of you probably won't like after

But I completely 100% agree with Mouthy about black wrestlers. People keep asking for facts where here's a great fact for you:

The wwe has been around over 4 decades in the 4 decades there has been 1 black wwe champion and 1 black world champion. The Rock and Booker T, Booker T only got the chance to be world champ because he was already a wcw champion, had he never won the wcw title vince would have never put the belt on him, he had to prove himself somewhere else and Vince only gave him 1 run.

2 champions 1 for each belt in 4 decades does anyone else see a problem with this. Someone said the fans choose who gets the title bullshit because, as stated before Shemus got the belt when no one knew who he was and trust Shemus did not "DRAW" money.

Then people want bring up mic skills, Guys like MVP had great charisma and personality and never got a push. In the Royal Rumble they never have more than 2 black guys in the ring at one time (thats a fact) SHelton Benjamin was king a MIB but yet he never won MIB. Mark Henry has been misused for over 10 years. Kofi has become the GOD of mid-card because Orton held him down. NXT this season had two black finalist and guess what they throw Derrick Bateman in the mix because god forbid a black guy wins NXT. FCW has never produced a Black FCW champion and the black guys very rarely get "called up" if you look at FCW now the entire roster is mostly Black. Naomi was 100x better than Kaitlyn but guess who won season 3. They Gave Eziekel Jackson the ECW title on the last day of the please guys don't sit here and bullshit me by saying there's no racism in wwe. Mark Henry got the cheap ECW title run because Micheal "the racist freebird" hayes made racist remarks in a sit down prior to the Night of Champions PPV

When ever someone makes a thread about the Truth of how Blacks are kept down in the wwe....normally white folks are the 1st to say.."no there not" hell if someone was calling a member of my race racist I'd deny it too but the facts are facts people whether you want to admit it or not Black people do not shine in wwe Vince is not high on Blacks winning the his titles to him Black people are only good for the mid-card titles......WHY DO THINK MVP ASKED FOR HIS RELEASE, and watch Kofi will soon as well numbers don't lie. 1 Black (which was half black) wwe champion and one black world champion in a company that has been around for over 4 decades doesn't say to me World Wrestling Entertainment it says World Racist Entertainment

MERGED POST: And for Christ people its not about getting a push and Mark Henry doesn't represent all Black people (though now Mark has earned a title run) Just because you get a push means shit, the point is getting the Heavyweight title.

Kofi gets a push every year SHelton got pushes MVP got pushes Crime Tyme got pushes and all these guys were well over with the crowd either as faces or heels the point is the U.S. I.C. or championship match is as far as they will go, no one ever said "why doesn't Vince push Black guys" the topic is why does Vince not want black guys as world champion 2 guys in 4 decades there is a problem, stop confusing a mid-card push for Vince not being racist
You're right the WWE is totally holding down black wrestlers. Or maybe it's the fact that besides The Rock and Booker T not one other has been worthy of a run at the top spot. The fact of the matter is that those two had the goods to be at the top, and guys like D'lo Brown, Ahmed Johnson, and Ron Simmons were solid workers but not top guy material. And I include Mark Henry in that group of guys. I like Big Mark, I really do, but he isn't a top guy and should never be. In fact. there is only one black superstar in the company right now who is even remotely close to being a World champion and it is R-Truth. He can actually cut promos, get the crowd involved, and put on a good match. All ingredients needed to be a World champion. Mark Henry can barely wrestle, can't cut a promo and loses the crowd every 3 or 4 months. Same goes for any other notable black wrestler in the last few years such as MVP, Benjamen and even Kofi now a days. As good of matches as they could put on they don't have the whole set of tools needed to reach the top spot.

Show me any wrestler, black, white, asian, or latino, and if they can't keep the crowd engaged, put on good matches almost every night, and cut a decent promo then I don't care who they are, they don't belong in any World title picture. The WWE isn't holding any black wrestlers down, there just aren't any that are ready or should be put in a title position.
Dude the problem is they always give a white guy a chance to accomplish what Cena has, they'd rather have a white guy who sucks in the ring than a black guy who is over with the crowd. I guarantee you if you eliminated all the white wrestlers except for Zack Ryder...VInce would give the belt to a Spanish wrestler or Zack Ryder. but for the record there have only been two Spanish champions to my knowledge in history 1 wwe champ Eddie and 1 world champ Rey, but Vince prefers white Hispanics over blacks..True story

Why not give another white superstar a chance to accomplish what Cena has accomplished? Why should a black guy get given the shot because he is black? If there are better options who are white, pink, yellow or polkadot they should get the shot.

It pisses me off when people say there needs to be a black guy in this job, or an asian guy in this spot. Who really cares? Everyone is the same in my eyes, and it should not matter what you look like. The best person for the role should be given the role, simple as.

Also, when people announce "THE FIRST BLACK WORLD CHAMPION/POLITICIAN/OSCAR WINNER" etc, just emphasises in peoples minds that their is a difference between whites and blacks. There isn't. Everyone should be treated the same, and it shouldnt need to be a triumph/big deal for a black guy to get a title in WWE. It's a scripted show, and I honestly believe that Vince would put the strap on whoever was suitable for it, no matter their race or skin colour.

People just claiming racism is just lazy. There isn't any. Booker T, Rock, Lashley, Benjamin etc prove that. So stop your whining please, this shit is getting old.
Now a days thats anyone who can't hold the crowd, Shemus was HORRIBLE and he got a title run. I mean I agree that Mark may not be the ideal worker but he's had good strong runs in the past and he should have gotten at least one title run. Anyone who says MVP didn't have the "IT" factor is crazy and Shelton people always try to use his mic skills as an excuse but alot of guys who have been champ had worse Mic skills...hell what ever happen to given a guy a manager to talk for him geez. I'm not saying every black wrestling that comes in the company should get a title because not all deserve it, but the ones that did have what it takes were passed up by people who didn't have it. when Shemus won the title Kofi was way more over with the crowd...and MVP's mic skills and in ring ability is far Superior to the Miz. this rate Zack Ryder will be champ before R-Truth

You're right the WWE is totally holding down black wrestlers. Or maybe it's the fact that besides The Rock and Booker T not one other has been worthy of a run at the top spot. The fact of the matter is that those two had the goods to be at the top, and guys like D'lo Brown, Ahmed Johnson, and Ron Simmons were solid workers but not top guy material. And I include Mark Henry in that group of guys. I like Big Mark, I really do, but he isn't a top guy and should never be. In fact. there is only one black superstar in the company right now who is even remotely close to being a World champion and it is R-Truth. He can actually cut promos, get the crowd involved, and put on a good match. All ingredients needed to be a World champion. Mark Henry can barely wrestle, can't cut a promo and loses the crowd every 3 or 4 months. Same goes for any other notable black wrestler in the last few years such as MVP, Benjamen and even Kofi now a days. As good of matches as they could put on they don't have the whole set of tools needed to reach the top spot.

Show me any wrestler, black, white, asian, or latino, and if they can't keep the crowd engaged, put on good matches almost every night, and cut a decent promo then I don't care who they are, they don't belong in any World title picture. The WWE isn't holding any black wrestlers down, there just aren't any that are ready or should be put in a title position.
Now a days thats anyone who can't hold the crowd, Shemus was HORRIBLE and he got a title run. I mean I agree that Mark may not be the ideal worker but he's had good strong runs in the past and he should have gotten at least one title run. Anyone who says MVP didn't have the "IT" factor is crazy and Shelton people always try to use his mic skills as an excuse but alot of guys who have been champ had worse Mic skills...hell what ever happen to given a guy a manager to talk for him geez. I'm not saying every black wrestling that comes in the company should get a title because not all deserve it, but the ones that did have what it takes were passed up by people who didn't have it. when Shemus won the title Kofi was way more over with the crowd...and MVP's mic skills and in ring ability is far Superior to the Miz. this rate Zack Ryder will be champ before R-Truth

The problem with this post is in relation to something I said in a previous one; If Vince McMahon is a racist then so are the American people. After all, it took us until now to elect a black president, right?

It's not about their skin color. It's about whether they can be chosen to represent the company as its top guy or can hold the title long enough and keep a feud interesting with it in order to elevate the top guy. Read my previous post and you'll see my ratings of all these guys that you mention and fail to see the big picture with.
The wwe has been around over 4 decades in the 4 decades there has been 1 black wwe champion and 1 black world champion. The Rock and Booker T, Booker T only got the chance to be world champ because he was already a wcw champion, had he never won the wcw title vince would have never put the belt on him, he had to prove himself somewhere else and Vince only gave him 1 run.
Yeah, I'm not buying the idea of "Vince gave him the belt because he was in WCW." Vince hated WCW, he still does, and he probably always will. The guy didn't even bring in some of the most prominent WCW stars for the Alliance angle, and as someone else alluded to in that other thread, by the time it was about to end it was basically WWE vs. WWE. He treated a lot of WCW main eventers as midcarders, including Booker himself for a long time, in favor of his own guys like Triple H and Kurt Angle. He finally gave Booker a run in 2006 because he had earned it, not because of his past history. If that was the case, he would have gotten a run in 2003.

Let's also not forget how they had Michaels taking shots at the company while simultaneously trying to promote their damn DVD. Yeah, Vince doesn't reward anyone for their work in another company. It's the same thing with Punk; they hated him because he was an indy guy but eventually they couldn't ignore how talented he was. Talent will always rise to the top in the WWE, no matter what company they came from and no matter what their skin color is.
2 champions 1 for each belt in 4 decades does anyone else see a problem with this. Someone said the fans choose who gets the title bullshit because, as stated before Shemus got the belt when no one knew who he was and trust Shemus did not "DRAW" money.
So you're implying that they gave Sheamus the belt because he was white? Let's not ignore how he was workout buddies with Triple H for a while during that time. I'm sure that had a lot more to do with it.
Then people want bring up mic skills, Guys like MVP had great charisma and personality and never got a push. In the Royal Rumble they never have more than 2 black guys in the ring at one time (thats a fact) SHelton Benjamin was king a MIB but yet he never won MIB. Mark Henry has been misused for over 10 years. Kofi has become the GOD of mid-card because Orton held him down. NXT this season had two black finalist and guess what they throw Derrick Bateman in the mix because god forbid a black guy wins NXT. FCW has never produced a Black FCW champion and the black guys very rarely get "called up" if you look at FCW now the entire roster is mostly Black. Naomi was 100x better than Kaitlyn but guess who won season 3. They Gave Eziekel Jackson the ECW title on the last day of the please guys don't sit here and bullshit me by saying there's no racism in wwe. Mark Henry got the cheap ECW title run because Micheal "the racist freebird" hayes made racist remarks in a sit down prior to the Night of Champions PPV
MVP was obviously getting pushed towards the world title about two years ago. I'm not sure what program you were watching if you couldn't recognize that. The problem was that WWE fucked up his face push beyond belief and then he was never able to recover. That comes down to the bookers' incompetence rather than racism.

Shelton Benjamin did not deserve a world title push simply for doing some cool spots in the MITB matches. Being a world champion includes a lot more than that, especially mic skills and charisma, neither of which Benjamin had much of. The performer was limited; that was not racism either.

Kofi not getting pushed is pretty dumb, but I also don't believe that's a result of racism. It's not like they didn't test the waters with a main event push once. Sure, it didn't really work out, maybe because of Orton. But they just gave him some good mic time on Raw this week and he seems to be slowly on his way back up. Give it time.

Kaitlyn won NXT because she was hot, simple as. Moving on.

Titus O'Neil is clearly being groomed to win this season of NXT. The whole dog bark crap and Hornswoggle being his pro are clear demonstrations of this. This is despite the ever so clear fact that he sucks.

Giving Jackson the belt on the last day of the show was racist? They could have just had Christian retire it, but instead they gave the black guy an incredibly pointless reign just to have on his resume. How is that racist? Because they didn't give it to him before? Well, maybe that's because Christian is better than him in every possible area of professional wrestling.
And for Christ people its not about getting a push and Mark Henry doesn't represent all Black people (though now Mark has earned a title run) Just because you get a push means shit, the point is getting the Heavyweight title.
Come back to me when a black guy proves that he's better than all the white guys that he has to compete with. Kofi is on a show with Cena and Cena is clearly better. The same can be said for Truth in comparison to Miz, Punk, and Del Rio, and also for Henry in comparison to Christian and Sheamus. They're not getting held down because they're black. They're getting held down because they're inferior to the other options, plain and simple.
The funny thing about everything you said is that you have no real explanation for a lot of people. You said Kaitlyn is hot period how the hell is that an what your trying to say is Naomi is not hot, I wonder why you would think that, why would you think a bubble headed no talent blonde hack like kaitlyn is hotter than a educated just as if not more hotter WAY MORE TALENTED IN THE RING Naomi. And I'll bet your answer is you prefer blondes so does that Dick head Johnny Ace.

You keep saying "this person was getting a push then something magically happened" Ummm how the hell do you know if someone was getting a push or not. then you say 'creative ruined his push" BS and even if they did they still could have fixed it, the crowd was behind MVP they didn't give him a title run because they didn't want too.

Booker T being in wcw did have something to do with it because like wcw or not Booker T already proved he represent the company so VInce had nothing to be afraid of plus they gave him that stupid (yet funny) King Booker Gimmick in stead of letting him be Booker T. If your telling me John Cena is better in the Ring then Shelton your on Drugs all Cena has is a few spots and 3 moves..........even to this day in the MIB promo's they show Shelton is in all of them. He out Wrestled HHH and some of the "TOP GUYS" and his reward was a I.C. & U.S. title run only to be teamed with Charlie Haas again.

And yes being HHH work out partner had a huge deal to do with it (aside from being white) why do think they pushed Shemus over Kofi who was way over with the crowd

Yeah, I'm not buying the idea of "Vince gave him the belt because he was in WCW." Vince hated WCW, he still does, and he probably always will. The guy didn't even bring in some of the most prominent WCW stars for the Alliance angle, and as someone else alluded to in that other thread, by the time it was about to end it was basically WWE vs. WWE. He treated a lot of WCW main eventers as midcarders, including Booker himself for a long time, in favor of his own guys like Triple H and Kurt Angle. He finally gave Booker a run in 2006 because he had earned it, not because of his past history. If that was the case, he would have gotten a run in 2003.

Let's also not forget how they had Michaels taking shots at the company while simultaneously trying to promote their damn DVD. Yeah, Vince doesn't reward anyone for their work in another company. It's the same thing with Punk; they hated him because he was an indy guy but eventually they couldn't ignore how talented he was. Talent will always rise to the top in the WWE, no matter what company they came from and no matter what their skin color is.

So you're implying that they gave Sheamus the belt because he was white? Let's not ignore how he was workout buddies with Triple H for a while during that time. I'm sure that had a lot more to do with it.

Everything you can't explain is "I don't understand it but I don't think its Racist"...LMAO like seriously

Even if Titus O'Neil wins the dame show he gets...oh wait he gets the chance to be on another show, $5 says Batman gets called up while Titus is on NXT s6

Miz, Del Rio and Cena are better all the way around 100% than Kofi and Truth...U R BUGGING

And Vince hates Christian everyone knows that so saying "hey just to screw with Christian give the black guy the belt on the last one will remember anyway"

Come back too me when a black guy proves he's better than all the white guys really that's the most racist thing I've heard so far and thats the problem. The white guys can just be ok or have half the tools to get the belt, but the Blacks guys have to be the total package and when they are the total package there still look over not because there not right for the job but because there not white for the job
MVP was obviously getting pushed towards the world title about two years ago. I'm not sure what program you were watching if you couldn't recognize that. The problem was that WWE fucked up his face push beyond belief and then he was never able to recover. That comes down to the bookers' incompetence rather than racism.

Shelton Benjamin did not deserve a world title push simply for doing some cool spots in the MITB matches. Being a world champion includes a lot more than that, especially mic skills and charisma, neither of which Benjamin had much of. The performer was limited; that was not racism either.

Kofi not getting pushed is pretty dumb, but I also don't believe that's a result of racism. It's not like they didn't test the waters with a main event push once. Sure, it didn't really work out, maybe because of Orton. But they just gave him some good mic time on Raw this week and he seems to be slowly on his way back up. Give it time.

Kaitlyn won NXT because she was hot, simple as. Moving on.

Titus O'Neil is clearly being groomed to win this season of NXT. The whole dog bark crap and Hornswoggle being his pro are clear demonstrations of this. This is despite the ever so clear fact that he sucks.

Giving Jackson the belt on the last day of the show was racist? They could have just had Christian retire it, but instead they gave the black guy an incredibly pointless reign just to have on his resume. How is that racist? Because they didn't give it to him before? Well, maybe that's because Christian is better than him in every possible area of professional wrestling.

Come back to me when a black guy proves that he's better than all the white guys that he has to compete with. Kofi is on a show with Cena and Cena is clearly better. The same can be said for Truth in comparison to Miz, Punk, and Del Rio, and also for Henry in comparison to Christian and Sheamus. They're not getting held down because they're black. They're getting held down because they're inferior to the other options, plain and simple.
Now, I don't know the actual numbers, because it would take me week, but what do you think the ratio of White Wrestlers to White Champs, vs. Black wrestlers to Black Champs is. I bet it's pretty close. The fact is there are more White wrestles in the WWE, so the odds of there being a White champ, are pretty high, it's simple mathematics. So the fact that there have been mostly white champs, doesn't make Vince races.

Now, if you want to argue that the WWE is races, because they portrays all there black superstars in a stereotypical way, that's another story. But I think that would be the writers fault, not Vince.
You answered a lot of what I said in a confusing way, so I'll try to dissect it, but I might get something wrong so bear with me.
The funny thing about everything you said is that you have no real explanation for a lot of people. You said Kaitlyn is hot period how the hell is that an what your trying to say is Naomi is not hot, I wonder why you would think that, why would you think a bubble headed no talent blonde hack like kaitlyn is hotter than a educated just as if not more hotter WAY MORE TALENTED IN THE RING Naomi. And I'll bet your answer is you prefer blondes so does that Dick head Johnny Ace.
I actually don't personally find her that hot. What I meant was that she won because she fit the typical WWE diva stereotype of cute face, big boobs, nice ass, little to no wrestling experience. Naomi being more talented in the ring may have actually worked against her, because WWE is always looking for someone with "limited skill and ability" that they can mold into the next Trish Stratus. But no, that's not a racial thing, that just goes with the WWE's general philosophy of liking to create their own stars out of thin air. Anyway, the fact that you're using the diva season of NXT as a talking point is pretty lame, that season didn't matter and the commentators went out of their way to trash the show every damn week. No one took it seriously and Kaitlyn has done next to nothing since winning the show; hell, I think AJ has had more wins on the main roster than she has.
You keep saying "this person was getting a push then something magically happened" Ummm how the hell do you know if someone was getting a push or not. then you say 'creative ruined his push" BS and even if they did they still could have fixed it, the crowd was behind MVP they didn't give him a title run because they didn't want too.
I know what I see from watching Monday Night Raw on the USA Network every week, and when I see someone getting a push, that means they're getting a push. It's not exactly rocket science to figure out. The crowd also wasn't as behind MVP as WWE wanted them to be, mainly because the way he turned face was stupid and he lost all of his character as soon as he turned. But they've done that with plenty of white guys, too. See: Randy Orton in 2004. Riley might be on that path as well, hopefully not though.
Booker T being in wcw did have something to do with it because like wcw or not Booker T already proved he represent the company so VInce had nothing to be afraid of plus they gave him that stupid (yet funny) King Booker Gimmick in stead of letting him be Booker T. If your telling me John Cena is better in the Ring then Shelton your on Drugs all Cena has is a few spots and 3 moves..........even to this day in the MIB promo's they show Shelton is in all of them. He out Wrestled HHH and some of the "TOP GUYS" and his reward was a I.C. & U.S. title run only to be teamed with Charlie Haas again.
Yeah, your argument definitely loses credibility with the idea that Shelton Benjamin is a better in-ring performer than John Cena. Let's get serious here. Shelton was a spot monkey, he did high spots, that's pretty much all he did. He had little to no ability to actually connect with a crowd or tell a story in the ring, two things that John Cena is a master at. But yeah, if how many moves a guy does is your criteria for being a good in-ring wrester, then I guess he should have about 20 world titles by now. Fortunately, that hasn't happened, because being a wrestler is about far more than just number of moves. And honestly I thought that argument was dead in like 2007, it amazes me that it's still being used now.

About Booker, you're saying that he got the push because he was in WCW, yet he got the push because he proved that he was loyal to WWE. Those are two completely separate and contrasting ideas, yet you have somehow connected them. Excuse me for not understanding "wut da hale" you're talking about there.
And yes being HHH work out partner had a huge deal to do with it (aside from being white) why do think they pushed Shemus over Kofi who was way over with the crowd
Maybe because Sheamus was a heel, and having Kofi take the title off Cena as a face would be stupid? But of course race is a much more logical solution than alignment in the world of wrestling.
Everything you can't explain is "I don't understand it but I don't think its Racist"...LMAO like seriously
Wait, what didn't I explain or understand? Please enlighten me.
Miz, Del Rio and Cena are better all the way around 100% than Kofi and Truth...U R BUGGING
I said Miz and Del Rio are better than Truth and Cena is better than Kofi. And yes, I stand by that. If you want to dispute how they aren't (and don't bother with the "Kofi and Truth have more moves" because I'm not arguing that point twice), go right ahead. But I know a good all-around performer when I see one, and the two white guys and the Mexican fit that bill. Go figure. really that's the most racist thing I've heard so far and thats the problem. The white guys can just be ok or have half the tools to get the belt, but the Blacks guys have to be the total package and when they are the total package there still look over not because there not right for the job but because there not white for the job
That last line was pretty clever, I'll admit. But yeah, what I said wasn't racist at all. If there's a black guy who's better than a lot of white guys (i.e. Rock, Booker) then sure, push them as much as you want. But a white guy is the best face in the WWE (Cena), and a couple of white guys are the best heels in the WWE (Punk, Miz), so that's why they get the spots. But of course, we can ignore R-Truth getting the main event of Capitol Punishment over all those white guys.
I have never agreed with the "black wrestlers being held back" idea. Apart from a couple of cases I really have seen very few black wrestlers who come across to me as legit World Champions. Henry probably does deserve to be Champion because it would certainly be believable but I could say the same about British wrestlers in the past... even more so..Bulldog, Regal etc..

I am really not sure..maybe what I feel is the case because Vince doesn't bring in black wrestlers who could be legit Champions but that view is absurd seeing as Vince wants to make money and I am sure skin colour would not come into it aslong as they wrestler can make him the cash.

On the current roster apart from Henry and possibly Jackson with a bit more work..I see nobody else who deserves to be Champion.
I think the true racism everyone is probably getting at is the fact that WWE stereotypes black people to a point that they make you think they're not credible enough for the World Title.
No matter how you dress it up white is white and black is black. At least thats what the general consensus believes for like the past century. Bringing up British wrestlers really doesnt count. Yea Sheamus is Irish but it doesnt matter, hes still white. I think if someone as green as Swagger who won a world title, or even Dolph as much as I like him can win a world title, theres no reason Mark Henry or Kofi can in the near future. Like someone else said the majority of fans are white. They immediately dont relate to most black wrestlers because of preconceived notions or even worse they are the just the type of a person who is too bigotted to think straight. If anyone feels the need to respond to this post immediately, they are most likely one of those examples I mentioned above. Just chillax because its the internet. This aint real life, trust me. With the heat R-Truth gets he should have one right now but he doesnt. Mark Henry is another example. Kofi probably not right now but maybe one day who knows. But all in all, they cant relate because most likely they werent surrounded by blacks in their upbringing. But then again, this is the same country that voted for Obama just to bash him days later it seemed like. Really, people dont know what they like is the summary of my post. Go ahead and dissect my post if you please and make smart ass comments but you aint sayin it my face so have fun
I don't care if Kofi is black, white or neon pink he just doesn't do it for me as far as being main event material goes. Same with R Truth although less so. Mark Henry is sombody who I would have liked to see hold the World Title by now and perhaps in the future Jackson another. You can't say white is white and black is black so bringing up British Wreslers does not count..I could say Americans are Americans despite what colour and Brits are Brits if you go with that ideology. I don't really know what to say about it but I personally don't belive there is racism at work's just how it's panned out. I really didn't like MVP but felt at a point he could have perhaps held the belt.

Anyway i hope Mark Henry wins it..nothing to do with colour though I just think he deserves a run.
No matter how you dress it up white is white and black is black. At least thats what the general consensus believes for like the past century. Bringing up British wrestlers really doesnt count. Yea Sheamus is Irish but it doesnt matter, hes still white. I think if someone as green as Swagger who won a world title, or even Dolph as much as I like him can win a world title, theres no reason Mark Henry or Kofi can in the near future. Like someone else said the majority of fans are white. They immediately dont relate to most black wrestlers because of preconceived notions or even worse they are the just the type of a person who is too bigotted to think straight. If anyone feels the need to respond to this post immediately, they are most likely one of those examples I mentioned above. Just chillax because its the internet. This aint real life, trust me. With the heat R-Truth gets he should have one right now but he doesnt. Mark Henry is another example. Kofi probably not right now but maybe one day who knows. But all in all, they cant relate because most likely they werent surrounded by blacks in their upbringing. But then again, this is the same country that voted for Obama just to bash him days later it seemed like. Really, people dont know what they like is the summary of my post. Go ahead and dissect my post if you please and make smart ass comments but you aint sayin it my face so have fun
The fact that this thread has become an outlet for who I'm guessing are angry black people to spew their anti-white agendas is hilarious. It also does nothing but take away the credibility of their actual argument.

I am not bigoted, and neither are most of the people commenting in this thread. Some of my best friends are black and I've enjoyed watching black wrestlers before. I mean, if you're going to bring up Obama as an example, then think about The Rock who I think is just as black as he is. Think about how he gets treated better than 90% of the roster even though he's only been on Raw four times this year.

Also, the reason Truth got pushed to the side is because of how amazing CM Punk is right now. If you want to sit here and argue that point, go right ahead. Argue the fact that CM Punk is the hottest wrestler in the company right now and argue the fact that his MITB title shot has become a must see match. I have a feeling that you won't and you'll jut claim that I only like Punk because he's white, but whatever.

And really dude, if you're going to go the route of "it's on the internet and you're not saying it to my face LOL!" we could say the same thing about your ridiculous accusations that everyone who doesn't think WWE is racist is a bigot themselves. You're not saying that to our faces either. But it's not the same thing because white guys can't fight, right? Or is that just as much of a stereotype as the ones that you think exist in WWE?
Also, the reason Truth got pushed to the side is because of how amazing CM Punk is right now. If you want to sit here and argue that point, go right ahead. Argue the fact that CM Punk is the hottest wrestler in the company right now and argue the fact that his MITB title shot has become a must see match. I have a feeling that you won't and you'll jut claim that I only like Punk because he's white, but whatever.

I'm going to disagree with this statement for this reason. While CM Punk is the hottest wrestler...and all that right now. The DECISION to have him headline MITB was made BEFORE the promo that Punk had cut.

And the decision was made because Cena wanted to work with Punk while Punk was on his way out. I don't believe race had anything to do with it...just bad timing for R-Truth.

But honestly, if you didn't have Punk leaving as a reason to push R-Truth aside do you truly believe Truth would have a WWE title run now? They already have Alberto Del Rio slated for SummerSlam so R-Truth is really left to fizzle out.

Just to be different I would've loved for Truth to have beaten Cena and take the title. The heat would've been enormous and they could've played on that until MITB where Cena could've taken it back.

But they decided to push Truth aside for CM Punk, who may have capitalized on the oppurtunity, but now R-Truth's only chance (currently) and best chance (he's never getting this much heat again) is gone. He did what WWE asked of him and he gets rewarded with watching from the sidelines.

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