Mark Henry and other Black WWE stars being held back.

It's not about what color they are it's about entertaining the fans. Looks to me like Mark Henry, R Truth, Kofi have it pretty good right now in WWE. So stop with the race crap

But he is asking this question in reference to the WWE TITLE/World Title. Some mic time and a match near the end of the card is good. But there is still a glass ceiling as far as the big strap.

As you are kidding yourself if you think the three people you mention will culminate their current "pushes" with the WWE/World Title. So his question is valid.
Booker T was Booker T his whole career and in order for him to get the WWE title they had to make him this goofy clown king bookah character, I think it was because they wanted the whiye audience to laugh at him. They just coudlnt let a black man be taken serious as champ.

He was taken seriously. So youre saying that when he became KING OF THE RING and when he won the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP he wasnt taken seriously?

And if you think it was silly thats your opinon, but why would they ever make anyone world champ so they can not be taken seriously?
I remember an interview several years ago with Tony Atlas, where he was asked if he thought there was racism against blacks in wrestling, in particular the WWF. He said he felt it was easier for a black man to find a steady paycheque in wrestling than a white man simply because they could use stereotypes to get him over as a heel.

Getting the fucking belt is merely just ego stroking. The guy with the strap isn't really a real champion, he's just the guy they gave a belt to in order to sell the story.

There have been many black guys in the top storyline in the WWE. Look at Ron Simmons when he was doing that NOD faction? He was in the main event. Big Zeke is getting pushed as invincible, The Rock is one of the most over names in wrestling ever, Mark Henry keeps getting pushes despite being terrible in the ring and on the mic, Big Viscera got tons of pushes and even won the KOTR, Booker T is a 5 time world champ.

To use Shelton getting misused as your argument for black guys being mistreated is wrong. Shelton was great in the ring, but he couldn't cut a promo to save his life. And so he couldn't sell a top storyline. His spot in life is to be the guy on the midcard who made you feel glad you paid to see John Cena and The Miz fail at wrestling.
I believe that most of the black wrestlers are either turning heel or already are heal and i think r-truth can hold a show but not as a face. Mark Henry IS getting a bit off a push with this whole take on a bullying thing. The Rock is the Greatest black wrestler around and everyone knew that in his time but i think that the wwe needs more diversly cultured wrestling perhaps look into south africa or maybe even another russian or even A Maori. I believe that the wwe dont give enough oppitunity to wrestlers outside the "big 4" countries were Wrestling is bigish. The areas im talking about are USA,Canada,England and Mexico. they need to think outside those countries get some new places in that area like India, Japan.
Alot of you are still missing the point here. The guys you keep naming are just current black guys in the company and im talking about the history of the wwe title. Someone said the world HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE is just for ego stroking... Are you insane , how much fucking stroking does Cena , Orton , Edge , HHH , UnderTaker , Hogan , and Austin need? Its about being the face of the company and the main guy. And again in the last say 20 years how many BLACK men have been given that ball? Only 2 and 1 of them was samoan/black and looked more samoan.

Yes the black stars do get midlevel pushes sometimes and they do get rare main event runs but they hardly EVER FUCKING get the WWE WORLD Heavyweight Title and the main spot. Forget about Shelton Benjamin , I never even mentioned him , other ppl did. I am saying all the black men who have come and gone. The whole argument the dude made about british and canadian wrestler not getting the TItle is ******ed,. Bret Hart , was the face of the company for years. To the main point ,. Black men in WWE are not given the MAIN BELT AND MAIN STATUS. Booker T was the sole guy who managed to get that spot and yet again he was treated like a joke 'fake king heel weak champ. In reality he is a tough badass who can kick the crap out of most of the guys. Why not let him run with the ball in a serious manner?

Besides the Booker T and The Rock argument , everybody keeps dissing all the black stars like they all sucked and had no talent , your just WWE butt kissers who dont wanna open your eyes and see the truth. Im not saying the WWE is racist , Im saying the corporation is all about the white stars.
Im not saying the WWE is racist , Im saying the corporation is all about the white stars.

By saying the corporation is all about the white stars is implying that they're racist. I just think you're a black man/woman who see's racist in everything a black man isn't control of.

White people are to professional wrestling
As black people are to basketball.

As a non follower of wrestling, you always hear about John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Rock and Stone Cold.

As a non follower of basketball, you always hear about Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Shaquille O'Neal and Magic Johnson.

Pro-Wrestling isn't a black mans 'sport' just like Basketball isn't a white mans sport.

Racism is an on-going battle and I'm sure if Obama wasn't elected as president we would be at war with ourselves.

So take your racism shit and shove it up a donkey's ass.
I'm black and I can't logically imagine two blacks main eventing Wrestlemania, just because of the stigma WWE has set.

However I do think that the WWE hasn't really seen a talented and charismatic black as The Rock since...The Rock.

Kofi Kingston can hit big spots but he really isn't great on the mic. He'd be good as a Jeff Hardy replacement, that's all.

MVP was the closest thing we saw to a Rock-like charisma, but I believe he was held back by the TV-PG rating. If he was around in 2004-2006, and had different ring attire, then he would have flourished. and he was like 35 or something when he finally got a chance to shine. Giving him a run with the title wouldn't have been smart, it was too little, too late. Maybe he could have a decent little run against Mr. Kennedy but they wouldn't have really shined because Cena, Triple H, and Orton had RAW locked down, and Edge, Taker, and Batista controlled Smackdown. Shelton Benjamin had a similar situation.

Cryme Tyme were stereotypical goons. This, along with the fact that John Cena still wears denim shorts, Team Jordans, and trucker caps and R-Truth looks like he stepped out of the 90's tells me WWE writers are very out of touch with urban America.

Mark Henry is really where he's supposed to be. I mean I guess he could have been chosen over Big Show or Khali as the go-to big man when used for fodder to people like Batista and Cena, but...meh. He does deserve a run with the belt for being a consistent guy on the roster for the past 15 years.

I hate R-Truth's character. Before he was talking about his little jimmy, the rapping and dancing was just horrible. The denim with the spray paint on it, the piercings, the dreads. Dude was a walking stereotype, and the sad thing is, it didn't even represent the current black youth. It was just terrible. And I don't know if his current gimmick is a result of the WWE wanting to be a live action cartoon, or WWE writers not being subject to testing from the Wellness Program. This and Cryme Tyme eliminated any good The Rock did for blacks in wrestling.

David Otunga is really the only black dude who seems like he could be a legit contender in the future. He reminds me of The Rock, but knowing the WWE, they're gonna mess him up by keeping him with Nexus forever and not letting him touch the mic.

Booker T almost slipped my mind, he had a nice run.

I'm black and I think R-Truth and Cryme Tyme were both gimmicks of coonery. The Rock, Booker T, and Mark Henry had decent/great careers. MVP was full of untouched potential, but that was because of his age, and the fact that Edge, Cena, Orton, and Batista were on top at the time. Shelton Benjamin had potential but wasn't good compared to Cena and co. Kofi Kingston and Otunga have bright futures.

So to be honest, the blacks that have come to the WWE have either not been good compared to the Cenas and Ortons, or just were placed in dumbass gimmicks. MVP was really the only wasted talent that came to my mind.

By saying the corporation is all about the white stars is implying that they're racist. I just think you're a black man/woman who see's racist in everything a black man isn't control of.

White people are to professional wrestling
As black people are to basketball.

As a non follower of wrestling, you always hear about John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Rock and Stone Cold.

As a non follower of basketball, you always hear about Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Shaquille O'Neal and Magic Johnson.

Pro-Wrestling isn't a black mans 'sport' just like Basketball isn't a white mans sport.

Racism is an on-going battle and I'm sure if Obama wasn't elected as president we would be at war with ourselves.

So take your racism shit and shove it up a donkey's ass.

...Except in basketball it's based on nothing but skill.

I mean sure, wrestling is skill too, but the people who are usually known as the stars were chosen to be pushed and the names you listed weren't the best pure wrestlers on the roster at their respective times. I mean being a star has to do with who you know in the back, do you fill what the WWE is looking for (Sin Cara, Sheamus, Khali given big pushes because of them not being from America), what gimmick you're given, your pull with McMahon.

All that extra stuff doesn't exist with the NBA.

Not saying the WWE is racist, but it's a big difference between Michael Jordan's pure skill and Hulk Hogan being given a gimmick to cater to kids.

And guys like Larry Bird, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Dirk Nowitski, etc. have all had success in the NBA.

And I also believe that the non-success of blacks in wrestling have something to do with America being a little subconsciously racist. Would Hulk Hogan's All American Hero gimmick work with Junkyard Dog? Same with Cena's gimmick working with JTG or Shad? Steve Austin's gimmick with Booker T?

Blacks also haven't had success because of WWE writers trying too hard to be "hip". The Rock wasn't some rapper type dude. He was just a cool, smooth, funny dude. The same gimmick would have worked whether or not Rock was white or black. Same can't be said with R-Truth or Cryme Tyme. And Cena's gimmick worked because he was rebellious. I mean sure people thought the rapper stuff was funny, but he became a legit contender off of being funny and rebellious. I remember right before he turned into a Hogan copy, he would do interviews with Todd Grisham and would do the same routine as Rock would with Coachman. He would do the whole naming different variations of items, he would call Grisham gay, etc.

All in all, I think WWE writers need to stop trying to appeal to black audiences with stereotypes. Like I said earlier, Cryme Tyme wearing baggy clothes and Timbs, Cena wearing denim shorts and Team Jordans, R-Truth having spray-painted denims, etc.
...Except in basketball it's based on nothing but skill.

I mean sure, wrestling is skill too, but the people who are usually known as the stars were chosen to be pushed and the names you listed weren't the best pure wrestlers on the roster at their respective times. I mean being a star has to do with who you know in the back, do you fill what the WWE is looking for (Sin Cara, Sheamus, Khali given big pushes because of them not being from America), what gimmick you're given, your pull with McMahon.

All that extra stuff doesn't exist with the NBA.

Not saying the WWE is racist, but it's a big difference between Michael Jordan's pure skill and Hulk Hogan being given a gimmick to cater to kids.

And guys like Larry Bird, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Dirk Nowitski, etc. have all had success in the NBA.

I understand that and I tried getting my point across the best I could but failed miserably. So before this furthers into a different arguement, I'm just going to shut up and say one last thing.

Assuming you follow basketball, or have previously, you know those names because you do watch/watched it.

I haven't seen a single basketball game in my entire life because I can give two shits about them, but I haven't heard of names of those you mentioned, just the ones I mentioned.

Anyways, point is just because there isn't a black man as the champion doesn't make WWE, the corporation, the fans or anybody racists.
It's just one of those conspiracy theories that is an on-going, non-ending battle for race domination (probably not the best words to use, but oh well.)
To the guy who said im black, well if you read my original post you would know I am white. I respect the black guys opinions on this subject more because they know deep down what im saying. I think some of the black posters on here are just alittle worried about speaking up on this because they will get blasted for their opinions so I see why they are defending the WWE and the white side of things.

I will stick by my OP though when I say that too many black superstars have been ruined by the WWE creative team and by Vince himself. Over and Over people keep saying The Rock and Booker T got over and got the WWE title , again thats my point , 2 fucking guys out of how many white guys. I dont care what anybody says , there have been talented black superstars who were not given a chance. John Cena and Randy Orton arent as great as people keep saying , they are robotic and predictable but they are white and have that american look that Vince loves. They didnt do something soooo fucking amazing to get the spots they have, as a matter of fact Orton only has his spot because of his dad and his looks.

You tell me what was wrong with Elijah Burke? Ahmed Johnson? D lo Brown ? Mark Henry? Faarooq ? MVP? Shelton Benjamin? Marcus Cor Von? Big Zeke? Shad ? JTG? Tony Atlas? Ernie Ladd? Koko B Ware? Bad News Brown? Kofi ? D Von Dudley? Mabel/Viscera? Papa Shango/Godfather? JunkYardDog? Lashley? Mr Hughes? Plus many more... Are you saying all of these guys were crap and didnt have personality and the fans hated them??? Give me a break. All of those guys had skills , I forgot about Flash Funk , he could perform. Its all BS####
Elijah Burke? Ahmed Johnson? D lo Brown ? Mark Henry? Faarooq ? MVP? Shelton Benjamin? Marcus Cor Von? Big Zeke? Shad ? JTG? Tony Atlas? Ernie Ladd? Koko B Ware? Bad News Brown? Kofi ? D Von Dudley? Mabel/Viscera? Papa Shango/Godfather? JunkYardDog? Lashley? Mr Hughes?

Seriously? Lets eliminate Elijah Burke, Mark Henry, MVP, Shelton, Zeke, Shad, JTG, Atlas, Kofi, and Lashley.
So many people have pointed out what was wrong with them and you refused to listen.

As for D-Von, he was an all tag team partner wrestler and he finally broke away from it in TNA.

Marcus Cor Von was released for taking several months off for unspecified "family issues."

Farooq was the first ever black World Heavyweight Champion, why would he need/want another reign as champion?

Shut the fuck up, you're totally throwing this out of proportion.
I'm sure you would do the same exact thing if it were the other way around.
Go jump off a fucking cliff and stop whining about it.
White people are to professional wrestling
As black people are to basketball.

As a non follower of wrestling, you always hear about John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Rock and Stone Cold.

As a non follower of basketball, you always hear about Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Shaquille O'Neal and Magic Johnson.

Pro-Wrestling isn't a black mans 'sport' just like Basketball isn't a white mans sport.

This post is all over the place but I have a million thoughts on this topic, so forgive me.

See here's the big thing, you can't compare Wrestling to other sports in terms of popularity because they aren't being "given" a championship, they are busting their asses all season to earn it. Oh and please don't forget Larry Bird, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Mike Bibby, Dirk Nowinski

I'm black and quite frankly I have this discussion with my friends (both white and black) all the time. It's something that will never die, like politics and religion. You will never get everyone to agree on this.

Yes, Khali was WHC. can he wrestle? He damn sure can't speak! Mark Henry is more agile in the ring and can do more than Khali, but so can Mason Ryan. Am I saying Khali shouldn't have been champ, no, but if you can give him the belt, there is no excuse for any other person regardless of race to not get a fair shot.

Batista was a nobody before he started working with HHH. HHH eventually gave Batista the rub. Kofi was mere inches from a rub and I was impressed with his program with Orton. For whatever reason they decided against it.

I was sick of Truth's rapping gimmick and this conspiracy gimmick isn't any better.

Sure someone may be bland on the mic, but how can they get better if they don't have an opportunity to work at it?

And I just want to bring up Zack Ryder for a moment. He is taking a gimmick that was given to him and is making it his own and yet we never see him on tv. He get's massive amounts of hits on his youtube videos, and has a loyal following of fans but yet sometimes his signs get confiscated at the arenas and he's not getting any tv time.

Say what you will, but Vince will do what he thinks will make him money, and will give the belt to someone he feels will represent the company in the media and marketing.
Alot of you are still missing the point here. The guys you keep naming are just current black guys in the company and im talking about the history of the wwe title. Someone said the world HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE is just for ego stroking... Are you insane , how much fucking stroking does Cena , Orton , Edge , HHH , UnderTaker , Hogan , and Austin need? Its about being the face of the company and the main guy. And again in the last say 20 years how many BLACK men have been given that ball? Only 2 and 1 of them was samoan/black and looked more samoan.

Yes the black stars do get midlevel pushes sometimes and they do get rare main event runs but they hardly EVER FUCKING get the WWE WORLD Heavyweight Title and the main spot. Forget about Shelton Benjamin , I never even mentioned him , other ppl did. I am saying all the black men who have come and gone. The whole argument the dude made about british and canadian wrestler not getting the TItle is ******ed,. Bret Hart , was the face of the company for years. To the main point ,. Black men in WWE are not given the MAIN BELT AND MAIN STATUS. Booker T was the sole guy who managed to get that spot and yet again he was treated like a joke 'fake king heel weak champ. In reality he is a tough badass who can kick the crap out of most of the guys. Why not let him run with the ball in a serious manner?

Besides the Booker T and The Rock argument , everybody keeps dissing all the black stars like they all sucked and had no talent , your just WWE butt kissers who dont wanna open your eyes and see the truth. Im not saying the WWE is racist , Im saying the corporation is all about the white stars.

It is about the MONEY, plain and simple. It is about who can pull in the ratings and who can sell the merchandise. Yes wrestling, ability and skill is all needed in the business and its how you get your foot into the door. Getting the top tier belts is all about who can bring in the MONEY. Now that is not always the case, mostly when it come's to heels like JBL/Swagger/Shamus...but what they had were guys who were coming after them like Cena/Eddie/HHH who could draw the MONEY and in the end that is what mattered. Now for me, I grew up during the 90's so my wrestling knowledge and experience only goes that far, I can not speak for the prior decades of wrestling.

But Mark Henry as a top level guy could never ever draw what the WWE would need as a heel or a face. Added that Mark get's injured quite often and his midcard title reigns were not great the confidence in him greatly diminished. Now he is a good worker and a GREAT ambassador for the WWE outside of the ring that he will continue to work as an agent later on.

R-Truth, is not young...he did have his first run in the WWF as K-quick back during the invasion angle. The only problem I can see with the WWE putting the title on the Suntan Superman, is that even in his run's in TNA with the title, they were quick and squashed by Jeff Jarrett so I can see why WWE would be hesitant to throw the title on him especially after Cena won it just recently and Cena is the bread winner so keeping the title on him is getting Money and Ratings.

MVP I think had the most potential into getting a World Title until right around his injury, which not only derailed his push but with the returns of other superstar's around that time just put him on the backburner.

Bobby would have won a World Title without a doubt but with problems with his GF and the WWE, he split before he could win it.

Right now and within the past 10-20 years there have not been black wrestler's with the exception of a few that really could draw the MONEY, the big bucks as a top level talent and really thats what boils down as the reason behind it all.

I do believe Ron Simmons would have won a WWF Championship if it had not been for the emergence of Stone Cold, Triple H, and The Rock at the time.
This post is all over the place but I have a million thoughts on this topic, so forgive me.

See here's the big thing, you can't compare Wrestling to other sports in terms of popularity because they aren't being "given" a championship, they are busting their asses all season to earn it. Oh and please don't forget Larry Bird, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Mike Bibby, Dirk Nowinski

I'm black and quite frankly I have this discussion with my friends (both white and black) all the time. It's something that will never die, like politics and religion. You will never get everyone to agree on this.

Yes, Khali was WHC. can he wrestle? He damn sure can't speak! Mark Henry is more agile in the ring and can do more than Khali, but so can Mason Ryan. Am I saying Khali shouldn't have been champ, no, but if you can give him the belt, there is no excuse for any other person regardless of race to not get a fair shot.

Batista was a nobody before he started working with HHH. HHH eventually gave Batista the rub. Kofi was mere inches from a rub and I was impressed with his program with Orton. For whatever reason theey decided against it.

I was sick of Truth's rapping gimmick and this conspiracy gimmick isn't any better.

Sure someone may be bland on the mic, but how can they get better if they don't have an opportunity to work at it?

And I just want to bring up Zack Ryder for a moment. He is taking a gimmick that was given to him and is making it his own and yet we never see him on tv. He get's massive amounts of hits on his youtube videos, and has a loyal following of fans but yet sometimes his signs get confiscated at the arenas and he's not getting any tv time.

Say what you will, but Vince will do what he thinks will make him money, and will give the belt to someone he feels will represent the company in the media and marketing.

Well the thing with Khali is that he was working against some of the Top Tier talent within the WWE for the title belt, and he is so over in his home country that it was a good idea to put the belt on him regardless of he was a heel or face because his home country was watching WWE...thus making money for the WWE.

I think with Kofi, it was Randy's not letting him up the ladder type deal. I liked the push but it was squashed pretty quickly.
It is about the MONEY, plain and simple. It is about who can pull in the ratings and who can sell the merchandise. Yes wrestling, ability and skill is all needed in the business and its how you get your foot into the door. Getting the top tier belts is all about who can bring in the MONEY. Now that is not always the case, mostly when it come's to heels like JBL/Swagger/Shamus...but what they had were guys who were coming after them like Cena/Eddie/HHH who could draw the MONEY and in the end that is what mattered. Now for me, I grew up during the 90's so my wrestling knowledge and experience only goes that far, I can not speak for the prior decades of wrestling.

But Mark Henry as a top level guy could never ever draw what the WWE would need as a heel or a face. Added that Mark get's injured quite often and his midcard title reigns were not great the confidence in him greatly diminished. Now he is a good worker and a GREAT ambassador for the WWE outside of the ring that he will continue to work as an agent later on.

R-Truth, is not young...he did have his first run in the WWF as K-quick back during the invasion angle. The only problem I can see with the WWE putting the title on the Suntan Superman, is that even in his run's in TNA with the title, they were quick and squashed by Jeff Jarrett so I can see why WWE would be hesitant to throw the title on him especially after Cena won it just recently and Cena is the bread winner so keeping the title on him is getting Money and Ratings.

MVP I think had the most potential into getting a World Title until right around his injury, which not only derailed his push but with the returns of other superstar's around that time just put him on the backburner.

Bobby would have won a World Title without a doubt but with problems with his GF and the WWE, he split before he could win it.

Right now and within the past 10-20 years there have not been black wrestler's with the exception of a few that really could draw the MONEY, the big bucks as a top level talent and really thats what boils down as the reason behind it all.

I do believe Ron Simmons would have won a WWF Championship if it had not been for the emergence of Stone Cold, Triple H, and The Rock at the time.

Why cant black guys draw money??? I guarantee you they can if given the chance , not every black could but alot of them can. I wanna ask a wwe writer this question because they are actually behind the scenes and know what goes on in Stamford at WWE headquarters. All of us are just debating this shit and most of the replies are bullshit. The money is always gonna be there and you know it. Jack Fucking Swagger was given the title and they didnt mind risking some disintrest because he the ALL AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN WHITE GUY.. KEY WORD=WHITE, SO lets give the dude the belt out of nowhere but OH GOD LETS NOT GIVE MARK HENRY THE WORLDS STRONGEST MAN a world title because we will lose money. BULLSHIT. they always come out on top. WWE wouldnt die and go away with a black champion.
Hey guys, let's settle this... This Mouthy Idiot guy comes in once in a while and posts these sort of random topic and never listens to anyone.. So its no point trying to argue or reason with him... His previous posts include

Undertaker is over-rated..

Chris jericho is a bad wrestler and a worse mic worker..

That should give you an idea about this guy... Leave the poor guy alone.. He has some mental issues...

MI.. My sympathies dude.. Hope you find a good enough doctor that will take away this feeling of being in limelight, even if it is by posting IDIOTIC topics...
i have also been thinking about the racism in WWE. Booker t won 5 world titles in WCW. He deserved 5 or 6 wwe world titles not just one. Shelton benjamin, Bobby Lashley and Mark henry all deserved world titles.
Why cant black guys draw money??? I guarantee you they can if given the chance , not every black could but alot of them can. I wanna ask a wwe writer this question because they are actually behind the scenes and know what goes on in Stamford at WWE headquarters. All of us are just debating this shit and most of the replies are bullshit. The money is always gonna be there and you know it. Jack Fucking Swagger was given the title and they didnt mind risking some disintrest because he the ALL AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN WHITE GUY.. KEY WORD=WHITE, SO lets give the dude the belt out of nowhere but OH GOD LETS NOT GIVE MARK HENRY THE WORLDS STRONGEST MAN a world title because we will lose money. BULLSHIT. they always come out on top. WWE wouldnt die and go away with a black champion.

You pretty much missed the entire point of my post and read what you wanted to read out of the post.

Let me ask you where is Jack Swagger now? He is in the midcard because he could not draw money and subjugated to being Cole's trainer. Why was he given a title shot in the first place? A) The WWE needed a new Heel at the top, Randy Orton was on the cusp on becoming a Face, HHH was gone, Jericho was leaving, Edge was hurt again, Big Show was taking some time off and a Face, Kennedy was gone B) He had a decent run as ECW champ C) He was young and with talent D) Rey Mysterio was chasing him for the Title belt...That Drew the money.

I am not saying that all black men cant draw money but Truth and Henry are past their time and with any indication of their past records...its highly unlikely they could draw as a heel or face with the title on them. Having someone like Cena/Orton/Undertaker chase for the belt yeah they probably would but why do it?

But here is my question to you...Why put a title on either guy Henry or Truth who are older both in their late 30's/early 40's and have not proven themselves in the past to draw money with a title? I mean why would you take a risk like that even with someone who can draw chasing them for the title. Let's put it this way, if they were 10 years younger then yes Vince could use them as Heel's to run with the Title belt.

Also lets not forget why they did not get a title shot in their prime...for Henry it was because of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and HHH. For the Truth it was because he was getting squashed in WCW and by Matt hardy during his original WWF run.

Before you rant about age...if they were selling merchandise and making money then Vince would put the title on them right now but since they are not Vince is going to invest in younger unproven talent because they have the time to get back to the Top with the right tools and push. Batista/Benoit/DDP/Eddie all those guys who won their first title at their older age is because they were hot and on fire getting all the money so they got the title. Plus they had the right heels putting them over.
The whole thing about Mark Henry being held back is nonsense. He doesn't get pushed because he's not over.

The real stars are the guys who get cheered or booed out of the building.

Corporate racism is giving someone something they don't deserve because of their race (affirmative action).
Hey guys, let's settle this... This Mouthy Idiot guy comes in once in a while and posts these sort of random topic and never listens to anyone.. So its no point trying to argue or reason with him... His previous posts include

Undertaker is over-rated..

Chris jericho is a bad wrestler and a worse mic worker..

That should give you an idea about this guy... Leave the poor guy alone.. He has some mental issues...

MI.. My sympathies dude.. Hope you find a good enough doctor that will take away this feeling of being in limelight, even if it is by posting IDIOTIC topics...

Past topics have nothing to do with this debate. If you cant seriously be mature enough to reply to the current post and you have to blast me because you didnt like a post I did about Undertaker then dont bother posting. Guys like you need help , you seriously waste your time trying to be clever and bash me when Im trying to contribute and talk about a serious issue in wwe history. Did you not read my posts tonight on this subject , I have been fighting for my life in here and standing behind my opinion. At least give me some respect and if you dont like , simply choose not to reply to this topic. Why single me out over something you didnt like in the past . I am not mental at all , and I believe you are mental and honestly kind of weird that you remember something I posted months ago. Get a life man. Or at least contribute to this TOPIC and stop bashing me.
i have also been thinking about the racism in WWE. Booker t won 5 world titles in WCW. He deserved 5 or 6 wwe world titles not just one. Shelton benjamin, Bobby Lashley and Mark henry all deserved world titles.

Simply put Booker T was a WCW made product, that right there put him down on the title winning totem pole. Had he "jumped ship" early and became a WWF guy he would have probably won more WWF/E titles but since he did not that hurt him when the whole acquisition happened.

Shelton Benjamin had the talent, make quite a stir when he first beat HHH and sold merchandise but his mic work was so bad I think that just turned the WWE off to pushing him further and I think his close association to Haas hurt him as well since Haas was bad mouthing the company.

Bobby Lashley was going to win the title but bailed before they could put the title on him.

Mark Henry just simply put had better competition ahead of him, was hurt too often and did not draw with the midcard belts.
there is a simple reason for why mark henry hasn't been world champion. he can't draw money. that's what it's all about for vince. no fans go to a wwe event thinking "i can't wait to see mark henry in action" that's just the way things are. hell, mark henry doesn't even have a t-shirt and that's only because there's nothing about him that creates good t-shirts or sells them. the miz has awesome, cena has hustle loyalty and respect, the rock has 500 catchphrases but all mark henry has is worlds strongest man which isn't even true and doesn't make good t-shirts. it has nothing to do with him being black
yeah to the OP this may be the dumbest thing i have ever read! have you seen smackdown or Raw recently? Mark Henry is being made to look like a complete badass! i dont even think he deserves it! is it cuz hes black? hell no! its cuz he sucks! and so does truth! i am not a racist! i love kofi kingston, farooq, dlo brown, ETC...... but your topic is just idiotic! sorry to say but this is the truth and nothing but the truth jimmy! PUN INTENDED!
I'm black and I can't logically imagine two blacks main eventing Wrestlemania, just because of the stigma WWE has set.

However I do think that the WWE hasn't really seen a talented and charismatic black as The Rock since...The Rock.

Kofi Kingston can hit big spots but he really isn't great on the mic. He'd be good as a Jeff Hardy replacement, that's all.

MVP was the closest thing we saw to a Rock-like charisma, but I believe he was held back by the TV-PG rating. If he was around in 2004-2006, and had different ring attire, then he would have flourished. and he was like 35 or something when he finally got a chance to shine. Giving him a run with the title wouldn't have been smart, it was too little, too late. Maybe he could have a decent little run against Mr. Kennedy but they wouldn't have really shined because Cena, Triple H, and Orton had RAW locked down, and Edge, Taker, and Batista controlled Smackdown. Shelton Benjamin had a similar situation.

Mark Henry is really where he's supposed to be. I mean I guess he could have been chosen over Big Show or Khali as the go-to big man when used for fodder to people like Batista and Cena, but...meh. He does deserve a run with the belt for being a consistent guy on the roster for the past 15 years.

David Otunga is really the only black dude who seems like he could be a legit contender in the future. He reminds me of The Rock, but knowing the WWE, they're gonna mess him up by keeping him with Nexus forever and not letting him touch the mic.

I'm black and I think R-Truth and Cryme Tyme were both gimmicks of coonery. The Rock, Booker T, and Mark Henry had decent/great careers. MVP was full of untouched potential, but that was because of his age, and the fact that Edge, Cena, Orton, and Batista were on top at the time. Shelton Benjamin had potential but wasn't good compared to Cena and co. Kofi Kingston and Otunga have bright futures.

So to be honest, the blacks that have come to the WWE have either not been good compared to the Cenas and Ortons, or just were placed in dumbass gimmicks. MVP was really the only wasted talent that came to my mind.

I remember they tried to push Kofi, he just wasn't ready for it. He's a good midcarder, but he botches finishes so bad in one match you could see Orton pissed off saying "you stupid motherfucker."

Anyways, I think what held MVP back wasn't age really or anything other than the fact that he went to prison. I mean reformed criminal or not, who wants a convicted felon being the face of their company?

As far as Otunga goes, the only thing he has is charisma. His mic skills aren't that great and his wrestling ability sucks. If he were to be a top of the card draw, they'd have to keep his matches short and have him speak more elegantly. This guy went to Harvard Law School, have him act like it.
going back to some other names that may or ma not have been mentioned.

* D-Lo Brown was pushed to the moon and heavily featured til he accidently paralyzed Darren Drozdhoff then they lost interest in him or he lost confidence..
* Papa Shango who was also Khama Mustafa, Kwang and The Godfather, went against the former World champion several times and bested him a few times as Papa Shango and against Bret Hart when he was IC champ, or did you not see that? he faced Ultimate Warrior for a whole fued. as Godfather/Khama Mustafa you can't say he wasn't heavily featured in the midcard scene while he was a full timer, he made a packet from pimp'n ho's nationwide though which is why he left wrestling.
* Big Dadd V/Viscera/King Mabel - enough said, he was just a fat slob, and was always booked as a huge threat.
* Elijah Burke - now that was a bit of a ball drop, but face it, he was too small for the main rosters World Title scenes, as a perenial upper mid carder he would've excelled though.
* Shelton Benjamin - once again, great talent, no personality, noone cares
* Bad News Brown - um earth to stupid guy, he was in the Hogan era, few people got a push back then, and he did feature in matches against an up and coming Bret Hart and Jake The Snake, but all he was was an angry face and a club to the back.
* Junk yard Dog, he was king of the Ring very briefly and was on the IC title hunt but he was a jobber plain and simple.
* Ahmed Johnson well he wasn't gonna get a world title due to the era he was in. but he was an upper mid card player and on the rise and a future star til he got internal injuries and had to quit wrestling.
Might add to that there are alot of "Black" people inducted in the HOF.
* Bobby Lashley, been said b4, he was getting a push, then he got injured and his girl was fired so he left. went to TNA and how did that work out?

Also remember there was also this perception that Vince hated Canadian wrestlers despite most of them having held the title atleast once and always been booked as excellence in ring and heavily featured, which is what they are or maybe it's that they make the American wrestlers look bad technically :)
I remember they tried to push Kofi, he just wasn't ready for it. He's a good midcarder, but he botches finishes so bad in one match you could see Orton pissed off saying "you stupid motherfucker."

Anyways, I think what held MVP back wasn't age really or anything other than the fact that he went to prison. I mean reformed criminal or not, who wants a convicted felon being the face of their company?

As far as Otunga goes, the only thing he has is charisma. His mic skills aren't that great and his wrestling ability sucks. If he were to be a top of the card draw, they'd have to keep his matches short and have him speak more elegantly. This guy went to Harvard Law School, have him act like it.

Booker T went to jail once but in MVP's case I think it has more to do with the fact that he go injured at a time when he was going to get his main event push and because of it he lost his spot to a returning Jeff Hardy, an up coming CM Punk, a heel return of was just a bad time and that hurt him to the point where he never recovered his spot.

The same can be said about Kennedy because of his injuries he lost his spot and run to the title. If it had not been for that he would still be with the WWE and a main eventer.

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