Mark Henry and other Black WWE stars being held back.

Hey man you just made my point for me... They were given those gimmicks by management because they are BLACK... You think those guys didnt want a John Cena style character , hell yes they did. They arent given the chance because WWE wants them to be black dudes with attitude. They cant just make a black man and all american hero type , they stereotype the guys as thugs and jamaicans and punks. Its all so obvious , coming from a black man as yourself im dissapointed in your Uncle Tom style behavior.

You must have a selective memory, no all american hero type?

- Tony Atlas
- Booker T was feuding with the Un-Americans
- Mark Henry has played the role as an American champion of the World's Strongest Man
- The Rock, even his t-shirt carries an American flag on it now
- Lashley was not a thug, then again I have no idea what he was suppose to be other than a babyface Lesnar.

The likes of:

- Kofi - he isn't American to begin with, so why would he be an all american hero type
- MVP - well known criminal, it had nothing to do withh him being black... it had everything to do with his life
- Cryme Tyme - So what... it was a gimmick mixed from Eddie's and Cena.

I don't get why people just look at black people and then totally ignore that white wrestlers have had the same gimmicks too. I couldn't care less about the colour of their skin, I doubt Vince cares either. I care about how they are in the ring, Vince cares about the profits they can make... so I don't see why skin colour has to be brought up its stupid and irrelevant.
Some of you are missing the bulletin points of my thread. I said Vince is "corporate racist" which means he only puts a white face as the champ of his product. I dont think Vince hates black dudes or calls them the N word or anything , im saying he does pin them down under the WWE white america product. John Cena and Randy Orton get like 20 world title runs between the 2 which is ******ed. Edge had how many and HHH got how many? Its stupid that the black athletes get stereotyped as bad attitude "Brothers" who have to be used as heels to please the white audience.

Mark Henry isnt even the best example out there , I just chose to use him as an example. I keep saying there are tons and tons of black guys I could start naming who came through the WWE and by god every one of them was held back or left the company and didnt get respect like WWE WORLD TITLE RUNS... And im sick of people saying the fans dont like Mark Henry and that he cant wrestler , I call that BS* because everybody knows the man with the belt whos scripted to get the belt ends up getting attention even if he canr wrestle great , like Cena and Hogan so dont give me that.

Hey man you just made my point for me... They were given those gimmicks by management because they are BLACK... You think those guys didnt want a John Cena style character , hell yes they did. They arent given the chance because WWE wants them to be black dudes with attitude. They cant just make a black man and all american hero type , they stereotype the guys as thugs and jamaicans and punks. Its all so obvious , coming from a black man as yourself im dissapointed in your Uncle Tom style behavior.

Blacks just aren't marketabile, get over it probably aren't, probably never will be. If you're so hung up on Blacks go watch sports such as NBA or MMA where Blacks have won titles.
What the hell do you guys consider a push???? Im talking WWE Heavyweight Title runs here. To hell with IC strap and U.S strap and tag belts and main event slots on rare occasions. We all know the World Champ represents the face of the company. And how many pure 100% black men have been the champ ... 1 guy.. Booker T and again they made him wear a silly crown and call himself "king Bookah"... You people who keep claiming the most popular guys the Title are PROVING MY POINT. Why arent the black guys more popular??? Alot of black people watch WWE and I guarantee they are more savvy about the product than most white kids in the crowd who do what they are told. The made R-Truth smoke and blow smoke on Morrison because Truth is black and the stereotype is that blacks smoke... Be honest with yourselves people and open your eyes....
so you people who are saying it's what everyone wants, you speak for all of us do you?
none of the "black" guys in the WWE at the moment are world title worthy, has nothing to do with them being black it has to do with them not being in the least bit entertaining.

Besides the fact you don't know what these people are like professionaly. they may be asses who don't give a shit about working to better themselves for all you know.
Seems Mark Henry and Shelton Benjamin were on that path, both just coasting along

- Shelton Benjamin was a great "wrestler" but that's all he was, he had no charisma PERIOD
- Ron Simmons would've been world champ but he was past his prime by the time the attitude era was over which was build around Austin
- Mark Henry is a useless hack, he has nothing going for him other then looking imposing
- R-Truth is a nobody period, he has no redeeming value until his recent heel turn
- Ezekial Jackson, see the same thing as Mark Henry though he atleast has more promise.
They don't draw. hence they don't get pushed. Blame the fans for being racist if that's what you want to do not WWE specifically. How many Black guys were in TNA/WCW at all, and those that were got a push? answer maybe 2 in the last 20yrs. So are they even more racist them WWE?

Cryme Tyme got dumped because Shad Gasparin got the sack for attacking a referee (in fun).

The Rock and Booker T both got pushed to the moon and back. Why? because they were a huge draw.

It's all about the money, if you don't like it, don't watch. or pour thousands of dollars into R-Truth merchandise on a regular basis and he'll get a title run, they won't be able to deny that
I don't see them as being black, that's your perception. People like Shelton Benjamin were really quick to pull their race card, but it was simply that he had no charisma, even if his ring work was superb.

You think R-truth should be a world champion, I think R-truth shouldn't be working professionally. If you want to look at racism, check your other sports. Notice the color ratio in hockey or basketball, then tell me wrestling is racist.
Name one black star in the WWE who has the mic skills and wrestling skills to be on top?

There are none. If there was one , they would be in the hunt just like every other person in the company.

R Truth is playing the crazy black guy , and playing it well. Which is why he was in the main event and got a good push. Does anyone wanna see R truth as the face of the company? The normal mic skills just arent there , esp as a face.

Booker T was a prime example of knowing how to work and being great on the mic. Thats why he is a 6 time champ

Shelton was a great wrestler but awful on the mic.

Kofi is botch galore and cant talk at all on the mic.

Mark henry is being a good heel right now, but who would ever buy a ticket to go see mark henry? Lets be honest.

Its not WWEs fault that a black wrestler with both of those COMBINED isnt in the company.

Theres not WWE being racist. Thats just how it is right now. Wrestling , or anything in that matter shouldnt be based on race. It should be based on talent.
What the hell do you guys consider a push???? Im talking WWE Heavyweight Title runs here. To hell with IC strap and U.S strap and tag belts and main event slots on rare occasions. We all know the World Champ represents the face of the company. And how many pure 100% black men have been the champ ... 1 guy.. Booker T and again they made him wear a silly crown and call himself "king Bookah"... You people who keep claiming the most popular guys the Title are PROVING MY POINT. Why arent the black guys more popular??? Alot of black people watch WWE and I guarantee they are more savvy about the product than most white kids in the crowd who do what they are told. The made R-Truth smoke and blow smoke on Morrison because Truth is black and the stereotype is that blacks smoke... Be honest with yourselves people and open your eyes....

You are going to make more enemies then friend son here if you continue with your ranting. Black guys aren't Marketable. Its that simple, Alot of black people watch WWE but the majority of the audience is mostly white. Also you're now starting to sound racist by saying "and I guarantee they are more savvy about the product than most white kids in the crowd who do what they are told" You coming off as a black supremacist.
What the hell do you guys consider a push???? Im talking WWE Heavyweight Title runs here. To hell with IC strap and U.S strap and tag belts and main event slots on rare occasions. We all know the World Champ represents the face of the company. And how many pure 100% black men have been the champ ... 1 guy.. Booker T and again they made him wear a silly crown and call himself "king Bookah"... You people who keep claiming the most popular guys the Title are PROVING MY POINT. Why arent the black guys more popular??? Alot of black people watch WWE and I guarantee they are more savvy about the product than most white kids in the crowd who do what they are told. The made R-Truth smoke and blow smoke on Morrison because Truth is black and the stereotype is that blacks smoke... Be honest with yourselves people and open your eyes....

Pretty sure this guy is just trollin', but still I just have to ask this: When was smoking a racial stereotype? That's news to me. I thought people of all races smoked. Damn, I must get out more.
What the hell do you guys consider a push???? Im talking WWE Heavyweight Title runs here. To hell with IC strap and U.S strap and tag belts and main event slots on rare occasions. We all know the World Champ represents the face of the company. And how many pure 100% black men have been the champ ... 1 guy.. Booker T and again they made him wear a silly crown and call himself "king Bookah"... You people who keep claiming the most popular guys the Title are PROVING MY POINT. Why arent the black guys more popular??? Alot of black people watch WWE and I guarantee they are more savvy about the product than most white kids in the crowd who do what they are told. The made R-Truth smoke and blow smoke on Morrison because Truth is black and the stereotype is that blacks smoke... Be honest with yourselves people and open your eyes....

Wait what? Blacks smoking is a stereotype? Since when? The stereotype is that black folks smoke menthols dude and hell, Truth lit up a Malboro Light! If you're going to try to pull the race card, at least get the stereotypes right. Also, Truth may be the worst wrestler to ever get a World Title shot in the year 2011. He's already accomplished enough.

You're still stupid. No black guys have all the world title reigns because There haven't been any who draw enough to do so. That's really the only reason you need. If you think that they need to push black stars just to appease idiots like you that think a business with the intention to make money has to be fair to everyone, then it's just a good thing that you aren't in the ear of any corporation. They'd be flat on their asses.
I love how whenever this topic is brought up everyone attacks the poster and says his argument holds no merit and the topic is irrelevant. Yet WZ Forums can have 157 topics dedicated to CM Punk's best 6 minutes ever or Zack Ryder's YouTube show, or the lack of respect for the Bournes, Christians, and Daniel Bryans of the world.

1) While I feel that black wrestlers are not prominently pushed by WWE, I don't feel they're 'held back'. Now before the R-Truth/Henry rebuttals fly in when I say prominently pushed I use it in this term. Jack Swagger= transitional champion/failed experiment, Sheamus= HHH's buddy, transitional champion, failed experiment who landed safely in the mid-card and can recover. Christian= Edge's little buddy, WWE Veteran, really a transitional champion, now a SD! main-eventer.

But do you honestly believe you will see WWE place the Wordl/WWE title on a black man as an "experiment" (Swagger), sudden transition to guage reaction (Sheamus), a thank you for your service (Kane/Christian/Rey's 2nd run)? R-Truth would've been the closest any black man has been to the WWE Title SINCE THE ROCK! Booker T was World Champion (the 2nd main title). Isn't that at least odd?

Yes Mark Henry and R-Truth are being used more often now, but it not believable that they will wear either major title. People complain that Cena/Miz/Swagger/Sheamus were given titles and "forced down our throats", will we ever get that complaint about a black man? Doubt it.

2) I see WWE ( & even TNA) as NASCAR right now. I want to see a black driver (champion), but those that are available just aren't 'trusted' with the big seat. So unless a team owner (or Vince) decides to just fuck it and try it, they can always justify why they're not trying it. NASCAR can blame sponsors and the like, Vince can hide behind his "I listen to the fans" excuse.

Shelton was the best prospect in basically the last decade, but a few unmotivated matches early killed him forever. No recovery possible. Yet Rob Van Dam, while also a high spotter, wrestled stiff, lazy, and unmotivated all the way to the WWE Title. Kofi Kingston gets the "botcher" tag, when we've had Van Dam and Jeff Hardy hold not the World (secondary main title) but the WWE Championship, the company's representative. It comes across as odd, that the reasons that a few are not given the chance are easily overlooked when it came to someone else. Fans react to Kofi and Shelton put on great matches more than his mediocre ones. But they for some reason "didn't deserve it".

3) The Rock ruined it for everyone else. As a WWE Superstar he surpassed everyone's expectation and became arguably one of the Top 5 talents of all-time. As a Black WWE Superstar...easily number one by a long shot, number 2 probably not born yet. Serena Williams is lucky she is close in age with Venus, because that shadow could've been way bigger. There will never be a black golfer as good as Tiger Woods, IMO, because that golf shoe is too big to fill. Its too hard to try.

So for a black wrestler to become WWE Champion, the stigma is you need to be The Rock, or at least on his level. You must be head and shoulders above not only every black wrestler on the roster, but every wrestler on the roster. A qualification not needed for white wreslters since the turnover is constant. Booker T? His WWE run with the Word Title came when the Eddie G rub to Rey Rey was wearing off and they needed to transition the title to Batista. While I'm not complaining, he was basically right place/right time. Any heel could've had that spot but he was entertaining with the King thing.

4) While I feel it is a valid argument, unfortunatley right now isn't the best spot to have it. Only because out of the entire 'black' roster Truth/Kofi/Zeke Jackson have IMO a legitamite claim to a "deserverd oppurtunity". R-Truth can work a mic and a match, Kofi can impress in the ring/has fan reaction so he can easily "fluke" a win and prove himself (ala Miz). Zeke looks like he could beat anyone at anytime so he can "Sheamus" his way to a MAIN BELT.

To conclude, in WWE's history the only black main event champions have been The Rock and Booker T. That shows that whether justified or not, there is a MAJOR immbalance. Hogan was suppose to job to Bad News Brown, but he politicked out of it. Ahmed Johnson was set up next but injury halted that.

After The Rock, Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjiman was the next hope, but Lashley was too into his girlfriend and screwed himself while Shelton paid his WWE career for the mistakes he might've made in his first single run. Cryme Tyme had crowd reaction, a "rub" from Cena being his boys and all, and still no tag title. Don't give me the "can't put together a match" argument because its not like Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade was tearing the house down.

I think its time for WWE to take the initiative and TRY a black champion. R-Truth as a heel could easily carry the belt for a few months and transition it back to Cena in time for WMainia season. Have Big Zeke win a breakout battle royal and prove himself fopr the World Title. There will never be a black champion until Vince or Trips has the balls to crown a black champion.
Wait what? Blacks smoking is a stereotype? Since when? The stereotype is that black folks smoke menthols dude and hell, Truth lit up a Malboro Light! If you're going to try to pull the race card, at least get the stereotypes right. Also, Truth may be the worst wrestler to ever get a World Title shot in the year 2011. He's already accomplished enough.

You're still stupid. No black guys have all the world title reigns because There haven't been any who draw enough to do so. That's really the only reason you need. If you think that they need to push black stars just to appease idiots like you that think a business with the intention to make money has to be fair to everyone, then it's just a good thing that you aren't in the ear of any corporation. They'd be flat on their asses.

What I am saying is that black men get reps for being smokers, and drug abusers and can you imagine John Cena blowing smoke on another wrestler like that? It was at least stereotypical if not racist. And everybody keeps saying that black guys arent marketable and cant draw, THATS RACIST RIGHT THERE... Its like your saying they cant draw money or lead a company because they are black. What is wrong with you guys on here??? Its all about the writing team saying hey lets give this guy a push and have him be an all american healthy company guy and put the belt on him. Lets do this for say someone like kofi or Mark or Ezekiel . Its all about them just writing it into the script , its a male soap opera REMEMBER even Vince says that. Its real simple , any man can draw and be the champ if they script it correctly.
Mouthy Idiot might not put it out in the most elegant way but he raises a reasonable point. Take a look at the people who have received a run and you'll see that there is a hesitancy by WWE to push black performers in any meaningful way.

Shelton Benjamin - a mainstay of the MITB, but never won it. He can't speak on the mike. Granted. Neither could Batista, Khali, Swagger and these three were champions and they can't work like Benjamin could.

Elijah Burke and MVP - can work and talk they never even saw a main event match and were released because creative couldn't find anything for them to do. I don't buy it.

Cryme Time - very popular as a tag team and they can't even win the belt once so Big Show with Miz and Jericho can hold the belts when they didn't even need them.

There are others but these are the ones that are most glaring to me. I'm not saying push the black performers because they are black, I'm saying that performers who are popular with audience who are black still can't get a push. That's what's so infuriating to me.
What I am saying is that black men get reps for being smokers, and drug abusers and can you imagine John Cena blowing smoke on another wrestler like that? It was at least stereotypical if not racist. And everybody keeps saying that black guys arent marketable and cant draw, THATS RACIST RIGHT THERE... Its like your saying they cant draw money or lead a company because they are black. What is wrong with you guys on here??? Its all about the writing team saying hey lets give this guy a push and have him be an all american healthy company guy and put the belt on him. Lets do this for say someone like kofi or Mark or Ezekiel . Its all about them just writing it into the script , its a male soap opera REMEMBER even Vince says that. Its real simple , any man can draw and be the champ if they script it correctly.

You're starting to annoy me. We're not saying Black guys can't draw because they're black BUT THE AUDIENCE doesn't want to see Black Guys, Blame the people not the company. Not every man can draw, You can push him and book him as much as you want. If Cena turned heel, you can make him into the best wrestler in the world, but if the fans aren't feeling it he wont draw.
What I am saying is that black men get reps for being smokers, and drug abusers and can you imagine John Cena blowing smoke on another wrestler like that? It was at least stereotypical if not racist.

You're trying to make it racist when it isn't. Smoking and doing drugs aren't stereotypes of black men, smoking menthol cigarettes and smoking Crack are. Just like shooting Heroin, dropping Acid, and smoking Meth are white stereotypes. There is literally nothing stereotypical about Truth's character and you're really starting to come off as ignorant for insinuating that there is.

And everybody keeps saying that black guys arent marketable and cant draw, THATS RACIST RIGHT THERE...

Come on man, don't be that guy. There is a difference between racial and racist. Saying that black men aren't marketable to a predominantly white audience is not racist. Racist is a word with a literal definition and it is not up to you to interpret it.

Its like your saying they cant draw money or lead a company because they are black. What is wrong with you guys on here??

Not going to lie, there are a LOT of dummys here. But it's hard to argue when you have the evidence right in front of you. The Rock is the only proven big time draw of African American descent. That is a fact.

Its all about the writing team saying hey lets give this guy a push and have him be an all american healthy company guy and put the belt on him. Lets do this for say someone like kofi or Mark or Ezekiel . Its all about them just writing it into the script , its a male soap opera REMEMBER even Vince says that. Its real simple , any man can draw and be the champ if they script it correctly.

And you once again show that you are clueless. No one becomes a star just because they put their creative weight behind someone. Look at Randy Orton. How long did they try to make him a big deal before it worked? Then look at Cena. They gave him a silly Rapper gimmick and he and he alone turned it into gold. The wrestler gets over and then becomes the top draw, not the other way around. By the way, Zeke isn't even American. Also, they tried their damndest to get Mark Henry to be a star, they've tried for a decade now. Nobody cares about Mark Henry, end of story.
What the hell do you guys consider a push???? Im talking WWE Heavyweight Title runs here. To hell with IC strap and U.S strap and tag belts and main event slots on rare occasions. We all know the World Champ represents the face of the company. And how many pure 100% black men have been the champ ... 1 guy.. Booker T and again they made him wear a silly crown and call himself "king Bookah"... You people who keep claiming the most popular guys the Title are PROVING MY POINT. Why arent the black guys more popular??? Alot of black people watch WWE and I guarantee they are more savvy about the product than most white kids in the crowd who do what they are told. The made R-Truth smoke and blow smoke on Morrison because Truth is black and the stereotype is that blacks smoke... Be honest with yourselves people and open your eyes....

you keep mentioning "king bookah" but that was apart of his push. He was king of the ring THEN became world champ.
What I am saying is that black men get reps for being smokers, and drug abusers and can you imagine John Cena blowing smoke on another wrestler like that? It was at least stereotypical if not racist. And everybody keeps saying that black guys arent marketable and cant draw, THATS RACIST RIGHT THERE... Its like your saying they cant draw money or lead a company because they are black. What is wrong with you guys on here??? Its all about the writing team saying hey lets give this guy a push and have him be an all american healthy company guy and put the belt on him. Lets do this for say someone like kofi or Mark or Ezekiel . Its all about them just writing it into the script , its a male soap opera REMEMBER even Vince says that. Its real simple , any man can draw and be the champ if they script it correctly.

So explain this:

That's clearly a white man blowing smoke in the face of a white man, wheres the black stereotype in that.... thats right you're just an idiot.

As for the second comment, no it is not racist at all. Those in the WWE are not marketable to be the top dog simple as. Booker T and The Rock were marketable and so where at the top or near it. Just like Cena is at the top and Kidd will never will be. The likes of Henry etc, if they were white they still wouldn't be marketable at all.
God, this thread is very stupid.
What I am saying is that black men get reps for being smokers, and drug abusers and can you imagine John Cena blowing smoke on another wrestler like that?
Well, no. But I can't imagine Kofi Kingston doing it either.
It was at least stereotypical if not racist.
You're the one making it stereotypical.
And everybody keeps saying that black guys arent marketable and cant draw, THATS RACIST RIGHT THERE...
Why yes it is. But who says that? Every African American so far has yet to draw as much as John Cena or Hulk Hogan with the exception of The Rock.
Its like your saying they cant draw money or lead a company because they are black.
Horse shit.
What is wrong with you guys on here???
What's wrong with you?
Its all about the writing team saying hey lets give this guy a push and have him be an all American healthy company guy and put the belt on him. Lets do this for say someone like kofi or Mark or Ezekiel.
All of these Superstars are currently in one hell of a push. Ezekiel Jackson just won the Intercontinental Championship. Mark Henry is being a beast on Smackdown while Kofi just lost the United States Championship. What the hell do you classify as a push? Get over yourself.
Its all about them just writing it into the script , its a male soap opera REMEMBER even Vince says that.
Irrelevant but whatever...
Its real simple , any man can draw and be the champ if they script it correctly.
Hey look, more horse shit. This is the dumbest statement ever typed on these forums. Jack Swagger was booked to be a draw; sadly he failed as the top dog on Smackdown. There are countless of failed attempts to push someone but the push is stopped because they aren't over or a draw. Just because you’re booked to the top doesn't mean you will draw well.
You're trying to make it racist when it isn't. Smoking and doing drugs aren't stereotypes of black men, smoking menthol cigarettes and smoking Crack are. Just like shooting Heroin, dropping Acid, and smoking Meth are white stereotypes. There is literally nothing stereotypical about Truth's character and you're really starting to come off as ignorant for insinuating that there is.

Come on man, don't be that guy. There is a difference between racial and racist. Saying that black men aren't marketable to a predominantly white audience is not racist. Racist is a word with a literal definition and it is not up to you to interpret it.

Not going to lie, there are a LOT of dummys here. But it's hard to argue when you have the evidence right in front of you. The Rock is the only proven big time draw of African American descent. That is a fact.

And you once again show that you are clueless. No one becomes a star just because they put their creative weight behind someone. Look at Randy Orton. How long did they try to make him a big deal before it worked? Then look at Cena. They gave him a silly Rapper gimmick and he and he alone turned it into gold. The wrestler gets over and then becomes the top draw, not the other way around. By the way, Zeke isn't even American. Also, they tried their damndest to get Mark Henry to be a star, they've tried for a decade now. Nobody cares about Mark Henry, end of story.

Look I am only trying to point out some things that seem to be swept under the rug by most people. Forget the drug references , maybe I should have just left that alone and out of the topic , but it did merit some mention after the Truth segment with the smoking. Also you do make a point that the white audience isnt going to get behind the black star BUT>>> I dont think they are given the chance to really get behind them. Forget the guys currently in WWE , what about all the black performers who werent given a shot in the WWE at all> Or the guys like someone said Elijah Burke he was damn good and they fucked him over.

Your basis is that black guys dont make themselves into stars when they get the chance and I disagree. Its about being truly backed by the company and given the freedom to shine and they honestly havent done that with black performers. Plus stop comparing the white FUTURE HALL OF FAME snobs like Orton and Cena , they are asskissers. I promise you right now , there is a stigma with a black male in the WWE and its driven by the corporate snobs who dont want a black man leading the company. The whole point really is that many black guys are not signed by the WWE to begin with so they never have the chance.
you keep mentioning "king bookah" but that was apart of his push. He was king of the ring THEN became world champ.

Booker T was Booker T his whole career and in order for him to get the WWE title they had to make him this goofy clown king bookah character, I think it was because they wanted the whiye audience to laugh at him. They just coudlnt let a black man be taken serious as champ.
Booker T was Booker T his whole career and in order for him to get the WWE title they had to make him this goofy clown king bookah character, I think it was because they wanted the whiye audience to laugh at him. They just coudlnt let a black man be taken serious as champ.

Well considering he beat Batista thats good enough but Booker T is a funny guy and is stereotyping himself currently on the announce table. Hell if you want to talk about a company being racist, what about TNA?
enough with the racial profiling! judge each by their overall performance...

with the exceptions of R-Truth & Mark Henry's recent pushes, as well as Booker, Rock & Lashley, how many black superstars have legitimately earned that spot with their performances in the ring and out?
Here we go again. Why does this pop up every other month. I could moan abou why WWE doesn't push any British Wrestlers? I mean, Barret is being wasted right now. British Bulldog never got his chance. D.H Smith is only half English, but still, WWE does nothing with him. Steve Lewington got dumped with a crap gimmick then kicked out of ECW.

That statement above is not my feelings, but its just an example of how its ALWAYS the fucking race card being played.

Heres a thing. How about a Black guy with a package full of talent actually comes in.

Mark Henry is about as entertaining as algae.

He has such bland mic skills, and its obvious to anyone with a brain why hes not been a WWE champion, and this theme is similar with many Black WWE wrestlers

Bobby Lashley was being pushed...big time...then because WWE fired his no talent girlfriend he got all pissy. Even though he wasnt *that* good in ring, he had a good look is all.

R-Truth is getting a push atm. Is he WWE title material...i dont think so in my opinion. His character when he turned heel was interesting at first, but its fizzleing out. Maybe its not his fault. But hes average in ring, and average on the mic. Most people will see this and say im nuts and all that, but its true. He rambles about total shite in 90% of his promos. Its not that hard to do.

Ezikiel Jackson. Dont make me laugh. sooner they release this tool of a wrestler the better. Bland in ring, Bland on mic.

Kofi Kingston is a good midcarder. Nothing more. He is decent and entertaining in ring but has little charisma. He isnt very believable in promos. He didnt impress me a few years ago with Orton, coupled with a small frame/look, i dont think hes going to the top anytime soon.

JTG is decent, but thats all, decent. You dont look at him and think future star. You see midcarder. Enhancement talent. Theres just nothing special about him.

Shelton Benjamin had all the promise, great in the ring but again, bland on the stick.

Elijah Burke is the only Black guy i saw any promise in really. Shame he got released.

See. The only one out of those that have the whole package. Good look, Good Mic skills, Good in ring ability is Burke.

I'll probably be called racist now because in todays society, you need to say what is "politically correct" and not what is the blatent effing truth. But the majority of black wrestlers that have ever been in the WWE have been mediocre at very best. Booker T, The Rock and Faarooq aside.

Now onto some other things said

Then explain to me why guys like Jack Swagger , Sheamus , The miz , Kane and others got title runs when they werent relevant at the time.. Miz was built up slowly so maybe he deserved it but swagger and sheamus and other big stiff white guys got WORLD TITLE RUNS. Guys like Kofi and soooo many others never get those chances....

Because mr Mouthy, Kane is a veterern, His run was well overdue, but the main reason is, WWE wanted to run a large program with Undertaker at the time, and it was a decently interesting program. Much better than the last few they had done.

Jack Swagger was being built for the future. His title run wasnt THAT bad, just out of the blue and made no sense. If a Black guy had this, then you'd be up in arms that a black guy got such a shabby title run.

Sheamus is quality. It was obvious he was going to win the WWE title. His first run was obviously a test to see if he could pull it off, while it didnt last long, it impressed enough to warrent a second and far more credible and successful title run. Like it or not, Sheamus was one of the best last year. He won over a lot of people with his work ethic, Not just in wwe, but fans aswell. And a lot of the IWC. i remember people totally bashing him when he first won the title, and i stuck up for him, then 6 months later, everyone was seeing things from my point of view.

The Miz...well, while i don't like him, others do, and thats obvious. Not just the IWC, but live crowds aswell. The Miz has something about him, while his in ring ability is still IMO rubbish, he does have a tremendous talent on the mic...and thats coming from someone who really doesn't like him.

And Kofi...well...see what i wrote above about him. Kofi cannot match up to those guys in terms of looks (Kane and Sheamus) Wrestling Ability (Swagger) Or Mic Skills (Miz)

I did forget about Booker T , you are right on that one but at the same time , he was kind of used in a comical "king Bookah" manner which didnt really make him seem serious. And again look at the % of black men who get title runs compared to white guys and brown even. Eddie and Rey and Khali and others were given title runs and only 2 black men can be considered former WWE WORLD CHAMP. Booker T and The Rock.. The numbers just dont add up to me. Again I dont wanna have to start naming all the black men who have been held back , and believe me theres a long list..

Comical or not, he still was the top heel and was fantastic at his role. And because of that, he got given the title. He deserved it. And to be honest, can you really have Booker T as a credible bad ass angry heel? He wasnt taken seriously back in 2004 when he turned heel, everyone just saw spinaroonie or humour in his promos. Thats his legacy, and theres nothing wrong with that.

The fact he was Black and in a comdey role holds no argument. Santino, Christian, Edge Lance Storm, Owen Hart, Val Venis, John Tenta have all been in comedic roles and all are Canadian


Some of you are missing the bulletin points of my thread. I said Vince is "corporate racist" which means he only puts a white face as the champ of his product.

No, only arguably the biggest star they have ever had in The Rock. Good argument mate

John Cena and Randy Orton get like 20 world title runs between the 2 which is ******ed. Edge had how many and HHH got how many? Its stupid that the black athletes get stereotyped as bad attitude "Brothers" who have to be used as heels to please the white audience.

1 of which is an amazingly popular John Cena, the other 3 are 3 of the best heels the WWE has ever seen.

Mark Henry isnt even the best example out there , I just chose to use him as an example. I keep saying there are tons and tons of black guys I could start naming who came through the WWE and by god every one of them was held back or left the company and didnt get respect like WWE WORLD TITLE RUNS...

There are tons and tons of white guys who never got restpect or world title runs. Those fucking racists.

And im sick of people saying the fans dont like Mark Henry and that he cant wrestler , I call that BS* because everybody knows the man with the belt whos scripted to get the belt ends up getting attention even if he canr wrestle great , like Cena and Hogan so dont give me that.

Difference is, Hogan had charisma, Cena has...Charisma.

Mark Henry has....Not sure what it is, but if you even think it comes close to Cena or Hogan, son, s'wrong wit chu

Why arent the black guys more popular??? Alot of black people watch WWE and I guarantee they are more savvy about the product than most white kids in the crowd who do what they are told. The made R-Truth smoke and blow smoke on Morrison because Truth is black and the stereotype is that blacks smoke... Be honest with yourselves people and open your eyes...

Whitey likes to keep Tha Maaan down

And actually, theres a big thing in England about smoking in a public building. Its illegal. I didnt see it as OH LOOK, THE BLACK GUYS SMOKING. i Saw it as what it was meant to be. Illegal shock value. And it worked, because i was there and someone shouted out near me HA HES SMOKING, ARREST HIM!

Only you are viewing it like you are.

What I am saying is that black men get reps for being smokers, and drug abusers and can you imagine John Cena blowing smoke on another wrestler like that? It was at least stereotypical if not racist. And everybody keeps saying that black guys arent marketable and cant draw, THATS RACIST RIGHT THERE... Its like your saying they cant draw money or lead a company because they are black. What is wrong with you guys on here??? Its all about the writing team saying hey lets give this guy a push and have him be an all american healthy company guy and put the belt on him. Lets do this for say someone like kofi or Mark or Ezekiel . Its all about them just writing it into the script , its a male soap opera REMEMBER even Vince says that. Its real simple , any man can draw and be the champ if they script it correctly.

Because NOT ONE BLACK GUY in the WWE at the monent has the skills to be a face of the company. They need to oozes charisma. Or be So good in the ring that its not even funny. They need to be something awesomely special

Faces of the company in my lifetime
Hulk Hogan - Oozing charisma
Bret Hart - One of the best in ring wrestlers ever
HBK - Both of the above
Stone Cold - Oozed charisma, good in the ring and had the exact attitude that society wanted
The Rock - Oozed Charisma
John Cena - Oozes charisma.

Thats why you wont ever see Ezekiel, Kofi, or Mark Henry as a face of the company.

Booker T was Booker T his whole career and in order for him to get the WWE title they had to make him this goofy clown king bookah character, I think it was because they wanted the whiye audience to laugh at him. They just coudlnt let a black man be taken serious as champ.

No, it was because he wasnt a marketable face world champion, just like Christian isnt, Just like Jericho isnt. So they turned him heel, he done a great job and got hated as King Booker, and so they rewarded him with the title.

At the end of the day, you seem to be speaking the wonderful language that is known as Bollocks. You have done nothing but come out with utter crap
Booker T was Booker T his whole career and in order for him to get the WWE title they had to make him this goofy clown king bookah character, I think it was because they wanted the whiye audience to laugh at him. They just coudlnt let a black man be taken serious as champ.

To be fair, everyone looks ridiculous when they don the "King of King Of The Ring" gimmick. Observe:


And that's just one example. The king gimmick don't mean shit but to entertain the fans, whether they are portraying the bad guy or not. Booker T took the gimmick and ran with it. Are you saying you'd be more comfortable if a white guy was playing the goofy king gimmick cause...he's white?

That's racist.
Vince is in love with The Rock because he is a cash cow. He is even screwing over a white wrestler (CM Punk) for him. Vince cares about money.

Honestly most of current black wrestlers are garbage. Vince is doing them a favor just keeping them in the wwe. Mark Henry sucks in the ring and he is getting a nice push. R-Truth is getting pushed too, and he is okay.

Booker T had everything you are looking for from a world champion. And he became one and had a great career.

Kofi is really the only one that has potential to one day win the wwe title. Problem with him is he is boring on the mic. Plus his matches always seem to be filled with botches. I dont think you can trust him.

Alicia Fox won the WWE divas championship.
It's not about what color they are it's about entertaining the fans. Looks to me like Mark Henry, R Truth, Kofi have it pretty good right now in WWE. So stop with the race crap

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