Live Discussion: Super Bowl XLII

Im not completely familiar with all of the rules but if a guy is down by contact you can't try and rip it out of his arms. Cause I saw Harrison try and do that after the Miraculous escape and catch.

I believe the play is dead at that point. Players do a lot of illegal things the refs ignore.
Im not completely familiar with all of the rules but if a guy is down by contact you can't try and rip it out of his arms. Cause I saw Harrison try and do that after the Miraculous escape and catch.

I did not know you were able to challenge a refs call like Belicheck did. The game was not poorly reffed. They both got calls, both were close in yds, and so forth. If the guy is down by contact he is down though.

I dunno, but it seems to me that the refs. let a lot of things go. I keep reading here that the Giants did a lot of illegal things that were not called. What about all the face masks the Patriots did?

IMO it was a well officiated game. Even calls, and nothing was too lopsided.
I need to stop betting money on the Super Bowl! Last year I bet $20 on the Bears, and lost. Now this year, I felt more confident and bet $50 on the "sure to win" Patriots, and again lost. Damn NFL, they made me lose $70 in the last two SB's.
Well if you want to know the truth, Eli is better cause NFL creative decided that he would be a better draw than Big Ben, LOL:rolleyes:

they did draw a pretty high rating... 95 million viewers... Pretty impressive... the WWE should recruit Eli Manning and slap the WWE title on him :lmao:

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