Live Discussion: Super Bowl XLII

Saying that the NFL is fake is totally ridiculous. Might as well call the NHL fake too cause the Red Wings are so far ahead... Give me a break. Giants won the game not planned out. So don't be a sore loser, face that the Giants were the better team. They almost beat them the 1st game and now they beat them the 2nd time. It was a good game so there's no reason to freak out about it. Manning led that team all throughout the post season with just one turnover.
how, prove that Statement? the Steelers heated up at the end of the Season, the Colts defense came around in the playoffs, and Eli Manning got some passing lessons. Hand picked, please back that up

I already pointed out where the problems were, and did the same last year with the Colts. I am not the only one who is calling rigged, I have talked to vikings fans who agree. Watch the games and see all the blown calls. One that comes to mind is the d-Pass interference call in the endzone in last years AFC title games the refs ignored, even the announcers thought it was interference. And why did the pats go for it on 4th when they were in field goal range? Hmmmmm, not like them at all.
Where is XFEAR everyone? He is the biggest Patriots supporter in the land and has been talking trash all year long. Tood bad. I actually wanted the Patriots to win. It would have been nice to see a perfect season. Now the downfall begins. That was probably their last chance realistically because everyone will be gunning for them. They wont be feared, they will be targeted. Thats the way it goes. That was a great game tho! Giants did a great job!
I already pointed out where the problems were, and did the same last year with the Colts. I am not the only one who is calling rigged, I have talked to vikings fans who agree. Watch the games and see all the blown calls. One that comes to mind is the d-Pass interference call in the endzone in last years AFC title games the refs ignored, even the announcers thought it was interference. And why did the pats go for it on 4th when they were in field goal range? Hmmmmm, not like them at all.

Viking fans? they're real reliable when they havent been to a SB since the 70's/ Belicheck and the Pats went for the first down because kicking on that side is kind of hard. The refs blow calls, but some come to mind, and i can name 15 holding calls when the Steelers lost to the Jags but i dont call the NFL rigged.. Yeah ask Tyree, that was a planned catch from the beginning. Manning eludes several rushers, throws a wobbling duck and it still gets caught

O yeah, the announcers don't miss calls, they're only standing in a booth, on the highest part of the field (sometimes in the center half way up) Face it, they lost, got beat fair and square, if the game was rigged, Brady would have screwed up... calling the NFL rigged is Lawlz worthy
how did you back it up? By opinions from Television announcers, and Vikes fan... real facts :rolleyes:

O yeah, the same Pau Gasol who gets manhandled by Tim Duncan every time they play?

Wait until the SPurs get healthy.... Timmy, Parker, and Manu.. Force to be reckon with

I backed it up by pointing out where the pats got cheated.
I backed it up by pointing out where the pats got cheated.

Gasol never had a good team around him, when Bynum comes back he will have some help in the paint.

how did they get cheated? Because those blown holding calls tell me something different.

They take away the Giants biggest offensive threat, and still lose.. Doesn't sound rigged IMO... and for being rigged, about last year. Dungy, called a perfect blitz, and got to him, and Bray happened to over throw :rolleyes:
I dunno, but it seems to me that the refs. let a lot of things go. I keep reading here that the Giants did a lot of illegal things that were not called. What about all the face masks the Patriots did?
Im not completely familiar with all of the rules but if a guy is down by contact you can't try and rip it out of his arms. Cause I saw Harrison try and do that after the Miraculous escape and catch.

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