Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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ortab us giving it, what the hell does trips wana defend the belt every five minutes or something?
I still see HHH pulling out a shovel from under the ring and lamping Orton with it for the 10 count the show then ends with HHH posing with the belt with his music blasting out. perfect!!
Is it just me, or is it that whenever wwe generates a new top-face, people end up hating them more than the top-heel?
no its just you, the reason we hate him is because he went over ortan clean and quick undoing months of pushing and shoving looool
no wait for it its trips baby daughter she pedigrees ortan and steals the belt, my god her egos bigger then hunters
Ouch. Orton crashing through a table.

Not really. He slid across the top, then it collapsed. Orton sells anyway.

He's up at 9!
ok it seems this is getting good ortan is beating the crap out of hunter!!!
Triple H wins... then Val Venis comes out of nowhere and attacks him, thus creating some new badass gimmick for Val Venis. Then Vince comes out and says he gives the fans what they want, and they wanted to see Venis as champion. So he is personally endorsing Val Venis and helping him... setting up an Vince/Venis alliance hahaha
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