Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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HHH could also be ecw champion but he wouldnt want it 2 be it anyway because he doesnt like 2 support developmental talent

wait he slaps cm punk in the face and pins him with the poke of doom we have a new ecw champ,

JR but i thought you didnt want to support the developmental system

Trips i just need more gold around my waist i wana be like mr t i pity the fool who doesnt like he!!
JR: "The match will continue until one man is unable to answer a ten count"

If recent WWE is to be followed, it will continue until both men are counted down. Just like every LMS match WWE have done since the draft. Even Trips was counted down for 10 at Royal Rumble 2004.

The only man not to be counted down?

John Cena.
This just in!

SaveUs_222 videos were for HHH's new reign as champion!

Surely, HHH is the SAVIOR of Raw with Cena's injury! NO_MERCY3 is clearly a reference to his 3 title matches in one night!


those started playing those promos before cena's injury
i call him the wwes version of r kelly, hes peed all over the title and peed all over the prestige and build up of ortan as a killer heel
Triple H wins... the lights go down... and we hear a single word...


And the show goes off the air
they didnt even get a DAMN moment in tonight - WWE really are slacking!!

Whats your betting whos going over here HHH or Orton? :D lol I suspect mcmahon interference either way.
Orton RKO's HHH off the top of the Punjabi Prison.

HHH gets up on 2. He could have gotten up on 1, but he stopped on one knee to sign an autograph.
everyone here those Santino chants?

I dont the crowd is in shock because they just got ripped off.
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