Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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So, you have Matt Hardy, once of the most over stars on Smackdown, and MVP, one of the most talented stars in the COMPANY, and instead of having them break up the tag team that noone cares about, and having them to a BookerT-Benoit "Best of Seven Series" or something for the IC Title, you have them throw a football, shoot hoops, do pushups, and eat pizza.

And you wonder why your company lost Hogan, Flair, Nash, Hall, Hart, Luger, Savage, Warrior, ect ect ect (every single big name you had basically), loses people like Angle and RVD and Christian to TNA and you couldnt buy out Samoa Joe with more money than God.

oh yeah that was cos of matt and MVP...and it's no the IC belt beefcake it's the US title
its a hell of a barbeque, the best feud we had on raw, and what did creative do, have triple h piss all over it, man this is the stupidest thing ive ever seen, i just want to go over there and beat the crap out of the writer that came up with this ahhh

So stop watching WWE. Watch how the ratings WON'T go down.
I do see orton getting involved but HHH losing?..............................................................................nope.
Hell IN A Cell - HHH vs Orton...maybe add in umaNga too

WHT - Stone Cold Stone Cold Stone Cold....i think JR needs to commentate that match
thats another disaster waiting to happen why not have triple h come in and win that belt too then we can have him go over to ecw and fuck that brand up, man this is the most angriest i have ever been, i sat through every shitty week and they did this
To all the folks who are disappointed by the WWE Title change... yeah, Orton has been built up for a long while, against Cena.

6 days ago the year-long world champ gets injuried out of the blue and we get 6 days to figure out wtf to do...

Seems like they did a pretty decent job considering the situation. Trips is a legit champ, and Orton's last reign wasn't much to brag about.

Just simple common sense... go with the only real legit champ on the roster.

Triple H using the name "The King of Kings" is still something I find insulting and blasphemous, being a born again Christian.
Vince said history will be made so...

Ok Orton is awarded the title, then 15 minutes later HHH takes it from him. Orton and McMahon screw HHH out of the title, Umaga is the champ. Finally Umaga will defend the WWE title to....Y2J! Jericho pins Umaga and we have a new WWE Champion. 4 world title changes in one night = history.
Agrex that would be a great ending but this is WWE NOT WWF so you have to use logic and realise this will NOT happen ;).
Triple H using the name "The King of Kings" is still something I find insulting and blasphemous, being a born again Christian.

me too, and im not even that religious. i dont know why he thought he should start calling himself that a few years ago, what an idiot
Vince said history will be made so...

Ok Orton is awarded the title, then 15 minutes later HHH takes it from him. Orton and McMahon screw HHH out of the title, Umaga is the champ. Finally Umaga will defend the WWE title to....Y2J! Jericho pins Umaga and we have a new WWE Champion. 4 world title changes in one night = history.

As long as Triple H isnt WWE Champion & Jericho wins it then im all for it, Even if it just shits on the entire lineage of the title its worth it!
its not that, The IWC has now made HHH its next victim. :) :)

Whatever. The IWC makes up about 200,000 people. If all those people stop watching would that affect WWE? No.

You all begged for Y2J to come back tonight. Is it gonna happen? No. Shows that Vince doesn't care. I think he knows a thing or two on how to run a business, seeing as how he makes around 50 million dollars a year (profit alone).
Triple H kicked right in the mush. Then Umaga drops his ass onto Triple H's chest. Some people would pay good money for that.
If Umaga were to win the title tonight, it would be even worse. Why not just do that from the beginning. If Umaga were to win, then you have 3 title changes in one night, making everything that we as fans sat through for 13 months look meaningless. That's how you depreciate a title.
So stop watching WWE. Watch how the ratings WON'T go down.

hey listen, ive been watching them for over 20 years, ive been wrestling, training to be in the wwe, now i can take crap from them but come one this was really bad, they screwed up with the title change ortan was a lygi challenger i dont like the dude personally but they built the guy up for crying out loud, this is like the r kelly law suit, people will forgive the guy for peeing on a 15 year old coz hes r kelly, theyll forgive triple h for making the power play coz hes triple h, he peed all over ortan and any credibility he had
It only just occurred to me what else is damn stupid about this. Vince gave the shot to HHH. They just completely ignored the last couple of weeks of building the rivalry. You know what they should have done, Vince should have told HHH to fuck off.
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