Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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Ewww. Matt just vomited on MVP. That's nasty.

JBL: "I never through up on Faroouq" (Or however you used to spell Ron Simmons)
OMG i feel sorry for the New Hart Foundation if they end up on RAW, No doubt Triple H & Shawn will want to bury the fuck out of them!
LOL the women were there for no reason except to look at and the highlight of it all was for matt to throw up on MVP what the fuck LOL!! and this PPV!!!
its a wast of a title reign a pure waste man simple as why the hell did they build ortan up to have him job out like that????

The math is easy

HHH + giving the sausage to the head of creative and storylines= easy title
OMG. First it's with the Cena hate, now its with HHH.

simple as i respect triple h's abilities but come on winning a title like that man that shows that creative have no damn idea, they should have just let ortan run with the belt or put it up in a battle royal and kept him strong not job him out
i will not buy a pay per view with the exception of maybe rumble and mania....more than likely i will not buy one until Cena returns
You will pick: The stipulations for the WWE Title match (No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere or Hell In A Cell) and the ref for the world title match (JBL, Mick Foley or "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)
So, you have Matt Hardy, once of the most over stars on Smackdown, and MVP, one of the most talented stars in the COMPANY, and instead of having them break up the tag team that noone cares about, and having them to a BookerT-Benoit "Best of Seven Series" or something for the IC Title, you have them throw a football, shoot hoops, do pushups, and eat pizza.

And you wonder why your company lost Hogan, Flair, Nash, Hall, Hart, Luger, Savage, Warrior, ect ect ect (every single big name you had basically), loses people like Angle and RVD and Christian to TNA and you couldnt buy out Samoa Joe with more money than God.
The math is easy

HHH + giving the sausage to the head of creative and storylines= easy title

its a hell of a barbeque, the best feud we had on raw, and what did creative do, have triple h piss all over it, man this is the stupidest thing ive ever seen, i just want to go over there and beat the crap out of the writer that came up with this ahhh
Not sure. It just announced that:

You will pick: The stipulations for the WWE Title match (No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere or Hell In A Cell) and the ref for the world title match (JBL, Mick Foley or "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)

My guess: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho.

The fact that the Umaga/Triple H match is on only 1 hour 15 minutes into the PPV suggests to me that Y2J is still a slim possibility.
To all the folks who are disappointed by the WWE Title change... yeah, Orton has been built up for a long while, against Cena.

6 days ago the year-long world champ gets injuried out of the blue and we get 6 days to figure out wtf to do...

Seems like they did a pretty decent job considering the situation. Trips is a legit champ, and Orton's last reign wasn't much to brag about.

Just simple common sense... go with the only real legit champ on the roster.
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