Kurt Angle Arrested For DWI

Oh by the way, here is the link that everybody has been beating me up for tonight... THIS PROVES EVERYTHING THAT I WAS SAYING! However, people on here keep beating me up and they just refuse to acknowledge this report. It is okay, I will keep on keeping on...


Okay, this proves absolutely nothing but that you are a complete idiot. First off, the report comes from a fan and is not a direct report from an officer that was on the scene as to what Kurt and blown or not. Another thing, if Kurt was still under the legal limit and passed the breathalyzer, he wouldnt have been jailed would he, unless they simply arrested him because he broke his 1 year probation for getting his dui back in March, which would be understandable. But either way even if it was under the legal limit, I don't where you have your information from but it is illegal to drink and drive at anytime. That is why when they pull you over they ask if you have had anything to drink and if you answer yes they ask you to get out of the car and give you a breathalyzer and you usually go to jail. They don't say oh your under the legal limit so sure get back in your car and drive. Kurt Angle is a piece of crap and is an embarrassment.
Please just go away dude! I really am tired of having the discussions with you. Just find some 16 year old to fuck with and move on, okay...

I have read all of your posts and I made this account to to say wow dude are you kidding:banghead: your showing everyone on this post that your a dumbass, I mean dude your trying to Defend a guy who has had not 1 but 2 Dui's I mean wtf is wrong with you. The guy has serious problems and of all the ******ed facts that you can throw at us your just an idiot who thinks drinking and driving is excusable because guess what people have gotten killed by other people who were buzzed not drunk but buzzed so check your self idiot.

P.S. The cops wouldn't take him to jail if he was not Drunk dip shit:p[/QUOTE]

The first thing that you need to do is get some kind of grasp on the English language... Check your spelling and puntcuation.

Secondly, if you read the reports, and the link that I posted then I seriously don't know how you (or anyone else) could argue with me. Just because Kurt has gotten in trouble with this kind of thing before DOES NOT MEAN HE IS GUILTY HERE!!!

"I am just an idiot who thinks drinking and driving is excusable", you say? I have lost 2 close friends to drunk drivers over the years. Drunk driving is NOT ACCEPTABLE! However, ALL OF THE EVIDENCE SUPPORTS THE FACT THE KURT ANGLE WAS NOT DRIVING DRUNK! So your statement is NOT applicable.

Try again!!!
Okay, this proves absolutely nothing but that you are a complete idiot. First off, the report comes from a fan and is not a direct report from an officer that was on the scene as to what Kurt and blown or not. Another thing, if Kurt was still under the legal limit and passed the breathalyzer, he wouldnt have been jailed would he, unless they simply arrested him because he broke his 1 year probation for getting his dui back in March, which would be understandable. But either way even if it was under the legal limit, I don't where you have your information from but it is illegal to drink and drive at anytime. That is why when they pull you over they ask if you have had anything to drink and if you answer yes they ask you to get out of the car and give you a breathalyzer and you usually go to jail. They don't say oh your under the legal limit so sure get back in your car and drive. Kurt Angle is a piece of crap and is an embarrassment.

Did you read the LAST SENTENCE in that link I posted? That same story had been backed up by TWO OTHER PEOPLE WHO HAD SENT IN EMAILS! That means that there are three witnesses who back up the same story. What more do you want? Now Kurt's lawyer is filing a "not guilty" plea stating that "my client never blew over the legal limit".

As much as everybody hates it on here, this is NOT going the way that they want it to go. The evidence simply does not back up everyone else's hate speech.

By the way genius, The legal limit of 0.08 (that is the legal limit in most states) is a limit that is set in place so that you are not allowed to go over that said limit and operate a motor vehicle. The cops can STILL USE THEIR OWN DISCRETION IN THE SITUATION. However, it does not mean that you cannot drink and drive! If your logic is correct, then we need to keep cops posted at EVERY APPLEBEE'S, RED LOBSTER, & OLIVE GARDEN SO WE CAN PUT EVERYONE WHO'S HAD A GLASS OF WINE WITH THEIR MEAL IN JAIL! Seriously? Get a grip!

The report indicates that because Angle was TEXTING (and therefore weaving a couple of times), and because he blew a 0.06 that the cop used his discretion and took him in.

Once again, try harder...
Did you read the LAST SENTENCE in that link I posted? That same story had been backed up by TWO OTHER PEOPLE WHO HAD SENT IN EMAILS! That means that there are three witnesses who back up the same story. What more do you want? Now Kurt's lawyer is filing a "not guilty" plea stating that "my client never blew over the legal limit".

As much as everybody hates it on here, this is NOT going the way that they want it to go. The evidence simply does not back up everyone else's hate speech.

By the way genius, The legal limit of 0.08 (that is the legal limit in most states) is a limit that is set in place so that you are not allowed to go over that said limit and operate a motor vehicle. The cops can STILL USE THEIR OWN DISCRETION IN THE SITUATION. However, it does not mean that you cannot drink and drive! If your logic is correct, then we need to keep cops posted at EVERY APPLEBEE'S, RED LOBSTER, & OLIVE GARDEN SO WE CAN PUT EVERYONE WHO'S HAD A GLASS OF WINE WITH THEIR MEAL IN JAIL! Seriously? Get a grip!

The report indicates that because Angle was TEXTING (and therefore weaving a couple of times), and because he blew a 0.06 that the cop used his discretion and took him in.

Once again, try harder...
Again there has not been a report by an actual officer on the scene just these witnessed that what Kurt blew or didn't blow. But unless they found something on him, which is very possible, and it just hasn't been reported yet, then they wouldn't have decided to arrest him, cuz either way just because your not legally drunk you have alcohol in your system so that is why he was drunk. And this is even worse since he was leaving a TNA event when the arrest happened.
I, for one, am not surprised by these events. Kurt Angle is an addict and needs help. Sadly, TNA seems to have no interest in getting help for their staff when clearly it's needed.
Now, I just read that Kurt believes that he is being framed for his DUI arrest. Really Kurt, you should probably just learn to shut the fuck up because you are getting dumber and dumber by the second. I really doubt the reason why you were arrested was because the cops had it in for you. No, they probably arrested you for several reasons, you violated your 1 year probation for your arrest back in March, for while not being legally drunk, having been drinking while driving, or the fact that you were swerving your car, supposedly because you were texting. All those are very valid reasons while you would be arrested.
Yes, so now we just need Sting to be charged with something or arrested and Sting may fully join to exclusive club of main eventers formed by Angle and Hardy :)

Is angle being serious with him going to the upcoming Olympics? Should be you clean going there?
Now, I just read that Kurt believes that he is being framed for his DUI arrest. Really Kurt, you should probably just learn to shut the fuck up because you are getting dumber and dumber by the second.

I have read this also and agree with what you said. Kurt Angle is the guy who said that he is trying out with UFC while Dana White has also said otherwise. Kurt is becoming an excessive liar. I believe that there is no bigger disrespect to the fans than lying to us. Matt Hardy lied to his fans (And got a DUI, the irony!) and he has since lost all connections to permanent work in the 'business'. I dont know why Kurt feels the need to constantly lie but I bet Kurt is A) not going to be training for the olympics, B) Was really DUI, and C) Is absolutely dependent on his work with TNA.
I just love how everyone assumes that the entire story from TMZ is true... Of course if you guys were celebrities and a story of your arrest was all over the media (whether you were guilty or not) I'm sure you'd feel differently.

It's easy to take shots at Angle even though you know NOTHING of what really happened. Listen, I don't know what happened either, none of us have any idea because we weren't there.

To call for his suspension or termination is simasininenine at this point... I guess in your world it's "guilty until proven innocent"... Fortunately that's not how America works...
As we can see double standers are very much true in TNA, arrested more then one time, pretty much need just as much help as Matt Hardy, but is being protected by TNA. This just makes TNA looks really bad, they keep high profile stars around even if they get in trouble big time. While I can now say, TNA work place is shit, if you're a big enough star, you can get away with anything.
As we can see double standers are very much true in TNA, arrested more then one time, pretty much need just as much help as Matt Hardy, but is being protected by TNA. This just makes TNA looks really bad, they keep high profile stars around even if they get in trouble big time. While I can now say, TNA work place is shit, if you're a big enough star, you can get away with anything.

The thing is, Kurt Angle shows up to shows everywhere he is asked to show up. Matt Hardy no showed events thats why he was suspended and then instead of shutting up he is also on youtube or Twitter and then wrecked his car. Angle goes to Twitter also and yes was arrested on DUI , but at least he shows up to wrestle. See you can do anything in your private life, as long as you show up ready to work. Is it fair? No, but thats life. Did Angle screw up in a live PPV? No, Jeff Hardy did but he will be back on tv because he sells merch. Again is this fair? Hell no, but welcome to life my friend.
The sad thing is I hope this isn't the next Scott Hall. One of the best wrestlers in the world that let his life spiral out of control. For years WWE and WCW turned a blind eye to Halls problems and many others. Unfortunately I don't believe TNA will do a thing about this.

Thank all of you so much for all of the HATE SPEECH THROWN MY WAY! All of you dumbass who felt the need to presume Kurt's guilt and throw me under the bus as well. We are all now just a little bit DUMBER for having read all of these STUPID posts on here...

I was right, and almost everyone else on this thread was FLAT OUT WRONG! I know that I won't get any "I'm sorry's" from anyone, but that is okay. Feels good to to vilified...

Check out this link!!!


Thank all of you so much for all of the HATE SPEECH THROWN MY WAY! All of you dumbass who felt the need to presume Kurt's guilt and throw me under the bus as well. We are all now just a little bit DUMBER for having read all of these STUPID posts on here...

I was right, and almost everyone else on this thread was FLAT OUT WRONG! I know that I won't get any "I'm sorry's" from anyone, but that is okay. Feels good to to vilified...

Check out this link!!!


It still doesn't mean he wasn't on something else pal. Just because he wasn't DRUNK doesn't mean he wasn't on something.

Here's a perfectly legit thing that could happen: Kurt has a few beers (not enough to be over the limit), takes a muscle relaxer or smokes a joint or something and he is impaired for that. The point is Kurt didn't get pulled over for no reason, there was obviously something going on with the guy. Just because he was below the legal limit doesn't mean he wasn't impaired, those are 2 completely different things.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter, Kurt gets off scot free without any repercussions, he has had too many run ins with the law to be clean of all charges he has gotten in the last 4 years.
It still doesn't mean he wasn't on something else pal. Just because he wasn't DRUNK doesn't mean he wasn't on something.

Here's a perfectly legit thing that could happen: Kurt has a few beers (not enough to be over the limit), takes a muscle relaxer or smokes a joint or something and he is impaired for that. The point is Kurt didn't get pulled over for no reason, there was obviously something going on with the guy. Just because he was below the legal limit doesn't mean he wasn't impaired, those are 2 completely different things.

This was never the argument! Everyone said that Kurt was a drunk! NOBODY SAID ANYTHING OTHERWISE!

Now that things haven't played out the way that you wanted them to you are grasping at straws... It is okay to say, "you know what dude, I was wrong". You will feel better. Just try it...
This was never the argument! Everyone said that Kurt was a drunk! NOBODY SAID ANYTHING OTHERWISE!

Now that things haven't played out the way that you wanted them to you are grasping at straws... It is okay to say, "you know what dude, I was wrong". You will feel better. Just try it...

It's a well known fact that Kurt has been a pill popper for many years of his career, even Kurt has admitted this so my statement could very well be accurate, where I'm from if cops see you swerving they automatically think you are drunk unless they find something in the car to prove otherwise.

Also you think myself or anyone else on this board WANTS to be right about Kurt Angle, well the fact is I don't. Why would ANYONE want Kurt Angle to be a drunk and mess up his life. I would like nothing more than to find out that Kurt is a clean and standup guy but the FACT is I know better.

Facts are facts and Kurt has had many personal problems in the past, a lot of these issues have found himself behind bars more than once and NOT ONCE has he ever been held accountable for his actions. You act like this is the first time its happened but if this happens as much as it has logic is gonna tell you something is going on with him. It's not about being right or wrong or what a newspaper said, its about facts.

If Kurt was such a standup guy why was he swerving so much (something that IS fact)? Why has he been arrested for this before? Why has he been called out many times by many people in the business?

Its possible the cops assumed he was drunk for swerving and arrested him without checking for anything else, I've seen it happen before A LOT. With Kurts past I don't think its much of a stretch to think that.

You sound like every person who defended Matt and Jeff Hardy for all those years and as much as people like you defended him, you eventually found out that they WERE in fact fuck ups and they DID in fact need help. Kurt's in the same boat and unless someone does something about it the FACT is Kurt is gonna end up a complete wreck or dead. It sucks but its how it goes.
It's a well known fact that Kurt has been a pill popper for many years of his career, even Kurt has admitted this so my statement could very well be accurate, where I'm from if cops see you swerving they automatically think you are drunk unless they find something in the car to prove otherwise.

Also you think myself or anyone else on this board WANTS to be right about Kurt Angle, well the fact is I don't. Why would ANYONE want Kurt Angle to be a drunk and mess up his life. I would like nothing more than to find out that Kurt is a clean and standup guy but the FACT is I know better.

Facts are facts and Kurt has had many personal problems in the past, a lot of these issues have found himself behind bars more than once and NOT ONCE has he ever been held accountable for his actions. You act like this is the first time its happened but if this happens as much as it has logic is gonna tell you something is going on with him. It's not about being right or wrong or what a newspaper said, its about facts.

If Kurt was such a standup guy why was he swerving so much (something that IS fact)? Why has he been arrested for this before? Why has he been called out many times by many people in the business?

Its possible the cops assumed he was drunk for swerving and arrested him without checking for anything else, I've seen it happen before A LOT. With Kurts past I don't think its much of a stretch to think that.

You sound like every person who defended Matt and Jeff Hardy for all those years and as much as people like you defended him, you eventually found out that they WERE in fact fuck ups and they DID in fact need help. Kurt's in the same boat and unless someone does something about it the FACT is Kurt is gonna end up a complete wreck or dead. It sucks but its how it goes.

Dude, I understand what you are saying... I also said that MOST people on here wanted to have Kurt fired or suspended without knowing if he was guilty or not... So that doesn't necessarily mean you.

I think that EVERYONE on here just ignored the INITIAL REPORT! They WANTED Kurt to "pay" for something. For example, a lot of WWE marks don't like the fact that he doesn't work there anymore. So anything that Kurt does is automatically shit in their eyes.

The initial report (that was backed up by 3 witnesses) said that Kurt only blew a 0.06 and the reason why he "swerved" a couple of times was because he was sending a couple of text messages.

I took this initial report and said "Hey, c'mon guys... can we not presume guilt when there are reports out there backed up by 3 witnesses like this?"

As it turns out, the reports were RIGHT and everyone just rushed to judgment. 3 different people backed those reports up, but ALMOST EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD DIDN'T WANT TO BELIEVE THEM!!!

If you were one of the people who didn't rush to judgment, then good for you. If that is the case, then nothing that I said was applicable to you. You are a stand up guy with sound judgment.

If you are not... then just read my earlier post again.
Dude, I understand what you are saying... I also said that MOST people on here wanted to have Kurt fired or suspended without knowing if he was guilty or not... So that doesn't necessarily mean you.

I think that EVERYONE on here just ignored the INITIAL REPORT! They WANTED Kurt to "pay" for something. For example, a lot of WWE marks don't like the fact that he doesn't work there anymore. So anything that Kurt does is automatically shit in their eyes.

The initial report (that was backed up by 3 witnesses) said that Kurt only blew a 0.06 and the reason why he "swerved" a couple of times was because he was sending a couple of text messages.

I took this initial report and said "Hey, c'mon guys... can we not presume guilt when there are reports out there backed up by 3 witnesses like this?"

As it turns out, the reports were RIGHT and everyone just rushed to judgment. 3 different people backed those reports up, but ALMOST EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD DIDN'T WANT TO BELIEVE THEM!!!

If you were one of the people who didn't rush to judgment, then good for you. If that is the case, then nothing that I said was applicable to you. You are a stand up guy with sound judgment.

If you are not... then just read my earlier post again.

I agree its not right to crucify someone without getting the initial facts straight. My initial post said not to fire or suspend him but personally I think that the guy needs help, too much has happened in the past to make me think its ok and I truly believe that it could end up bad for him if he stays on the road.

No reason to fire a person without facts but all in all I truly believe he needs some help.

I may also be wrong here (and this is completely on a side note) but in Calgary it's illegal to text and drive at the same time. I'm not American so I don't know the laws. Either way its a moot point as texting and drinking and driving are 2 different things.

All in all I think the guy needs help and maybe giving him a few months off to get his life together would be beneficial for him and TNA all around because either was its giving TNA some un-needed bad press.

Even if you were right and everyone else was wrong you can't really blame them for thinking that with Kurt's past. I do agree its wrong to jump to conclusions though, I will give you that.
I agree its not right to crucify someone without getting the initial facts straight. My initial post said not to fire or suspend him but personally I think that the guy needs help, too much has happened in the past to make me think its ok and I truly believe that it could end up bad for him if he stays on the road.

No reason to fire a person without facts but all in all I truly believe he needs some help.

I may also be wrong here (and this is completely on a side note) but in Calgary it's illegal to text and drive at the same time. I'm not American so I don't know the laws. Either way its a moot point as texting and drinking and driving are 2 different things.

All in all I think the guy needs help and maybe giving him a few months off to get his life together would be beneficial for him and TNA all around because either was its giving TNA some un-needed bad press.

Even if you were right and everyone else was wrong you can't really blame them for thinking that with Kurt's past. I do agree its wrong to jump to conclusions though, I will give you that.

It depends on what state you live in as to whether or not texting and driving is illegal... I am not sure about Virginia's law.

I TOTALLY AGREE with you that Kurt probably needs a little time off to get his shit straight.

However, that was never the argument in this thread. People in here were arguing about whether he should be suspended or fired for drinking and driving. I just simply made my statement about the initial reports and how everyone was overreacting. Then all of this HATE SPEECH came my way.

If people were like "I don't know whether Kurt is guilty or drinking & driving in this particular case, but I do think he needs some time off to get his shit together", then I probably never would have even posted anything on this thread.

I just have a problem with people making STUPID statements. That is why I got involved.

Props to ya dude, and a green rep as well...
Wrestling superstar Kurt Angle says his blood alcohol level was WAY under the legal limit when he was arrested for drunk driving this weekend ... and now TMZ has a police document that seems to back up his story.

We've obtained the Certificate of Blood Alcohol Analysis ... issued by the State of Virginia ... which shows Kurt's B.A.C. was .06 at the time of his arrest. The legal limit in VA is .08.

The TNA Wrestling champ has released a statement on the matter ... saying, "I did not believe my driving behavior was reckless or otherwise improper."

He adds, "I fully cooperated with the officer who clearly recognized me while performing his standard procedures. Subsequent to the stop, I was asked to submit to a breathalyzer test and passed. I do not believe that I broke any laws and will be entering a plea of not guilty in response to any pending charges."

As TMZ previously reported, cops pulled over Angle's car after receiving a tip from another motorist ... who claimed the wrestler was driving erratically.

Angle explains, "I was returning from an iMPACT Wrestling show in an unfamiliar place, late at night and was trying to find the exit for my hotel."

His -> Document

Now, let's see how many people actually find a way to run around a "I was wrong" and want Kurt suspended still.

Again, there was never a confirmation that he was drunk officially and the truth comes out now. Just like how Heath Slater is wrestling and walking around while a rape assault charge is against him that isn't even proven to be true, I don't see anyone wanting him fired or suspended. So, why all of a sudden Kurt should be? Innocent before proven guilty.

Matt Hardy was obviously drunk that he crashed into a tree. There is no getting around that on top of the fact he was suspended by TNA which is why he was fired.

Again, Desmond Wolfe & Magnus were suspended for violating the wellness poilcy which is why they never got their title shot against the Motor City Machine Guns which eventually led to Wolfe finding out he was carrying the Hep virus.

The nonsense TNA does not have a policy or suspended people is ridiculous when they have done it. The difference is, they hardly have anybody to suspended and when they do it, happens at unfortunate times.
Why is everyone so stupid?

On March 25, 2011 Kurt Angle was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and failed a sobriety test. He’s on a ONE YEAR PROBATION. So, who gives a shit whether he actually failed the sobriety test or not? They had a valid reason to stop him and test him, he’s a previous offender. Not only that, but who said they arrested him for FAILING the test? The fact he was driving after having been drinking, and his test was close to the limit, may be in violation of his PROBATION.

It hasn’t even been half a year into his probation and the moron is drinking and driving again. That’s FACT.
It still doesn't mean he wasn't on something else pal. Just because he wasn't DRUNK doesn't mean he wasn't on something.

Here's a perfectly legit thing that could happen: Kurt has a few beers (not enough to be over the limit), takes a muscle relaxer or smokes a joint or something and he is impaired for that. The point is Kurt didn't get pulled over for no reason, there was obviously something going on with the guy. Just because he was below the legal limit doesn't mean he wasn't impaired, those are 2 completely different things.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter, Kurt gets off scot free without any repercussions, he has had too many run ins with the law to be clean of all charges he has gotten in the last 4 years.

Yes, because YOU have personal knowledge of the situation, right???:rolleyes:

Listen, none of us know what happened, but like anyone else arrested in this country, the presumption of innocence is a right... So maybe you should just quit while you're behind, pal..:wacko:
How many people are going to keep backing up and being behind this guy after he continues to ruin himself. He has a certain detach from reality that is embarrassing, he's got the substance abuse issues, and he's not all there. He is cleary careless of other people's lives, and he's just not doing anything good for the company, and the wrestling business as a whole.

TNA don't seem they care anymore, they are deprived of human decency. No Wellness Policy, continue to employ superstars that are cleary not doing anything good for the better of the company, and until they get some brains, will never have a snowball chance of hell of being even a slight competition to the WWE. First it's Jeff, than Matt, now Kurt. Who's next, RVD? Steiner? And yet, all them besides Matt (for obvious reasons) will not get even the slightest bit of punishment. It's a sad state of affairs.

What ever more sad is the fact that Angle is slowly destroying his life, and himself. He has no chance of getting even tested by the Olympic Committee, will never grow up, and will be deprives of human decency until it's all over. The guys a mess, and he needs help.

But, he won't get it, TNA won't punish him, and life will go on as we know it. I got an idea for Kurt's family, how about call up Vince McMahon for rehab? TNA could certainly care less.

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