Jeff Hardy is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion; Angle to Retire?

Now I was very happy that Jeff won, for a few reasons. The first one and most important that Jeff is my favourite wrestler of all time so it isn't bad when your favourite wrestler is champ is it? The second is that it was very surprising and that just makes it even better. The third is that with TNA putting the title on Hardy they must be pretty sure that Hardy isn't going to be sent downl. There is many other reasons but I'm not going to say them all because I don't want to bore you all.
Y'know now that I think about it, there are quite a few similarities between what TNA and WWE are doing now. Mainly that they are both using an invasion/takeover angle as their main storylines. A part of me can't help but think that TNA turning Hardy heel was a message to WWE more or less saying that they aren't afraid of turning arguably their biggest face into a heel which is what WWE seems to be juggling right now with Cena.
Y'know now that I think about it, there are quite a few similarities between what TNA and WWE are doing now. Mainly that they are both using an invasion/takeover angle as their main storylines. A part of me can't help but think that TNA turning Hardy heel was a message to WWE more or less saying that they aren't afraid of turning arguably their biggest face into a heel which is what WWE seems to be juggling right now with Cena.

That's what I thought as well. Besides, regardless of who is a WWE mark or TNA fan or whatever. Now, this storyline is nearly mainstream.

So if WWE did a similar scenario with Cena and Nexus, it wouldn't have the same effect now.

It's like TNA has been beating WWE to the punch. I hope it's not on purpose however.
It's like TNA has been beating WWE to the punch. I hope it's not on purpose however.

Thing is, TNA should be trying it's hardest to separate themselves from WWE, yet they keep lowering themselves to the same level. Yes, the wrestling is at a much higher level then WWE but in wrestling, you're nothing but an indie promotion until you have writers. TNA's writers suck. Let's face it. They're nothing more than a bunch of ex-WWE/WCW guys who want to bring back what worked for them 10-15 years ago and that WON'T WORK. I don't care if Jeff Hardy becomes the biggest heel in wrestling, it's been done before and that's all I see.

TNA's fans are educated. They are smart. They aren't a bunch of kids who weren't around to see or know what the NWO was. TNA fans saw what I saw, and they felt the same thing that I did.

NWO Deja-vu.
Thing is, TNA should be trying it's hardest to separate themselves from WWE, yet they keep lowering themselves to the same level. Yes, the wrestling is at a much higher level then WWE but in wrestling, you're nothing but an indie promotion until you have writers. TNA's writers suck. Let's face it. They're nothing more than a bunch of ex-WWE/WCW guys who want to bring back what worked for them 10-15 years ago and that WON'T WORK. I don't care if Jeff Hardy becomes the biggest heel in wrestling, it's been done before and that's all I see.

TNA's fans are educated. They are smart. They aren't a bunch of kids who weren't around to see or know what the NWO was. TNA fans saw what I saw, and they felt the same thing that I did.

NWO Deja-vu.

I stopped right there. So, bringing back what worked for them 10-15 years ago won't work than why is WWE having Kane/Taker feuds? Nexus/Cena rehash of the NWO? Why is Kane, Jack Swagger and CM Punk rehashing what Edge did to get him over? Why is Del Rio/Mysterio feud booked the exact way of a Guerrero/Mysterio feud?

Your kids theory is not a good justifying reason.

And TNA fans are smart? :lmao: They don't even understand how Hardy is a heel and it's a simple.
Hope this doesn't count as spam because the title does say Angle to retire. But how is Angle going to retire off of what happened last night? As far as I know, no one even mentioned it after the match that Angle lost. Its like it wasn't that big of a deal. If Angle is going to retire and that was his last match, it should've been the biggest, most emotional thing of the night. Not covered up by 100 heel turns in one night. He needs to go out respected. What I want to know it how will this play out on iMPACT? Will they even mention Angle promising to retire? I hope they just take the fans as stupid idiots and not mention it. I really do. Because I don't want Kurt going out like that. I may be a WWE guy but I love what this guy does. I'm going to be pissed if they make him go out like that.
Hardy winning the title was another shock for me last night. Most of us(including me) thought Hardy would be a non factor in this match. I thought this was going to Angle's big moment complete with the long celebration and confetti. Or I was thinking Anderson would be the guy to turn heel, and be the chosen champion for "They".

Hardy is a popular guy, and him turning heel in the main event at TNA's flagship PPV was definitely a shock. I think Jeff is going to hold on to the belt for a long time. This "They" storyline is far from being over. Jeff might not be the greatest on the mic, but having Hogan and Bischoff behind him will help. Also, Jeff can be a pretty likable guy amongst the fans, so I'm wondering if he can be hated. But His look and persona can be creepy and dark, so this might work out.
I stopped right there. So, bringing back what worked for them 10-15 years ago won't work than why is WWE having Kane/Taker feuds? Nexus/Cena rehash of the NWO? Why is Kane, Jack Swagger and CM Punk rehashing what Edge did to get him over? Why is Del Rio/Mysterio feud booked the exact way of a Guerrero/Mysterio feud?

Your kids theory is not a good justifying reason.

And TNA fans are smart? :lmao: They don't even understand how Hardy is a heel and it's a simple.

Maybe you're not understanding my point. There's a difference between a WWE fan and a TNA fan. If you can't see that, you're blind. And I never said that anything WWE was doing was good either but I will say this; I'd rather have things being rehashed by different writers with different twists then the same airheads who did the same thing 15 years ago. I gave Hulk Hogan and EB's grade a B on Sunday. Today, it's a D. Bound For Glory was ruined by that finish.
If you are not a lawyer that has read documents associated with Jeff's legal issues then I really think it is about time you quit fucking saying he is about to go to jail and other nonsense. You do not know a damn thing about the specifics of his trial, you do not know a damn thing about what they would mean even if you did know them, you obviously know less about them than Jeff and people in charge of TNA. So the next time before you call any of these people an idiot, think about who actually looks like one when you make these baseless claims. Find a good reason to knock these people if you want to. Using this junk claim just confirms the desperation some feel to find a way to put tna in a negative light, even when they pull of something interesting and surprising.
If you are not a lawyer that has read documents associated with Jeff's legal issues then I really think it is about time you quit fucking saying he is about to go to jail and other nonsense. You do not know a damn thing about the specifics of his trial, you do not know a damn thing about what they would mean even if you did know them, you obviously know less about them than Jeff and people in charge of TNA. So the next time before you call any of these people an idiot, think about who actually looks like one when you make these baseless claims. Find a good reason to knock these people if you want to. Using this junk claim just confirms the desperation some feel to find a way to put tna in a negative light, even when they pull of something interesting and surprising.

I'm not so sure that you need to be a lawyer with specific knowledge of the specifics of Hardy's legal drama to chime in with an opinion here. After all, aren't these forums, a place to express your opinions? You don't have to have a legal degree or have any particular expertise or in depth knowledge to have an opinion on the selection of Jeff Hardy to be selected to be the new TNA Champion.

The simple fact of the matter is, Hardy has been charged with a criminal offence. Maybe he is guilty or maybe he is innocent, I guess only time will tell what the decision of the courts are in this matter. Hell, maybe it won't even progress that far, maybe his case will get thrown out and that's that. But as long as the court proceedings are looming, there is a reasonable chance that he could be convicted and he could be going to jail. And this chance alone should probably preclude him from receiving the top award in the company until the matter has been resolved, one way or the other. Plus, I would suggest that even the fact that issues such as drug usage and drug distribution are looming would make giving him the top hardware in the company a PR nightmare. I don't think I would want the face of my company to have a drug distribution charge against him, hardly a draw for a younger audience.

Of course, none of this even considers whether or not Hardy will make a good heel champion in the first place. I'm skeptical but legal drama aside, I'd say sure, give him a shot and if he is as ineffective as I think he will be, have him drop the title again.

Just think, what happens if during Hardy's title reign, he gets convicted of some of these criminal charges? Not saying this will happen, in fact I hope it doesn't, but what if he does? Major damage control for TNA, again. In my opinion, the risk does not justify the reward.
I'm not so sure that you need to be a lawyer with specific knowledge of the specifics of Hardy's legal drama to chime in with an opinion here. After all, aren't these forums, a place to express your opinions? You don't have to have a legal degree or have any particular expertise or in depth knowledge to have an opinion on the selection of Jeff Hardy to be selected to be the new TNA Champion.

To have an opinion on if he should be champ, no. To use your main reason as hardzy ez magor jails riskz and smoces drugz every 5 munites, tna ez idiota, then yes I think you should have some basis other than I read it on a dirt sheet.

The simple fact of the matter is, Hardy has been charged with a criminal offence. Maybe he is guilty or maybe he is innocent, I guess only time will tell what the decision of the courts are in this matter. Hell, maybe it won't even progress that far, maybe his case will get thrown out and that's that. But as long as the court proceedings are looming, there is a reasonable chance that he could be convicted and he could be going to jail. And this chance alone should probably preclude him from receiving the top award in the company until the matter has been resolved, one way or the other. Plus, I would suggest that even the fact that issues such as drug usage and drug distribution are looming would make giving him the top hardware in the company a PR nightmare. I don't think I would want the face of my company to have a drug distribution charge against him, hardly a draw for a younger audience.

My issue is the shaky basis of "reasonable chance could be convicted and could go to jail." Is it theoretically still possible? Yes. Beyond that we do not know. There is a theoretical chance of a ton of shit that we basically ignore everyday. I know precious little about the legal system but even I know it is a rarity that the harshest charges enforced at the harshest possible penalties occur, especially for people with abundant "resources." For all we know it could already be 99% obvious that he does not go to jail. We know basically nothing more than what the charges were months ago, which is basically the same as saying we know nothing about the current specific status. Thus, making any strong claims is foolish IMO. To be clear, what you say here to me is not a strong claim. Although, it is clear you admit that you do not really know either way. Meaning you are essentially guessing at the risk. Since we do not know the risk I have no basis to decide one way or the other and I think that applies to everybody. My best guess, based on the actions of people I would guess know more than me, would be that the risk is actually quite small to non-existent at this point of these disaster scenarios.

I do not think TNA is targeting a younger audience like some companies but regardless would argue it is probably better to have him as a heel than keep him as a face under the circumstances. If hardy was cool with it, I would even write it into the story, especially if he had to do a day in jail or something. Have him glamorize it in full heel character and be really dismissive of it. But like I said I'll be surprised if it comes to jail at this point and since we are all guessing mine is as good as anybodies and is not used as the crux of my argument since it is guesspinion.

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