Mr. Anderson is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

This was awesome, and saved the PPv for me. TNA has done such a great job in building up Anderson as such a sympathetic challenger over the past few months that having him win it in a way where the odds were so stacked against him was a stroke of brilliance. It appeared they were going the MEM route of having the top heel stable holding all the gold and winning each match like Turning Point 2008. This was a great, noteworthy surprise to those who ordered the show.

It makes sense too, given Hardy's impending guilty plea to drug charges coming on January 20th, regardless of which ones he pleads to. TNA simply had to get the belt off of him in this situation. The fallout to this should be tremendous and should make for an exciting Impact come Thursday.
I agree with everything Notorious MOD said above, TNA for once did a great job of booking. I had no problem with the run-ins, if anything it made Anderson's win more incredible and convincing. He overcame interference from Matt Hardy, Eric Bischoff, two twists of fates, and a Swanton Bomb en route to winning the championship...all while having a concussion. He was booked like an absolute STUD!!!

I enjoyed the PPV overall. Save for Abyss, Matt Hardy, and Madison Rayne the show was superb. I give it a 7.5 out of 10.

This post is just a walking contradiction... As it claims TNA had good booking while a concussed man kicked out of three finishers from the companies "top" man... All the while he also just had another "grueling" match against another one of TNA's top talent... Congrats the cripple looks good not sure about the champ he just buried or the monster that looks weak because after the beating he dished out a man was still able to get up and win a title... That is a horrible booking concept and all they did was shove their heads further up their ass's...

Though point for TNA they did show how smoking is bad for you Bravo!!
I had to get that out of the way. I kept refreshing live results all night and damn do I feel stupid for not ordering it. Can't wait for impact but there are two things that are bothering me. 1) Some previous poster said he sees an Anderson heel turn in the future and Immortal's new poster boy and 2) Anderson in the process of winning the title kicked out of 5 finishers (if live results are correct: 2 Carbon Footprints, 2 Twists of Hate, a Swanton bomb, and possibly a chair shot from Bischoff). For the first I say please god (Flair I'm talking to you) no and for the second let this display of perseverance warp into some kind of Cena-like superman gimmick.
But for the moment let me say it one more time.
This post is just a walking contradiction... As it claims TNA had good booking while a concussed man kicked out of three finishers from the companies "top" man... All the while he also just had another "grueling" match against another one of TNA's top talent... Congrats the cripple looks good not sure about the champ he just buried or the monster that looks weak because after the beating he dished out a man was still able to get up and win a title... That is a horrible booking concept and all they did was shove their heads further up their ass's...

Though point for TNA they did show how smoking is bad for you Bravo!!

Jeff Hardy is going to jail, hence he lost the belt. I had no problem with that whatsoever. Tonight's booking didn't bury Jeff, he buried himself because his stupid ass can't stay out of trouble. If you ask me, he never deserved to be champion in the first place given the fact he's about to be a convicted felon.

Anderson looked like a stud, and Morgan doesn't look weak at all especially after the clothesline he dealt to Hardy. Whatever though, we'll just agree to disagree.
I really enjoyed the twist in the Immortal storyline. They went into the night going on and on about wanting ALL of the titles, and then they won them all...only to lose the biggest one, and the only one they held before the event began! Totally caught me off guard.
congratulations to MRRRRRRRRRRRRR Anderson......Anderson for winning the WHC such a hard fought battle with Hardy. now hopefully TNA can put him in a worthwile rivarly while hardy serves his time. Maybe they can pair him with either Aj or turn Morgan. because either 1 of em would be a sick rivalry cuz as we all know TNA could use ratings and this is the perfect way to do it.

:worship: The king of viper 3:16 i hear voices in my head while opening a can of whoop-ass
Jeff Hardy is going to jail, hence he lost the belt. I had no problem with that whatsoever. Tonight's booking didn't bury Jeff, he buried himself because his stupid ass can't stay out of trouble. If you ask me, he never deserved to be champion in the first place given the fact he's about to be a convicted felon.

Anderson looked like a stud, and Morgan doesn't look weak at all especially after the clothesline he dealt to Hardy. Whatever though, we'll just agree to disagree.

I never said he deserved to be champion? And what I was saying is they are making the entire angle look weak as that was the horse the great and powerful immortal bet on... Yet he can dish out his best and Anderson kicks out of it without even trying? (FYI trying means someone runs in and distracts the ref from making the count or the ref gets distracted in some fashion he kicked out of everything on his own) You make Hardy look that weak you make all of Immortal look that weak seeing as he was the champion and the center piece. It does not matter how he screwed the pooch it's how they decided to handle it. So unless they fire him (which I highly doubt) they in turn screwed the pooch by making immortal look super weak through hardy
Seems a tad bit rushed if you ask me. But given the circumstances of Jeff Hardy's court case and the fact that he's seemingly going to plead guilty to a charge or two (I think), it makes logical sense to take the title off him. Just to be on the safe side. In my ideal world, Anderson would've gotten retribution and his first work title at Lockdown but since that's out the window... but I digress. A win is a win and I'm excited for am Anderson title reign. I'm curious how he will be as TNA's poster boy. He's got the mic skills, he's solid in the ring, now it's time to see how he can handle being on top. I'm hoping for a solid title reign for Anderson. This will be the real test to see if he can be a long term main eventer, in my view.
Jeff Hardy isn't going to see a minute of Jail time. Notta one. Getting the title off him tonight was nothing more then wanting to keep this story fresh. Think about it. Immortal gets control of all the belts... we've seen this story line before, it was called Main Event Mafia.

The faces would have NOTHING for them. No advantage at all. Bischoff would still be the guy in charge of the company and then he'd have all the titles under him. Where is the intrigue?

They thought they could take advantage of Anderson in a weaker state, but they were proven wrong.

Now with Anderson champion, you can continue to slow build the heat between AJ and Bischoff which will lead to a Fortune/Immortal split and AJ v Hardy, and AJ back in the title picture.
Jeff Hardy isn't going to see a minute of Jail time. Notta one. Getting the title off him tonight was nothing more then wanting to keep this story fresh. Think about it. Immortal gets control of all the belts... we've seen this story line before, it was called Main Event Mafia.

The faces would have NOTHING for them. No advantage at all. Bischoff would still be the guy in charge of the company and then he'd have all the titles under him. Where is the intrigue?

They thought they could take advantage of Anderson in a weaker state, but they were proven wrong.

Now with Anderson champion, you can continue to slow build the heat between AJ and Bischoff which will lead to a Fortune/Immortal split and AJ v Hardy, and AJ back in the title picture.
I never said he deserved to be champion? And what I was saying is they are making the entire angle look weak as that was the horse the great and powerful immortal bet on... Yet he can dish out his best and Anderson kicks out of it without even trying? (FYI trying means someone runs in and distracts the ref from making the count or the ref gets distracted in some fashion he kicked out of everything on his own) You make Hardy look that weak you make all of Immortal look that weak seeing as he was the champion and the center piece. It does not matter how he screwed the pooch it's how they decided to handle it. So unless they fire him (which I highly doubt) they in turn screwed the pooch by making immortal look super weak through hardy

Newsflash: Immortal already did look weak with Jeff Hardy as the superstar of the group. Allowing him to lose despite all the help in the world means nothing to making Immortal look weak. What it does is exposes Jeff for the bum that he is. More importantly though, it allows AJ Styles to step up as the new main attraction of immortal. Thus, Immortal might actually look legit for once with a respectable top guy. Especially on a night where four of their members took titles.

And who cares if Anderson kicked out of everything without even trying? That's exactly what they should be doing. You know what sells? Unbeatable faces. That's what sells. That would be why Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Stone Cold and John Cena's characters do/did so well with the fans. That's what they're going for with Mr. Anderson.
I'm glad Anderson is world champion and TNA made the much needed move of getting the belt off of Hardy. Could the move have been done better? I think it could have but at the end of the day, Anderson is champion who is the best choice for the belt right now. I hope this becomes a lenghty reign for Anderson and I also hope that AJ rises up to take Hardy's place in Immortal. I see great things from an Anderson/Styles fued.
Anderson wins the title, and now I am waiting for TNA to call for a swerve and have him join Immortal. Does it make sense? No, but I just expect it at this point. I am really happy he won the title though. Was not expecting it at all.
I don't mind the title change but I really can't fathom the point of introducing a new championship that was custom made just for Jeff Hardy, just to be dropped to another guy so quickly. It seems like such a waste of an appearance change. Whatever, the title change made sense in the context of Jeff possibly being incarcerated in the very near future. Hopefully they change the belts appearance again, because the current belt only fit into Hardy's persona and nobody else.
Newsflash: Immortal already did look weak with Jeff Hardy as the superstar of the group. Allowing him to lose despite all the help in the world means nothing to making Immortal look weak. What it does is exposes Jeff for the bum that he is. More importantly though, it allows AJ Styles to step up as the new main attraction of immortal. Thus, Immortal might actually look legit for once with a respectable top guy. Especially on a night where four of their members took titles.

And who cares if Anderson kicked out of everything without even trying? That's exactly what they should be doing. You know what sells? Unbeatable faces. That's what sells. That would be why Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Stone Cold and John Cena's characters do/did so well with the fans. That's what they're going for with Mr. Anderson.

See this is why I don't ever bother to post in TNA forums anymore... NewsFlash: Jeff Hardy is not The Rock... Anderson is not Brock Lesnar... Now I know it's hard for you but would you look at the big picture?
If you want Hardy out of the group COST Him the Title to Anderson... and then swerve Anderson away from the group and have him feud with them. If he joins Immortal then they have 0 creative points.. and guess what sells... CREATIVE!!! As this is not the 80's or the Attitude era... and if I remember correctly the match that turned the tides in the monday night war was Mankind vs. The Rock for the strap which Mankind won. Remember that? The guy people happily call a glorified stuntman helped bury WCW... Creative being innovative sells. Goldberg with his look and menacing going out there and squashing people who ran their mouths got over with fans. Hulk Hogan being the All american man and later turning on all the fans after being the top face in the world. Stone Cold stunning the hell out of everyone and drinking beer. John Cena either Rap star or "Marine" all part of the collective creative. And that's what sells in the long haul.

Not Anderson looking like superman.. They keep pulling this "shock" shit and it's pointless try some actual writing and follow through I bet ratings would go up then...
One thing I didnt get from this Championship Match...

A couple months ago Hardy took the beating of a life time from Kurt Angle for here semi final match for BFG. Angle hit about 3 or 4 angle slams and then a numerous amount of ankle locks for a ridiculously long period of time. After all that Hardy did not lose by pinfall or submission...hell he didnt lose at all, it ended in a draw.

Now last night he comes in on an already beat to hell opponent and loses to one mic check. What the hell happened to hardy between then and now.

Now Anderson takes the beating of his life for morgan, takes a carbon footprint to his dome(once or twice i dont quite remember), then two twists of hate and a swanton all while coming off of a concussion. I havent even seen cena do some shit like this in a long ass time if ever. I know defying the odds is something everyone likes to see and im cool with Anderson holding the title but how am i supposed to believe when the time comes that the guy that beats Anderson will beat him with any finisher unless he hits it about 10 times.

Just a thought...wouldn't that booking situation been better placed for the Against all odds ppv? It just seems like the title fits that given situation.
One thing I didnt get from this Championship Match...

A couple months ago Hardy took the beating of a life time from Kurt Angle for here semi final match for BFG. Angle hit about 3 or 4 angle slams and then a numerous amount of ankle locks for a ridiculously long period of time. After all that Hardy did not lose by pinfall or submission...hell he didnt lose at all, it ended in a draw.

Now last night he comes in on an already beat to hell opponent and loses to one mic check. What the hell happened to hardy between then and now.

Now Anderson takes the beating of his life for morgan, takes a carbon footprint to his dome(once or twice i dont quite remember), then two twists of hate and a swanton all while coming off of a concussion. I havent even seen cena do some shit like this in a long ass time if ever. I know defying the odds is something everyone likes to see and im cool with Anderson holding the title but how am i supposed to believe when the time comes that the guy that beats Anderson will beat him with any finisher unless he hits it about 10 times.

Just a thought...wouldn't that booking situation been better placed for the Against all odds ppv? It just seems like the title fits that given situation.

It is simple really. Jeff Hardy wasn't expecting for Anderson to keep coming. In sports when the under dog comes out swinging if the far superior team isn't ready for it that is how you get your big upsets. Same thing happened here. He came out expecting to hit one move and walk away. That didn't happen and he was caught off guard. Especially when he also had Matt hardy for insurance and that didn't come through either.
Mixed feelings here. On the one hand it was definitely the right move to get the title off Hardy, who will in all likelihood be spending some time in jail in a few weeks. It certainly would not look good for TNA's current world champion to be sent to jail, it doesn't look particularly good for a former one to be there either but it is slightly better I suppose.

It is also definitely the right move to get the title onto Anderson, the most over guy on the roster by a long way, even if it is about three months too late. As I said Anderson is way over so it makes sense to shift the title to him, he has amazing mic skills, good ring skills and tons on charisma, he has all the traits that could see him become the face of TNA.

My complaint about all of this is the way it was done. There were about seven run ins and the match was not announced before hand. Surely it wouldn't have been that hard to have Morgan/Anderson on Impact and have Anderson/Hardy announced for the PPV or at least have Anderson/Hardy on Impact in a couple of weeks and give it a little bit of build. It is a big match and I think it would give a small boost in ratings/buy rates depending on where it is shown.

So no complaints about Anderson winning, it was the right way to go, but this isn't the way it should have happened, unannounced and with seven or so run ins. For a guy as over as Anderson his first world title win should have happened completely clean in the main event of a PPV, not like this.
Well Anderson won obviously because of the legal muddle that Hardy is currently in but that does not mean that he did not deserve it. Anderson gets great pops every time he sets foot on the iMPACT zone. He is TNA's most over and most charismatic babyface. I just feel that if everything had gone according to plan we would have gotten to see an entertaining chase for the title from Anderson. A babyface chasing the title is always fun to watch.

Though I must add here that if Hardy is not put into prison, I think he will retain the belt as soon as he can.

Another thing is that I liked how the match was booked. I can see if someone has problems with it but I think it would have been foolish to think that a beaten down Anderson could have defeated Jeff Hardy singlehandedly.

Overall I am very happy for Anderson. This is a smack on the face of all those guys who doubted him. Yes I would have liked it had things not been so rushed but in the given circumstances, it was certainly the best thing to do.
The funniest part is that angle wise, Immortal and Bischoff let their ego get the better of them. Now they've gained all the other belts, but lost the one they actually had, the big one. The one that counted above all others in the world title. Also, Bischoff was hellbent on having Immortal hold ALL the belts after Genesis because of the whole Dixie Carter situation. Now that they lost the world title and they don't have all the belts, what does Immortal do now? Either way, all I can think is that "take a good look Vinny Mac. You dropped the ball with this guy. And that guy's name is MISTEEEERRRRRRR Anderson!!!! wait for it. wait for it. ANDERSON!" Sorry guys I had to say that cause I'm still stoked that he's won the world title. And I agree with one of the posts in this threat. It's the year of the asshole.
i couldnt be any more pleased. I gorra wait till firday 2 watch it (UK) but the spoilers were entertaining enough

i hope they do a similar reign as the rock vs mcmahon/helmsly facton, where they put title defence after title defence to try n take the title back but Anderson keeps beating the odds

This WOULD build Anderson as a BIG star in TNA/The who F'n industry.
Ok so as everyone seemed to want, Ken Anderson is now the TNA World Heavyweight champion, but now what? Who will he be able to feud with? Jeff Hardy will in all likelihood be facing some sort of jail time, he is pleading guilty after all. AJ Styles is injured and will be out for 4-6 weeks.

Oh wait, of course he can feud with TNA's biggest heels, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. Oh yeah, no he can't because TNA's biggest heels are so old that they can't actually wrestle, who thought that was a good move?

So the question is with TNA's biggest heels unable to wrestle, the former champ facing jail time and AJ Styles, TNA's longest reigning champion ever all out of the equation, who will Mr Anderson be feud with?

The thing is most of TNA's other main eventer's are also faces; RVD, Joe, Morgan, Pope, Angle etc. and I don't think TNA will want another face vs face feud. The other thing is it wouldn't make sense to book it considering Immortal, namely Flair/Bischoff seem to book the matches and Immortal are on a hunt for the gold. I would have said Abyss but he is tied up with the TV Title, Jarrett is in a feud with Angle and the others are all mid carders.

The only option, as much as it pains me to say it, would be Matt Hardy. It seems to be a certainty that he will join Immortal and he is Jeff's bother so it would kind of make sense for him to go after the title in his brothers absence. The problem with this is the obvious fact that Matt Hardy doesn't deserve to be in a world title feud, but I doubt TNA will see it that way.

Anyway enough of me, who do you think Ken Anderson will feud with in the absence of Hardy and AJ?
So now Anderson is a world champion asshole.

As much as I think Anderson deserves the title, i do not like the way he won the title nor how the match was impromptu. Anderson is supposedly being billed as a face of TNA against your so called biggest heel, i feel a main event title match should be advertised beforehand not impromptu. It felt a little bit rushed, due to Jeff Hardy's court and pleading guilty so a wise decision by TNA.
Sometimes, a man becomes a first-time champion when the champion is hurt; and, unable to continue carrying the company, the decision is made to let 'the young kid' take a run with it. Sometimes, a first-time champion is born through years of buildup; taking the audience almost to the point of a win repeatedly, only to bring it back.

Then, sometimes, your champion commits several drug-related felonies and you have to find a replacement before the headlines read "Jeff Hardy, former WWE wrestler and current TNA World Champion, plead guilty today to multiple felonies."

OK, there's a bit of the 2nd in there too- Anderson's been being pushed towards the main event scene for the past three years. I'll bet he wishes he had finally become a world champion in a bigger organization, but you take what you can get.

The interesting thing about this run is that it will be TNA's first time using their, for lack of a more accurate term, "star cachet" to build up a champion, rather than a champion using their star power to build up an organization's title. Having noticed that strategy wasn't bringing eyeballs, they can try a new tack.
I think the logical choice would be Matt Morgan, oh wait...he is a face too. Nice work TNA..

The only way a Face v Face feud with Morgan would have worked is if Morgan became jealous of Anderson for winning the title before him, and destroyed him. Bingo, theres your feud.


Morgan has only just turned Face after leaving Immortal, so it wouldnt make sense to turn him heel again so quickly. TNA has booked itself into a corner with this one, especially as they have known for ages about Hardy's trial. Its not like its a shock that he could go down is it? TNA needed to have prepared for this, and it doesnt look like they have.

I think it will end up being Matt Hardy, who will defend his brothers honour and challenge Anderson for the title. This could work, and hopefully will establish Matt as a main-event level heel in TNA, something that could make him fresh again, as he has never played that role in his career before.

I would like to see AJ Styles face Anderson, but if he leaves Immortal (which looks likely) then he will be a Face too, so that would have to be yet another Face v Face feud, which simply do not have the intensity of two bitter rivals going at it.

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