New World Heavyweight Championship Being Made for Mr. Anderson?

I like Cheddarboy's suggestion. Let them have a match, Mr. Anderson wins the old TNA title, Eric Young is all sad and about to cry, or Anderson shakes his hand and give him Hardy's title, then he's all giddy and jumping around cause he has a new belt.

Or better yet, why not just have a segment where Eric Young interrupts Mr. Anderson and says, "Your belt is pretty. Wanna trade?" Anderson laughs a bit, they trade titles and Eric Young walks off with the Purple People-Eater title and Anderson has the classy belt again.

In all honesty, custom belts can only go so far. TNA should create a new title, something simple yet classy. I was big fan of the Undisputed Title before it was dumped for the Spinner Belt, something that was big and something you could see from a mile away. The World Champion of any major wrestling company needs to exude class and prestige. Even Mr. Anderson has said in-promo that he doesn't like the belt and it's ugly, so why should anyone want it except Hardy? It should be a belt that children dream of holding, that wrestlers will bleed themselves dry to hold and one that shows off respect.

Customizing titles with multiple wrestlers won't do that.

NOTE: I know Edge did it with John Cena's Spinner belt, but all he did was put a Rated-R logo on the central-piece. It's not like the whole belt changed.
I think tradition is the ultimate sign of respect, in my honest opinion. It would be nice to see the original belt be brought back. If Anderson wants to try and tick off Jeff Hardy, he should design a 'fake' belt that looks like crap and say "I have your belt Hardy" and hand him a piece of junk. He would then say "Yeah..I did what I said I would do. I put a crayon up my behind and squatted over a belt, and re-designed yours, and Dixie got me a new one." I mean, that would purely be for grins and giggles.

Honestly, I think tradition would be the better way to go with this. You really can't beat that. I'd be glad if they did away with that purple monstrosity of a belt. I'm all for changes and upgrades, but there's tweeks and improvements, but then there's " :wtf: did you do that that!?" I would like to see what is done to the TNA champ belt, be it resurrect the original, or re-invent the belt to a classier and more sophisiticated (and less Diva looking one.)
I really like the title ey is carrying the should bring that belt design back with TNA highlited in red and black thats the only thing I would change.
I was going to go on a rant how a real Champion needs a real title, not a ridiculous looking toy.

Then I remembered how their competition has a spinner belt and I just gave up.

Honestly though, I hope so. The Diva/pharaoh face belt looks like it's on more meth than Jeff Hardy is. And that's saying something.

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