Mr. Anderson is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion!


Championship Contender
Anderson won his number one contenders match then was forced to wrestle hardy then. He beat Hardy in just over ten minutes to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

All I can say is that since Bound for Glory I have found it incredibly difficult to even watch impact. Seriously, I'd even try and would be incapable of doing that. A lot of it had to do with the fact that a slow moving coke addict was the champion. The move of giving Anderson the title is, in and of itself, enough to make me interested to watch impact for once.
My mind is blown.
Fuck Kanye West. It's the Year of the Asshole.

I like how this was delivered though, because Immortal had pretty much won all the other titles, so it's like, "Okay, they'll find a way to have Hardy keep the title."

But then all of this madness goes down, and I'm still not believing that Anderson's gonna win.

And then he does. (although Eric tryna hit him with a chair shot towards the end kinda gave it away due to TNA's new chair shot policy)

Ultimately, I like it. This is going to be fun. :D
One thought spring to mind, Why the fuck is the guy doing the live results on the main page 10 minutes behind? No but seriously it was always likely when he beat Morgan, Anderson had so much momentum going for him with this story which has been for the most part well executed. Why the inpromtu title defence though?
Given the fact that Jeff Hardy is going to be a convicted felon in about a week & half, it made logical sense to see him drop the title tonight. I can't say that I'm surprised that they added this impromptu title match at the end of the show. Again, considering that Hardy's court date in which he'll plead guilty is just around the corner, it makes sense to strip him of the title at a ppv.

Of course, this feels like a rushed situation and that's because it is. It may not have had the huge feel to it that TNA, or even Anderson himself, would have wanted to have happen. However, given the bad situation that TNA found itself, including the questionable decision to put the title on Hardy in the first place, this is probably the best that could be expected.
Idrank a bit so am buzzin but that shocked me, I didnt think it would happen, was surprised to see it announced since tna tends to end 10 min before they have to. then when foley came out I saw it going downhill, then flair...i lost hope...then hardy....i was like "what!" seriously, then rvd and I was like oh man something is goin down.....then the asshole wone I was like "what!" "glad I ordered this one."
One thought spring to mind, Why the fuck is the guy doing the live results on the main page 10 minutes behind? No but seriously it was always likely when he beat Morgan, Anderson had so much momentum going for him with this story which has been for the most part well executed. Why the inpromtu title defence though?

Because they thought that Hardy would just destroy the guy in one move.
Anderson was in terrible shape, and probably still recovering from the concussion, so it's like, "Give him the title shot, he won't win."

But he did. Oh boy, he did.

Obviously, this is the story being told.
I was freaking out when Mr. Anderson kicked out the first time. Then the 2nd and 3rd times were ridiculous. I really started to freak out when a lot of people were showing up. Mick, Bischoff, Matt, RVD. Looked like a clusterf**k. Anyway great start to 2011 for TNA. Overall great PPV (except for Bully vs Devon)
Flawless booking on TNA's part. Whoever scripted this match should be in charge of the entire company. In fact, this may be the first time TNA had such smart, timely decision-making. I'll outline the reasons:

1. Hardy needed to lose his title. With his personal troubles, they needed to get the title off of him. Nuff said.

2. Surprise. Unlike Matt's lackluster debut, I didn't see this one coming.

3. Anderson had to work for it. Unlike Money In The Bank (a concept I do enjoy), this match worked for the exact opposite reasons. Anderson earned his shot, but was granted it at the absolute worst moment instead of the perfect moment. He had every reason to lose honorably, but instead persevered.

4. The match brought together and progressed ll the top characters at once. Immortal/Fortune, Bischoff, Flair, Morgan, both Hardys, RVD and most importantly.....Anderson. Anderson.
Another thing we need to realize is that AJ Styles for some unexplained reason claimed that he was injured, so they put the TV title on Abyss instead. Why? Could it possibly be so HE can be the new all-star of immortal, going for the world title. Jeff Hardy was a bust. I hope TNA can see that by now.
I think it is the right call. Hardy might be spending some time "AWAY". By the way, what the hell was with Hardy smoking on the way to the ring. Bad Idea. Anderson is the most promotable, pushable character they have. Now what will Immortal do to get the Title back? I look for a AJ Styles/Anderson Bout in Two Months.
All I can say is WOW!! What an ending. TNA knocked the ball out of the park tonight. Anderson was made to look like a warrior. What a way to kick off 2011. It was a great happy ending not to sound corny or anything. Anderson carried the last hour of the ppv. What a performance I can go on on and really. I marked out tonight big time. Genesis was off the charts!!

Hopefully they get rid of that ghastly looking belt pronto.
I guess this means he is pleading guilty, and there might be some actual punishment, or they'd build this up a lot more.

What a clusterfuck of overbooking ridiculousness that was, I mean seriously, is it not enough that Bischoff sent him out, we had to have like 4 run ins, Bischoff going for a chair shot.. I mean just let the guy go over clean. It's just vintage TNA.
Because they thought that Hardy would just destroy the guy in one move.
Anderson was in terrible shape, and probably still recovering from the concussion, so it's like, "Give him the title shot, he won't win."

But he did. Oh boy, he did.

Obviously, this is the story being told.

Oh hey well. I never find a place to stream these things, so his condition is something that escaped me I guess. Mind you like Jack-Hammer said, Hardy's looming court appearance made it all the more a possibilty so I guess there we have it.

Good times from here for a little bit in, interesting to see where they take Hardy now when the biggest belt in the company belongs to a good guy. I have a sneaking suspicion knowing who is writing for TNA that Anderson will soon turn heel and be the headliner of immortal.
I guess this means he is pleading guilty, and there might be some actual punishment, or they'd build this up a lot more.

What a clusterfuck of overbooking ridiculousness that was, I mean seriously, is it not enough that Bischoff sent him out, we had to have like 4 run ins, Bischoff going for a chair shot.. I mean just let the guy go over clean. It's just vintage TNA.

Dude it was to build suspense. It was drama. Clusterfuck? It's the one thing that made absolute perfect sense. I might be hard for you to understand but the whole god damn ppv told a great story. Did you even watch it or did you read the results. Because the consensus of people who watched enjoyed the show. Stop hating just to seek some heat.
I imagine Jeff Hardy's impending legal issues played a role in the decision to put the title on Anderson. Whatever the reason, I liked it. The booking of the match itself was a little clumsy in terms of the run-ins, but I thought it worked. The look on the faces of Fortune members as Anderson celebrated was classic. I wonder, knowing how TNA loves to swerve the fans, if we could see an Anderson heel turn, where he could take Hardy's place in Immortal. This is assuming Hardy has to miss time due to legal problems. You could have AJ kicked out of Fortune, with Anderson taking his place. It probably won't happen, but just a thought. It definitely makes this week'd Impact more interesting.
Dude it was to build suspense. It was drama. Clusterfuck? It's the one thing that made absolute perfect sense. I might be hard for you to understand but the whole god damn ppv told a great story. Did you even watch it or did you read the results. Because the consensus of people who watched enjoyed the show. Stop hating just to seek some heat.

Nah, the PPV was boring as hell. A PPV can tell a story, but if it's a story about watching paint dry and then going out to buy some cheese, when all of a sudden you turn into a loaf of bread...well, that's not a very interesting or coherent story, is it? Run-ins, dirty finishes, stupid match endings, and bad matches, all the while pushing a story that is just not very interesting, all leads to a poor PPV.

Anyway, love the Anderson title win. He's had it coming for a long time so it's awesome to see him actually get it. He has the potential to be one of the major faces of TNA and to carry them for a while to new heights. Great on the mic, not bad in the ring, and he's something fresh. Good for him.
Not surprised the belt was taken off Hardy with his court date only 11 days away.

TNA almost had me thinking they were going to turn Anderson back into a Heel and AJ back into a face (considering the interactions with Bischoff). They have people turn so much it seems.
I FUCKING LOVE that Anderson is the New World Champion could it have happened in much better than it did Yes but they did what they had to do with Hardy possibly going to jail so that hurts the Title win a little bit but I still LOVED because I'm a HUGE Anderson fan. I can't wait to see him on Impact as the New TNA Champion.
Nah, the PPV was boring as hell. A PPV can tell a story, but if it's a story about watching paint dry and then going out to buy some cheese, when all of a sudden you turn into a loaf of bread...well, that's not a very interesting or coherent story, is it? Run-ins, dirty finishes, stupid match endings, and bad matches, all the while pushing a story that is just not very interesting, all leads to a poor PPV.

Anyway, love the Anderson title win. He's had it coming for a long time so it's awesome to see him actually get it. He has the potential to be one of the major faces of TNA and to carry them for a while to new heights. Great on the mic, not bad in the ring, and he's something fresh. Good for him.

I will admit some points of the ppv sucked. But the tag title match, angle/jarrett,main event, world title match were all much more exciting than watching paint dry. I've watched a lot of paint dry in my day and the fumes may have gotten to me but this was a good ppv. Abyss and M.Hardy sucked but everything else was good to great
Dude it was to build suspense. It was drama. Clusterfuck? It's the one thing that made absolute perfect sense. I might be hard for you to understand but the whole god damn ppv told a great story. Did you even watch it or did you read the results. Because the consensus of people who watched enjoyed the show. Stop hating just to seek some heat.

First off, is it not enough suspense for a guy to win a brutal match with a concussion, and then have to win the title there? Instead you have to send all these run ins, it was fucking cartoonish and all it did was overshadow the moment of Anderson winning a world title. That in itself was enough suspense and drama. They totally overdid it, and it became a massive clusterfuck.

Actually you might be reading cool-aid posts, I've seen plenty that have said something along the lines of "Sets the bar high for worst PPV of the year" Personally I thought it was an ok show, certainly won't write home about it, but entertaining enough, but it just amazes me how much they constantly overbook main events.
I agree with everything Notorious MOD said above, TNA for once did a great job of booking. I had no problem with the run-ins, if anything it made Anderson's win more incredible and convincing. He overcame interference from Matt Hardy, Eric Bischoff, two twists of fates, and a Swanton Bomb en route to winning the championship...all while having a concussion. He was booked like an absolute STUD!!!

I enjoyed the PPV overall. Save for Abyss, Matt Hardy, and Madison Rayne the show was superb. I give it a 7.5 out of 10.
First off, is it not enough suspense for a guy to win a brutal match with a concussion, and then have to win the title there? Instead you have to send all these run ins, it was fucking cartoonish and all it did was overshadow the moment of Anderson winning a world title. That in itself was enough suspense and drama. They totally overdid it, and it became a massive clusterfuck.

Actually you might be reading cool-aid posts, I've seen plenty that have said something along the lines of "Sets the bar high for worst PPV of the year" Personally I thought it was an ok show, certainly won't write home about it, but entertaining enough, but it just amazes me how much they constantly overbook main events.

I agree to disagree. I loved it. You didn't. Is what it is but "sets the bar high...." That's just ridiculous who are you quoting Mark Madden?
I'm glad Anderson won the title, but I don't think I'm alone here thinking that this was the wrong way to do it. Years from now people will say Anderson was only champion because Hardy went to jail. I hope I'm wrong about that, but you never know. I wish TNA would have put Morgan vs. Anderson on Impact for the #1 contender's match and actually advertise the main event match between Anderson and Hardy at Genesis.

I would have probably ordered the PPV if I knew the title was on the line. I'm sure some other people might have to. What is the point of ordering a wrestling PPV when there isn't a huge main event or championship match in the main event? I hope Anderson's title run is successful. I didn't like the way TNA rushed Anderson into becoming champion, but I'm glad he finally became a heavyweight champion.
I for one loved the way this happened. it wasn't announced, the match came out of nowhere. The way the angle was presented made it seem as though anderson/morgan was going to be the main event....then it was wait don't move.....I for one was thinking it was going downhill...i mean first bischoff then foley then flair...cmon....then I was like "wait a minute" then rvd so i was like "what!" then morgan had me like "what is this?" Then when the head asshole wone I was like "holy hell, what just went down?" i loved it

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