Jeff Hardy is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion; Angle to Retire?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

It's official! It took nearly three months to get to this point, but TNA once again has a World Heavyweight Champion representing their company, and he is JEFF HARDY!

It's all a result of the "They" reveal, but suffice it to say, I don't' think anyone could have honestly seen this one coming!

Remember too, folks — if Angle lost this match, per his stipulation, he retires from TNA Wrestling! Is Kurt really gone?

Thoughts on Hardy's win? Concerns? Non sequitur insults?

Please Note: This is still a NON-SPAM forum — all your answers must include a reason. Those that don't will be removed, and those who post them will be disciplined accordingly.
Perfect. Absolutely great. This was exactly what I was looking for. Nobody saw it coming, it was a classic moment and just ... whoa. Not the most popular decision but something tells me that it's going to work and I'm LOVING it!

Great job by TNA for this swerve! I mean, they made it look like it was all about Angle/Anderson, rarely focusing on Hardy and WHAM! How's that for bad booking? It was fucking GENIUS!

I'm a bit disappointed with who "they" are. Not disappointed but it was the most obvious decision. I can't wait for iMPACT and see what happens!
It's definitely enough for me to find something else to do on Thursday nights. Bischoff and Hogan going heel- everyone saw that coming- it's NWO all over again. But putting the belt on a drugged-out freak who is one step away from hard time.. real smart, guys. Real damn smart.

I told myself I would not watch Impact if they put the belt on Hardy, because in my mind he is not fit to be a champion. So as long as he's got the gold, I'm steering clear.

As for the rest of the show, got a good laugh thanks to EY, still shaking my head as to why they put EV2 over and STILL not impressed with those two jackasses Cookie and Whatever-the-hell-is-name -is-because-he's-too-irrelevant-to-give-a-damn-about.
Correct me if I am wrong but Jeff Hardy has never been heel before? This might be interesting, but I would have preferred RVD to be the one to turn. He is awful as a babyface, just awful. To me, it seems like they picked Hardy for the swerve, just because he was the one people least expected.

I don't think Angle will be leaving, mainly due to the fact that Hardy pinned Anderson. So technically Angle didn't really lose (Plus Angle very recently signed a new 1 year contract extension with TNA)
tna must be pretty confident the hardy trial will turn out favorably. surely they must know something about the outcome. i just would find it hard to believe they would be putting the belt on hardy just for him to have to go to jail. that is an awfully big risk to take.
Remember that contract Dixie Carter signed on Impact last Thursday? She signed it without really even reading it. You think she just signed the company away to Bischoff and hogan???

And was Hogan's back surgery stuff all a WORK??? If so, Kudos to TNA for that one!
I've said it before. The smarks all thought that Hardy wouldn't have a chance of winning the title due to his legal troubles but look what happened. This was set up PERFECTLY. People may be mad about a Hardy heel turn but the match accomplished what it was supposed to accomplish: it shocked us all. No one saw it coming and I give props to TNA for this. Personally, I think it should be interesting to see where Hardy goes from here. I've never seen him as a heel so I'm intrigued. As for Kurt... well I'm honestly not sure about him. I'd like to see him get one more run with the title.
Jeff Hardy did it. Finally. People have been complaining about how he wasn't well used, how TNA needed a dominant heel, and we got it all rolled up on the most unlikely of people. Jeff Hardy. I say TNA did a brilliant job sneaking it in and basically blindsiding everyone. Nobody say it coming. not just the heel turn but winning the whole thing. People point to Jeff maybe not being able to pull a heel character, but with Eric Bicshoff by his side, things look pretty bright for TNA's new top heel.
I remember Hardy being a heel once before in '99 or something when the Hardy's had the titles and one of the Freebirds was managing them.

Angle won't retire because he's just signed a new contract.

And yeah, Dixie signed off on something without reading it. I imagine that's Easy E with control of the company.
All I can say is that I'm SHOCKED!!!

I'm still legit wondering whether Hogan worked us all about his surgery or if he actually had it.

Why would they turn Jeff heel??? It's an unbelievable shock, but he's one of the most over guys EVER! This will not help him as I just don't think he can pull it off.

Will Abyss still be fired? What did Dixie really sign on iMPACT!?

So many questions were answered, but so many more questions were just opened!
This is something that should've happened out of the blue, not with all the build up. TNA heavily implied that new talent was debuting in the company. The tag line "THEY ARE COMING" what are fans supposed to think? It was a good swerve, but you go in looking for a swerve because this stuff has been dominating tv since January. I think it was poorly handled by TNA and will have repercussions in terms of the fans' trust. A prime example of why Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and anyone else tied to the Attitude Era/NWO/Monday Night Wars needs to be cleaned out of TNA's management. They think their old ideas were so great that recycling them is acceptable.
All I can say is that I'm SHOCKED!!!

I'm still legit wondering whether Hogan worked us all about his surgery or if he actually had it.

Why would they turn Jeff heel??? It's an unbelievable shock, but he's one of the most over guys EVER! This will not help him as I just don't think he can pull it off.

Will Abyss still be fired? What did Dixie really sign on iMPACT!?

So many questions were answered, but so many more questions were just opened!
ok, let me guess the answers here. i think Hogan DID have surgery (which is why he didnt hit anyone with a chair). Why Jeff turned heel, the reason could be RVD always winning or wanting the title that bad, will Hardy as a heel work, dont know.
Abyss will likely NOT be fired and my guess is that Dixie Carter signed papers involving TNA management and likely gave more power than she knew to Bischoff, Hogan and possibly even Jarrett.
No lol Hogan having surgery is not a work. My father works at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, FL & he was telling me about Hogan being there and how
Hogan bitched a lot while in the hospital, definitely not a work!
Hogan having surgery was never really in question — the idea that he wouldn't be at the 10/7 and 10/10 shows was, however.

Every smark wrestling fan knows that surgery and Hogan have gone hand-in-hand for the last few years, so whether or not Hogan legitimately has a bad back isn't even questionable as far as I'm concerned. The concern here was whether or not his latest set-back would actually hold him back from showing up at TNA's biggest show of the year, and just as I noted in follow-up to KB, I'd have believed it when I saw it — there was no way he was going to miss the show, even if it mean having to show up in a wheelchair.
Dixie Carter IS "Deception". Want proof? She hyped BFG, tweeting like mad about how something was going to happen that would "change wrestling forever". Well, BFG is over and we're still waiting, Dixie... wait a second, surely you weren't referring to the worst-kept secret in wrestling, were you? Of course, I'm referring to Hogan and Bischoff turning and making like it's the old WCW days again. That might have changed wrestling fifteen years ago, but it won't change things now. Or turning Jeff Hardy- one of your more over people in the place- and giving him the belt, knowing full well that there's always that chance that he could wind up being convicted on those drug charges. What's going to happen then- are they just going to have another tournament? You can only fool people and hope they'll buy it for so long. Eventually they stop buying it. Figuratively as well as literally.

You deceived us, Dixie.
Im intrigued by the Hardy turn tonight and the grouping of They. I think the execution of the angle during the mainevent was sloppy and the reveal of Abyss and Jarrett just by coming down the ramp was lame. The RVD angle could have waited until Impact as well to solidify Hardy's reasoning and setup a feud.. So now they have to followup with something strong on Impact. Hardy has to cut a good promo to explain his reasoning and how everyone fits together. Regardless it should be interesting to see how the fans react to him and watch him feud with RVD, Angle, and Kennedy.
The only thing that got me was Jeff Hardy as a heel. Jarrett being in on it, well he kinda blew as a face and I myself have been missing his days as a heel. Bischoff probably did swindle Dixie Carter out of the power in TNA. I do agree that this was too long and 3 months without a world champion? I didn't like that move at all but what was funny with the whole "They" plan, all that time they did everything to ensure Jeff Hardy was in the match so he could take the belt
I'm not against Hardy turning heel nor am I against winning the title. If he ends up going to trial they can always pull the belt from him and put it back on him should he be acquitted. My issue is that THEY didn't come; THEY were already in house. We got nothing new and I don't think it benefits Hardy at all. (Too bad his brother is still under contract, he and Helms would have perfect for this) I can see the potential of a RVD/Hardy feud but promo-wise Bischoff and Hogan will be carrying them both.
This is something that should've happened out of the blue, not with all the build up.
Making it come out of nowhere wouldn't have been a good idea. The whole "They are coming on 10/10/10" was the tagline to draw attention to the overall event, the storyline's planted the ideas and kept people on alert at all times and the ending of the main event drove the point home. It was all layed out from the start, but we were blind to it all.

TNA heavily implied that new talent was debuting in the company. The tag line "THEY ARE COMING" what are fans supposed to think? It was a good swerve, but you go in looking for a swerve because this stuff has been dominating tv since January.
The fan's were saying it was Eric and Hulk. The "It's AAA" thing started just a few weeks ago with the signing of El Zorro.
I think it was poorly handled by TNA and will have repercussions in terms of the fans' trust.
What? Telling people Jeff was found unconscious in a stairway and ran out of the road is messing with the fan's trust. A heel turn of high magnitude isn't messing with their trust.
A prime example of why Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and anyone else tied to the Attitude Era/NWO/Monday Night Wars needs to be cleaned out of TNA's management. They think their old ideas were so great that recycling them is acceptable.
Steve Austin replicated Hulk Hogan's heel turn in 2001. A lot of people don't say it was a bad move. Nexus replicated the NWO invasion. People don't see it as a bad move. It's not the recycling of the storyline, it's the effectiveness behind it.
Probly explains why Angle got the 100,000 dollar thursday night on Impact. I doubt he will retire, but maybe a storyline will have him stay with TNA. But yes Im still shock too that Angle lost.
I doubt That Angle will retire and He will claim That he was screwed and Not have to retire. Making Jeff Hardy A Heel Champ could be a good or bad thing. The Bad is that he may be going to Jail. The Good is that there is not doubt That Hardy is ONE of the Most Popular wrestlers in the World. Hardy as a Heel and a Champ could be Very Interesting. They just have to follow it up on Impact on Thursday.
I'm not even shocked, I'm laughing at how big of a fail this is.

Jeff Hardy do not have the mic ability to be a heel, and I'm saying this as a Hardy fan. Second, this don't make any sense. Hardy is supposed to be their biggest face of the company, this will make it even harder for him to get booed, especially considering his fanbase.

Is Sting supposed to be a face now? After all, he was right about Hogan and Bischoff being cancers.

As for Angle, how convenient was it for him to praise Vince and WWE days prior his "retirement", although I don't think he's gone.

Now more than half of their main stars are heel, Pope just turned Heel, Hardy, Styles, Abyss, etc. Who's going to be their main face? Anderson? I suppose Angle will be gone for a while to play out his "retirement angle.
Now more than half of their main stars are heel, Pope just turned Heel, Hardy, Styles, Abyss, etc. Who's going to be their main face? Anderson? I suppose Angle will be gone for a while to play out his "retirement angle.

At the looks of it, the next impact will play out with Fortune joining "THEY" and have ev 2.0 and sting, nash, and pope turning face joining along with Samoa Joe, Anderson and Angle joining in it. Seems to be another struggle for power.

As for Hardy being champ...this won't last long seeing his legal issues. Kurt Angle will take back his promise of retiring seeing what happened to him and Anderson. TNA has plenty of faces back into the mix.
At the looks of it, the next impact will play out with Fortune joining "THEY" and have ev 2.0 and sting, nash, and pope turning face joining along with Samoa Joe, Anderson and Angle joining in it. Seems to be another struggle for power.

As for Hardy being champ...this won't last long seeing his legal issues. Kurt Angle will take back his promise of retiring seeing what happened to him and Anderson. TNA has plenty of faces back into the mix.

Oh yeah, Pope is supposed to be a face now since he was with Nash and Sting. Nash is retiring after today so that rules him out. Wasn't Joe with Jarrett? Is he a face or heel now? That's another problem with TNA, it's too darn confusing that even someone who's watching every week doesn't know what's happening.

As for EV 2.0, why are they still here? They should be gone after Hard Justice and they got their revenge today.
I just had an excellent idea! Jeff Hardy is the TNA champion, and as we all know, he is in the midst of some unresolved legal issues in real life which could still result in consequences as serious as jail time.

Here's what they should do. They should strip him of the title. Hey, maybe they could even have a tournament to choose his successor. They could drag it out over a month or more, and when they choose their winner, they could make it someone who makes no sense whatsoever. Of course, they cannot involve the best wrestler on the roster in this tournament, as he will be too busy feuding with ECW guys, defending his mid-card belt, and hiding in Flair's shadow. Maybe even one of the combatants should retire if he is unsuccessful in winning this tournament.

All sarcasm aside, even the most die hard TNA marks have got to be a little concerned about the direction of this swerve. Hardy teased a heel turn one time before if I remember correctly (back in WWE years ago) and it failed as I recall. Plus, putting the strap on a guy facing severe possible charges has to be questioned in terms of its degree of common sense. If he is convicted, then what? Even if he isn't, I don't think it looks good to have your company's champion in the midst of legal troubles involving drug usage and distribution. This was a swerve for shock value only and while it will cause a short term spike in interest, I truly believe that in the end it will be a failure.

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