Reaper of Miracles
What if Brock Lesnar is hoping he doesn't face Daniel Bryan, imagine Byan defeating Lesnar clean? I remember reading somewhere a while back That he didn't like putting Eddie over because he thought it wasn't believable, can you imagine what he thinks about losing to Bryan a 5'7 220 pounder with a neck injury beating a 6'5 300+ pounder who DOMINATED the top guy of 10+ years AND broke The Streak. Wouldn't that be insulting the intelligence of the fans? Don't get me wrong I'm a Daniel Bryan fan but I can understand why they don't want to do that from a storyline perspective, it may come off incredibly stupid and unbelievable.
I think it has more to due with the neck injury rather than the size. Lou Thesz, for example, would have killed Brock Lesnar. Though to be fair he was still bigger than Bryan =/ Vince would have admitted that.