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Is it Time to Fire Jeff Hardy?

Ok but what is the real story? Look i said numerous time that if Jeff Hardy was stoned or drunk he should be fired, so i'm not defending him, but there is something up thats for sure because as of right now Jeff Hardy is still not fired from TNA he was only sent home according to dirt-sheets. If he was so out of it and people took notice there is no way Jeff Hardy could be still employed, the rest of the TNA locker room would have walked out and said fuck it by now. The only thing i have seen on this site since this whole mess happened is that the wrestlers are «not happy» but they are still there are they so whats up?

Actually, I don't even care if he was high as shit on cocaine or whatever opiate he chooses to indulge in at this point. He fucked something up again, made a mockery of TNA again, fucked about with his t-shirt for longer than the match took and then 100% no-sold the Death Drop, bitching like he was Bret Hart in '97.

He should just be fired for his unprofessionalism, really. I can only imagine how pissed-out-of-his-mind Matt must be with his fuck-up of a brother.
Actually, I don't even care if he was high as shit on cocaine or whatever opiate he chooses to indulge in at this point. He fucked something up again, made a mockery of TNA again, fucked about with his t-shirt for longer than the match took and then 100% no-sold the Death Drop, bitching like he was Bret Hart in '97.

He should just be fired for his unprofessionalism, really. I can only imagine how pissed-out-of-his-mind Matt must be with his fuck-up of a brother.

Sorry dude, but this situation has alot to do with if Jeff Hardy was stone/drunk because as you said he fucked up. Anyways this is just speculation by our parts because we have yet heard a word about what is the true story. If he was not drunk/stone then something big happened backstage at the last minute its beyond the Montreal screwjob at this point. Anyways i feel bad for Matt Hardy, because he was doing great and even got praised for his match.
Actually, I don't even care if he was high as shit on cocaine or whatever opiate he chooses to indulge in at this point. He fucked something up again, made a mockery of TNA again, fucked about with his t-shirt for longer than the match took and then 100% no-sold the Death Drop, bitching like he was Bret Hart in '97.

He should just be fired for his unprofessionalism, really. I can only imagine how pissed-out-of-his-mind Matt must be with his fuck-up of a brother.

Matt's response:

If Hardy was impaired then there is no reason to keep him under contract. I don't know what the rules are in TNA for wellness violations, but I'm pretty sure Hardy would fail a drug test. We don't have all the facts, but Hardy has been on a slippery slope now for a while. Its time for TNA to cut their losses trying to pander to drug addict.

THIS is exactly why I say TNA had pulled some stupid crap. they put the world title ona drug addict. Don't get me wrong WWE did the same thing but they also took it from him. When Jeff made his return to WWE he was clean for alittle while but when he got into Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania he was suspended for drug use and removed. Jeff came back again clean for alittle while and finally got his first WWE Championship he went back to the drugs. WWE gave him slack because of how much the fans love him. This is why CM Punk 'forced' Jeff out of the WWE. He was told to get clean and come back after a year off. Jeff went to TNA saying he was gonna stay clean. Again he lied. It's time for TNA to cut Jeff loose and for WWE to say 'the hell with you'. Show Jeff that drugs and wrestling really don't mix.

and before you say anything about RVD he might do weed but he has never been so messed up where he couldn't preform. He always waited till after events.
To me WWE and TNA is apples and oranges though, In WWE he came to work he was phenomenal a fan favorite put on really good matches, had really good feuds, unless you read dirt shirts or where part of the IWC you would not have a clue hardy was on drugs, if you are not a internet wrestling hound, Jeff Hardy was simply the newest Mainevent face to hit WWE in years and nothing more.

With TNA well you get the point.

As a Jeff Hardy fan if he really was under the influence TNA should release him Jeff should take WWE's offer and go to rehab and get clean stay clean, get in shape, and kiss VKM's ass to let him comeback I could see it as WWE is light on faces and lets face it a face Jeff Hardy with the machine behind him is very different then a TNA Hardy. But if this isnt a shoot(i think it is) then its on Hardy to realize he has a problem and fix it
reading the report Jeff was f#cked. This guy needs help badly and TNA need to get rid of hardy before he permanently damages their reputation. (he probably has after last night) Why should they keep a person who cant even keep sober for the main event one of the biggest events of the year.:confused: FIRE his ass and get him into rehab for christs sake.
That was possibly the strangest match that I have ever seen. Jeff was stumbling to the ring, he was late coming out, and he had no idea what he was doing. When he twirled that shirt around trying to make people think that he was going to toss it into the crowd he just looked so messed up. The match had already started and he was playing around. Sting looked really mad. You could see Sting taking control by pushing Hardy into the ring post and wrestling him over to the other side of the ring. Sting carried the match and finished it very quickly. Hardy tried to get out of Sting's pin but Sting held him down.
After the match Sting had a look on his face like "Hardy, WTF is wrong with you? You sick son of a B****. This is what happens when he F*** with me."

Here is the match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2KrFCXwiok

It is definitely time to fire Hardy. I am so tired of hearing about his screw ups.
no, its time to give jeff a promotion and some time off so he can focus on his legal issues only. with the extra money, he can take a well deserved break which might work as much as any intoxicant on his beaten up body. but unless you want him all of a sudden fight like flair or hogan or even sting (now) - and give up the crazy moves that he and aj and sabu and rvd are known for...then you (as a tna exec) have to accept jeff's drug habit (which maybe be medicinal for him as rvd claims), look the other way, and hope he won't get caught. wrestling and drugs go hand in hand in this age of grueling work schedules and insanely acrobatic stunts.
I wonder if Jeff's mind is starting to go, due to years of drug use, like it did for Chris Benoit. We could be seeing another "Benoit" incident.

Whatever you read about the Benoit incident, it is general consensus that Benoit was using some types of drugs for a while. A massive amount of testosterone was found in his body during the autopsy. Also, his mind has degenerated, possibly due to excessive drug use.

Maybe Hardy's mind is affected also by drug use.

Look at the current state of Charlie Sheen. It seems years of drug use on his part has affected his mind as well, with him rambling on, and I'm sure his condition got him fired from "Two And A Half Men".

Hardy needs to be put in rehab quick and assessed. Wahtever happens, I feel his days in wrestling altogether are numbered.
no, its time to give jeff a promotion and some time off so he can focus on his legal issues only. with the extra money, he can take a well deserved break which might work as much as any intoxicant on his beaten up body. but unless you want him all of a sudden fight like flair or hogan or even sting (now) - and give up the crazy moves that he and aj and sabu and rvd are known for...then you (as a tna exec) have to accept jeff's drug habit (which maybe be medicinal for him as rvd claims), look the other way, and hope he won't get caught. wrestling and drugs go hand in hand in this age of grueling work schedules and insanely acrobatic stunts.

I'm sorry but cocaine isn't medicinal, hasn't been used medically, openly, since the early 1900s. Jeff is not charged with possession of marijuana, he is being charged with possession of cocaine, Vicodin pills, Soma pills, anabolic steroids. He's also charged with TRAFFICKING and maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substances, etc.

So no, I don't care who you are, it is unacceptable to look the other way when an employee time after time shows the signs of being under the influence, IF in fact this is indeed the case, and is not some elaborate work.

Then again, you're the guy stating that its all a work , and in this case you shouldn't post jack shit about it, and instead you should be defending your view. And ranting about the freemasons in your other posts isn't helping your case, so why should anyone take your word seriously?
At least Hogan has acknowledged on Twitter than this is a major problem. I was totally expecting TNA to bury their hands in the sand while singing "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA" and then go with a cover up story like "Jeff Hardy's drink was spiked, if he can win a ladder match the culprit will be forced to own up!".

It is good that it seems TNA are going to at least try and sort this issue out. It has become to big to ignore. Jeff Hardy blatantly embararrased their company on PPV, humiliated himself and could have quite easily injured their Heavyweight Champion. The man needs to deal with the consequences of his actions. If no punishment is given then Hardy will never learn (personally I just do not think he cares at all anyway), and it will set bad precidents for the rest of the locker room.

Scott Hall was fired for being unfit to perform. Yes, Jeff Hardy is a bigger name in the business than Hall is today, but that should not matter. WWE suspended him for failing a drugs test, others have suffered similar fates. This is not just someone failing a test, this is someone who was unable to do their job because of being under the influence. In any walk of life that is a dismissable offence.

TNA, do the right thing and sack Jeff Hardy. Deal with the problem of paying out his contract and write off the shit title belt. The reputation of your company and morale of your locker room is far more important that the money it will cost to fire the drugged up Hardy.

Make an example to show you will not accept his actions. Just DO NOT turn this into a storyline. Apologise to the fans, don't lie to us. We are not stupid.
I'm sorry but cocaine isn't medicinal, hasn't been used medically, openly, since the early 1900s. Jeff is not charged with possession of marijuana, he is being charged with possession of cocaine, Vicodin pills, Soma pills, anabolic steroids. He's also charged with TRAFFICKING and maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substances, etc.

Postapocalyptichalo has addressed this briefly, but let me throw this in here:

RVD NEVER let his weed use affect his in ring work. They wouldn't have put the WWE and ECW strap on him in the WWE had that affected his work in the business. He only got in trouble when it affected outside of the ring as you may recall, with Sabu. And he's still the only star with the distinction of holding both titles simultaneously and having beaten the top talent to keep them as long as he did. Hardy gets a title run in the WWE and can't keep it together because of his demons RVD never let the weed take control. If he hadn't been public about it you wouldn't know a thing about it.

Jeff has been spiraling since before his run in TNA, and this is where it's taking him. He needs to get help and get clean.

And as I've said in other threads, there is no upside to this for TNA if it's a work. If it's another example of the insipid Controversy Creates Cash model, it is the most reprehensible thing he's ever been a part of. And I don't believe that's the case. Bischoff was stalling for time and trying to minimize this in the ring.

Get Jeff some help.
I'm sorry but cocaine isn't medicinal, hasn't been used medically, openly, since the early 1900s. Jeff is not charged with possession of marijuana, he is being charged with possession of cocaine, Vicodin pills, Soma pills, anabolic steroids. He's also charged with TRAFFICKING and maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substances, etc.

So no, I don't care who you are, it is unacceptable to look the other way when an employee time after time shows the signs of being under the influence, IF in fact this is indeed the case, and is not some elaborate work.

Then again, you're the guy stating that its all a work , and in this case you shouldn't post jack shit about it, and instead you should be defending your view. And ranting about the freemasons in your other posts isn't helping your case, so why should anyone take your word seriously?

LOL - it is all a work. i've already defended that point of view (in the other thread) and it seems you are the one who doesn't have much a response. and i'm not the only one who is saying this - but certainly the majority of posters (mostly kids probably) have been tricked and fooled by the one-trick-pony himself (vince russo)! what a shame...but time will clear up all the misconceptions including the ones you labor with.

as for jeff's allegations, if this is all true - then he should be in jail for a very very long time. but u know, when things like marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol are legal - i can't see why people should be locked up for other substances. all intoxicants should be outlawed. if not, then i don't care too much about the selective punishing of certain individuals who get caught with certain drugs. america is the biggest consumer of drugs from top to bottom in the whole wide world. but it is mostly the poor and easily influenceable that suffer! my first statement in this thread was more of a critique of the demands of wrestling than of drug use. meaning, if this what is going to be expected of performers for our entertainment (to put their bodies through all that)...then drugs are the inevitable (and medicinal) consequence. not something i support, only something i state as obvious reality.

oh, and btw, do u know of other instances where jeff came to work in tna under the influence?? maybe he did in wwe, but tna should judge him for what he has done while in that organization only. and i'm not saying he hasn't been high while at tna - i just don't recall any specific instances - so if you could point them out - that would be very kind. his charges outside of what he does while at work are for him to deal with and for the charges to play out before tna or any of us make any final judgment. sadly, the real opportunist bastard known in all this is vince russo - who couldn't help himself, he decided to make an angle out of jeff's real life (and off-duty) problems. he (rather than hardy) is the one man that everyone should be aiming and venting their anger, frustration, and disgust at. but sadly, most wrestling fans (casual and hardcore) are gullible sheep who are willing to be spoon fed every piece of trash that transvestites like the two vinces come up with!!!

and there is nothing to "rant" about freemasonry. do a little research, and then tell me how many of the initial signers of Amerikkka's deceleration of independence were freemasons? could it be that even the founding father himself, the first american president - george washington was a mason?? ahhh, indeed it is true, and this is a fact from all sources (not just conspiracy websites)! but i don't want to overwhelm you with too much truthful information all in one night. my mentioning of these things indirectly were all in the context of the rampant pandering most on this forum were exhibiting as a result of their subjugation to vince russo's utter and complete "bs" (excuse my language please)! everyone will be ok if they can just remember to...

1. never trust any storyline or angle done by russo
2. never trust any storyline or angle done by bitchoff
3. remember that wrestling is theater, is scripted, and never take it too seriously

thats not asking too much mr. apocalypse.
btw, the consensus with regards to beniot was that it was repeated hits to the head first and foremost that caused him to lose it. no doubt, drugs played a role - but not the kind that we are talking about with jeff or rvd. as for the difference between jeff and rvd, it is true that rvd restricted his usage to something much more medicinal. jeff's usage seems more recreational/addictive/escapist...but we don't really know what goes on in his head or why he does what he does or for what reason (or even in what capacity). if rvd has a right to use intoxicants to self-medicate his body on account of all the abuse it receives in performance for us...so does jeff. sadly, some ppl don't handle pressure as well as others; some ppl can't handle drugs as well as others; even with weed (and you'll never hear rvd saying it - probably b/c his brain cells aren't all accounted for) - person A could take it recreationally and not feel much of an affect while for person B the weed actually causes distinct cognitive dysfunction over time!

still, what is worse is to bring all these issues up and make story lines and angles out of them in order to gain a temporary increase in ratings. russo and bitchoff did it before with scott hall and others. stop chastising jeff, and go and spit in their face and start a petition to get these two cronies removed!! just imagine if all the tna marks were able to petition dixie to get rid of these megalomaniacs!!

bottom line though is that intoxicants are not safe and they cause more harm than good. they should be banned completely. this even includes ric flair's tequila shots at the bar. then, the wrestlers need to be honest with themselves and not live to perform but rather, perform to live (which doesn't require a wwe or tna contract)! if you can't perform 350 days of the year (and no sane man should), then you shouldn't wrestle. working the typical wwe contract would make a crack-head out of any of us!
And as I've said in other threads, there is no upside to this for TNA if it's a work. If it's another example of the insipid Controversy Creates Cash model, it is the most reprehensible thing he's ever been a part of. And I don't believe that's the case. Bischoff was stalling for time and trying to minimize this in the ring.

Get Jeff some help.

there is no upside to anything tna does. they are losing badly to wwe and are unable to get out of the ratings disaster they are in. wwe is improving slightly with all the buzz and interest over the last few months (some of it at the expense of tna wrestlers)...so really anything that causes people to talk (as we are now doing) is in fact, and upside. will it last? as anything tna has tried ever lasted??

i think the whole angle/jarret story line is far worse than exploiting jeff hardy's drug troubles. but that is my opinion and others will differ. the point though is that there is a lot garbage, a lot sewage, a lot of filth in what tna is doing and in what vince russo has done since joining tna (as well as before while at wcw and wwe). those of us who truly remember all that are not surprised at all by what happened at victory road.
there is no upside to anything tna does. they are losing badly to wwe and are unable to get out of the ratings disaster they are in. wwe is improving slightly with all the buzz and interest over the last few months (some of it at the expense of tna wrestlers)...so really anything that causes people to talk (as we are now doing) is in fact, and upside. will it last? as anything tna has tried ever lasted??

i think the whole angle/jarret story line is far worse than exploiting jeff hardy's drug troubles. but that is my opinion and others will differ. the point though is that there is a lot garbage, a lot sewage, a lot of filth in what tna is doing and in what vince russo has done since joining tna (as well as before while at wcw and wwe). those of us who truly remember all that are not surprised at all by what happened at victory road.

No argument here on that point. I am old enough to remember what NWA (pre WCW, not pre TNA)was like before Bischoff/Russo, and the parallels in bad decisions and worse storytelling are not at all surprising. The Jarrett/ Angle story is in very bad taste, but doesn't potentially threaten the lives of performers in the ring as the VR match easily could have.

I want TNA to succeed, but nothing in their current program is going to help them do that in the least.
No argument here on that point. I am old enough to remember what NWA (pre WCW, not pre TNA)was like before Bischoff/Russo, and the parallels in bad decisions and worse storytelling are not at all surprising. The Jarrett/ Angle story is in very bad taste, but doesn't potentially threaten the lives of performers in the ring as the VR match easily could have.

I want TNA to succeed, but nothing in their current program is going to help them do that in the least.

i'm saying all this of course with the firm belief that the VR match was all staged. if they allowed jeff to go in the ring completely wasted - that is a very dangerous thing which should yield immediate firings and eventual lawsuits. even Sting doing the SDD (as a supposed means to end the match quickly) was dangerous and a bad decision (he should have just walked out like hogan walked out on him during a match overseen by russo during the last year of wcw). as others have stated, Jeff seemed completely normal after the match was over, and he didn't stumble in the slightest when he was posing on the 2nd rope (right before sting's music began). just think, if you wanted to make a buzz and do something where the fan base would be convinced it was a shoot...then this is exactly how you'd want it to go. no one threw up in the ring. jeff didn't anything crazy. no one was arrested. the results of the following day's taping are already out. this is a clear russo/bishoff/hogan swerve, following a pattern that all of them have openly admitted to following over the last year (as well the larger pattern of all of russo's booking endeavors). what a rat he is!!

oh, and the nwa days were awesome :). even their worse decisions made one smile, and the fans weren't left with a bad taste in their mouth or a sick feeling in their stomach (even if it happened to not be as entertaining). sadly, ric flair probably did less damage to his body (on account of how he wrestled) during his entire nwa and wcw career as compared to just one year in jeff hardy's shoes (yet both of them are having substance abuse issues)! as the world turns
LOL - it is all a work. i've already defended that point of view (in the other thread) and it seems you are the one who doesn't have much a response. and i'm not the only one who is saying this

It doesn't really matter how many times you say something, however many are saying it, it still doesn't make you right. This isn't anymore a work than Bash at the Beach, whether you want to spin it to "help" your "charismatic enigma" or not.

- but certainly the majority of posters (mostly kids probably) have been tricked and fooled by the one-trick-pony himself (vince russo)! what a shame...but time will clear up all the misconceptions including the ones you labor with.

You mean like your misconceptions about the freemasons have cleared up over the years? Yeah, you're extremely credible, huh? Ad hominem attacks off the bat and then you think we'll take you with even a pinch of seriosity? Think again, bud.

as for jeff's allegations, if this is all true - then he should be in jail for a very very long time. but u know, when things like marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol are legal -

You know, marijuana and alcohol aren't really "legal". Marijuana is for medicinal purposes only, as prescribed by a licensed doctor and alcohol is only legal as long as you are over the legal age limit, not driving, not riding a bike and not acting in a way that is disturbing those around you. So while it isn't technically illegal to consume alcohol, most of its effects are.

i can't see why people should be locked up for other substances. all intoxicants should be outlawed. if not, then i don't care too much about the selective punishing of certain individuals who get caught with certain drugs.

So you think that self-defence should not be allowed as a defence either, then? Using the same logic, all violence should be outlawed; if not, it's just "selective punishing of certain individuals who get caught practicing violence", right? It's a law, so follow it - work to change it, by all means, but follow it while it is there. Or take the consequences if you're caught.

america is the biggest consumer of drugs from top to bottom in the whole wide world.

Actually, the US is #41 on that list, trailing behind such major economical powers such as Belarus, Burma and Panama. And unlike you, I provide sources:


but it is mostly the poor and easily influenceable that suffer!

... unlike you, who isn't gullible at all? Freemasons, remember?

Ugh, I can't even be bothered to reply to the rest of your worthless, inane ramblings. You are a conspiracist sheep, bleating at those who either doesn't care or who has seen that the world's problems are far more likely to be caused by sheer incompetence than by something global conspiracy (that more than likely is just a place for the old boys to meet up without the wives and have a spot of whiskey and a newspaper).

As for Hardy, he should be fired and not be allowed back into the wrestling business until he has sorted his shit out, because he is an embarrassment to every wrestling fan there is and ever has been. Not because he does drugs or whatever, but because he acts so god damn unprofessional.
I think he needs to be fired and I think Hogan and Dixie should address it on TV or at least check him into rehab either WWE's or they need to pay for it themselves to set the standard for the rest of the people on the roster and to cut the turmoil.

They need to address the turmoil and unrest in the back and straighten this shit out.
Well , i still don't know what to make of this. Its been a day in a half in North America since the «Main Event» happened, and as of now not a word about what truly happened at Victory Road or if Hardy is fired or not. This is truly weird.
I haven't commented on this because I feel like there's not much I can add.

There is no question that Jeff Hardy should be fired. Jeff should have been fired before he even went to the ring on Sunday. The minute he showed up in that condition, he should have been fired. If TNA wants to be looked at as a major organization, they have to handle their business like one.

This situation proved that TNA really has no regard for their employees. Sting, at age 51 re-signed with TNA. He probably could have went to the WWE, but he remained loyal to TNA at a time in his career where he could have easily went for the money instead. How do they repay Sting? They put him in the ring with someone who wasn't fit to perform, and could have severely injured him.

I can't imagine that NO ONE in TNA realized that Hardy was a mess until he got to the ring. They were backstage with the guy all day. They knew the condition he was in, and did nothing about it. That is unacceptable.

And they just let him go out there -Alone! They didn't even send him out with Gunner and Murphy, or his brother, or Flair - or even Bischoff, so that someone could try to control him. What if he got into it with a fan on the way to the ring or something?

This whole situation was handled terribly. I agree with Mark Madden - anyone who was involved in this situation should be fired - not just Hardy.
I posted something similar over on the "Hardy/Sting: Judge for yourself..." thread, but thought I would chime in on this thread as well (even though my post will be buried on the 13th page).

I don't think TNA should fire Hardy...at least not yet. If they were to fire him, I think it would only exacerbate Jeff's problems. If I were involved in TNA management, I'd reach out to him and try to help his situation. I would offer him time off (a suspension of sorts, which it seems like TNA is already doing), and offer to pay for him to GET HELP for his problems...I don't know if that involves an in-patient rehab facility, or whatever.

I think that if TNA were to fire Jeff, that it would only make his situation worse (he could OD, commit suicide, start using more, who knows?). I understand that most of you would want TNA to wash their hands of him, and I do understand why. The fact is that Jeff still has a lot to offer TNA, and TNA still has a lot to offer Jeff.

I really hope that Jeff gets his head on straight, and is able to accept the help that he needs. Not only for his own sake, but also his career's sake, his wife's sake, and his daughter's sake. No one wants to grow up knowing that their father pissed away his career because he was/is a dope-fiend (allegedly).
After watching this over and over again I can't help but feel sorry for Sting. You could see soon as he had pinned Hardy that he was disappointed and angry with what just happened. I just think to myself, Sting chose TNA and not WWE.. after that match his probably regretting it.

Jeff owes a big apology to the fans and Sting but I don't expect that will happen. I used to be a Jeff fan a while back, he was probably my fav wrestler but lately I've lost all respect for him and just want him gone. If the guy wants to go do drugs, fine... just get off my screen and a company I enjoy watching.

Matt is a different story, I'm enjoying him in TNA and his playing the Heal quite well. I can see his trying to work hard. I just hope this doesn't affect him in anyway.
The simple answer is yes

The long answer could be no only if he completes rehab and is clean im talking weekly drug tests on random days of the week with random alcohol testing as well clean not "clean" go to rehab for 12 days and say im all better when you snort a charlie sheen ammount of coke

The thing is he was arrested for all these drug offences and yet tna employed him and have put him out on stage out of his mind because they think he is a "star" and makes money i think they have forgotton that most people would rather have a tna up and commer who is good and able to do the job than a strung out "star" (i use the word loosely very loosely when i call him a star)

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