Could Jeff Hardy Make a Return to the 'E?

From what I heard about his court case, it got delayed another month or something like that.

Yeah i just saw the article, and his next court appearance is April 20th. Either way i don't think he could return to WWE because his drugs problems are too well known. Could he return to TNA? Well from what i've seen they are not sure yet. My bet is that if he returns to wrestling, its going to be in TNA and they are going to watch him closely. If he fucks up again he will be fired.
Could Jeff Hardy make his way back to the WWE? Nope! Here's why!

There are many problems with Jeff Hardy that make him a major liability. If his problems with drugs were not a problem in the past it is extremely obvious that they are now, and the evidence was on Pay Per View at Victory Road. Hardy was obviously not in any shape to be out there and in a sport like Professional Wrestling where the smallest mistake can mean serious injuries stunts like that are unacceptable.

Would he be a draw for fans? Yes he probably always will be, I myself have not been a Hardy fan since 2003 when the Hardy Boyz were still good, I still liked him during his second run in the WWE but I have seen Jeff slowly spiraling downward since his match with Edge at the Royal Rumble in 2009. His in ring work that used to be so amazing has gone down substantially(he has looked absolutly horrible since returning to TNA) and it seems as though his dedication to performing and to the fans has vanished.

To top all of this off it would be idiotic for the WWE to even consider bringing him back the way he has been looking as of late, I am personally amazed that TNA didn't get rid of him after Victory Road. I say if he wakes up, gets back into focus to get back to being a true performer and earns back the respect of his fans then I would be more than happy to see him back. Until he does this I say no way does Jeff Hardy return to the WWE.
Jeff hardy has burned his bridges no way in hell Vince will let him back in its over.Looks like the bridge is just about burned in TNA celebrity rehab should be his next stop.
Jeff hardy has burned his bridges no way in hell Vince will let him back in its over.Looks like the bridge is just about burned in TNA celebrity rehab should be his next stop.

Wouldn't be too sure about that. Its just speculation at this point, but if his court issues are over (maybe with no jail time) he might be back in TNA. In WWE no chance in hell its too late, but never say never in the wrestling world. My bet is that he will most likely show up in TNA. Remember they didn't outright fire him so....:shrug:
I personally think that if Jeff hardy cleans up, and stay clean, he could be the shinning star that he is. If Matt Hardy takes Vince Russo spot, because matt has a brilliant wrestling mind, he could book great matches with Jeff and other wrestlers. If Jeff gets his act together, he could generate ratings and money and ppv buy rates for TNA, and making them compition to WWE. Not saying he could do it by himself, but if he stays clean and him and A.J., RVD, Matt, Bear Money and so other guys put on good shows and good storylines, im pretty sure TNA will be happy and Jeff in return will be happy. Do i think he will go back to the WWE, highly doubt that. Do i think he will go to prison, nah. But this is just my personal oppinion
If and ONLY if he is clean. He failed 3-5 drug tests and there was a video last year (I think) of him bashing CM Punk because he is straight-edge.

He was pushed as the top face of Smackdown and a few months later he left.

Vince and the creative team don't trust him. He will most likely return to TNA or ROH.
I know this sounds disgusting and despicable but.... I don't care what happens to Jeff. HE DOESNT DESERVE REHAB. HE DOESNT DESERVE ANYTHING. HE DESERVES TO BE LOCKED UP FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. He doesnt deserve the popularity he gets... he doesn't deserve the career he has had. Rather have anyone even The Great Khali have more of a historic career than THIS PIECE OF TRASH.

Ok here is the facts, I honestly have never really liked the Hardy boys. But I still have somewhat of a little respect for them. Matt is getting somewhat in shape and having better matches, and I hope Jeff is getting help or helping himself with his drug addiction.

You sir on the other hand are an idoit, you claim he dosen't diserve rehab. You you know what Addiction is? It is a disease that needs to be treated, being spiritual, self treamtment, or rehab. Every addict diserves help, I've been around a few and Know that rehab does help. If you work with it and help yourself along.

Jeff is a human being that has made mistakes, and I'm scratching my head on why I'm trying to defend him right now. But I've seen people with addictions at their highest point and lowest point. To me Victory Road was a very low point for jeff in his life, but you or anyone else needs to support this man if he so decides to get into rehab. Because believe it or not, Jeff is apart of our history. He allways will be, and I hope for his sake that he gets help.

So the next time you want to make asinine statements like you just did, think before you post them.
Well Jeff Hardy isn't going to jail yet. from what i have seen on the wrestlezone news page, he is going to be evaluated to see if he is really an addict (maybe he is but we are no experts so...) and his next court date is June 27.
Could Jeff Hardy Make a Return to the 'E?

In one word: No.

I can only imagine Vince's sigh of relief when 5 minutes after Hardy had left WWE for TNA the news broke that he got arrested for drug possession.

Hardy showing up for a PPV main event in no condition to perform should be the very last straw.

Is there such a point as being beyond redemption? I don't know. Back when Eddie Guerrero got fired I thought he was done. We know how that story went.

Vince believes in 2nd chances. But Hardy, even if he does clean up his act (which I hope, but I doubt) may have burned one bridge too many. Can he ever again convince an employer like Vince that he is not a liability? And if that day does come, how much will his star have cooled down by then? Could he really expect to have the same fan following as at the time he left?

I don't see it happening. To be fair, I was never a fan of the man as a singles wrestler so I may not be the best to judge his appeal.
I honestly don't want to see him nor his brother and their rag tag band of friends return to the WWE, On Attitude alone. Which is sad because Helms was a Great Midcard and would have love to seem him be the IC champion
I think he could. To me, he's still a WWE guy. If he gets fired from TNA, then I could see WWE picking him up when he's clean.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that the Victory Road incident spelled the end of Hardy's career. It certainly will play a part in the process of replacing him as the top guy in TNA as they need their top guy to be someone that acts in a way worthy of representing them. I think if he returned to WWE then they would capitalize on his return and give him a small initial push but he would be nowhere near where he was in 2009 feuding with Edge or Punk for the World Championship. His actions would catch up with him and although this is not the beginning of the end, he will probably never see that level of success again anywhere because he does not act professional enough to deserve that.

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