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Rumor: Jeff Hardy Could Return to WWE in Early 2013?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

There are a lot of rumblings within TNA that Jeff Hardy is looking to return to WWE when his current contract expires in early 2013.

The feeling is that Hardy wants to return to WWE for one more big run and
make a bunch of money because he lost a lot with the legal troubles he has had over the past few years.

We noted before that TNA had Hardy win the Bound For Glory Series because they want to keep him happy. TNA really wants Hardy to stay as he is their biggest merchandise seller. The feeling is that TNA may put the World Heavyweight Title on Hardy to try and persuade him to re-sign.


I certainly wouldn't blame Jeff for wanting the big pay check, and it'd be painful to have to not watch such a talented performer because he was returning to a promotion I can't stand, but at the end of the day, money is money.

It's all about the money. Hardy should go where he feels happy and can make the most money with the talent he has. He isn't going to be wrestling forever so he has got to use all the time he has left to make as much money as possible. I'm fine with Hardy staying in TNA or going to the WWE because he's simply good for business.
I'm sure lots of people in TNA would love to return to WWE and have one last run. Unfortunately for Hardy, he burned a lot of bridges and while he may want to come back, I'm not positive WWE would even want him back as a midcarder.
This is a rumor from WELL over a month ago with no vailidity. Post should be closed.

Are you personal friends with Jeff Hardy? You must be, considering your so knowledgeable of the validity of this story, you must have an inside scoop.

Also we know that nothing that's a month old could possibly be true...

I honestly don't know why Jeff wouldn't be considering WWE, nothing against TNA, but WWE is set up in a way that's far more beneficial to retire there. Jeff could have his one last big money run, get a HoF nod, a legends contract, and maybe a job as an agent.

Do I want him to? Nope. I hope Jeff stays in TNA, but jumping ship is way too beneficial to not consider it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff Hardy wanted to return to the WWE, but I think what matters is does WWE want him back period? and even if WWE was to be willing to take him back, would it really be for the money he wants? or does he get any type of significant heavyweight title push?

I hope he stays in TNA because that;s what I watch and I want to see him. I don't know how involved TNA was in him getting clean after what happened at Victory Road, so I can't say he owes TNA, but TNA was willing to give him another chance after what happened there, so maybe he does owe TNA something.
I would like to see Hardy win the title at BFG.
He himself has stated that he'd stay in TNA if he's happy. And with the lighter schedule and the current spot he's in, I'd say a small pay-raise would most likely be enough to keep him around. Not to mention WWE is pretty crammed right now and chances of them negotiating with any TNA star are apparently a big no-no right now, I highly doubt Jeff's run with TNA will end any time soon.
Jeff Hardy has too many drug problems, therefore if WWE has any sense they won't touch him with a 10 foot bargepole, especially not while Linda McMahon's trying to be a Senator.
I'm a realistic person and I think you'd have to be a complete fool not to see why the prospect of returning to the largest and most profitable wrestling company in the world isn't alluring. As the report mentioned, not surprisingly, Jeff Hardy has spent a ton of money dealing with his legal troubles. All in all, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Hardy is out several million dollars on his legal defense and that's not chump change by any stretch.

I'm sure TNA will want to do everything they can to keep Hardy around but, at the end of the day, all the ego stroking and title reigns don't pay the bills. If WWE wants Jeff Hardy back badly enough and Hardy is in a spot where he's hoping to make back the money that he no longer has & then some, then TNA won't be able to keep him.

The question, however, is how badly does WWE want Hardy back if they want him at all? It's not as though WWE doesn't have a shortage of very profitable and popular stars on their roster right now, so there's a solid chance that Hardy won't be able to demand the moon and stars in order to return to WWE. It's not as if Hardy leaving has hurt the WWE in any way, but it'd be a big blow to TNA from a financial standpoint.
TNA could release Jeff Hardy after BFG and it wouldn't make much of a difference.

After Victory road 2011 it just hasn't been the same. Before that you could feel how Hardy carried the company on his shoulders but now? Especially after how they booked his return, nobody cares. If he is going to re-sign then they could put him over at BFG but if he is going to the WWE just let Aries kill him at BFG.
It's not as though WWE doesn't have a shortage of very profitable and popular stars on their roster right now, so there's a solid chance that Hardy won't be able to demand the moon and stars in order to return to WWE. It's not as if Hardy leaving has hurt the WWE in any way, but it'd be a big blow to TNA from a financial standpoint.

Hardy means more to TNA than WWE, yes, but that doesn't mean WWE doesn't need him. Jeff Hardy was right up there with Cena on merch at points and appeals to the younger audience so he would likely do even better now. The only reason Hardy would not be in high demand would be his drug history, not this silly idea that WWE doesn't have a shortage of stars. I think Hardy would say no to a full time contract in WWE but since HHH has taken over they have softened their stance on part timers. Should be interesting to see how it plays out because TNA knows what Hardy is worth to them, so if they have the money they will offer it. If he doesn't stay I will worry a little about the company's finances unless Jeff does take a risk on maintaining his health on a full WWE schedule.
Obviously going to WWE is a good move for Hardy. Anyone who thinks WWE doesn't want him back is crazy. 3-6 year olds (WWE's main demographic) love Hardy. They buy his masks, shirts, armbands, underwear, whatever. WWE would love to have him back. Should he come back and main-event? No, but solid IC or US title feuds would work.

Where are all these burned bridges I hear about? Mid 2009 Hardy was burned out, so when his contract was up, he left. 7 months later he went to TNA because of the promise of a lighter schedule and comparable pay. That doesn't make him a bad guy.
What makes anyone think Vince would risk bringing either Hardy into the company? At this point they're just high risk, low reward.
Exactly, before the BFG main event was even announced as well. (this is a reply to eltacy)

Also, I don't think WWE would take him on now. He had 3 chances in the WWE which he blew because of drugs, he was then on his final warning before he left. Then he blew a chance in TNA last year...Sure he is back on track with his life but what if he was in WWE last year March, he would have done what he did at Victory Road but this is in WWE, where he was on his last chance and also......during the Wrestlemania period.

So I don't think WWE would take him on, they MIGHT trust him, but it is VERY UNLIKELY.

...And, WWE isn't interested in hiring former TNA talent anymore because of the lawsuit.
The question, however, is how badly does WWE want Hardy back if they want him at all? It's not as though WWE doesn't have a shortage of very profitable and popular stars on their roster right now, so there's a solid chance that Hardy won't be able to demand the moon and stars in order to return to WWE. It's not as if Hardy leaving has hurt the WWE in any way, but it'd be a big blow to TNA from a financial standpoint.

I think it is safe to say wwe would like to grab any of tna top talents if they given the chance. WWE right now is running on thin ice in terms of the mainevent scene. Last nights tag team mainevent pretty much summarize the whole mainevent scene. Everybody have feuded eachother in recent years. As great as punk/cena is, how many time have we seen that?

WWE legit maineventers/stars that draw:
mystero (to an extent)

guys like sheamus, delrio and even byran (hes almost there not yet) are upper midcarders and not full fledge legit maineventers.

Part timers:
Sometimes timing is everything.

Jeff Hardy will work the rest of his career as a top babyface (sorry Russo but turning him heel was perhaps the stupidest move I've ever seen). He' just naturally over like crazy and you don't mess with that. However, he's the type of guy that likes it. Unlike buffoons named CM Punk and Randy Orton who, despite have full adoration of the fans, prefer to be "bad". These two morons will be heels by next year though they likely will still get cheers up the wazoo.

So lets say the Orton rumor is true and he turns heel. If you are the WWE, you are left with ONE major babyface one each show. That would be the PERFECT time for Hardy to come back and become a top babyface on either brand. I'm sure he knows that and whether he's serious about a return or not, it's a hell of a bargaining chip. The WWE could really use him until they realize how stupid it was to turn two of their top guys that fans will continue to cheer. In the meanwhile, Hardy could work their spot if that's what works out.

Point is, Hardy is valuable to either company and if your contract was coming up, wouldn't you, at the very least, consider both sides? I know I would. As a wrestler, you have such a short time to demand lucrative money. After that window closes, where do you turn? These guys do need to think of their futures and money has to be a factor in their decision making. Whether or not fans think a guy is "treated better" in one place or another is irrelevant (especially since we know about as much about that as we do about these contract negotiations).

The bottom line is that if you are Jeff Hardy, you talk to both companies, see what they have to offer, and leverage one against the other. That will net you more money, better benefits (like time off amongst other things), and simply a contract you will be happy with. When all the facts are in and final offers have been presented, you make an educated decision. Jeff would be stupid not to handle it this way. Consider you options. If that's what he said he's going to do, then he's a much smarter man than I thought. That's what he SHOULD do.
In all honesty, why wouldn't Jeff want to be back in WWE? its where he got all his fans and that's what everyone remembers him for was for his time in WWE. Now saying this does WWE even want him back? I have no clue, it seemed like he left on good terms but due to the whole drug situation that took place right after that and him going to TNA, idk if they want to deal with him anymore. I personally would love to see Hardy back and he could be great at putting people over while winning more championships in the process. I could see him signing a new deal with WWE and after punk loses his championship most likely to The Rock at Rumble. He could come out complaining after he got his rematch and thats where Jeff makes his return to pick up right where they left off and now both of them are booked for Mania in a possibly good personal feud.
Would WWE really want Jeff hardy back. I think you will find the answer is NO. WWE are doing everything they can at the moment to give the right image so Linda has a better chance of her camain being successful. If they Brought Jeff back WWE would be taking the risk that Jeff could slip up and start back on the Drugs. If this happened it would give Linda's rival's more ammo to throw at her and I can't see Vince wanting to hurt his wifes chances.

Also the WWE roster is pretty full at the moment with good young talent. and I don't see WWE dropping somebody like Dolph Zigler or Shemus down the card to make way for someone who would only be at the top for a couple more years.
What makes anyone think Vince would risk bringing either Hardy into the company?
Because of one thing and that is: MONEY. :)

Even if he has left in the past from WWE, Vince would want him for the Money. Merchandise sale would be skydiving(Jeff is after all no1 merchandise seller in TNA) and they would make a good profit from him. Good question is if WWE realy needs Hardy now but he is over as Hell and he couldnt hurt a bit. Even if he is stucked at midcard he would be good for bussiness in terms that he could put talents over and make some good and interesting feuds. :)
Sometimes timing is everything.

Jeff Hardy will work the rest of his career as a top babyface (sorry Russo but turning him heel was perhaps the stupidest move I've ever seen). He' just naturally over like crazy and you don't mess with that. However, he's the type of guy that likes it. Unlike buffoons named CM Punk and Randy Orton who, despite have full adoration of the fans, prefer to be "bad". These two morons will be heels by next year though they likely will still get cheers up the wazoo.

So lets say the Orton rumor is true and he turns heel. If you are the WWE, you are left with ONE major babyface one each show. That would be the PERFECT time for Hardy to come back and become a top babyface on either brand. I'm sure he knows that and whether he's serious about a return or not, it's a hell of a bargaining chip. The WWE could really use him until they realize how stupid it was to turn two of their top guys that fans will continue to cheer. In the meanwhile, Hardy could work their spot if that's what works out.

Point is, Hardy is valuable to either company and if your contract was coming up, wouldn't you, at the very least, consider both sides? I know I would. As a wrestler, you have such a short time to demand lucrative money. After that window closes, where do you turn? These guys do need to think of their futures and money has to be a factor in their decision making. Whether or not fans think a guy is "treated better" in one place or another is irrelevant (especially since we know about as much about that as we do about these contract negotiations).

The bottom line is that if you are Jeff Hardy, you talk to both companies, see what they have to offer, and leverage one against the other. That will net you more money, better benefits (like time off amongst other things), and simply a contract you will be happy with. When all the facts are in and final offers have been presented, you make an educated decision. Jeff would be stupid not to handle it this way. Consider you options. If that's what he said he's going to do, then he's a much smarter man than I thought. That's what he SHOULD do.

I agree 100%. Great post. All I'm saying is that he is not worth that much to TNA anymore. He is not a ratings draw anymore. He walked out on TNA so to speak, left them in the dust and crap so to speak, and TNA rose and were able to get themselves together without Hardy.

I think he will be a bigger draw than Sheamus, Orton, Bryan , Ziggler and many more if he is pushed in the WWE.
I agree 100%. Great post. All I'm saying is that he is not worth that much to TNA anymore. He is not a ratings draw anymore. He walked out on TNA so to speak, left them in the dust and crap so to speak, and TNA rose and were able to get themselves together without Hardy.

I think he will be a bigger draw than Sheamus, Orton, Bryan , Ziggler and many more if he is pushed in the WWE.

Bullshit. He is absolutely worth that much to TNA. All you read are reports that he is the top drawing merch guy for them, and all you have to do is watch ANY live event where he walks out. He gets the loudest pop of ANYONE on the roster, Kurt Angle, Joe, etc. included.
Bullshit. He is absolutely worth that much to TNA. All you read are reports that he is the top drawing merch guy for them, and all you have to do is watch ANY live event where he walks out. He gets the loudest pop of ANYONE on the roster, Kurt Angle, Joe, etc. included.

He walked out on us. We didn't walk out on him.
He walked out on us. We didn't walk out on him.

This is rhetoric. What does this even mean? Are you referring to Victory Road? Yeah, he fucked the fans over, but he's completely re-aligned his career since then. Your refusal to forgive him does not equate to a lack of value.
Bullshit. He is absolutely worth that much to TNA. All you read are reports that he is the top drawing merch guy for them, and all you have to do is watch ANY live event where he walks out. He gets the loudest pop of ANYONE on the roster, Kurt Angle, Joe, etc. included.

True Hardy appeals more to women and children than anyone else on the Tna roster. My take on Hardy is that Hardy will do whatever he wants to do and I'm not sure Tna putting him in the main event of BFG will change that. Hardy received a huge push in his last Wwe run, he won the world title a month before his departure, he main-evented the second biggest ppv of the year, and Wwe reportedly offered Hardy a deal where he didn't have to perform at house shows and not to mention a big pay raise yet he still left when at the time he was the clear number two face of the company. Hardy leaving Tna would be a big loss for Tna as losing your number one merchandise guy certainly isn't good for business.
Eh, my take on it is this.

Why would WWE want Jeff Hardy back?

Easy, the same reason TNA wanted to put the spotlight on him after Victory Road. 'The underdog story'

In WWEs current state, with people in office pointing fingers at them supporting drug use, yadda yadda...what better way for WWE to further push their 'Rise Above Hate' and all their kiddy campeigns than to say 'We had this guy who had serious demons, and he over-came those demons and has returned' or some line like that. it wouldn't be a stretch to see WWE trying to use Jeffs personal life as a tool to reintroduce him and benefit off of it.

Alot of people can say these are just rumors, but I believe back when Jeff first started talking about returning for his last WWE run, that it was all just rumors too. And look what happened..

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