Is it Time to Fire Jeff Hardy?

He should of been fired or at least sent home and ordered to go to rehab as soon as it was obvious he was drugged up. I think the person or persons that made the call for him to go out anyway should be fired too. TNA fans deserved better than that BS main event. So did Sting he must be furious at TNA management he sure looked pissed.

Even some of the biggest TNA marks out there that defend everything TNA does are pissed about this. Maybe TNA are waiting to see what happens to Hardy in court Wednesday before they make a decision. I think it would look better for them if they can him now. If he goes to jail TNA will take a lot of heat from the media regardless. However they're going to take a lot more heat. Over the fact that he was drugged out of his mind and still allowed to wrestle.
If this whole mess was legit, then Jeff seriously needs help, and I don't think being an active wrestler is a good thing for him right now. Jeff should be sent home, and taking a good amount of time off could help him. We all know this guy has problems, and he should take time off. He needs to straighten out his life, because if the match at Victory Road was given more time, something far worse could've happened. Hardy could've injured Sting, and a Sting injury would send TNA's World Title picture into another clusterfuck situation.

With all of that said, I really can't feel sorry for TNA. They knew what they were getting into when they signed Jeff Hardy. They knew he had legal trouble, they knew he was a known drug user, and they knew he was prone to make mistakes. Still, TNA decided to put their World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, they decided to him give him a huge push once "They" were revealed at Bound For Glory, they decided to give him a customized World Title belt, and he has remained at the top of the food chain as far as heels go in TNA. TNA chose to look the other way, so if Jeff's problems do blow up in their faces, then TNA can only point the finger at themselves.
Ok now its been two days, two days and not a word yet except Jeff Hardy was sent home? What is going on here he is fired? Is he still employed but will be sent to rehab? What the hell is going on? Even on wrestlezone they says half the roster thinks what happened at Victory Road was legit and the other half thinks this was a work. Man this is beynd weird because we just don't know.
I'm a man of second chances. . .but Hardy blew that in December at Final Resolution.

Don't fire him. and if this turns out to be a work, i'm going to be pissed. TNA needs to get rid of Hogan and Bischoff, IMMEDIATELY. Vinny Mc would NOT have let it go down like this on a WWE PPV bout. Jeff Hardy doesn't need to loose a job. He needs to be suspended, sent home from tapings, and sent to rehab. Hell, have Dixie Carter come out, take the company back from Hogan somehow, then fire both their asses(Hardy Kayfabe). Send Hardy to rehab. Get him clean...WWE CLEAN, then bring him back, and make him work his ass off to get back to the top.

I don't want to see him fired, and i am in no means a Hardy fan, but i know i would not want to loose this job if i was in his possition. They need to tell Hardy "look, either Rehab, or your out of a job" and EVERYONE knows WWE won't take Hardy back once they see this incident.
If a person shows up at any other job in that condition they get canned, so what makes TNA any different? Dope is for Dopes.
Well since they addressed it, as shown in the recent Wrestlezone article, I think we can rule out the possibility of it being a work. Also not to mention, from what I've seen about the tapings (and this isn't necessarily a spoiler) Hardy's definitely nowhere to be seen.
It was time to fire Hardy a long time ago. He never faces any real consequences, just slaps on the wrist here and there, which is why he was a Charlie Sheen loser long before Charlie Sheen was.
I just want to say to all of those who disagreed with me, I TOLD YOU SO!! That was back in 2008! Some things never change!
I know I am in the minority but I would not fire Jeff Hardy if he accepts he has issues and goes to rehab. If he refuses rehab then sack him.

Hardy should apologise for his major screw up, say he will work on his issues in rehab and then return when he is ready. Sacking Hardy will just send him into a downward spiral and he will be the next dead major wrestling star, surely no-one wants that.
Hardy has had multiple chances to clean himself up. How many times did it happen in WWE? Some people define "crazy" as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Something different needs to happen. He needs to be fired. He is a bad example for the younger fans. Maybe he needs to lose everything and hit rock bottom to finally realize he needs to clean himself up. He's not changing now because he has no reason to. He hasn't lost a thing.

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