IMPACT Wrestling LD for 12.22.11

Interesting having the power guy be the face and flippy-mc-flip be the heel. Works for me, but I'm naturally disposed to like Neese.
I think I like Ion, but I'm assuming he's going to win the best of 3. That means that his new heel character will go against a heel champion. Not sure how that's going to work.
Ion reminds me of some kid I had to share a class with in 7th grade. You know, the one who sat at the corner and spent the day eating paste.
You point this out every week, don't you? lol

And there's nothing natural about Madison's tits.

Lol I would go out of my way and download than share an army of Madison Rayne pictures but HoHo already has that out of the way. But I guess I say that every week because after seeing an add with Velvet Sky and Angelina Love then seeing Madison Rayne, she just looks more natural.

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