IMPACT Wrestling LD for 12.22.11

Daniels is doing a pretty good job with his new heel persona. And that bit with RVD's pyro gave me a good chuckle. I love how random these teams are. Might as well have been wearing the Immortal gear for the match.

God I love the Knockouts Holiday commerical.
Would have been a heck of a moment if they acknowledged the past and the one guy who was more mad at Hardy than anyone else forgave him. Screw emotions though when Sting can say stuff by yelling!

Sarcasm aside, decent opener but could have been an EPIC opener with real emotion attached to it. Missed opportunity there.
Would have been a heck of a moment if they acknowledged the past and the one guy who was more mad at Hardy than anyone else forgave him. Screw emotions though when Sting can say stuff by yelling!

Sarcasm aside, decent opener but could have been an EPIC opener with real emotion attached to it. Missed opportunity there.

Good point.
I recall him actually being quite entertaining during his last heel run.

Personally, when him and A.J were feuding over the love and affection of Ric Flair I saw a lot of promise in a heel Kaz. Being face just doesn't work for him.

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