Impact Wrestling LD for 05.19.11

They already said it wasn't Sting.

And lol at Velvet. She got a strike.

Yea, that's the point. They should have played Sting's music later in the night and had whoever this is (presumably Anderson) come out. Doing it this way makes the moment later extraordinarily lackluster. At this point, who gives a shit that presumably Anderson is coming out dressed as Sting? The moment is gone. The money is in the moment and that's the moment you realize "shit, it's not him". We've already been told that so it's null and void. That's the point I've been hinting at.
See, that's a moment where Velvet doesn't need to talk. Just have Karen turn around, get that surprised face on, and have Velvet push her. Makes the moment more powerful. TNA needs to learn that non-verbal communication CAN tell a story.

Can it? Yes. Is it the only way? Not even close. Maybe you didn't like it but it got a pop from the crowd and the finish got the same reaction it always was going to. What is so terrible about that?
Don't come back.

That would seem counter-productive to TNA's success, advising people not to watch their product.

Read the spoilers for tonight's show. Lots of questionable stuff that a glossy set change isn't going to fix. Maybe they shouldn't have Eric Bischoff wrestling a match on the first show in their "WRESTLING Matters" era?
75 minutes in, less than ten minutes of wrestling. Great to see that new dedication to ring time.

But KB! They filmed promos with the wrestlers talking about their new focus on wrestling! That's just as good as actually focusing on in-ring time, isn't it?

We! Are! Talking!
Can it? Yes. Is it the only way? Not even close. Maybe you didn't like it but it got a pop from the crowd and the finish got the same reaction it always was going to. What is so terrible about that?

You get that same pop if not a better one if you cut out the fat. This is true for any sort of performance. Fluff in any performance actually kills crowd reaction, though I wouldn't gage crowd reaction on the Impact Zone and the dubbed in crowd reactions. The bottom line is that it's a minor thing to some, but that segment is infinitely better (as are most) if you let your non-verbal skills speak for you. You don't have to talk out every little thing. Doing so assumes your audience is stupider than a 1st grader in Arkansas.
Other than the Abyss/Amazing Red match and the Dreamer promo, this show has been garbage so far.

"Segments matter" might be a good slogan for them.
Just switched to the NBA playoffs and see a TNA "impact wrestling" commercial and talked about how it promotes professional wrestling and not so much entertainment. Unusual. At least they're getting noticed
Wow. Eric Bischoff is better dressed than Matt Hardy. The same Matt Hardy who had some of the coolest wardrobes in the early 2000's.
Seriously, how does Matt Hardy get a chick as hot as Reby Sky?

You mean the NY Giants unofficial poster girl? Speaking as a giants fan I'm shocked, I thought she was already married given she's always attending giants games with seemingly the same man (although i always noticed he was conserdiably much older than her). Wow. Hardy is a lucky, lucky man
I see we're exceptionally whiney tonight. Wonderful. :rolleyes:

Huh? There have only been like...four or five posts out of 168 complaining about the show. That's a remarkably lower number than average I'd say actually.

And there's nothing "exceptionally whiny" about wanting TNA to actually back up their promises. They've promised a new focus on "wrestling", and we've had less than 10 minutes of in ring time on a 2 hour show. That's a perfectly valid complaint.

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