IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.05.12

The way I see it, a seated senton and a diving Thesz press are fairly close. Depends on whether you get the legs around the head.

Thesz press requires the legs to be bellow the opponent's arms, uses the upper body to drop an opponent and Lou Thesz would have been seen dead performing it. Senton used the lower body with the legs above the opponents arms. Complete opposites.
Seeing Kazarian and Magnus wrestle looks like Antonio Banderas and Hugh Jackman fighting lol
Are Magnus and Joe heels? Despite they're petty fighting, they haven't really done anything heelish in the ring in this tourney yet.
I prefer AJ and Kaz personally. They'd certainly have a better match with Morgan and Crimson. I'm not really fussed though.
I would honestly love to see Morgan/Crimson vs Kaz/Styles match for the tag titles. Granted it won't be a quality match like the Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money but the contrasting styles would be fun to watch.
crimson/morgan are faces.. I expect the heels to win here to fued with them. Joe/Magnus
Thesz press requires the legs to be bellow the opponent's arms, uses the upper body to drop an opponent and Lou Thesz would have been seen dead performing it. Senton used the lower body with the legs above the opponents arms. Complete opposites.

I see it now. Good to know.

I prefer AJ and Kaz personally. They'd certainly have a better match with Morgan and Crimson. I'm not really fussed though.

I just want Joe to get pushed already. I can't believe it's been this long and he's still doing nothing.
That was a pretty damn good segment. Nothing to do with Garret, but still.

Also: I'm going to hang on to your neck to make you leave. Awesome.
I'm not sure what you're meaning when you say the legs would be beneath the arms. As in like the knees would be near the other person's armpits? Legit question.
Also: I'm going to hang on to your neck to make you leave. Awesome.

I'm not sure what you're meaning when you say the legs would be beneath the arms. As in like the knees would be near the other person's armpits? Legit question.

More or less. It doesn't actually matter how high the knees go as long as they're bellow the arms, it would presumably vary a lot based on height. I should perhaps use shoulders instead of arms. Basically assume the person taking the move has their arms spread horizontally. Upper body with legs bellow to arms is a press, lower body with legs above the arms is a senton.
More or less. It doesn't actually matter how high the knees go as long as they're bellow the arms, it would presumably vary a lot based on height. I should perhaps use shoulders instead of arms. Basically assume the person taking the move has their arms spread horizontally. Upper body with legs bellow to arms is a press, lower body with legs above the arms is a senton.

That's what I thought. Thanks.

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