IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.09.14 — Magnus v. Styles — Two Titles, One Champion!

When was the last time a title match had interference from start to finish? It is a new/different way to book the match

And to your second point about only need one or two again that does not Gurantee a win because in the past we have seen numerous faces over come interference from one or two people and still win/retain the title

You do realize the writers can actually y'know... write that Roode alone could cost AJ the title, right? You do know that? Please tell me you know that.

One more time: How in any way is it not believable that a single heel could have cost AJ the title as opposed it taking 10+ people?

Also "in the past" we've seen faces succumb to interference from one or two people and losing the title.
You've fallen to ad hominem because you have no more logical stance.

Wrestling is about telling stories, you know what stories generally do?

They get the viewer/reader to feel something about the characters.

Story Writing 101.
They want you to feel Magnus shouldn't be champion. And yet you're asking why you SHOULD feel he deserves to be champion.

As I said: Unfathomably stupid.
Yes I know that and I never said it wasn't believable that one person could cost him the match but there's still no point in Dixie risking it and have her newly crowned champ lose to someone who is leaving the company so why not have 10 people to make sure he doesn't its more effective and believable to have 10 then having one or two.
They want you to feel Magnus shouldn't be champion. And yet you're asking why you SHOULD feel he deserves to be champion.

As I said: Unfathomably stupid.

Of course I want him to be champion, I'm a fan of heels. They pulled off the "he shouldn't be champion" angle in a way that me, as a heel fan, can't get behind him (which is what heel fans are supposed to do).

As I said, you've got no more logical angles to your discussion so you resort to ad hominem.

As a heel fan, I would have fully believed in Magnus as being a champion (even though he doesn't deserve it) if one person got involved. Being as 10+ got involved, I don't have any connection to him as a champion whatsoever.

How are you not getting this?
Yes I know that and I never said it wasn't believable that one person could cost him the match but there's still no point in Dixie risking it and have her newly crowned champ lose to someone who is leaving the company so why not have 10 people to make sure he doesn't its more effective and believable to have 10 then having one or two.

A large portion of wrestling history completely disagrees with you.

Should I list those matches again?

Having 10+ people get involved, in the end, not only makes it look like Magnus doesn't deserve the title but has the strength of a puppy.

Having 1 person get involved, in the end, not only makes it look like Magnus doesn't deserve the title but has the strength of someone who should (or could) actually be a champion.

How many heels in the history of wrestling have won because they cheated or had interference but still believed at the end of the day that they could actually keep the title if they hadn't cheated?
Of course I want him to be champion, I'm a fan of heels. They pulled off the "he shouldn't be champion" angle in a way that me, as a heel fan, can't get behind him (which is what heel fans are supposed to do).

As I said, you've got no more logical angles to your discussion so you resort to ad hominem.

As a heel fan, I would have fully believed in Magnus as being a champion (even though he doesn't deserve it) if one person got involved. Being as 10+ got involved, I don't have any connection to him as a champion whatsoever.

How are you not getting this?
So you're suggesting that a professional wrestling organization's booking would be better served by catering to the strange (and in your case, oddly specific) taste of the small minority of people who are fans of heels?

Right. Fuck off. You can use all the Latin you want. You're still gonna be a shit-for-brains twat.
Having 10+ people get involved, in the end, not only makes it look like Magnus doesn't deserve the title but has the strength of a puppy.
How can we speak about his strength, either positively or negatively, when he was put in a position where his strength wasn't tested at all?

And none of those matches had similar circumstances to this one and again Magnus wasn't suppose to look strong and believable after this and he's still a believable champion for winning a lot of matches leading up to the Hardy match for the title and in kayfabe Magnus defeating Sting someone who is always booked strongly in TNA just because he won his last two in ways that wasn't strong doesn't mean that he's not a believable champion
How can we speak about his strength, either positively or negatively, when he was put in a position where his strength wasn't tested at all?


Awww, you're just so precious.

Strength not tested at all equates to puppy power.

One more time:

How. Are. You. Not. Getting. This?
So you're suggesting that a professional wrestling organization's booking would be better served by catering to the strange (and in your case, oddly specific) taste of the small minority of people who are fans of heels?

Right. Fuck off. You can use all the Latin you want. You're still gonna be a shit-for-brains twat.

No, I expect them to book smartly.

If I expected them to cater to the strange, we'd have Katie Vick all over the place.

How is it "strange" to believe a bad guy has more strength in his own person by winning with one person helping as opposed to 10+?
A heel fan? Thats a thing? I understand appreciating the work of a heel, I've often sat grinning like a fool thinking "ohhhhhh fuck this guy!".

I think it was bishoff, or someone else who said that the heel should always use underhanded techniques to win, because he should never deserve to be champion. Roode was a great example. This whole thing seems overboard though. Not in terms of what it does for the heel though. It benefitted AJ too much, considering he's leaving. Magnus gloating about it next week should be a laugh though!

Why is your only British wrestler (fuck you, spud) a heel going into a big annual tour of the U.K.?
And none of those matches had similar circumstances

Incorrect. The circumstance was "Dixie does not want AJ leaving with the title."

That sounds like Punk vs. Cena to me.

Magnus wasn't suppose to look strong and believable after this and he's still a believable champion for winning a lot of matches leading up to the Hardy match for the title and in kayfabe Magnus defeating Sting someone who is always booked strongly in TNA just because he won his last two in ways that wasn't strong doesn't mean that he's not a believable champion

Then I can't root for him as a fan of heels. I enjoy heels that still can back up everything they say. Currently Magnus can't because it took so many damn people to help him.
Yeah, because of the sheer amount of people it took.

When it took that many people to beat AJ and give Magnus the win I disconnected from Magnus. I don't care about him being champion in the least now.

You're not suppose to like heels, there may be many people who do but it's akin to people that like villains in movies: the story shouldn't cater to how much of a hero the villain is compared to the actual hero (in this instance AJ). Wrestling should never be about heels being manly and never taking the easy way out. They cheat a lot, you hate them, you root for the hero, you can like that they might cheat, but you can't like a heel and then complain when they cheat.
How is it "strange" to believe a bad guy has more strength in his own person by winning with one person helping as opposed to 10+?
How is it a bad storytelling for a bad guy to use henchman? Movies, television, video games, novels, plays, stories told in shit and scrawled on the walls of caves -- this device has been used since the dawn of fucking time.

To quote you: How. Are. You. Not. Getting. This?
A smart man could see a bad guy looks like a bigger threat with the fewer people he has to help him.
There are different ways to build a bad guy.

Honest to fuck. For someone goes on and on about them, it sure seems like this is the first time you've ever seen a story.
You're not suppose to like heels, there may be many people who do but it's akin to people that like villains in movies: the story shouldn't cater to how much of a hero the villain is compared to the actual hero (in this instance AJ). Wrestling should never be about heels being manly and never taking the easy way out. They cheat a lot, you hate them, you root for the hero, you can like that they might cheat, but you can't like a heel and then complain when they cheat.

I love heels just like I love villains. Hell, I love it when the heroes become the villains.

Triple H used to cheat all the time, used to run away, but at the end of the day I still felt like he could actually put up a fight.

With Magnus, not so much. I'm complaining about how much they had to throw in for him to win, not the fact that he indeed cheated.
There are different ways to build a bad guy.

Honest to fuck. For someone goes on and on about them, it sure seems like this is the first time you've ever seen a story.

It seems like this is the first time you've ever talked to someone that knows what a good story is.

Yes, there's countless ways to build a bad guy.

But within that, there's countless ways to do it badly.
How is it a bad storytelling for a bad guy to use henchman? Movies, television, video games, novels, plays, stories told in shit and scrawled on the walls of caves -- this device has been used since the dawn of fucking time.

To quote you: How. Are. You. Not. Getting. This?

When was the last time you saw, in the final battle, a bad guy use hordes of henchmen, win and still look weak?

Tell me the last time you saw that.
Incorrect. The circumstance was "Dixie does not want AJ leaving with the title."

That sounds like Punk vs. Cena to me.

Then I can't root for him as a fan of heels. I enjoy heels that still can back up everything they say. Currently Magnus can't because it took so many damn people to help him.

Not that same Cena wanted to beat Punk without help Vince didn't want Punk to leave and only he intefered and look what ended up happening he still won and if I'm not mistaken it was a distraction from Vince that led to him winning the title

So how you win is important but all other the wins Magnus had leading up this aren't and are irrelevant, that makes sense
It seems like this is the first time you've ever talked to someone that knows what a good story is.

Yes, there's countless ways to build a bad guy.

But within that, there's countless ways to do it badly.
You don't support Magnus.

I'd say they're accomplishing their goal.

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