IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.09.14 — Magnus v. Styles — Two Titles, One Champion!

This is from TNA's website


TNA is kicking off the new year with a new beginning as for the first time ever, the Genesis Pay-Per-View event will be broadcast free on SPIKE TV live from Huntsville, Ala. Fans will be part of four hours of history-making television as the Superstars of IMPACT WRESTLING bring the hard-hitting, high-flying action of Genesis to two epic IMPACT WRESTLING LIVE! broadcasts scheduled for Jan. 16, and Jan. 23, at 9 p.m. ET, on SPIKE TV.

TNA's "Genesis" will be a special two-week event on SpikeTV, airing on Thursday, January 16 and Thursday, January 23! Both "Genesis" episodes will feature your favorite TNA superstars competing in high-stakes matches! Featured matches over the two weeks - and more to be announced - include the following:

- "The Icon" Sting vs. Ethan Carter III
- Cage Match: Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode
- Bully Ray vs Mr. Anderson
- Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne
- Briefcase Match: "Cowboy" James Storm vs. Gunner

So two weeks of Genesis?
That gives them time to get a world title match in place for the January 23rd episode, I guess. Winner of Gunner/Storm?
I was just telling my boy that this reminds me of the last year or so in WCW. Was all this to get more over as top heel. Lord almighty.....
To be honest, personally, after tonight it feels like the last chapter of TNA to me. Like the book is closed and there's nothing left to see. I can't even say I hope that I'm wrong, just feel burnt out.


Let it burn into your minds, cause he's signed until at least the April 19 TV taping, and he isn't allowed to appear on anyone elses TV show until then unless TNA want to pay a big price, and if he can't appear on TV, he can't appear at Lockdown. This is what happens when true talent is mismanaged.
That shitty match pretty much sums up how TNA is right now, it's a complete mess. They just lost one of their best talents, & a guy that's been loyal to them them since literally the very beginning, I tuned in specifically for this match hoping I could at least see him have a great match on the way out & see what's so great about Magnus other than "he's got a good look", I didn't get any of that, what I got was a shitty train wreck of a match that just made this company look like it was being run like a bunch of ******ed chimps. It's sad that a company with so much great talent can't figure out how to utilize that talent & put on a show that people WANT to see, & show that isn't a complete fucking disaster. The last month or so I've tried to tune in & at least catch a good chunk of the show & what I see just reminds me of the dying days of WCW.

I've had about enough of Sting vs. the evil authority figure, I'm pretty sure he's been in that role as long as he's been with the damn company, give him something new to do for fuck sake, or cut him lose, I can not be the only person who's grown tried of seeing Sting do essentially the same fucking storyline for 8 yrs.
That shitty match pretty much sums up how TNA is right now, it's a complete mess. They just lost one of their best talents, & a guy that's been loyal to them them since literally the very beginning, I tuned in specifically for this match hoping I could at least see him have a great match on the way out & see what's so great about Magnus other than "he's got a good look", I didn't get any of that, what I got was a shitty train wreck of a match that just made this company look like it was being run like a bunch of ******ed chimps. It's sad that a company with so much great talent can't figure out how to utilize that talent & put on a show that people WANT to see, & show that isn't a complete fucking disaster. The last month or so I've tried to tune in & at least catch a good chunk of the show & what I see just reminds me of the dying days of WCW.

I've had about enough of Sting vs. the evil authority figure, I'm pretty sure he's been in that role as long as he's been with the damn company, give him something new to do for fuck sake, or cut him lose, I can not be the only person who's grown tried of seeing Sting do essentially the same fucking storyline for 8 yrs.

They should have let Sting go or lower his pay to give AJ the money he wanted.

Outside of Sting/Taker, he isn't that much of a draw in 2014.

That's money that could be used on building new stars.
Apart from the Anderson-Ray segment, I really enjoyed the show.

I'd have taken that run-in-fest over a clean match in a New York minute. Lots of fun.
Apart from the Anderson-Ray segment, I really enjoyed the show.

I'd have taken that run-in-fest over a clean match in a New York minute. Lots of fun.

Yeah, in this case, there's no point in putting Magnus over AJ clean, because it clears legitimate doubt over his being the champion entirely, as opposed to doing so in a storyline. He'll go on and on now for a while about how he sent AJ packing, which is great, because if AJ ever does return, he has reason to come right at Magnus. Magnus retains and becomes "undisputed", but AJ isn't buried in the process. It leaves the door open. Just in case.
Apart from the Anderson-Ray segment, I really enjoyed the show.

I'd have taken that run-in-fest over a clean match in a New York minute. Lots of fun.

Way to make your champion look strong.

Not only did he get help winning the title, he also gets help beating the actual champion.
Yeah, in this case, there's no point in putting Magnus over AJ clean, because it clears legitimate doubt over his being the champion entirely, as opposed to doing so in a storyline. He'll go on and on now for a while about how he sent AJ packing, which is great, because if AJ ever does return, he has reason to come right at Magnus. Magnus retains and becomes "undisputed", but AJ isn't buried in the process. It leaves the door open. Just in case.

Beating him clean or having a single person interfere can allow for the exact same thing.

You can claim that you sent someone "packing" by beating him dead center of the ring with no interference at all.
They booked that very smartly it would have no sense for them to have a competitive match why would Dixie wait till 10 15 minutes into the match and risk having Magnus lose the title

Edit: There's a difference between a badly written story and you not liking the story they told
Stories can be badly written. Don't just accept it because you like the product.
Don't ascribe a definitive goodness or badness to something just because you don't like the product.

Besides, I don't trust you to know what a good or a bad story is. Smarks tend to glorify clean matches and clean decisions and guys looking strong. In a fake sport where you can tell interesting stories that don't always revolve around "strong contender vs strong champion," putting that shit on a pedestal is for the birds.

Caring about wins and losses and the cleanness of it all is pure markdom. Simple as that.
That main event was WCW 2000 levels of shit. I would much rather they do the angle where Dixie literally just wants to kill the company and this is how she does it.

That being said I had fun laughing at it, so I guess that's all that matters.

Oh and for the record the angle and they way they're booking is shit, it's damn near the end for TNA, just learn to accept it. Go watch the WWE network instead.
Don't ascribe a definitive goodness or badness to something just because you don't like the product.

Don't do it just because you like the product. I'm looking at this from a perspective of someone trying to get into TNA, not as someone who already loves it.

Besides, I don't trust you to know what a good or a bad story is. Smarks tend to glorify clean matches and clean decisions and guys looking strong. In a fake sport where you can tell interesting stories that don't always revolve around "strong contender vs strong champion," putting that shit on a pedestal is for the birds.

I don't trust you to be unbiased. You can tell interesting stories, but at the end of the day people need to connect to the characters in said stories. Why should I connect with Magnus and feel he should be a champion when not only did he get help winning the title in the first place, but when competing against the "real" champion he only won because 10+ people got involved? One person, say like Carter or Roode interfering to cause Magnus to win would have been fine. What connectivity does 10+ extra people provide?

Caring about wins and losses and the cleanness of it all is pure markdom. Simple as that.

Caring about how the story is carried out is part of how entertaining things can be. Simple as that. Do I need to describe to you the multiple storylines in various media that would feel gravely different if the players who won had help when they originally didn't?
They booked that very smartly it would have no sense for them to have a competitive match why would Dixie wait till 10 15 minutes into the match and risk having Magnus lose the title


Punk vs. Cena.
Austin vs. Rock Wrestlemania XVII.
Outsiders vs. Team WCW Bash at the Beach.
Hart vs. Michaels Survivor Series '97.
Triple H turning on X-Pac to cost him the European title.
Hart vs. Backlund where Owen intervened and threw in the towel.

Should I continue with the many, many good examples of how "last minute interference" can help strengthen an angle? Especially when titles are involved?

Edit: There's a difference between a badly written story and you not liking the story they told

There's a difference between me not liking the story because it's bad and just not liking it.

Punk vs. Cena.
Austin vs. Rock Wrestlemania XVII.
Outsiders vs. Team WCW Bash at the Beach.
Hart vs. Michaels Survivor Series '97.
Triple H turning on X-Pac to cost him the European title.
Hart vs. Backlund where Owen intervened and threw in the towel.

Should I continue with the many, many good examples of how "last minute interference" can help strengthen an angle? Especially when titles are involved?

There's a difference between me not liking the story because it's bad and just not liking it.

Yea why have a different finish and try something fresh and hasn't been recently when you can tell the same story that's been told tons of time and when you do tell a similar story get mocked for copying WWE, and not being an altertantive.

The point of that match wasn't for Maguns to look strong it was too Gurantee that AJ doesn't leave the company with the title
Why should I connect with Magnus and feel he should be a champion when not only did he get help winning the title in the first place, but when competing against the "real" champion he only won because 10+ people got involved?
You are unfathomably stupid.
Yea why have a different finish and try something fresh and hasn't been recently when you can tell the same story that's been told tons of time and when you do tell a similar story get mocked for copying WWE, and not being an altertantive.

The point of that match wasn't for Maguns to look strong it was too Gurantee that AJ doesn't leave the company with the title

And you can do that with one person, why do you need 10+?

And your first portion makes me laugh, well chuckle actually, because you're trying to say TNA did something "new" when all they did was do what others have done before them... just with more people involved.

I mean seriously, seriously, how in the world can you justify that (going by your logic) it's not possible (or believable) to "make sure the title stays in TNA" by having one, maybe two people interfere to cost AJ the title?

How do you justify that 10+ was the way to go when you could have done it with one or two?
You are unfathomably stupid.

You've fallen to ad hominem because you have no more logical stance.

Wrestling is about telling stories, you know what stories generally do?

They get the viewer/reader to feel something about the characters.

Story Writing 101.
When was the last time a title match had interference from start to finish? It is a new/different way to book the match

And to your second point about only need one or two again that does not Gurantee a win because in the past we have seen numerous faces over come interference from one or two people and still win/retain the title

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