IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.05.12

I wish the Knockout Tag titles were defending in a pillow fight match. That would draw more than what they have been doing recently.
Because there aren't enough girls to warrant the division so they throw together whatever two girls they can to give title shots to?

Sounds about right to me. I'm not sure which I dislike more; The Wild Card Tournament, or just giving random pairings a shot. At least the winner of the WC Tourney earned their shot, so that's better, I suppose.
God that Eat Defeat took forever to hit. Doesn't look good when Traci was standing there waiting for Gail to set that up.
I never understood why Flair just disregards Sting and walks out as a manager and do his heel business? He is already breaking the rules, what is to stop him from breaking more?
Seated senton to a standing opponent.

Sting and Flair need to interact more... as in constantly.

The way I see it, a seated senton and a diving Thesz press are fairly close. Depends on whether you get the legs around the head.

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