If You Could Fire One WWE Superstar From The Current Roster...

Some of these answers are seriously laughable. To those who say fire Shelton & HBK I say this...

Lay off the crackpipe.

OK here's a list of people who friggin annoy the fuck outta me & should be pink slipped asap....

Hornswoggle (midgets in wrestling=ratings......NOT)
Mark Henry ...so he's strong. Wow. He also sucks & always has, though I did enjoy seeing Kurt Angle f*** him up in early 2006. On the most part he's slow, fat, & shite.
Jesse & Festus...seriously, what are these guys EVER gonna do?
DJ Gabriel
Ricky Ortiz
Tony Atlas
Hawkins & Ryder
Mr.Kennedy..seriously annoying, I mean his gimmick is that he says his name..twice..groundbreaking stuff(!)
Chavo Guerrero
The Brian Kendrick
The Great Khali
Ranjin Singh
Kung Fu Naki
Jimmy Wang Yang
Tommy Dreamer.. I mean he's just a jobber now.
The Miz (I think he plain sucks & is holding back John Morrison)
Theodore Long
Matt Striker
Vladimir Koslov
Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler
Ted DiBiase Jnr
Jamie Noble
Mike Knox
Santino Marella
Sim Snuka

Now I understand that's a lot of personnel to release (I refuse to call this sorry bunch 'talent'), but we are in a credit crunch, as are WWE, this would make monetary sense as well.

The next step is to scrap ECW completely, unify the big gold belt & shitty spinner belt to make ONE UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP.
I mean how many sports have 2 champions?
In the NFL, only ONE team wins the SuperBowl, here in the UK only ONE team wins the Premiership in a season, only one team wins the Champions League. Also unify the tag titles as well. Also get shot of that stupid divas title.

In the end I would only have the following championships...


Just my two penny's worth

Release Santino Marella? :headscratch: He is the funniest guy on the roster. I would release Sim Snuka hasn't been on tv in ages and he completely sucks. Also keep priceless they are fantastic. :flair:
I fit wouldn't affect the income of the company, John Cena. I seriously have not watched a Raw main event with Cena for over a year. Not because I haven't tried, but because this guy puts me too sleep with his boredom, immature jokes and re hashed phrases.

What in the world are you talking about? John Cena !IS! RAW. Just 6 months ago, John Cena was out of action for several months. How did you see him in the main event during that part of the year? Not to mention RAW's ratings dropped to a 2.7 without him.

John Cena is the best wrestler on the RAW roster, and the WWE roster. Hell hes the best wrestler on the face of this planet right now. Don't anyone say I said he was better than Austin, Rock, or Hogan, etc. Because that is an argueable statement, not to mention, they aren't professional wrestlers anymore. The list that he is better than, includes, Kurt Angle, HBK, HHH, etc...Yes folks, I said Kurt Angle....John Cena is better than Kurt Angle in the professional wrestling business. Kurt knows more moves, congrats. John Cena knows how to talk on the mic, without threatening to break someones ankle. Angle can only play a comical babyface, or a sadistic heel to break your F'n ankle. Either way, John Cena is better. Cash Revenue of the WWE proves this. 3.3+ with John, 2.7 without John. Angle moves to TNA, ratings on WWE, stay the same. Ratings on TNA stay the same. No affect....HMMM Hands down please? Thanks.

John Cena is great on the mic. Rehashing old phrases???? The hell is a phrase supposed to be? Mind explaining Einstein? Something you say once, and it becomes your entire career? Everytime Austin is in the building, he said "Thats the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so" THATS HIS PHRASE! Phrases are MEANT to be repeated. Next thing you know, Hogan won't say brother, ever again. He feels its being "rehashed." His silly jokes, got him over. They keep him over. For instance, the joke he used on Michael Cole's "vintage" was the greatest thing, ever said in the WWE history.

As for the answer to your thread. I would fire Kane. He contributes nothing anymore. I've seen nothing entertaining in him in years. Hes loyal, because hes getting paid better than he would anywhere else. Fire him, get a new better at putting people over wrestler.
I think its a shame that Kane is treated in this way, he has so much talent....anywayz.... I would fire JBL purely because he's boring and I dont find him entertaining on any level. His promo's suck and in the ring he's predictable. He's like a texan version of Lance Storm. Simple as really lol
umm if i could fire one superstar from wwe it would have to ...john cena lol jk i would have to go with hacksaw jim duggan.the man is absoulty useless he is a jobber the company doesnt need hes so bad they wouldnt let him get his ass kicked by jerico because the dont like using him if u dont like using him get rid of him he is a shell of his former slef nowhere as good as he was in his prime if he ever had one.i hate seeing this guy wrestle cuz u know he will lose.it sad to see him he is out of shape.i feel bad for him
I would fire Candice Michelle. Not only is she constantly getting injured, but she has almost no talent
I would say Mark Henry hands down. He's not even worth it to be a heel. Everytime he's in a match, I just don't care about it. I won't cheer for him or against him. He is just nothing. He doesn't have charisma and the ring work sucks in my humble opinion. Rey Mysterio is a close second in my book, but, at least he makes money for the WWE. I know i'll probably catch slack on the Mysterio one, but, it's just my personal opinion.
There are many candidates... JBL (For his useless wrestling) Mark Henry (For his useless everything) but one particular wrestler that is annoying me recently is Finlay...

Finlay is a good wrestler and i know he is getting old now, however the gimmick with Hornswoggle is old and it really is detering me from any memories of the fighting irishman.

oh and Gillian should have been fired when she still had that winegum stuck to her face.
Hornswoggle because of his gimmick he is stuffing finlay up finlay goes better without hornswoggle

the great khali i hate his playboy gimmick it's just ******ed lol
Awww, just one? Bummer, cause I could have purged the roster of all useless big men (Mike Knox, Mark Henry, Khali, Big Zeke...who WAS interesting at first but is now full of suck thanks to Kendrick's love for reefer) and useless females (Maria, Candice, K-Squared, Eve, Alicia, etc.).

However, there is one man who deserves to be "future endeavoured" more than anyone else, and that's Ken Anderson aka Mr. Kennedy.

The man is made of glass and has yet to display any bit of wrestling ability that makes me want to stand up and cheer. So far the only thing he has proven is he can say his name (twice!) and go on the injury list for upwards of a year at a time. That's pretty much it...can anyone name a four-star Kennedy match? Can anyone name a four-star Kennedy feud? Anything? Anyone?

Sure, you can swap Batista for Kennedy, especially with Batista's age factor in play, but at least Batista can go...Kennedy has yet to even prove he can do that. And now he's STILL a few months away from recovery? From a COLLARBONE? You know...the injury that Orton came back from in six months, and that's AFTER breaking it a second time?

Kennedy is worthless and should be sent home for good...and tell him to take all the copies of Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia out of the discount bin and take them home...it's getting crowded with all those WWE Films releases in there...
Milk[lw];951160 said:
What in the world are you talking about? John Cena !IS! RAW. Just 6 months ago, John Cena was out of action for several months. How did you see him in the main event during that part of the year? Not to mention RAW's ratings dropped to a 2.7 without him.

He was also injured during football season, which typically drops RAW ratings anyway, so try again on that point...and yes, even though he is my hero, God, and man-crush, it was also when Jericho was running the show, and Jericho isn't a strong casual-fan draw, but more of a strong casual-fan puncher...

John Cena is the best wrestler on the RAW roster, and the WWE roster. Hell hes the best wrestler on the face of this planet right now.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I think I just pee'd myself! Holy crap...there's a guy on the same roster as Cena that's been doing this a HELL of a lot better for a HELL of a lot longer, and that's HBK, so try again...again.

Don't anyone say I said he was better than Austin, Rock, or Hogan, etc. Because that is an argueable statement, not to mention, they aren't professional wrestlers anymore.

So, just because they are retired doesn't mean we get to compare them? Since Michael Jordan is retired from basketball, we can't compare him with Kobe Bryant? Also, you didn't say he was better...because he's not.

The list that he is better than, includes, Kurt Angle,

Get to that one in a second...

Dude. I want some of the weed you're smoking. Now. Cause that's an extremely idiotic statement...it is a scientific FACT that HBK > John Cena in every way.

Arguable at times...I'll give you that one...

etc...Yes folks, I said Kurt Angle....John Cena is better than Kurt Angle in the professional wrestling business. Kurt knows more moves, congrats.

Angle also has something Cena doesn't...the ability to tell a story in the ring AND the ability to carry a match. Cena's match quality ALWAYS depends on the quality of his opponent...after all, his truly great matches were with HBK (surprise! A better wrestler!) and Edge (an even BETTER wrestler!). He can also play Superman when need be (Khali, Big Show, Umaga). Outside of that, he's garbage...he can't work small guys (his matches with Jericho have always been Jericho bumping his ass off to make Cena look good and I doubt he can work someone like Rey Rey) and he doesn't know selling psychology (how in the HELL are you supposed to lift someone into the FU/Attitude Adjustment/Whatever ridiculous name it gets this week with the greatest of ease if your back has been worked on the whole match? I guess that's just the worker in me complaining...).

Kurt Angle, meanwhile, has had 4+ star matches with guys from Rey Rey's size to Big Show's size. He knows how to sell AND bump his ass off. I mean, c'mon...you're HONESTLY saying that JOHN CENA is a better WRESTLER than an OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST?! I think right there is point enough.

John Cena knows how to talk on the mic, without threatening to break someones ankle. Angle can only play a comical babyface, or a sadistic heel to break your F'n ankle.

And all Cena can do is make 12-year old double entendres and do the neck vein popping "intense" promo. And it's taken him YEARS to get that down. Angle was gold on the mic since day one (seriously, go back and watch his Survivor Series debut and subsequent match on RAW and tell me you didn't immediately think he was going to be a big star...I did just based on his promo...then he wrestled).

Either way, John Cena is better. Cash Revenue of the WWE proves this. 3.3+ with John, 2.7 without John. Angle moves to TNA, ratings on WWE, stay the same. Ratings on TNA stay the same. No affect....HMMM Hands down please? Thanks.

Cash revenue is measured in $$$, it's "effect" not "affect", and that last part just made no sense, so I have no idea how to answer this...

Oh, and iMPACT was averaging a .9-1.1 before Angle, now it's consistantly a 1.3...sure, it's not much and there have been more WWE cast-offs added since Angle, but he has contributed to the ratings rise...WWE ratings fluctuate, with or without Cena.

John Cena is great on the mic. Rehashing old phrases???? The hell is a phrase supposed to be? Mind explaining Einstein? Something you say once, and it becomes your entire career? Everytime Austin is in the building, he said "Thats the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so" THATS HIS PHRASE! Phrases are MEANT to be repeated. Next thing you know, Hogan won't say brother, ever again. He feels its being "rehashed." His silly jokes, got him over. They keep him over. For instance, the joke he used on Michael Cole's "vintage" was the greatest thing, ever said in the WWE history.

I'm at a loss for words...seriously, I got nothin'...facepalm.jpg for you.

As for the answer to your thread. I would fire Kane. He contributes nothing anymore. I've seen nothing entertaining in him in years. Hes loyal, because hes getting paid better than he would anywhere else. Fire him, get a new better at putting people over wrestler.

I'll agree with you there, but that's it.

Let it be known I am a full-fledged Cena hater...don't get me wrong, the guy is great for the company, he's PR's wet dream, and he is a workhorse, especially coming back from TWO serious injuries as fast as he has and not really missing a step, but his steps weren't that great to begin with. His wrestling talent is sub-par, his promos have gone stale, and his character is about as fresh as a Dodo fart. He needs the Hogan-esque heel turn for his Hogan-esque career to go any higher, cause the fans are turning on him...just listen to the reactions he got in Houston last week at both shows...he was actually boo'd more AFTER he won the title...

*dismounts soap box* OK, done. Don't take it as a person attack on you (well, other than the spelling and grammar thing); this is the treatment I give all the Cena lovers.
From i personal standpoint, i would fire Randy Orton for the simple fact that even if he one of the top heel in the wwe, he's still the most boring guy in the WWE and when all the fanfare finally stop, he probably won'T be anything big and will flounder in mid-card hell. But on a logical sense i probably fired The Brian Kendrick simply because he's way to talented to be wasted like he is right now and fireing him would probably be the best thing for him.
From i personal standpoint, i would fire Randy Orton for the simple fact that even if he one of the top heel in the wwe, he's still the most boring guy in the WWE and when all the fanfare finally stop, he probably won'T be anything big and will flounder in mid-card hell. But on a logical sense i probably fired The Brian Kendrick simply because he's way to talented to be wasted like he is right now and fireing him would probably be the best thing for him.

Agree with Orton. I hear all this talk of him being a great heel. But from what I've seen he's doing the exact same thing as Jericho. The only difference being that Jericho has changed his character, Orton can't do anything else. I also don't rate his in ring work.

I'd fire him.
I would fire Vince McMahon... that is if I were "The Board" of WWE Inc...

WM 25 proved beyond all else that WWE is in a creative funk... we have not seen this like since the days of TL Hopper and The Goon or Arquettemania...

WM had little to no real excitment value in its booking this year, relying on the bait and switch tactics of "Will Rourke Show Up" and "Will the Streak End"... In these credit crunch times, many would say that Vince has "brought the ship this far" but like the captain of the titanic, he can still hit some icebergs that will sink WWE if creative, exciting TV and PPV is not brought back soon... PG 13 will only work as a direction if the characters and matches are exciting, cos the "attidute" era fallbacks of promos and r rated material can't be used...

Add to this that WWE has lost at least one future Hall of Famer in the last year due to Vince's behaviour... When Mick Foley said he couldn't concentrate with Vince's screaming at him, it rang true...Same with the rumors that he doesn't rate Christian... but the rumors abound that Vince is becoming more agitated than in the past suggest it time to do something about Vince, rather than keep losing top tier talent.

My honest view is Vince going... now... would be the best thing for WWE in the long term. Have Flair, Steamboat ,Taker and Steph as a booking team... with Shane as the "president"... Note I do not have HHH there... as this his role would only come into play when he is inactive/retired and also would mean Steph could be outvoted... very important...

Steph has had her shot and frankly failed IMO... she has never moved past being Triple H's wife... and for all the talk of HHH being involved in booking since 1997, he hasn't stepped up for WWE by putting over the newer guys as often as he should have...

Taker is to all intents done as a competitor... his knees are gone and we all know it... so retire now at 17 and 0... does it really make it more impessive if it goes to 20... He has the respect of everyone in the business and knows how to make gimmicks work... Flair is a master of promos and generating heat from a simple whoo and chop... who booked WCW successfully during rough times... Steamboat proved even last week that he is still the benchmark for in ring ethic... he may not be as fast or fluid... but he and flair know how to make wrestling the star of the show again... which for a kids show, is gonna be crucial... cos its how it was done back in the day... Add in some able "lieutenants" like HHH, Finlay, Regal, Arn and DiBiase and WWE has a "battle team" ready to hammer things back into shape...

One thing is certain, with the proposed set up 75 % of the booking team will be highly respective WWE veterans, who have seen the past 35 years of the business in and out of the ring... Shane and Stephanie have the business and TV production savvy... I would trust WWE's future to this group without hesitation...and give Vince a well earned HOF and Future Endeavour...
I'd fire Mr. kennedy...hes horrible and COMPLETELY overrated...not to mention hes injury prone. can't have someone like that around. hes just taking over too much space...theres other MUCH younger and hungrier wrestlers ready to take his spot and should rightfully do so. hes blown opportunity after opportunity and i see nothing more for him other than to fire his ass and send him off to TNA.
I'd fire Mike Knox. I'm sick of these monster heels that go crazy for about 4 months, then get defeated by the top face and slowly fade away. Let's be honest, they serve no purpose except making the face look strong for about 2 seconds. After the matches, no-one cares. Honestly. At least Umaga has an interesting gimmick. Ah, fickle people.
It's hard to answer this now... cause JBL has left, so there goes my first pick.

My second choice would either be The Great Khali or Charlie Hass. I'd fire Khali because theres just not enough room in the WWE (literally) for another 7 foot giant who has extremely limited in-ring ability. That boat has been sailed many times. Plus there just isn't any storyline possiblities for him anymore. He's not the kind of guy you can use in a high tempo storyline that the WWE seem to be going for right now.

And I'd fire Hass because he is such a wasted talent and the way the WWE are treating him at the moment is a massive slap in the face to him and really, their just taking the piss out of him. Both him and Benjamin debuted in the WWE at the same time and he's been the US champion, IC champion yet Hass has pretty much done nothing since The world's greatest tag team broke up. I'd fire him and advise him to go and sign with a promotion thats actually going to appriciate his talent. I wouldn't sign him because he's a bad employee, I'd fire him to give him a better oppontunity in the business.
Mike Knox, why not have him team up with Hacksaw Jim Duggan,,looks the same for the most part,,except the old man boobs and the 2x4. Then get rid of them both.
Agree with Orton. I hear all this talk of him being a great heel. But from what I've seen he's doing the exact same thing as Jericho. The only difference being that Jericho has changed his character, Orton can't do anything else. I also don't rate his in ring work.

I'd fire him.

He hasn't changed his character! Are you kidding me? How can a young cocky full of himself guy who is today a psychopath female stalker not have changed!? Its easy to be a face and suddenly turn evil like jericho! but for Orton who has been a heel since 2005 to fresh up his character that much his pretty good if you ask me! and he's the best thing on Raw since he came back from his injury. Yeahh Jericho is good and i love to watch him but if i had to choose i'd say he's more overated than orton. Not because hes better! and i dont know what is your definition of in ring work but orton is pretty damn good actually. his ring psychology is awesome and he sells perfectly! How could you fire one your best worker? get used seeing him for a long time! :) Now to get back on subject, i would fire mark henry and mike knox. They dont do shit except losing all the time and are terrible in the ring. Plus im not a fan of Knox's beard...
LOL a lot of people are gonna hate me... John Cena. His jokes are awful and he cant wrestle. Sorry.

Can't wrestle? Apparently you have absolutely no idea about what professional wrestling is. Pro wrestling is all about how over you are, and how much money you make. Believe it or not Cena is over, Cena makes the WWE a shitload of money. Was Hogan a good real wrestler? Fuck no. But he made the WWE money and was more over then anybody causing him to be the biggest legend in the wrestling business. Real wrestling skill has nothing to do with being successful in the professional wrestling business. If so then Benoit would have much more title runs. He can wrestle, and better then anybody else. That's why he is number 1 in the top company.

Now as to who i'd fire I would fire Kennedy. Way overrated, and I do not see the appeal to him. He is very injury prone, showing he cannot be trusted. People made a big fuss over him earlier. I just don't see what was so special about him.
Hornswoggle, do we really need a midget that comes out from under the ring every so often and interfers. If the WWE still had the juniors division he would make sense, but now just as a manager, for what he is making we could have at least one if not two new stars that can acctually wrestle not just be a comedy prop.
I agre with Snowdogg438, I'd fire Hornswoggle because he does absolutely nothing. Great Khali at the very least brings in a fanbase from India, so he draws somewhere, for some reason. But Swoggle? He's pathetic...
I agre with Snowdogg438, I'd fire Hornswoggle because he does absolutely nothing. Great Khali at the very least brings in a fanbase from India, so he draws somewhere, for some reason. But Swoggle? He's pathetic...


Hornswoggle it would be. And hopefully with him being separated from Finlay, that is exactly what will transpire.

He adds absolutely nothing to the broadcast. Hearing him on commentary, I just want to throw something at the TV set.

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