If You Could Fire Anyone in TNA...

The Extract

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If you could fire anyone in TNA, who would it be?

Here is my list, and remember, this is a no spam thread. You must have a reason for everyone that you mention. That is your one warning. If you violate this, you will be reported.

*Crimson- I may get hate for this, but he isn't great in the ring, on the mic, but most importantly, Where is he? He is irrelevant. I wouldn't even notice if he left tomorrow.

*Garrett Bischoff- He got pushed too early, and way too fast. He is only in the buisness because his of his Daddy.

*Gunner- Before his current angle with Kid Kash vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez, I thought he was gone already.

*Mark Haskins- I just put him on here just in case he isn't already gone.

*Robbie T- Slow in the ring, Slow on the mic, pretty much useless. But I have to admidt, the videos on TNAs website of people trying to get on "the list" are actually pretty funny.

*Rosita- Not a good wrestler, and was never really relevant.

**Eric Young- I don't want to get rid of him, but with his current character, why not?

**Robbie E- He is alright. Not great. They should probably keep him, but I wouldn't really care if he was let go.

**NOTE** I did not include Gut Check people, because they are currently training in OVW, so they still have SOME chance.

Remember, this is just opinion.
After reading this (and I swear it has been done before) and having a few beverages, I have decided that I would look up the roster of TNa/IW and see who I would like to "future endeavour"

Hernandez/Crimson - IMO the same wrestler just one is Spanish and the other a ginger (lol)

Magnus/Douglas Williams - I understand that they are trying to build Magnus by having him in BFG matches, but he has been irrelevent in the company for far to long to be believable, as for Williams ( I love this guy) he needs a change of scenery

Mark Haskins - Was useless when he debuted and couldn't even make the Destination X PPV or qualifying matches ... let him go

Kid Kash - Chavo is his first feud in years... huff said

Ric Flair - Ummm what?

SoCal Val - her and hemme occupy similar roles... who is hotter?
First I would start with

Dixie Carter - She has no business sense at all and only makes things worse when every one knows she knows squat about wrestling.

The Writers/Bookers- These guys lack talent and I am sure that there are a few people in the arena that actually like wrestling and have a better clue to what is needed to grab interest.

Jeff Jarrett- This guy thinks he has something so special but the fact is he was mediocore at best and only ever made things worse for himself. The one thing that everyone thinks JJ brought to TNA was actually a ring that was being used in mexico for years. Now they get it.

Hogan- Hogan is a name that at this point has been drug thru the mud so many times he should have a darker tan. Hogan's name on something means nothing any more. Send him packing and put a better name with more pull Kurt Angle.

Now that takes care of the Staff now let's head to the wrestlers.
The really good thing here is the list is small. Now there are wrestler that I do believe should be let go just because they are not being pushed right. Anderson,Pope,Abyss,Bully Ray,Joe, Hernandez and AJ . Now these guys only need to be let go if you don't fire the names of the staff. Once they are gone these previously written can stay my new guys have better booking skills.

Robbie E- Personally I hate the gimmick, I also dislike the way he moves in teh ring and this could be his gimmick but I doubt it.

Robbie T- when I first saw this guy I though now that could be a Goldberg type, but used wrong and then they allowed him the mic, horrible. This guy had a manager like The mouth or the brain he would be golden. But the manager needs to sell him like a monster.
Only got a few id like to cut.

Garrett Bischoff- He flat out sucks he cant go in the ring he cant cut a good promo to save his life and all hes good for is being Devon's sidekick why keep him? I dont care who daddy is or how important daddy is he shouldnt be there.

Hernadez- Honestly hes pretty useless if they were to rehire Homicide and reform LAX fine keep him but unless that happens this guys pretty useless besides being some backup for Chavo during this fued with Gunner & Kid Kash.

Crimson- I just cant stand this guy hes got no charisma and hes not even that good in the ring hes just average to me id love to see him gone.

and finally...

Joey Ryan- I know hes probably still training with OVW but honestly he didnt impress me one bit he looks like the result of White Goodman banging a 70's male porn star,his promo work sucks and he just does the basics in the ring from what I have seen, Hes not the worst to come from Gut Check no but everybody else still has time to improve being kept off TV while it seems Joey Ryan maybe done with OVW the fact hes got a contract is just sad. :disappointed:
Joey Ryan- I know hes probably still training with OVW but honestly he didnt impress me one bit he looks like the result of White Goodman banging a 70's male porn star,his promo work sucks and he just does the basics in the ring from what I have seen, Hes not the worst to come from Gut Check no but everybody else still has time to improve being kept off TV while it seems Joey Ryan maybe done with OVW the fact hes got a contract is just sad. :disappointed:[/QUOTE]

Agree... Had never heard of the guy until I read the comments section when I started watching Impact once it was live... Was curious about the hype and then saw his match and segment... WHAT CAN YOU SEE IN HIM? Not that good. Deserves NO Hype. He's interfering in the gut checks is cool because its different but the 70s look... the mannerisms the promos... average at best (IN TNA) I'm not familiar with his independent work so before the inevitable hate know that his indy work doesn't matter once he is in TNA.
First I would start with

Dixie Carter - She has no business sense at all and only makes things worse when every one knows she knows squat about wrestling.

The Writers/Bookers- These guys lack talent and I am sure that there are a few people in the arena that actually like wrestling and have a better clue to what is needed to grab interest.

Jeff Jarrett- This guy thinks he has something so special but the fact is he was mediocore at best and only ever made things worse for himself. The one thing that everyone thinks JJ brought to TNA was actually a ring that was being used in mexico for years. Now they get it.

Hogan- Hogan is a name that at this point has been drug thru the mud so many times he should have a darker tan. Hogan's name on something means nothing any more. Send him packing and put a better name with more pull Kurt Angle.

Now that takes care of the Staff now let's head to the wrestlers.
The really good thing here is the list is small. Now there are wrestler that I do believe should be let go just because they are not being pushed right. Anderson,Pope,Abyss,Bully Ray,Joe, Hernandez and AJ . Now these guys only need to be let go if you don't fire the names of the staff. Once they are gone these previously written can stay my new guys have better booking skills.

Robbie E- Personally I hate the gimmick, I also dislike the way he moves in teh ring and this could be his gimmick but I doubt it.

Robbie T- when I first saw this guy I though now that could be a Goldberg type, but used wrong and then they allowed him the mic, horrible. This guy had a manager like The mouth or the brain he would be golden. But the manager needs to sell him like a monster.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of all the people mentioned but this post and the thread that precipitated it is one I am going to shake my head in regards to. Now this might be a sarcastic and snarky way to answer, but going what the OP is saying...if I could fire anyone in TNA, who would it be...well that's an easy one for me to answer.

Since I would have the authority to fire anyone, I would fire myself before I could even get STARTED with this job. Because bottom line, I don't care how much of a wrestling fan I am or a lot the other posters on this thread are, it's a whole different ball game to be on the business side of things than it is to be a consumer of it. Sure, there are people that are dead weight and what not, but I would say a good 99.9 percent of us have no concept of who is a wise choice to hire or fire. Again, I know this is a hypothetical BUT just the same, I think many of these answers are laughable.
Joey Ryan, RVD, Pope, Hernandez, Garret, Crimson, Eric Young and anyone who doesnt appear on a regular basis on Impact.... so instead of explain each of them I will give a universal answer for all of them.... i havent been a fan for that long, but whenever they came back lately Ive noticed that Impact doesnt need them to put on a good show, Impact has a large enough roster already and all this guys being released could give room for one or two big contracts to guys who will be there EVERY week..... and actually bring Impact up....
I will admit i dont watch tna every week but if i had to pick a wrestler i would have to say Hernandez. Because the last fully fledged storyline i saw him in was him vs Matt morgan after Matt morgan cost them the tag titles. Then Hernandez got injured and i don't ever remember seeing him since.

I was hoping for a reunion between hernandez and homicide but i also havent seen homicide since he interfered in a cage match years ago.

As for who i would fire outisde of the ring i would have to say Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, and Dixie carter. I know most of the people say these 3 but look at them imo tna started going downhill after Hulk, and Eric joined.

They invited their long time friends to join tna and they sucked. They took out the 6 sided ring, thrown the x divison group under the bus. And Dixie Carter is kryptonite to the wrestling industry.
Hulk Hogan no question about it. For all the money they're paying him and how little he adds to the product he is holding the promotion down. For that money they could probably get two or three high profile wrestlers or MMA stars like say John Morrison or Tito Ortiz.
Fire hogan, fire bischoff (his being fired IS a work, right?) fire the other hogan, too.

I like Eric bischoff, I always have. But something has been wrong ever since those two showed up. There have been some improvements, but it all seems like it was at the cost of everything that made TNA good in the first place.
Fire hogan, fire bischoff (his being fired IS a work, right?) fire the other hogan, too.

I like Eric bischoff, I always have. But something has been wrong ever since those two showed up. There have been some improvements, but it all seems like it was at the cost of everything that made TNA good in the first place.

OR they just moved ... on. The way I see it the things I miss from the "old" TNA are replaced with newer ones. Yeah I miss them for what they were but I still get just as many good stuff from it (if not more than before) so I have no reason to complain. I know everyone's huge on "makez itz howz itz uzed to bez" but come on, Bischoff and Hogan's involvement has improved the product more than they have hindered it. They did it so well that even the IWC is starting to like TNA these days. Ain't that some shit. I'm sure a lot of fans in 2006 wanted TNA to be like it used to be in 2002 and looking back at THAT product, it was kinda nice but it was nowhere near as good as the one in 2005 'till 2009 and now in 2012 that's how I look at it. 2012 > 2006-ish > 2002. Progression, quality wise.

As far as who I'd fire ... I guess everyone who is not featured prominently on TV right now bar Pope. There's a reason they're not on TV so fuck 'em.
There are alot of people in TNA that need to be fired. These people are deadweight and haven't delivered;

Jeff Hardy:King of the overrated. When he first jumped to TNA, it was a big deal and unexpected. While he has had some decent matches and memorable moments, he has also managed to royally screw up his career. I honestly do not understand why TNA would choose to keep Jeff around when he's not performing at the same level he once was. I don't really buy the whole reformed addict thing. Just judging by his lack of motivation lately, looks like it won't be long before he's using again. It's apparent that the only reason Jeff stays in TNA is because they have a relaxed stance on anything resembling a wellness policy and because it's a paying gig on top of that. He's not doing anything to benefit TNA and he should be fired.

Devon:Ever since the Team 3D split, Bully Ray has broken out and established himself as a singles guy. Devon, not so much. I'd fire him just on lack of performance alone. He doesn't stand out personality wise and his in-ring work is awful.

Gunner:I haven't been a fan of Gunner since his debut up until current. He just doesn't benefit the company and there are more talented people who all deserve the time more than Gunner.

Brooke Hogan/Garrett Bischoff: Need I say more? They are only employed because of who their daddies once were. Neither add anything to TNA except more salary and no real contribution. Unless being a tricked out ****e or being Devon's lackey counts.

Eric Young:TNA have mishandled Eric Young from the beginning. They did the right thing making him serious with the World Elite heel turn, but opted to return him to a joke comedy routine. I don't believe Young will ever recover from the horrible booking over the years and he's doing another tv show anyway.

There are probably alot more that need to be fired, but, these guys are the immediate ones that come to mind.
Brooke Hogan: I would fire Brooke unless she put on the red and yellow and got into the ring. I don't think anyone wants to see Brooke Hogan in any context other than that. There is no reason why she should be in charge of the Knockouts, it's disrespectful to the women who've been with the comapny a long time and actually know the business.

Garrett Bischoff: There is nothing unique or special about this guy, he looks totally average in the ring and has no charisma to speak of. Every time TNA devotes TV time to him it is a waste of money. If TNA can't figure out how to get AJ Styles over, what makes them think they'll do any better with Sleazy E's son?

Pope: I had high hopes for Pope when he debuted in TNA but his schtick is tired and played out at this point. He thinks he's The Rock, but he's not even close. For someone who has been wrestling for most of the last decade until now, he should have a lot more to show for it. From what I hear he is a nightmare to work with so TNA should send him on his way.

Devon: His catchphrase sucks and he's held a meaningless title most of the year and devalued it further. Devon seems like a nice guy but he's not doing TNA any favors by being featured on their weekly TV. The TV title could be used for up and comers and be a stepping stone to the X-Division or World Title but not while it's around Devon's waist.

Gunner: I never liked this guy, and I still see nothing special about what he does. Considering TNA struggles getting even remarkably good wrestlers over, I don't see any point in trying to make a star out of this boring person.

Christy Hemme: Firstly I know she gets paid a ludicrous amount for doing a bad job as a ring announcer and interviewer, so TNA could save some money by dropping her. Her personality has diminished over the years and she comes off robotic and soulless on TV lately. She's still pretty, but I don't care if a ring announcer or referee is pretty, I want them to do a good job and build excitement for the product.
Bear in mind that I'm going with the idea that I'm in charge of TNA and I have to think of business as well as possibly personal preference. Heck, lets call a spade a spade. Very few guys actually affect business one way or the other so I'm going to pick the guys and girls I want gone however I see fit. Let's go through my list:

Alex Silva - I'm going based on the roster I found and yeah, he shouldn't be on it. I'll save my thoughts on how stupid the whole Gut Check thing is, especially when new talents were brought in without it for the X Division thing, but yeah, it's stupid. Kid might be useful one day, but not today.

Crimson - An example of hiring someone purely for their look. This guy can't do a thing well, and he certainly isn't the future of the business like some touted at some point. He was only interesting when he was wearing a suit for the Main Event Mafia. After that, he's been garbage and has gotten worse, not better. Why waste TV time on a guy like that? I wouldn't, so he's gone.

Pope - If I never saw him on TV again, it would be too soon. He's a HORRIBLE mic worker despite him thinking he's good, and he's only average in the ring. The character idea is stupid and he's fallen to the depths of jobber status. While jobbers to the stars are useful to have, I'll take literally anyone else to do that. This guy sucks, has always sucked, and I don't want him anywhere near my television.

Eric Young - Here's the thing. If I actually came into power, I'd attempt to find something for EY because I think he has talent. However, I don't think he's at all funny. To me, he's the guy in high school who tries SO HARD to be the funny guy but is so painfully unfunny that you just walk away from him when he tries to make jokes. That's EY in a nutshell and essentially, if he's the comedy guy, he's fired. If we can revamp him into something else, he can stay.

Garrett Bischoff - If I'm in charge, Papa Eric isn't. Therefore, his son, and likely him because I despise him, would be out on their respective asses. Why? For Garrett, it's lack of talent. Go get some training and call me in 5 years.

Kid Kash - This guy is one of the biggest wastes of space in wrestling. Perhaps the worst mic worker in the history of wrestling, his mediocre wrestling talent and "veteran" status are unnecessary to my vision. Take a walk.

Mark Haskins - Bland and never appears. Nobody would miss him.

Robbie E. - How is it possible to be from New Jersey and not be able to do even a decent Jersey Shore impression? Seriously, how is that possible? If he was a regular character, MAYBE I'd consider keeping him, but the gimmick he has is HORRIBLE. As a New Yorker, I'd think he was from Wyoming and attempting to be a Jersey guido. He's actually from the area and doesn't understand his own character. That to me should tell you everything you need to know. The guy seems so unnatural in the role and it's sad. New gimmick or fired. I'm serious, bro.

Brooke Hogan - I'm in charge so nepotism is gone. Plus, the knockouts don't need their own leader. There's only like 8 of them. I'd think a competent GM could handle the whole roster. She's a waste and she's gone.

Claire Lynch - Bad actress that's part of an awful storyline. It's been executed poorly and should have just died when AJ was revealed to have helped her with a drug problem. Keeping it going is just a waste and I can't wait until the day she and this story are off TV.

Mike Tenay - This guy gets an ultimatum. It's "get excited or get to stepping". I've never seen an announcer with less emotion than Mike Tenay. The big moments in this company have been ruined by Tenay's apathy and it has to stop. I'll take my chance with some guy out of broadcast school over Tenay if he can't provide the emotions of wrestling. I don't care if he knows moves. Fans are looking for the announcers to enhance the broadcast and he doesn't do it. Either learn to do that or you're gone.

Eric Bischoff - Separate Hogan and Bischoff forever. I don't think Eric Bischoff has been useful to wrestling in at lealst 15 years but maybe Hogan can be. They don't need to be business partners and if Bischoff goes, so does Wayne Arnold. If I'm in charge, I'm not dealing with this guy's ego and stupidity. Hit the bricks with your son.

There are some people that I kept that others have fired like Gunner and Devon. I kept both because Devon is useful to me both as a jobber to the stars and as a trainer. He's way over so for up and coming heels to beat him, it means something. As for Gunner, let him be muscle for somebody. He's big enough for the role, but not with Kid Kash. Do it with someone who matters.

Lastly, the guy doing those voiceovers at the beginning of shows these days is definitely fired as is the person green lighting those things. I appreciate striving for originality but that's just blatantly ripping off reality TV and badly at that. Those things have to go.

Well, that was fun. Looking forward to reading more of these things.
I'll give Anderson the heave-ho. He had that one great match with Angle that seems like 1000 years ago and hasn't done nothing much since. Average in the ring and average on the mic. I think his relevancy has been decreasing for a while now and I wouldn't lose any sleep after I fired him.
Well, to get rid of anyone I would need to be in charge of TNA, so therefore, all of the writers are gone.. I would then hire the writers behind Jerry Springer, think I am joking? I'm not!! It's always one of the most entertaining shows on television and a wrestling company, in order to succeed, has to be entertaining and trash talk T.V. keeps you entertained the same way wrestling does, most of the actors you see on Springer, if they had any in ring talent, I would use them, so therefore, I would fire any in ring wrestler who wasn't entertaining or good on the mic, or I would just send them to get some acting lessons.. (hopefully that is what Crimson is doing with his time off..)

I truly believe trash talk T.V. and wrestling go hand in hand, I believe this was the idea behind the WWF Attitude Era, I would do my very best to make it like a trash talk T.V. show, with some wrestling involved, rather than making it another WCW, you want to appeal towards that "Jerry Springer" audience.. You do that and you can go far as a wrestling company, I bet I could steal half of the story-lines from Springer or The Simpsons and incorporate them into TNA.. (ECW drew in the same fans before the WWF did..)
Anderson - done nothing to change up his character since coming over. I've watched TNA since he has came in and all i can remember is the scene from sting beating him to death in the trailer. Occasional feuds with hardy and angle i think. Could be the booking but he seems on cruise control.

RVD - arrogant prick who thinks he is bigger than the promotion. He sucks on the microphone, wait i don't even know if he ever talks or gives promos anymore other than saying R V D.
i can't even remember the last time this guy was on a tna show. he is not that great in the ring and i think even less of his mic skills. the only thing he is good at is taking up room on the roster.

lets face fact's. he is only in tna because of who his daddy is. and to be fair even his dad should not be in wrestling anymore. he sucks in the ring and sucks on the mic. cut your losses know tna.

I thought that mr anderson coming to tna was a great capture for tna at the beggining. but as time went on i just kept lossing more and more intrest in him. the only good match he had recently was against kurt. but to be fair angle will make most guys look better then what they really are.
Brooke Hogan/Garrett Bischoff I agree with IT Factor in they only got the job because of who their dads are. Brooke Hogan is hard to even watch for me, and I don't see Garrett making it in the long run.

Gunner - I haven't been a fan of him since he debuted, and there is just something about him that makes me want to change the channel when he is on. Just a personal opinion on him.

Kid Kash - Another one who I was never a fan of. Not good on the mic and ok in the ring. I actually thought he and Gunner were gone already until they came in for this feud with Chavo.
Eric Young

Seriously, I cannot stand EY. Never have liked him, never will. The comedy persona has been going on for about 10 years, bar the better more-serious Eric in the World Elite. From the shitty "Don't Fire Eric" gig he had going on, to the horrific "Super Eric" to this crappy marriage/KO tag-team champs storyline with ODB and that ridiculous beard he has, everything about Eric Young annoys me

He isn't even bad in the ring, he is actually pretty decent but all chance of him being taken seriously has now gone after making him look like a moron for nearly a decade.

So, TNA...

Hernandez - He's a useless oaf. He only gets over with the powers that be because of who he teams with but when he's on his own, he's as stale as cardboard in the ring and a complete bore to watch. Not to mention he can be dangerous in the ring.

Robbie E - Not only is the Jersey Shore gimmick awful but without it, Rob Eckos is awful in general.

Brooke Hogan/Garrett Bischoff - Just because their daddies are famous in the wrestling world doesn't mean they have any business in the ring. Garett could be okay for a backstage role though cause he ain't any good in the ring and Brooke should stick to singing or find a new profession since she's just as horrible at that too.

Claire Lynch - I haven't seen her but everybody says she is terrible, so that's enough for me and knowing TNA, I wouldn't be suprised.

I have a few wrestlers in TNA that I'm not all too fond of, but none of them are as bad as Eric Young. I would take Garrett Bischoff as the TNA World Champion using Immortal's design of the belt feuding with the worthless Gunner AND Brooke Hogan as the Knockout Champion using a ripoff Divas Championship design feuding with Claire from that awul angle going on with Styles before I ever find myself wanting to watch this guy ever again. He is THAT bad.

I liked his character once. Back when he was a serious heel and around the time of World Elite. That stable wasn't amazing by any means, but Young should never have lost that character. He is awful in a comedic role, he's NOT funny. In fact, he's so UNFUNNY that he makes me truly hate his character. I won't even start on him being one half of a championship tag team holding a belt meant for a woman. Seriously, he is the only wrestler that has legit made me ashamed to call myself a wrestling fan. I hope TNA fire him immediately so that character will never be onscreen ever again.
Brooke Hogan - She does nothing and offers nothing to TNA get her off TV.

Crimson - Had a year long winning streak and still couldn't get over. Get rid of him.

Garrett Bischoff - Sucks in the ring and is only in TNA because of who his dad is.

Jeff Hardy - I have only seen Jeff in about 3 good matches since he came back, fire him and hire some young talented people.

Mark Haskins - He sucks so much he didn't even do anything at Destination X and has left so little an Impact on me I thought his name was Matt.

Rob Terry - Sucks at everything he has ever done or tried to do in TNA.

Robbie E - Is ok in the ring but he still sucks, get rid of him.

Taeler Hendrix - I was shocked that she got a contract he was awful in her match.
Eric Young

He's a complete joke right now, literally. His "hijinks" are neither funny nor entertaining. The "Knockout Tag Division" is a joke because he's teaming with ODB, but they haven't defended those belts in months. My old foam WWF Heavyweight Championship belt that I bought at a house show in 1989 has more prestige than those belts right now. Get rid of that division, get rid of E Young in that division, or get rid of Eric completely. I used to enjoy watching him, but that was YEARS ago....

Keep fishing, Eric :disappointed:
Jeff Hardy - I have only seen Jeff in about 3 good matches since he came back, fire him and hire some young talented people.

Hardy is a top draw for them and they base a lot of their advertisement around him. If you've ever been to Universal Studios and walked by their studio, they have iMPACT signs set out with Him, Hogan, Angle, and RVD on them. Hardy is in the best shape he's been in in years and is way over. They guy hasn't exactly had the best booking either. He feuded with Roode at the beginning of the year and he never exactly had a clean finish to a match because they were drawing heat for Roodes heel character.

Now if I can give someone their pink slip, you'd see Eric Young packing his bags. I don't wanna come off sounding like I pasted bits and pieces of what Naitch and Dagger said; but I highly detest his presence in the company. He attempts to be entertaining but it strikes me as awkward and unnatural. Cut the ties with EY and give valuable tv time to someone who will make better use of it.

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