If you could...


It's goin' down forreal!
If you could bring over ONE TNA wrestler and ONE Raw Superstars to Smackdown who would they be and why?

From TNA:
I'd bring Kurt Angle back to the show. Even at his age, I'd like to see what he can do against Randy Orton. That would make Smackdown even more interesting. Also, since Angle is a very good wrestler, Smackdown would be good for him. He's pretty decent on the mic too. I miss those "You suck, You suck, You suck" chants that goes along with his music. Lol.

From Raw:
I'd have Swagger come over from Raw. He could have a good feud with Angle too since they both are technical wrestlers. Also, Smackdown could use a face right now and Swagger as a face could propel his career.

Since I wrote this, I can add another superstar. Lol. I'd have John Morrison go to Smackdown! The moment I saw JOMO, his aura just screamed Smackdown! Not saying that it's a bad thing, but he could really flourish in Smackdown! It's a wrestling show, and with time his mic skills would've improved since he'd have more air time.

So...you guys know what to do. Discuss please.
From TNA
Doug Williams from TNA. The obvious choice is Kurt Angle, but hes kind of been molded into a TNA mainstay by now. Hes been there now for five years, hes one of the top people in the company, hell for awhile Kurt Angle was involved in everything they did on-screen. Doug Williams is just as good of a technical wrestler as Angle, he's British and people are still waiting for the first British WWE Champion. He has decent microphone skills, he has a good build, good look to him, he'd fit onto Smackdown with it being the more wrestling orientated brand and he'd be a fresh face with a lot of talent, which would be nice to have around the place.

From RAW
I'm saying this because of what they're doing with him on RAW currently. Alberto Del Rio. Hes appeared on a PPV to cut a promo, hes appeared on the last two shows to do nothing but cut promos, ones which haven't been that good mind you. He was becoming a top heel on the Smackdown brand. Why they changed him, God only knows. I'd prefer to see Del Rio vs. Orton that Del Rio vs. Cena anyday and they need to make him the main character on a show again. He's too good to be in the midcard position, and feuding with the Big Show? Wow what a fall.
From TNA: AJ Styles
My favorite guy in TNA, plus I would love to see him mix things up on Smackdown. I especially want to see him in some matches with Christian and then move up to the title against Randy.

From Raw: Vladimir Kozlov
Nothing bothers me more than Kozlov being a goofy jobber, what I want is for him to break away from Santino. I want him to go back to being a one man wrecking crew and I think Smackdown would be perfect for that right now, I would especially like to see him feud with Sheamus.
From TNA:

My choice would be D'Angelo Dinero. I have always felt that this guy has some natural talent and is probably more talented than some of the other wrestlers we see today. Problem is, that he is a rough diamond and it is something that he does not realize. Smackdown is the place where a lot of midcarders become main eventers and I believe that Dinero when properly trained and booked can be a huge asset to any company.

Also Smackdown is somewhat low on midcard babyfaces at the moment and this guy can play a good midcard babyface.

From Raw:

Rey Mysterio. This guy is the mascot of Smackdown and should have never gone to Raw. Rey's biggest asset is giving a rub to the upcoming heels and Smackdown is the place where you get a lot of time to work in the ring and give a proper rub to the heels. I would have loved to see Christian take on Rey in a TV match or even Sheamus take on Rey. In fact a feud with Rey Mysterio would have given Sheamus something new to work with. Sheamus has shown in the past that he could hang in with high flyers and this would have undoubtedly been a good pairing and not too big of a step down for the Celtic Warrior.

Even some of the more obscure stuff like Dibiase vs Rey and Mahal vs Rey could have been good. Going one on one with Rey allows you to show the full range of your wrestling skills, especially in the case of power wrestlers.
I would bring AJ Styles from TNA and Drew McIntrye from Raw over to Smackdown. Styles gpt picked due to him being the best candidate for success in WWE on TNA's roater who has not had a WWE run yet. Drew would be the Raw pick mainly because Raw is too full of heels and he was better off on Smackdowm especially now that it needs heels higher up on the card.
From RAW roster

Definitely Evan Bourne. He has a huge following but isn't being used to his full potential on RAW. He's almost become sort of a puppet where he's always jobbing to mega heels or unstoppable monsters. Not sure why they're not high on Evan here, I mean the dude always comes out with a huge smiling face and he's over with the crowd so what's the problem? With Sin Cara on Smackdown and the rumored Averno making his way to the WWE, they should really capitalize on resurrecting the cruiserweight division. Evan would be a perfect fit.

From TNA Wrestling

Crimson. He seems to have the look the WWE tends to go after (the fact that he's well over 6 ft is an indication.) His look is also unique, and he's still fairly young so that's another plus. He's had almost 4 years of experience so he isn't as green as say, most of the guys over at FCW. There's potential in this kid.
From TNA:

Desmond Wolfe. He can work face or heel, though he's better as a heel, and could tag with and/or feud with Bryan in an excellent midcard program. He could also work with Regal, again, tagging with or feuding with. He's got potential to shoot up the card - he has a strong personality that'd fit right in the WWE and is an amazing wrestler. Definitely a guy I wouldn't mind seeing on SmackDown...though I think I'd just like to see him on my television, period.

From Raw:

Santino Marella. Why not? Adding a midcard heel in Wolfe would be well balanced by adding a midcard face like Santino. He's massively over, he can wrestle well (just watch him on Superstars). He'd probably never see the main event, but he provides an excellent face midcard presence. If they wanted to move up one of their current midcard faces, they could also use Santino to occupy the space left behind. If nothing else he can form a tag team with practically anyone, and they could carry the titles for a while.
From TNA: Rob Van Dam. Why? Before jobbing to Big Show (if memory serves me right), RVD was the man that beat John Cena for the WWE Championship. That within itself even with Edge's help should count for something. I think Van Dam still has enough to offer the big E' too, and I sure as hell miss him there.

From RAW to Smackdown: Drew McIntyre. Granted his career wasn't on the up and up when departing The Blue Show, The Sinister Scotsman was still a force to be reckoned with, just without direction. If he went to Smackdown, he would be doing so much more better than he is on Superstars. I mean at least he would be getting airtime on one of The Big Two.

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