If You Could Fire One WWE Superstar From The Current Roster...

If I could fire any talent that the WWE uses (outside of the backstage people that we can't judge the performance of), I'd release:

1. Hornswoggle - I can't stand him. I haven't been able to for almost a year now. His gimmick is so stupid and repetitive and serves no purpose other than to make little kids laugh if even they haven't gotten tired of it by now. I say, have a heel come out, face Finlay in a match, and in the process, beat the living shit out of Hornswoggle and write him off TV with Finlay saying its too dangerous to let his kid do that anymore.

2. Tony Atlas - WHY IS HE STILL EMPLOYED?! Wtf does he do? The guy literally...no exaggeration...comes out each time, walks behind Mark Henry, stands around the ring, and then leaves behind Mark Henry. That's it. Henry is able to carry himself on the mic and Atlas is even worse than him. Atlas doesn't help Henry out in his matches to cheat. Atlas doesn't do ANYTHING. He's a waste of a paycheck.

3. Vladimir Kozlov - I don't think he's entertaining. However, I wouldn't just up and release him out of the blue. Knowing that he would be leaving, I'd job him out and help boost other talent. Sliding scale of importance. Only two people have pinned Kozlov, so he still has some steam left in him, but the more people he loses to, the less it means, so you start off by having the person that needs the rub the most be the 3rd person to pin him, and then you go down the line until you get to the list of people like Jimmy Wang Yang. I'd make sure that the commentators made a point to say that Kozlov has lost his focus and just sucks lately. Losing his undefeated streak crushed his spirit, and now he's a shell of himself. That helps save some credibility. Then, after everyone's beaten him, I'd toss him out.

That's it. Although I'd be willing to release Ricky Ortiz, I'd much rather them convert him into a jobber just so they won't demote someone else into that position. But if they figured they had enough jobbers or wanted to use local people for that position, then fuck Ortiz, he's out too lol. That guy is a lost cause. He's going nowhere. Too old to be groomed to be worth something, as he needs a LOT of grooming. By the time he'd learn what he would need to learn, he'd be the next Ric Flair - wrestling at 60 lol.
"Why would you want to fire JBL? As much as you hate the mans guts, it just proves that he's doing his job as a heel to get a lot of people wanting him to get fired. I hate JBL, but I don't think I would fire him, he still has a role on RAW. "

I hate hate hate hate HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE that logic that seems so popular in threads where people state they hate a heel character.

I do NOT hate JBL because he insults the sports team of whatever town hes in, talks about his money, and is an out of shape no talent douche....well maybe that last part. He doesn't generate the heel heat of "oh someone shut this guy up with an ass kicking!" he generates apathy and me reaching for the remote or going to take a bathroom break.

As for the topic, I'd actually not fire him as with a few others I feel that Kennedy is better suited to go. He's injury prone, was responsible for both Lashley AND Cena getting injured by not doing his part correctly, and made the wwe and himself look a fool by badtalking steroids then getting suspended weeks later for failing a wellness test. Love the man on the stick, but god is he a waste.
I'd either fire Batista or The Miz. The Miz takes precedent because, although both of these guys are bad in the ring, and bad with a microphone, The Miz is holding back John Morrison. But, Batista is bad in the ring, bad with a microphone, and he's still a multiple time champ. Maybe that's worse.
iv mentioned it b4 so here goes again.... Hacksaw Jim Duggan. i wish he wud just retire already as hes hardly ever on tv now and his spot cud b used for sum1 that has talent, can take a bump and isnt a complete idiot at 97 years of age. HOOOOOOOOOO!
Shawn Michales. The highest paid guy on the roster, he does the fewest dates, he put's in a minimal ammount of effort. He's easily replaceable. For the past could of years he's done nothing of note. People still cheer him. But they also cheer RVD. Given the choice between the two, WWE should pick RVD. He could still only work Monday nights and PPV's, but for half the money. You'd still get your lazt matches, but probably with a bigger reaction.
Some of these answers are seriously laughable. To those who say fire Shelton & HBK I say this...

Lay off the crackpipe.

OK here's a list of people who friggin annoy the fuck outta me & should be pink slipped asap....

Hornswoggle (midgets in wrestling=ratings......NOT)
Mark Henry ...so he's strong. Wow. He also sucks & always has, though I did enjoy seeing Kurt Angle f*** him up in early 2006. On the most part he's slow, fat, & shite.
Jesse & Festus...seriously, what are these guys EVER gonna do?
DJ Gabriel
Ricky Ortiz
Tony Atlas
Hawkins & Ryder
Mr.Kennedy..seriously annoying, I mean his gimmick is that he says his name..twice..groundbreaking stuff(!)
Chavo Guerrero
The Brian Kendrick
The Great Khali
Ranjin Singh
Kung Fu Naki
Jimmy Wang Yang
Tommy Dreamer.. I mean he's just a jobber now.
The Miz (I think he plain sucks & is holding back John Morrison)
Theodore Long
Matt Striker
Vladimir Koslov
Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler
Ted DiBiase Jnr
Jamie Noble
Mike Knox
Santino Marella
Sim Snuka

Now I understand that's a lot of personnel to release (I refuse to call this sorry bunch 'talent'), but we are in a credit crunch, as are WWE, this would make monetary sense as well.

The next step is to scrap ECW completely, unify the big gold belt & shitty spinner belt to make ONE UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP.
I mean how many sports have 2 champions?
In the NFL, only ONE team wins the SuperBowl, here in the UK only ONE team wins the Premiership in a season, only one team wins the Champions League. Also unify the tag titles as well. Also get shot of that stupid divas title.

In the end I would only have the following championships...


Just my two penny's worth
So you wouldn't get rid of somebody who's paid a lot like Shawn Michaels
we are in a credit crunch
But you would get rid of wrestlers like Mr. Kennedy & Ted Dibiase, both who could possibly be the next big things in WWE?

Or Matt Striker who's an annoucer. Surely it'd be better to get rid of Jim Ross. He probably cost several times the ammount Striker does.
i would say ricky ortiz, kennedy or batista

ricky ortiz coz hes just not good at all

kennedy coz hes too injured

and batista is just a huge roid machine who cant talk for shit
ha hip2besquare you got to be kidding me about ricky ortiz he's new he's fresh has talent agree with you on dj gabriel we don't need another disco inferno but ricky is the next big thing at ECW it should be him vs jack swagger for the title

the guy that you should be firing is mike knox seriouslly what does this guy offer up but a load of crap he's like snitsky and should be tossed on the rejected pile
heres my list of pink slippers

Mike Knox
Mark Henry
Tony Atlas
Dj gabriel
Alicia Fox
Jimmy wang yang
Kung funaki
Great Khali
ranjin Singh
Sim snuka
Brian Kendrick
Hawkins and ryder

now there my pink slippers all these are middle to low card players and need the chop and its time to cut the crap out of these card fillers
and as for shahid ECW should not be scrapped it should be used as a tv development ground only aka no established stars on the brand only those coming from FCW

it would give all the newbies a place to shine if they got over with the crowd and the skills were up to scratch they then could be transferred to the big time aka raw and smackdown
ha hip2besquare you got to be kidding me about ricky ortiz he's new he's fresh has talent agree with you on dj gabriel we don't need another disco inferno but ricky is the next big thing at ECW it should be him vs jack swagger for the title

the guy that you should be firing is mike knox seriouslly what does this guy offer up but a load of crap he's like snitsky and should be tossed on the rejected pile

My reply to this is that you have to be kidding me that you would keep Rick Ortiz. The guys is just uggh terrible , he offers nothing and the crowd couldnt give 2 shits about him.

If Ricky is the next big thing on ECW then they are in more trouble then I could of imagined. Why would you put him against Swagger for the title? No one cares about him so there would be exactly zero interest in that, apart from seeing Swagger destroy him.
I'd fire Vickie Gurrareo,well mabey just demote her to a backstage role , i hate seeing her on tv, she just dont cut it for me
i dont think WWE should be firing anyone because the WWE is losing to many superstars, to TNA, MMA, UFC, and other crap...but if you HAD to fire someone, i'd say....Miek Knoxx, he is just another Snitsky, and he was worthless to WWE and so it Knoxx, he either needs to be fired or change in gimmick and actually wrestle, and not be a "monster" because thats stupidddd
I would Fire Jillian Hall! That Batch is one ugly woman! She looks like she took a red crayon and melted down just enough to be able to smear it all over her lips and it cooled to form the worst make up job ever!!! Ugly Ugly Ugly... If she is a Diva.... Then DIVA Stands for

Kane....Kane....Kane!!!!!! This guys sucks. I have said it before, this guy is a nails/bossman gimmic that went 12 years too long.
Most of the younger guys that have been listed just haven't been given a chance. Someone like Paul Burchill (who I think can wrestle_ should be feuding around a mid-card title. Why? Because it's a mid-card title. It's not an upper card title. It's something to be used to get guys over, and to give their matches something on the line. The mid-card is just as valuable as the upper card, maybe even more so.

Mark Henry? Absolutely not. I don't know why he gets so much hate. Sure, he can't move well, but he's got a terrific wrestling personality. He's a legitimate strongman, and looks like a mean, mean guy in that ring. He doesn't need to be fleet of foot. He's a guy that should have the United States title slung over his burley shoulder, wrecking people at the mid-card, until someone comes up and takes it off of him. Kozlov is the same. There is no way they devoted that much TV time to him last year, only to start jobbing him out to Main Eventers.

I'd release guys who bring nothing like that to the table. I'd cut Hornswoggle loose. Does nothing. Can't wrestle. I'd cut The Great Khali loose. Does nothing. Can't wrestle. A handful of Divas. Do nothing. Can't wrestle.

There are just too many guys at the top right now, so the mid-to-lower card guys LOOK expendable. They aren't. The upper card is just TOO protected right now. Guys like HHH, Cena, Edge, Jericho, Batista, Taker, HBK, JBL, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Orton (I just name, probably the 10 biggest money makers for the WWE...and JBL). These guys wrestle each other. They beat each other, they lose to each other. Imagine if someone like The Brian Kendrick snuck out a win against Cena. Or Shelton beat HHH again. Or Kennedy legitimately got the best of HBK in a feud. It doesn't devalue HHH, Cena, or HBK at all, and it ELEVATES those other guys.

The problem isn't with the talent, it's with the booking OF the talent.
i would fire rey mysterio just cause when i watch raw an i hear the booyaka 619 song come on i switch over to another channel. theres nothing about him alrite he was good in wcw for his high flyin matches an that but since hes came to wwe whats he done apart from retiring the cruiserweight title an becomin the big little underdog. Like really does anyone see him becoming world champ or wwe champ in the near future coz i dont unless a load of big stars get injured the same time. an plus how MANY TIMES do we need to see a rey vs kane or rey vs mike knox match. Maybe they need to get rid of rey as a fan favorite an like turn on the likes of cena or some1 like that.
like i wudnt mind like seein a rey/punk fued or a rey/hbk fued.

an as for hornswoggle HE REALLY needs to go. He was really annoying on raw when christian an finlay was commentating an hornswoggle was just interupting. Just goes to show that the announcers shud really only have 1 guest talking. like when melina an maryse did commentary that was a car crash as was the christian an finlay
firing rey would be a bad move, he is entertaining, and draws kids, so wwe wont fire rey. as for kane, yeh kane does suck and could do so much better, but he acts as like a stepping stone for middle carders to reach the main event, which is bad because he has more potential, but aw well. now, on to who i would fire.

jbl definately, its rumoured hes going to retire soon anyway, maybe as early as wm 25, lets hope so. he sucks in the ring, hes boring on the mic, his gimmick sucks, and he has no credability. he can do ok as a mid carder, by throwing the IC title on him, but hes soo out of shape and seriosuly needs to cover up those man boobs.

another person would be dolph ziggler, and not because i dont like the guy, because i think he has lots of potential, its just because they've branded him with a crappy gimmick that just solidifies him as a jobber. when he had a great match with batista a few months back, he showed so much promise its un true, but if there just gonna let him be a jobber, then fire him, and he will prosper in tna
Mark Henry. Can't wrestle, can't sell and can't cut a promo much less get a crowd reaction. They only boo because he sucks by default.
Rey Mysterio.
I want him in TNA.

No, but in reality, I would get rid of either Koslov or Tony Atlas. Because I hate Koslov, he's got to character, and is boring in the ring, and because...well, what the heck is Tony Atlas doing in the WWE? Does Mark Henry need backup? He's freaking huge! It sorta helps to give Henry more credibility in the main event scramble on ECW, but it's also tarnishing Tony Atlas a bit in my mind.

HEY, they could use Tony Atlas as Jericho's opponent!
I've got to disagree with most of you on this one. Even though there are many superstars that suck and are simply a bore to watch, I think we're looking at this from the wrong perspective. Who makes the storylines for these guys? Who decides who wins and who loses? Who determines whether a match will be competitive or one-sided?

Not the superstars (well not most of 'em anyways). Creative & the Bookers in my opinion are to blame. You need Giants (Khali, Mike Knoxx, Mark Henry, Kane), Comedians (Santino, Hornswoggel), T&A (At least some of the Divas), and other types of characters to make an entertaining show. But it's not like they run the show. If you have a match with Orton vs Kennedy and WWE's goal is to put over Orton big time...how do you think the match is going to go for Kennedy? If he is told to to take a quick RKO for the win then that's what'll happen regardless of how shitty that makes him look. Plus if they would do a better job with the hiring they might have better talent to work with.

Just my 2 Cents.
Quite easily, the one guy that I would get rid of would be Dalip "The Great Khali" Singh. All he brings to the table is that he's a freak of nature. He's not a good wrestler, he can't sell, he has no charisma. The only reasons that he's kept around is so that the Indian fans have someone to cheer for, but now that Sonjay Dutt is available, the WWE could sign him and keep that audience, and the fact that he's been in a couple of films. Can't blame him, because he wasn't properly trained from the start when Masa Chono tapped him to be in a team with Giant Silva, nor did he have proper training when he ended up delivering the flapjack that ended up costing Brian Ong his life.

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