I'm going to evolve the shit outta this thread. So get ready.
I have 2 actual routes.
Shawn Michaels: While it's been mentioned his past was ugly and horrible, the fact is he turned his life around and now has a complete healthy and happy life. Complete with the typical 2.5 children, semi-beautiful Wife, nice house, loving living arrangements, and a career he enjoys tremendously.
He's always going to be remembered for being who he is in the sport of Professional Wrestling. While the downside is going bald, the fact is he's in his mid-40's, and not slowing down any on that. Some guy's go bald before their 30's. And from where I sit, only the jealous male fanbase seem to really care about the balding issue, anyways. He's still getting loads of chics screaming his name.
I'd love to be him, mainly to be remembered for being an icon within the Business. Sure, it'll come with the bad and the Screwjob remarks, or the unwillingness to do certain things when he was younger.. but it'll come with the higher remarks that'll always overshadow the bad. Stuff like being a famous Wrestler. Being a multi-time Heavyweight Champion. Being a Grand Slam winner. A back-to-back Rumble winner, including being the first guy to do it from the #1 position. Being the guy who revolutionized the sport, time and time again with new matches, including the Ladder, Hell in a Cell and Iron Man.
His life is what everyone would seemingly view as perfect, and happy. So why wouldn't you want that?
Now, on the flip side of things.
Edge: (come on, you knew I was going there) If there was one individual I can relate with on a personal level more than any other, it's Adam Copeland.
He cares greatly about his Family, yet has been greatly shit on, all because of a personal issue that wasn't even anyone's business. He slept with his best friend's girlfriend. For starters, you can not tell me that he's the only one. So that's out. Wrong and immoral, sure. But that's life, folks.
My heart has lead me in different directions a time or two. But that doesn't mean I did it out of lust, or a bad meaning. I was following what I felt was in the best interest of me, which is what anyone truly does, whether they think about it or not.
So, why would I want to be Edge? Namely because in some ways, I can relate to what he's went through. I lost a friend over marrying his ex. I've found myself "in trouble" for wandering eyes. I can definately come across as cocky, but in the realm of reality.. I only do what I believe in my own mind, I can do. So it's not cocky to me, it's reality.
Edge is going to be remembered for being one of the best individuals to play a heel character, all because more or less of a real life accident. He's currently the top heel in the company, arguably next to Orton at the very least. He's won more Championships in the span of 3 yrs then anyone else I know of, past or present, and he's still got years to go.
And finally.. the guy got to literally have a live sex celebration, with Lita, who was really naked (topless) for a brief moment in front of a nation-wide audience. If that's not the world's best porno beginning, I don't know what is.