If You Could Fire One WWE Superstar From The Current Roster...


The Cerebral Assassin
... Who would it be, and why?

Maybe its a superstar that you really loathe, or maybe its one that you feel does nothing for the company, or maybe its one that you think just flat-out sucks.

If I could fire one WWE superstar I'd have to pick JBL. I just don't like him, and it doesnt feel like he contributes anything to Raw, or to the WWE in general. The only reason he has the IC Title is because he, just like the IC Title, had nothing else going for him, and, they just wanted to do something with him (for some odd reason). Hes getting old, and, IMO, his matches/promos arent what they used to be (even though they were never that much to begin with).

So, who would you fire if you could?
Someon like Ricky Ortiz or DJ Gabriel. Both of these guys currnelty offer nothing and have really added nothing to the WWE since they arrived.

Yes ok they are new guys, but currently they are nothing but new guy jobbers that get zero reaction from the crowd at all.

The WWE could better spend or save their money than having to pay Ortiz and Gabriel, as I cant see either of these two guys reaching anything higher than what they are already. Jobbers on ECW that no one will ever care about.
Charlie haas i feel that if he was fired it would be good for him. the guy is rarely on tv and when he is he is either jobbing loseing or in battle royals. i also think the indy circuit will benfit him or he could go to tna
Shelton Benjamin...from my POV I hate him, he never utilises his talent and he's boring, aside from his US reign what has he done in the past four years? From what other people say he has huge potential, and has put on great matches with Trips & HBK, apparently WWE are holding him back so maybe somewhere like TNAs X-division would suit him.
Jeeze.. I would honestly say... Gosh... I know this is hard to read, and it's equally as hard to say, but... Mr. Kennedy. He's a spectacular talent, but I think he's just too unreliable for WWE. If he were in, say.. TNA? They let you take time off if you feel you need it, he wouldn't stress himself as much and probably wouldn't get hurt quite as often. In WWE, I see him as a wasted effort. He should be WWE champion by now, but with the schedule he works and how prone to injury he is, I just can't see him ever being what he should have been.
Shad from Cryme Tyme. He brings absolutely nothing to the table, other than the fact that hes a big dude. Cryme Tyme is like a black version of The Bushwackers circa 1990.
But at least JTG has some skills
I'd have to go with JBL. As someone else mentioned, he's boring in the ring, out of shape and monotonous on the mic. Why he was given such a prolonged push, I'll never be able to figure out.
Any squeaky clean BRAND NEW wrestler that brings a cookie cutter style to the ring and has absolutely no charisma.

Other than that, probably most of the divas. There is nothing good about some of them. Like who's that chick that sings on the occasion? She's not even hot. She can't wrestle and she isn't funny. Get rid of her.
I think I would fire MIISSSTERRRRR KENNEDY. KENNEDY. Why? No longer some youngster wth upside. He is an injury prone underacheiver. He is worse than Mysterio and not even half as entertaining. He doesn't corner a demographic (kids and hispanics) like Rey. He doesn't have the best ring skills. When was the last time he actually wrestled? He got to have a fued with HBK. Most would kill for that. And he just cant stay in the ring. There is other talent to look at that has as much potential, younger and can stay healthy.

There are others I know people would like to get rid of or people who feel certain stars deserve better, but there is probably a good reason that we do not know. Im thinking JBL might be the new Hardcore Holly (whips youngsters when the step out of line), test their desire for the business, and has a lot of experience. We probably will never know what his main purpose is until he retires or dies. Haas, Noble, Funaki, some of these are more like in-ring trainers. These guys can make someone look great while teaching up and coming talent the in-ring aspect. So whether its backstage contribution, entertainment, training/mentoring, or just a valued all around superstar, most everyone serves a purpose. Im not sure Kennedy does.
Probably Hornswoggle, if he counts. It's completely stupid to have him on the roster still. I don't want to hear him squeal on the microphone during matches, I don't want to watch him do basically.. anything. I've never liked Finlay, but he can not suck as much without him. Heck, if it came down to it Finlay could go too.
Probably Hornswoggle, if he counts. It's completely stupid to have him on the roster still. I don't want to hear him squeal on the microphone during matches, I don't want to watch him do basically.. anything. I've never liked Finlay, but he can not suck as much without him. Heck, if it came down to it Finlay could go too.

I agree with you on Hornswoggle, but that's not my pick because the kids apparently love him I wouldn't fire Finlay because on ECW, he's doing his job for the most part. He's giving the new guys a veteran presence to work with and learn from, and he puts the new guys over usually. He won't put on the most exciting match ever but he's solid and works well with pretty much anyone. Plus you can throw him into the ECW title picture at anytime if you need a quick feud until you can move on to the next one.

Anyways, my pick would have to be Ricky Ortiz. The dude is horrible in the ring and I don't think he's really been used much at all as of late on ECW. First they tried his Ricky O' Rally towels, and that didn't work, then creative tried to give him a storyline with Tiffany but that went over like a lead balloon. I think they've given him chances to get over but it hasn't work. So this would mean its time for a gimmick change or a release. And since the WWE isn't fond on gimmick changes anymore, they'll end up releasing him eventually.
oh man there is a number of people I'd want out of the company like cena but i feel WWE needs them so I'd have to say they should fire Paul burchil his career isn't going anywhere anytime
Why would you want to fire JBL? As much as you hate the mans guts, it just proves that he's doing his job as a heel to get a lot of people wanting him to get fired. I hate JBL, but I don't think I would fire him, he still has a role on RAW.

I like the way Lee put his point about Shelton Benjamin and I agree, he's pinned Triple H on RAW, had a classic with HBK, he's had all the time in the world to transition from mid card champion to main eventer but he hasn't done much to do that in the last few years. I say get rid of Shelton Benajamin and let TNA snatch him up for their X Division where he would be more suited. He hasn't done anything in the last few years and I don't think he's going to be doing much more in the future unless he wins Money in the Bank this year which I doubt he will.
Why would you want to fire JBL? As much as you hate the mans guts, it just proves that he's doing his job as a heel to get a lot of people wanting him to get fired. I hate JBL, but I don't think I would fire him, he still has a role on RAW.

I couldn't agree more, as much as we think JBL sucks in the ring or whatever reasons you think he should be fired, the fact remains that he is a great mic worker and that alone makes you hate him as a heel. Which is what a heel should do anyways. Not only this but he also is a public face for the WWE, albeit without actually representing them. He's on a financial show, the name of it escapes me at the moment, but that is basically free exposure for the WWE while another network pays JBL. You couldn't ask for a better situation in that regard.

Now all I want JBL to do is actually do something with the IC title, since Regal or Punk couldn't do shit with it. Honestly, the last person do run with the IC title was Santino, but it was for comedy purposes and really didn't add to the actual wrestling prestige of the belt. I think if done properly, JBL can do it. I think this is the best thing for the belt is to have a semi main eventer/main eventer to hold it. This is why JBL is needed, he can elevate pretty much anyone or anything around him just from the heat he has from being the heel he is.
Wow. Kennedy, Burchill, Hornswoggle, this Otiz person. The WWE has got too much talent; or guys with unused talent. Talk about throwing money away. You got legitimate people who can't even make TV every week and these guys are running around collecting checks. Waste of time, money, effort, and TV.
Hornswoggle is a great choice but I'm going with Miz. All he seems to do is hold Morrison back. Whenever the duo is funny it's Morrison being funny with Miz just nodding along. They work well as a team but Miz is clearly the Jannetty. Any talented wrestler with more personality could fill that role. Morrison on his own is so much more entertaining that the tag team of Miz and Morrison.
Nice thread Game.

Firstly I'll address JBL as a few people are dissagreeing with it. I hate him, think he's shit in the ring and his promos are nothing special but at the same time he does have somewhat of a role and isnt the worst there so i wouldnt fire him but i would probably try to talk him into retiring or something soon coz he's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY past his prime.

I would fire one of these:

Khali - Lame, lame, lame. He sucks, cant do promos and isnt even used anymore, see ya later.
Mark Henry He's shit house wether it's his promos, ring work or his SHIT finisher. His fueds arnt interesting and he's not over at all. Henry needs to go.
Dolph Ziggler I just hate him so i would fire him.
Hornswoggle is a great choice but I'm going with Miz. All he seems to do is hold Morrison back. Whenever the duo is funny it's Morrison being funny with Miz just nodding along. They work well as a team but Miz is clearly the Jannetty. Any talented wrestler with more personality could fill that role. Morrison on his own is so much more entertaining that the tag team of Miz and Morrison.

I agree Morrison brought up the Miz. But the Miz can hold his own and should be at worst a solid mid-carder by the end of his career. I wouldn't go as far as to call him Marty Jannetty. But hey, everyone's got an opinon.
The Brain kendrick. He can't wrestle, he can't work, And he is never gonna get a push, and he knows it. Also, doesn't he use pot daily, and would rather pay $1000 instead of even TRY to quit?
MICHAEL COLE,could it be any more obvious.i just plain cant stand his announcing work
i never liked him to begin with but then they got rid of the mask and its over. he's been wondering on ever since.
2 wrestlers come to mind. Ezikiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov. Why?
Ezikiel is useless. When the hell is he going to wrestle? A big guy like that in the WWE not wrestling and being a manager is a waste seeing as though Vince loves Big Men in the ring (not a gay joke). Vladimir Kozlov is second on my list because he is just the Russian version of Snitsky and Khali. Boring in the ring, same body lock and Head Butt as always, Botches a lot, and barely any mic skills. Did I mention the body lock, I don't know, I think it deems a second mention because of the fact that he uses it so damn much. It is one of the most useless moves in the WWE. Even Tazz had once said "I don't think that body lock is doing much" He is never going to get over with the fans EVER, so anyways, the WWE might release him after Wrestlemania anyways.
Man - there are many. I don't even know where to begin. I can't just pick ONE . . .

Rey Mysterio . . . I understand his purpose for merchandising purposes . . but I hate him. I think he is terrible and I think his matches are always the same nonsense. His finisher is terrible. . . all around he is a bozo.

Uhh . . . most of the diva's. . . they all are pretty boring.

The entire ECW roster . . . Evan Bourne . . . he's queerer than a three dollar bill . . . I can't stand him either. I dunno . . keep Orton and Undertaker . . I could watch them two fight every night.
Rey Mysterio . . . I understand his purpose for merchandising purposes . . but I hate him. I think he is terrible and I think his matches are always the same nonsense. His finisher is terrible. . . all around he is a bozo.

Rey-Rey may seem to have the same moves on and on, but what about guys like the Rock, Steve Austin, John Cena...etc.?? All them guys near the end did what you would expect because it got a pop from the crowd. Keep it simple.

I would personally fire a few guys, like William Regal or Tommy Dreamer. Loyal company guys yes, but their purpose is heading towards the likes of Hardcore Holly & Val Venis, guys who were company men but really didn't do much to forward the product in terms of television time.

And as a side note, we can all sit and debate who is the most useless, but we don't see the shit these guys do outside the ring. Mark Henry may be a shitty wrestler, but he's obviously doing something to keep his job. Seeing as his big as 10 year contract ended like 5 years ago, that cant' be the excuse anymore.

One last thing.....bring back Billy Kidman!!

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