If you could turn one superstar....

Anyone else gather from this thread that Morrison really does suck if he can only play a heel?

You know who I would turn? Sheamus would be an awesome face. The guy is legitimately funny when he wants to be. Very memorable look and gimmick. And has a great smile. I think he would make a great fired up babyface. Can you imagine the buzz in the UK if Sheamus and Barrett were fighting like in a real feud? :laugh:
In the DoubleDouble E i would have to pick The Great Khali, Kozlov and BIG SHOW.need to be turned from Face To Heel when these guys are heels they are monsters. Bring in Rosie lotta love make her shake her ass for about an hour on RAW

on Smackdown they need to turn Del Rio to a Face that way he can be the modern day eddie guerrero.
first i wanna agree the john morrison kinda needs a nitro boost i ya know what i mean. secondly i wanna comment on Edge... i say he really straps his boots to the whole eliminating stupidity angle and runs with it. here is a possible scenario, fist he drops swagger after of course going to SD! full time, then he goes after ziggler taking the IC then unifying with us champ vs miz cause we all know he will get that back. then somehow involve them in a mitb tangle involving mizs case. long and short edge goes face and cleans up SD! del rio included! i hate that jackass!
Heel To Face - Primo, WTF, he's about the same size as Rey-Rey, and as intimidating as a mushroom. Why have a talented high flyer, with music thats upbeat and strangley catchy, perform as a bad-ass that dosent suit?
John morrison - It's basically been said virtualy by everyone on this thread, but it's the biggest fact, Morrison's look is a cocky, arrogent, brash hollywood wannabe, it's screaming heel, he shouldnt have turned face in the first place, he suited heel when in ECW/ Teaming with The Miz

Face to Heel - John C...Sorry...Zack Ryder - Okay, i'm not sure what he is at the moment, Comedy Jobber or serious heel, it's confuzing, he has the talent but the 'E' dosnt care. At Least make him Heel so the confusion can end.
Santino Marrella - Obvious really, his best run was as a heel (IC Title, Stone Cold 'Feud') If WWE can get off the fact that he's used for comedy/jobber/both, and show his real talent (i think he's trained as a MMA Fighter, correct me if im wrong) he can be someone who can fly up the roster faster than you can say 'Son of my Gun' ...I'm Just Sayin...
I agree that WWE needs to turn Jericho back to Y2J as he connected with the fans and he could be a tweener.

I wouldn't turn anyone else just bring back Sean O'Haire. And Im not telling you anything that you don't already know
John Morrison: One word "Be Jealous!".[/QUOTE]

Thats 2.. But you know..

My Heel turn... Other than Cena? Uhm. Probably Evan Bourne.. And then push him. I feel he has potential to be a big star in the WWE, but the WWE just needs to use him right, and at the moment RAW is just too big of a show for him. Or maybe.. Rey Mysterio! Just because that could be bigger than Cena. Be nice to see Rey spit in kids faces

My person to turn face would probably be Edge or Sheamus. Just because both of these guys could be awesome as a face. I think Sheamus could be funny. However, Edge could be the biggest face if used right. Yes, bigger than Cena!
Face to Heel

It's probably near impossible but The Undertaker has always had the potential to be the ultimate unstoppable evil heel. If you can do it then you also create a massive face when someone finally stops him.

Heel to Face

Ted Dibiase would be my natural choice but he's not ready yet. He has to take his current persona to it's full conclusion before people are ready to cheer him again, after the WWE monumentally screwed up his Legacy turn.
Morrison, he barely does anything as a face. I know his mic skills aren't that great, but that could be worked on if he was a heel. Only problem I would probably have with him going heel is the fact that he has a clean wrestling style but that can be tweaked a little bit. Morrison needs a heel turn, heck he needs more of a push. I don't even see him winning this US title.
If people had brains they would know that Y2J Jericho wasn't always a face....
Like in his feud with Michaels back in the day (not the latest one, but the Wrestlemania19 Feud)

But if there is one man i would love to see turn heel, It would be NOT JOMO...
It would have to be MVP or Mark Henry. Heel even both? MVP could go back to being the BALLA, with Henry as his bodygaurd. Not only could he get a lot of Heat, but I could see that earning him the WHW Championship. I mean that would be one great Heel Alliance.
Very tough choice, slimmed it down to HHH, MVP and Jomo but I'd have to pick Morrison. Out of the three he still has the most potential. HHH and MVP are pretty much just as effective as faces, Morrison has pretty much struggled his whole face run. He's over, but not getting anywhere. He was way better as a cocky heel and for someone with his athletic ability and looks its not that hard to give him material to brag about. And with a heel turn he would stop copying Bret Hart with the sunglasses thing.
Anyone else gather from this thread that Morrison really does suck if he can only play a heel?

When the rock debuted as a face, he was quite possibly the most booed face ever, rock can not play true face, hes always a slight tweener.
The same is with morrison. Now i'm not saying Morrison is comparable to Rock, far from it. But just because someone can't play face DOES NOT make him suck.
Here are mine:

Triple H - He's been face for too long and when he comes back, I'd like to see another heel run from him. Some of the best and most entertaining times in WWE happened when HHH was the dominant heel. He's been a good face for the company, but he's a far better heel and the irony is that it's a well known fact that he prefers playing a heel role.

Sheamus - I may be in the minority here, but I see massive potential for Sheamus as a face. He could be the Irish "Stone Cold" and he could be far more of a "monster" if given a face role, perhaps filling Batista's old boots back when he was a very popular face.

MVP - MVP was far better as a heel than he is as a face. The guy has a lot of potential, but he's languishing in obscurity and mediocrity right now, stuck with a stale character.

Chris Jericho - The fans already love Jericho. If he is going to take a sabbatical and be out for a lengthy period, I'd like to see him come back as a face.

Chavo Guererro - I've always liked Chavo and I think that he needs a real push, preferably as a face.

As for JoMo, I don't see that happening. JoMo is going to be the next big thing and the next major babyface of the company. Who knows, if Cena were to turn heel, Morrison is a man that Vince might turn to as he has a lot of charisma and appeals to the younger crowd a lot.

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