Here are mine:
MVP (turn heel) - liked him as a heel, but he's stale as f**k as a face and he's hardly even over with the crowd anymore.
Chris Jericho (turn face) - just turn Jericho into the mega-face that he can become already. At the very least, it'd allow WWE to turn Randy Orton or John Cena heel. I like Jericho whether he's a heel or a face, but I'd like to see the joke-cracking, piss taking Jericho back again.
Great Khali (turn heel) - this guy could be a bona-fide monster again. Turn him heel, because he's doing nothing as a face and isn't even over with the crowd. He is a giant, in better shape than The Big Show.
John Cena (turn heel) - I know this is a pipe dream and never likely to happen, but I would love to see the Vanilla Ice wannabe rapping Cena of old come back. He was immensely entertaining to me back in the early 00's, especially during his feuds with Eddie Guererro and Brock Lesnar. Of course, it's never going to happen, but one can only wish.
Dolph Ziggler (turn face) - after Vicky Guerrero dumped him, this is a golden opportunity to turn a very exciting prospect into a potential top face on Smackdown. Ziggler has all the attributes to be a major crowd favorite. WWE should at least give it a shot and see how he goes over with the crowd. Besides, Smackdown is literally screaming out for a fresh and young face to break through the ranks, as Kane and Big Show can only do so much.
Matt Hardy (turn heel) - I miss the days of heel Matt Hardy. It's time to bring in 'Matt Hardy version 2.0 reboot'. He was actually a great heel, but somehow falls short as a face.
Feel free to agree or disagree or just call me a ******, but that's my contribution to this interesting thread
I think this is a given. i'd love him to stay face and be a face champion, but it's not going to happen. The only way I can see him getting anywhere is going back to his heelish ways
The Miz
Yes, he is a great heel. Yes, we love to hate him. But in my opinion, if he is going to become one of the WWE's top stars, he needs to show he can do both sides. Some guys can carry off being face main eventers without turning heel (Cena, Mysterio) but very VERY few can stay heel in the main event scene forever, and have to turn at some point (HHH, Jericho, and most recently Orton). Even if its more of a tweener role, I think he needs it, not necessarily immediately, but at some point soon.
I know there are rumours of him leaving soon, but if he doesn't I think its time for him to switch back. He's great as a heel but I think its run its course and, for me, hes beginning to become boring. He doesn't have to go full blown Y2J again, but I really think him as a heel is becoming stale. I know lots of people like him heel but don't hate me for it, just my opinion.
And again, Cena DOES NOT need to turn heel. Maybe one day, just like one day I'm gonna need a 6 foot deep rectangular hole big enough for me with a tombstone footing it. It just isn't needed anytime soon.
Miz would be my choice too, but it's too soon. Miz needs a long WWE title run as a top heel. After that, he could evolve into a face, just like The Rock did. Slow buildup is the way to go....too soon to turn Miz face.
p.s. kudos to the mods for doing a stellar job at merging posts