Wrestlers who could do with a face/heel turn?

Every one has said choices that I agree with like Christain, Chavo, and MVP. But one guy that needs a turn is Mark Henry.

Right?.......If he is suppose to be the world's strongest man, why have him get completely dominated by people like Shemus, Batista(before retirement), Orton. Yeah they are the main eventers but they make Henry look like a wimp. At least when he was heel he was beating up on people. So give him a turn and management could still have him lose but give him the oppurtunity to beat up on some people.
Haven't seen this one mentioned and probably because it's almost as impossible as saying Cena would become a heel. But I think the Undertaker would not only benefit from being a heel I think it would generate major waves in the wrestling world and maybe get some fans to tune in that haven't in a while.

Think about it, he comes back and aligns himself with Kane (this only if Kane doesn't turn out to be the attacker) then eventually turns on Kane and becomes aligned with whoever the attacker might have been.


I know I'll take some sort of crap for this one...he ends up being the masked member of the SES.
John Morrison: Have him be yet another member of the ses and end up kicking CM PUNK out of the ses and bring in another diva like MCOOL or Melina.
Chavo Gurrerro: Turn him face and have him feud with Vickie and Dolph Ziggler.
The Miz: Make him a face so he could get could get over with kids and start a run for the world title.
John Cena: Turn Cena heel and some how find out that he is behind the attacks by the nexus.
Drew Mcintyre: Put him over as a face when he gets back and have him feud with Jack Swagger, and Matt Hardy because if you didn't see Smackdown Matt's slowly turning heel.
Santino Marella: Who really cares what he does now days.
Zack Ryder: He does get a really huge pop as a heel, but have him start shifting into a face and have him feud with the Miz.
R-Truth: Have him become the new Virgil to Ted Jr. and have them feud with the Hart Dynasty.
The Uso Brothers: Have them start embracing there heritage and bring back There dad so he can be there mentor.
Matt Hardy- Version 2.0?? his career has stalled as of late. this could lead to an IC Title Run.

Christian- As the instant classic heel he could have a great feud with Mysterio over the title.

Triple H- As much as id love to see it and as entertaining, not gonna happen. Hes wayyy over with the kiddies.

Undertaker- form a new ministry with some young talent (Nexus?) back to his devil gimmick he had back in 98-99. it could work if done right.

Jericho- Great as a heel but hes gold on the mic as a face. id like to see it done.

**I though that Rey Mysterio was heel for a while in WCW as a part of the Filthy Animals back in 2000. **
Without a doubt, MVP needs one. He has become so dull as a face, he is getting absolutely NO crowd reaction whatsoever. I thought there was some hope for him when he had amini-feud with Orton last year, but that went no where, and on Smackdown, he is doing nothing. As a heel, MVP will once again become something, he will be the cocky sports entertainer that we all knew and loved to hate. Also, with Smackdown's lack of heel main event talent, I believe that MVP would bring a fresh, new, exciting outlook to the main event level on Smackdown. The guy can cut really good promos, and he is pretty good in the ring. It would make for some extremely interesting feuds and matches with the faces of Smackdown. So, if somebody needs it more than anybody, it is definitely MVP.
On Triple H - I think that he's very capeable as a face or a heel. But I'd much rather back him as the evil heel (and possibly leader of the Nexus) against a face Sheamus, rather than have him as a face. Bringing him back as a face does make sense, but I think it'd have a lot less impact that him being a heel and bullying Sheamus (turning him face). I agree Sheamus is a good heel, but I think you could back him as a face. When teased that face turn the Raw, I certainly bought it, and I think a lot of other fans got a bit exited for a split second.

On MVP - as has been said, you couldn't buy him as a face Champion, but a heel one might work. His cocky attitude when he started was great. I think having a face champion is opening up a heel turn for him, Kofi or Christian, when one wins at Money In The Bank.
I think Mvp is the clear choice here, They moved him back to smackdown where he had done nothing at all. His face turn was abismal where nobody cared what he did but got minimal pops, and i think that if MVP wants to rejuvinate his carrer a heel turn is certainly in order.

Zack Ryder
I dont think a full face turn is what is needed, but i think he could be a perfect midcard tweener. That said i dont think it should happen now as his character is still interesting, i just thought it might be more interesting to see a tweener midcard role.

Dolph Ziggler
Pretty much same reasoning as Ryder, except I think hes moving up to and upper card level. We already see signs of a turn with his recent actions towards vickie and it could play out well for him, not too long ago he was getting pops in PPV matches against Mysterio it could well happend for him.

Triplee HHCH
Lol, anyway i think that if triple h was to turn heel, it will be his last stint in the WWE. I think everyone likes to play heel at the end of their career such as The rock, Batista, and even HBK a little bit when he jumped out of EC... anyway. I personally think that HHH is at his best when he plays heel because he can be himself, a selfish, non caring arrogant, ignorant prick. :)
I think this is a given. i'd love him to stay face and be a face champion, but it's not going to happen. The only way I can see him getting anywhere is going back to his heelish ways

The Miz
Yes, he is a great heel. Yes, we love to hate him. But in my opinion, if he is going to become one of the WWE's top stars, he needs to show he can do both sides. Some guys can carry off being face main eventers without turning heel (Cena, Mysterio) but very VERY few can stay heel in the main event scene forever, and have to turn at some point (HHH, Jericho, and most recently Orton). Even if its more of a tweener role, I think he needs it, not necessarily immediately, but at some point soon.

I know there are rumours of him leaving soon, but if he doesn't I think its time for him to switch back. He's great as a heel but I think its run its course and, for me, hes beginning to become boring. He doesn't have to go full blown Y2J again, but I really think him as a heel is becoming stale. I know lots of people like him heel but don't hate me for it, just my opinion.

And again, Cena DOES NOT need to turn heel. Maybe one day, just like one day I'm gonna need a 6 foot deep rectangular hole big enough for me with a tombstone footing it. It just isn't needed anytime soon.
The main wrestler that comes to mind for me is the great khali. He is basically a joke now that he is a face and they have him teaming up with hornswoggle if they turned him heel they could have him destroy guys like they did when he first came out which is a far better character for him
Here are mine:

MVP (turn heel) - liked him as a heel, but he's stale as f**k as a face and he's hardly even over with the crowd anymore.

Chris Jericho (turn face) - just turn Jericho into the mega-face that he can become already. At the very least, it'd allow WWE to turn Randy Orton or John Cena heel. I like Jericho whether he's a heel or a face, but I'd like to see the joke-cracking, piss taking Jericho back again.

Great Khali (turn heel) - this guy could be a bona-fide monster again. Turn him heel, because he's doing nothing as a face and isn't even over with the crowd. He is a giant, in better shape than The Big Show.

John Cena (turn heel) - I know this is a pipe dream and never likely to happen, but I would love to see the Vanilla Ice wannabe rapping Cena of old come back. He was immensely entertaining to me back in the early 00's, especially during his feuds with Eddie Guererro and Brock Lesnar. Of course, it's never going to happen, but one can only wish.

Dolph Ziggler (turn face) - after Vicky Guerrero dumped him, this is a golden opportunity to turn a very exciting prospect into a potential top face on Smackdown. Ziggler has all the attributes to be a major crowd favorite. WWE should at least give it a shot and see how he goes over with the crowd. Besides, Smackdown is literally screaming out for a fresh and young face to break through the ranks, as Kane and Big Show can only do so much.

Matt Hardy (turn heel) - I miss the days of heel Matt Hardy. It's time to bring in 'Matt Hardy version 2.0 reboot'. He was actually a great heel, but somehow falls short as a face.

Feel free to agree or disagree or just call me a ******, but that's my contribution to this interesting thread :)

I think this is a given. i'd love him to stay face and be a face champion, but it's not going to happen. The only way I can see him getting anywhere is going back to his heelish ways

The Miz
Yes, he is a great heel. Yes, we love to hate him. But in my opinion, if he is going to become one of the WWE's top stars, he needs to show he can do both sides. Some guys can carry off being face main eventers without turning heel (Cena, Mysterio) but very VERY few can stay heel in the main event scene forever, and have to turn at some point (HHH, Jericho, and most recently Orton). Even if its more of a tweener role, I think he needs it, not necessarily immediately, but at some point soon.

I know there are rumours of him leaving soon, but if he doesn't I think its time for him to switch back. He's great as a heel but I think its run its course and, for me, hes beginning to become boring. He doesn't have to go full blown Y2J again, but I really think him as a heel is becoming stale. I know lots of people like him heel but don't hate me for it, just my opinion.

And again, Cena DOES NOT need to turn heel. Maybe one day, just like one day I'm gonna need a 6 foot deep rectangular hole big enough for me with a tombstone footing it. It just isn't needed anytime soon.

Miz would be my choice too, but it's too soon. Miz needs a long WWE title run as a top heel. After that, he could evolve into a face, just like The Rock did. Slow buildup is the way to go....too soon to turn Miz face.

p.s. kudos to the mods for doing a stellar job at merging posts :)
1st off alot of people are saying rey...that will nvr happen he is a big draw for kids. And hes not heel material. I feel HHH would be a nice turn unless they make him a bad ass as a face no jokes just a mean bastard. Keep him away from any stable cuz he is always in one and its old. I liked HHH when he came back from his injury and won the Royal Rumble that was his character at his best. Jericho...he is a better face cuz this im better that you role isnt workin he is better whe hes funny. Dolph Ziggler hes an awesome preformer but i dont like him as a heel i think he would benifit more from a face run. Sheamus...well mainly cuz i like him. And the one i feel th most could use a face run....Ted DiBiasae i think he has the sizemic skills and heart to make it as a face plus it would help him climb the ladder faster. Cuz after Legacy he got lost in the wind...but remember when he was the internat feud with orton he really was rising fast only to become snuffed out
1st off alot of people are saying rey...that will nvr happen he is a big draw for kids. And hes not heel material. I feel HHH would be a nice turn unless they make him a bad ass as a face no jokes just a mean bastard. Keep him away from any stable cuz he is always in one and its old. I liked HHH when he came back from his injury and won the Royal Rumble that was his character at his best. Jericho...he is a better face cuz this im better that you role isnt workin he is better whe hes funny. Dolph Ziggler hes an awesome preformer but i dont like him as a heel i think he would benifit more from a face run. Sheamus...well mainly cuz i like him. And the one i feel th most could use a face run....Ted DiBiasae i think he has the sizemic skills and heart to make it as a face plus it would help him climb the ladder faster. Cuz after Legacy he got lost in the wind...but remember when he was the internat feud with orton he really was rising fast only to become snuffed out

Just like the Miz, it's too soon for Sheamus to turn face. WWE are doing the right thing with Sheamus right now. When he is ultimately so hated that he's actually loved, that's the time to turn the Celtic Warrior face. I honestly feel that as a face, he could become this decade's 'Stone Cold'. Until then, let him be a heel, but let him destroy his opposition. Sheamus is a great talent.

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