Face Turn / Heel Turn, pick one for each.

Once Bryan gets the title, this whole underdog thing goes away for him, and he settles back into the mid card as a face.

Whether that's the case or not will be solely down to how Cena is booked over the next 12 months. Good guy Punk as champion fell into the same mid card funk that you describe, precisely because of the Cena problem & the fact that Punk lit-that-shit-on-fire in 2011 & caught them completely off guard.

He wasn't in their long term main event plans for 2012, see, so when they gave him the belt he was quickly sunk to the upper-midcard so that they could still tell the stories that they initially wanted to tell (exactly what those stories were, i'm not sure)
Heel - Sheamus
This has been a main choice through the above posts, and I'm keeping consistent with them. Sheamus was a great heel and got some genuine heat from the crowd. When he initially turned face he was good but eventually got stale and creative seemed and still seems to have no direction in mind for him. They could turn him heel inside the Chamber by having him go nuts and absolutely destroy Christian, leading to a feud for Mania. Gets both on the card and gets Sheamus turned heel.

Face - Roman Reigns
He should split from the Shield by or at Mania in either a triple threat or tag team match. He doesn't necessarily have to take the US Title off Ambrose as most people think he will eventually, but that is an option. I think that Reigns will be a perfect face in the same mould as Batista. He can also be turned back to play the monster heel just as Batista did. I hope this happens soon because I, like most other fans, want to see how he gets on away from The Shield and as a solo star.
FACE: ryback, he deserves a face turn before w mania 30 he has been ruined and acomplished nothing more from being a heel and they are just wasting him in tag matches with curtis axel and is not being used to his full potential.
HEEL: john cena, I believe Cena would be popular even as heel like the undertaker was cena has a big ego and is being wasted as a face going after orton I think he should be having a feud with either Daniel bryan or bigshow.

The obvious and dangerous one (but it worked for Hogan) and that would be John Cena - you turn Cena heal and you instantly make all the faces stronger esp. Bryan if you start a Bryan vs Heal Cena feud. Have John join with HHH and Stephanie as the new "face" of the WWE..

Face - Ryback, not a fan of his WWE persona but if they let him be a little crazy like he is on twitter and voice his true opinions I think he would get over with the fans.
Face - Ryback, not a fan of his WWE persona but if they let him be a little crazy like he is on twitter and voice his true opinions I think he would get over with the fans.

They should really let him run with this "trolling the internet" thing. The WWE could use him as their "front" to make fun of the IWC, of which I am a member of I want to say on the record. Because apparently there are many people who discuss wrestling on the internet, who think that somehow THEY aren't a part of the IWC.

Ryback came out at some house show and started mimicking typing on a keyboard at the fans, I'm hoping he keeps doing this kind of stuff.

And I think it would actually make the IWC embrace him because he's actually acknowledging their existence.
Heel - Daniel Bryan. You can make anyone a face if you have John Cena give them credibility. However, the WWE is sorely missing a quality heel, and the turn by Bryan seems perfect.

For a brief instant last week, I thought you were something other than an attention-seeker. Clearly, I was mistaken.

It's a played theory and I get all the financially motivated arguments against it, but in terms of shaking up the product, turning Cena would be the most refreshing thing that they could do. It might be fun for him too, considering he's been wrestling the same match and giving the same interview for the past ten years.
- Kofi Kingston
- Dolph Ziggler & The Miz
- John Cena (Hear me out, the crowd hates him face, okay loses little kid viewers, but all the haters would get their wish)

- Roman Reigns
- Antonio Cesaro
- Bad News Barrett
Yeah, HHH and Jericho were never top babyfaces...oh wait...that's complete bullshit.

And Bryan isn't the TOP babyface, either. That's John Cena. Bryan is only as popular as he is because Cena gave him the rub.

What year was Chris Jericho the top babyface? He won the WCW Title for couple of weeks from the Rock during the Invasion angle, and the Rock was clearly way more popular than him and a jericho turn was already being teased. Then he turned heel, held the Undisputed Title, got no heat (even by his own admission), and dropped it to Triple H. Triple H also wasn't the top babyface in 02 when he won the Undisputed Title, because Hogan and Austin were way more over than him, especially Hogan when he donned the red and yellow. That's why they put the belt on Hogan the next month. Triple H turned heel that summer because he's way better as a heel, they had more popular faces and they wanted to do the HBK feud.

Then when DX reunited in 06 and Triple H turned face for the remainder of his main roster wrestling career, we were in the Cena era and Cena was the top face. Undertaker and Batista were the main faces on SmackDown. When Jericho came back and had title runs in they were as a heel.

So yeah, Triple H and Chris Jericho never were the top babyface.

Yes, Cena is the top face now. We are still in the Cena era. But Bryan is a huge face on the rise, and gets bigger pops than him. So my point is you shouldn't turn him and kill that. It is way harder to get fans to like you than it is to get them to hate you. Throwing it away for a cheap swerve that doesn't help you long-term is horrendous booking and it's not giving the fans what they want. It's such an awful idea that if it were to happen I'd legitimately think it was some kind of plan from higher-ups in the company to try and kill the buzz around Bryan for some BS political reason. Do not turn Daniel Bryan heel, that's the worst move the WWE could make.
Cesaro - His moveset is that of a face already. His past few matches have left people amazed, he's pretty much a good guy right now.

Christian - Christian hasn't done anything relevant as a face until just recently on this past Raw where he showed a more aggressive and opportunistic side of him. I liked it. I feel like one more run as a heel with him showing this more aggressive side will gain him that relevance he had back in 2011 and maybe a bit more. I think a match against someone like Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler at Wrestlemania would give some much needed relevance to both talented stars.
Seth Rollins was going to be my pick for face and Sheamus my pick for heel, in fact most have been taken so I'll try a more out of the box approach.

Face - Heath Slater: I'd give him a transsexual gimmick where he has the op and becomes Heather Slater and wants to compete in the Divas division, but he is shunned and none of the women will wrestle him. What follows is an inspiring fight for equality.

The beauty here is that you can easily turn him heel again down the line by revealing he never had the op and did what he did just so he could feel up all the Divas in the ring as none of them would give him a second glance as Heath.

Heel - Big E: He has a weird head, it's like a babies head on a mans body. I'd do an angle where he's lifting weights with Cena and a huge barbell accidentally gets dropped on his head, smashing his face.

A few months pass and Cena is randomly attacked by a masked man on various Raw's. Later Paul Heyman shows up as an advocate for the masked man and tells Cena that his new nemesis is the Big Executioner. Despite wrestling in Big E's ring gear and using the big ending as his finish Sherlock Cena still can't solve the mystery of who this deadly masked man is.

The pay-off? A Mask vs Jorts match at WrestleMania 31!!

Hey! there's been worse ideas. :shrug:
Face Turn -Roman Reigns: Some could argue he is already a babyface
Heel Turn-Sheamus: He has already gotten stale as a face
Cesaro - His moveset is that of a face already. His past few matches have left people amazed, he's pretty much a good guy right now.

Christian - Christian hasn't done anything relevant as a face until just recently on this past Raw where he showed a more aggressive and opportunistic side of him. I liked it. I feel like one more run as a heel with him showing this more aggressive side will gain him that relevance he had back in 2011 and maybe a bit more. I think a match against someone like Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler at Wrestlemania would give some much needed relevance to both talented stars.

Christian just turned heel on Daniel Bryan monday.It was comfirmed before the match with a heel promo but also

Heel:Big E,
Stephanie McMahon. This will create some sort of angle between her and Triple H similar to Vince and Linda. I remember Linda would always come in and overstep Vince's authority by doing something like bringing back a fired Stone Cold Steve Austin. I think it would make for a pretty interesting storyline.

Heel- I think it would be interesting to see Santino turn heel. He was good with his gimmick in OVW. Also, I think his shennanigans have gotten played out. I think at some point he should get a more serious run so that when he does retire, he has some sort of respectable legacy. He is good at his roll and all, but I also doubt that he joined the industry for that. I also think he could play a heel pretty well. Plus the kids reactions would be great.

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