Report: Dolph Ziggler's Probable Face Turn

Ziggler has been heel his entire tenure within the WWE. Turning Dolph Ziggler babyface would give him an opportunity to show us how much of a great, all around performer he claims to be. I would love to see what kind of face Ziggler would play, but now isn't the time. Ziggler's been feuding with John Cena over the last couple of months and has gotten himself a number of closing segments on both Raw and Smackdown. He’s been able to draw a credible amount of heat that he hasn’t been able pull off since his climb to the top. Turning him face would simply cut all that momentum in half. Ziggler is undoubtedly a rising star but hasn't quite reached climax. Ziggler needs to win the World Heavyweight Championship before he turns face.

However, with rumors of a long awaited Randy Orton heel turn looming in the distance, there's no way Ziggler will be able to outshine Orton in that heel role. 2009 Orton was without a doubt the best thing going for the WWE. Based off of Orton’s run in 2009, fans will lose interest in a heel ziggler soon. So I can see both sides here. My personal preference is to keep Dolph Ziggler heel until he reaches the top of his push. There's nothing that can go wrong with that.
There is no real purpose beyond t-shirt sales, and lack of talent on one side from the other. Dolph Ziggler being turned face shows an incredible lack of faith in his ability to be a top heel. It also shows that all this time, it was Vicki (which isn't a surprise) that carried both of their heel status'.

He is currently on course to being the next 'Edge' with AJ by his side, and the MITB waiting in the wings (possibly being cashed in on the biggest stage - Wrestlemania). To turn him face now, just pulls everything out from under him, right before his biggest breakout yet. It makes no sense, beyond just not having faith and trusting that he could run rival to Punk, at the top of the heel ladder.

Furthermore, I agree with anyone who has said Ziggler as a face won't work with his style, character and look. He has the cocky and egotistical look. His slick-back hair, his entire wardrobe, his character-moves (the sit-ups, head-stand) all scream "I have a massive ego and I'm better than all of you". Of course the IWC loves him, but actual fan-base beyond the interwebs won't fall for that crap and he'll get lost in the shuffle.

Ziggler needs his chance as the next 'Edge' before you scrap him for the next lost talent.
I don't see anything in Ziggler's character that would make him a face, let alone a good one.
Really? I think Ziggler would make a better face than a heel. His intensity, his drive to succeed, and confidence can all be spun as positives. Plus, he's pretty damn funny when he goes off the cuff or writes jokes. Lastly, a lot of fans already cheer him at times because they want him to succeed . Fans like him because he's so good in the ring but he's had an uphill battle getting opportunities at WWE. The story is already there for him to turn face.
Imo, they missed the boat on turning him face. If they were going to do it, the right time would've been after parting ways with Vickie. Now they need to let his relationship with AJ run it's course before worrying about making any changes to his character. I don't know about any of you, but I like the idea of him cashing in at Mania, AJ winning the Divas title from Kaitlyn the same night, and the 2 of them kicking off Raw the next night as the "first couple of wrestling".

I think a feud with Daniel Bryan would be interesting and it'd make for some damn good matches. Maybe even have Bryan and Kaitlyn become a couple to add another twist to it.

You can always have AJ turn on Ziggler down the road when the time is right. Maybe put her with Rhodes or The Miz if he doesn't completely get over as a face and they need to change him back.
It would be interesting to see. I guess until he turns face we won't know if he suits it. Right now he is portraying a heel very well and that is where his momentum is based. Turning face would probably have to wait until he cashes in the briefcase or splits with AJ.

I don't think that turning face is in his best interests. The top three faces are: Sheamus, Orton and of course John Cena. It would be extremely difficult to break into those three and if not than he would surely be a mid-carder which is not befitting of his talent. I say that he should stay heel and grow, as world champ, for the next few years at least.

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