Dolph Ziggler Face Turn: Would You Do It &, If So, How?


For a while now, Dolph Ziggler is someone that's been getting mostly a mixed reaction from crowds. It's not uncommon for heels to be cheered by a good number of fans while being booed by others today. It's made me wonder, however, if Ziggler would be able to succeed as a babyface.

With Vickie Guerrero basically the Raw GM, I personally believe it's only a matter of time before WWE lets the Ziggler/Vickie pairing quietly fade away. It's true, however, that Ziggler & Vickie can still be allies just as heel authority figures often have "favorites" on the roster, but it'll be a huge logic hole if WWE allows Vickie to remain Dolph Ziggler's manager while she's also the person that's "in charge" of Raw. After all, that would constitute an "inappropriate relationship" between the two. It'd be a different kind of relationship than Cena & AJ are alleged to be having in the current storyline, but inappropriate nonetheless.

I think Ziggler could work well as a face if WWE really got behind him and pushed him strongly like they're doing with Ryback. One way they could go about it involves Ziggler's MITB briefcase and being forced to maybe reexamine himself. A scenario that I had involves Ziggler attempting to cash in MITB at Survivor Series following the Sheamus vs. Big Show WHC match. I think Big Show is going to win but, even if he isn't, there's a way to work with it. Ultimately, it involves Big Show being a central figure in the face turn. Ziggler attempts to cash in following the match, whether it be on Sheamus or Show, but Show is able to attack him just before the ref calls for the bell. Show could be majorly pissed that he just lost the title and is attacking Ziggler as a means of taking out his frustration for losing. If Show wins, he could simply attack Ziggler for being stupid enough to try and take advantage of the situation to take what's his.

In either scenario, Show delivers a brutal beating to Ziggler that ranges all over ringside and up onto the Titantron stage. Show rams Ziggler into everything around, punches him, kicks him, hits him viciously with steel chairs all while talking a lot of smack, ridiculing Ziggler hatefully for putting his nose in his business. I could see Show brutalizing Ziggler on the stage, maybe repeatedly & savagely ramming his head into the steel grating or against the big WWE logo that's there. This would be a rare situation in which a wrestler could bleed in order to sell the brutality of the beating, like we saw in the Cena vs. Lesnar match at Extreme Rules earlier this year. Show would then deliver a couple of chokeslams onto the stage before hitting Ziggler with the WMD a couple of times, including just propping Ziggler up against the wall to hit him again. Ziggler is "injured", maybe with some bruised or cracked ribs and most definitely a serious concussion that's going to put him on the shelf for at least a month, maybe two.

The week following, the WWE could begin a series of vignettes sent by Ziggler as a means of detailing his recovery, maybe showing him undergoing some "medical tests" or undergoing "physical therapy". The vignettes would also feature Ziggler in a more serious light with him speaking on how he's been thinking about his life and how he's conducted himself both in and out of the ring. A new vignette would be shown each week, each time with Ziggler recovering and pushing himself to recover quickly. During the weeks, Ziggler would also become someone that'd show a lot of intensity & passion, vowing to ultimately get even with Big Show.

I'd probably bring Ziggler back at the Royal Rumble with something of a different look, at least different ring attire. Ziggler would attack Big Show after a match, or during the Rumble match itsel if Show isn't champion by then. Ziggler still has a confident persona & attitude, but with a strong intensity without the cowardly characteristics of a heel. Ziggler is able to deliver a strong message to Show that he's a different guy and that he won't be denied what's his anymore.

The next night on Raw, again if Show is still champion, have the Royal Rumble winner go after the WWE Championship at WM and have Ziggler declare that he's cashing in MITB at WM against Big Show with the intent of having his WM moment at Big Show's expense. If Big Show isn't champ, then focus on building a feud between the two of them that culminates with at least one strong victory for Ziggler before, possibly, still having Ziggler announced that he wants his WHC match at WrestleMania.

I know it's something that almost certainly won't happen, but I honestly do think it's something that could work. Right now, the WWE needs some strong babyfaces apart from John Cena, Randy Orton & Sheamus. They need someone that's got charisma and someone that can deliver inside the ring. If the WWE got behind Ziggler, pushed him hard & kept him as a strong, passionate babyface, I think he could be a big babyface star for the company.
Dolph Ziggler irritates me. By himself, he's pretty inoffensive and time was that I actually quite liked it. Unfortunately, him yelling some such about stealing the show or nobody being able to follow him seems to have brainwashed many into believing it's actually true. It's not. He's talented and he's had some good matches - with 'hacks' like Daniel Bryan, Edge and Rey Mysterio - but you'd think he were the second coming of Christ with the hype he gets. Ninety-nine nights out of a hundred, he won't even come close to "stealing the show." He'll land on his head, do a corkscrew and everyone will dive on his balls like they haven't eaten in days.

Ziggler could be a face, I guess. Most of his existing fanbase would probably pelt him with feces as soon as he actually won a match, as was the case with Punk, but hey-ho. Getting tossed across the ring and bouncing around like a poisoned kangaroo might work in your favour if you're trying to get a pop.

I'd suggest there are better candidates for that slot below Sheamus, Cena and Orton (and Ryback, I suppose). Either Daniel Bryan or Rey Mysterio could be split away from their tag partners. Mysterio's the more realistic choice, Bryan's the one I'd rather - but either would be good. I might even be controversial and say that Zack Ryder's career isn't totally ruined yet, and he's not exactly busy.
Have Big Show defeat Sheamus in a last man standing match at survivor series, and Dolph cash in the money in the bank briefcase immediately after, this would turn him face pinning Big Show and fuel Big Show even more, being 2 years in a row where where the money in the bank briefcase has been cashed in on him, setting him up for a major storyline involved money in the bank next year. Big Show and Ziggler would fued for a month or two, either that or just have a rematch at TLC, where Ziggler would retain, then face a heel Orton at Royal Rumble (we know wwe are going to be turning him heel soon), but I think it would be good if he held it till at least elimination chamber, as having the title will help his babyface persona.
I think they should have turned him face a long time ago. His associating with Vickie had overstayed its welcome a long time ago. All he needs to do is stand up to Vickie, telling her off. The fans hate her so much already that anyone who confronts her will get a positive reaction immediately. It would also do Dolph a lot of good to cash in his briefcase in a way that is not opportunistic like nearly every other Money In the Bank winner has done. I guarantee he ends up following Miz and Alberto's footsteps almost exactly if they do the traditional cash in process. I would hate to see Ziggler get lost in the shuffle honestly.

I would like to see him bring up Daniel Bryan's promise last year that he was unable to keep. Ziggler can say he wants to cash in fair and square so he can steal the show at the ultimate stage by winning the World Championship and showing off as he does it. A promo about this after telling Vickie off will get him an army of fans quickly. I doubt WWE will go that route but I would like to see it happen. It is better than having him cash in the old fashioned way and the get lost in the shuffle soon after like Miz or Del Rio. It wouldn't kill the federation to do something different. This Dolph Ziggler face turn scenario provides them with that chance.
Is it just me but does a potential Ziggler - Undertaker World Title feud scream out awsome! I think these two could deliver some terrific matches, also a time for Ziggler to brush up on his mic speaking abilities...
Why is everyone so anxious to make Ziggler a face? It doesn't make any sense to me. He is a cocky character that is an irritant to whoever he faces. This is his wheel house. Let him stick with it. Plus there are natural feuds for him with Orton, Daniel Bryan and Sheamus that they can get some mileage out of before they consider any kind of face turn.
I would have big show win at survivor series in a last man standing match, but I wouldn't make him a face. The reason Ziggler is popular now is because he is a heel. He's over with the older crowd and is evolving pretty rapidly. Leave Ziggler as he is, let him beat cena and steal the show and win the world title, all in one night.

Who can say better than that? Beating the franchise player, winning the world title from the worlds largest athlete and being the show off. Turning him face would be a mistake IMO.
Well first off I don't see why so many people think he should turn face before winning the world title?!?! He is a much better heel & his whole gimmick is essentially being the best heel. Not to mention he could make a great heel champion. Also is WWE wanted Ziggler to cash-in & become a face they definately missed the oppritunity when he was being cheered over guys like Sheamus & a face Chris Jericho.

I completely get the idea of Ziggler eventually turning face & WWE needs strong faces for the future but I don't think Ziggler should turn face till AFTER he cashes in, wins AND loses the world title.

If the rumors are true, then besides maybe throwing in a Daniel Bryan or someone when they are done with the tag division, it looks like Orton & Ziggler will control much of the world title picture after Show & Sheamus finish up their current buisness.

I think this is a great idea because not only does a guy like Sheamus need to evolve as a strong face w/o the world title but if Orton wants to turn heel on top of Ziggler turning face, you can kill two birds wiht one stone.

My Plan for Ziggler Survivor Series 2012-Summerslam2013:
- Ziggler beats John Cena at Survivor Series (possibly with the briefcase on the line)
- Next Month at TLC have Show/Sheamus/Orton for the WHC & while Orton comes within seconds of victory Ziggler cashes in to become the NEW WORLD CHAMPION!
- Fatal Four Way at the Rumble Ziggler/Show/Orton/Sheamus - Ziggles retains!
- Elimination Chamber match for the WHC Ziggler/Orton/Bryan/Kane/Sheamus/Show, have Ziggler/Orton/Bryan/Sheamus as the final four & have Orton cost Sheamus leading to Sheamus eliminating Orton & setting up for a feud at mania. Leaving Bryan & Ziggler, and while Ziggler retains, this leads to a match at mania.
- Mania 29: Ziggler(c) vs. Bryan for the WHC. After a match longer than 18 seconds, Bryan wins to become NEW WORLD CHAMPION!
- This lead to a rematch at Extreme Rules in which Bryan barely retains.
- At Over the Limit it is Bryan/Ziggler/Orton/Sheamus for the title. With Ziggler & Orton getting in each others way, Bryan retains.
- Then at No Way Out it is Bryan/Ziggler/Orton inside a steal cage for the title & once again Bryan retains thanks to Ziggler & Orton costing each other the match.
- This lead to Orton winning a battle royal for the #1 contendership & challenging Bryan at MitB for the WHC. But Ziggler wins the right to be the special guest referee. And thinking Ziggler might screw him during the match Orton hits the RKO on Ziggler instead of Bryan, prompting another ref to appear & Orton somehow pulls out a victory & becomes NEW WORLD CHAMPION! After the match setting up for a punt kick to Ziggler, Orton just spits on him, raises his new title & leaves!!!!!!
- Summerslam 2013: Randy Orton[heel](c) vs. Dolph Ziggler[face] for the WHC! And with one Zig-Zag your NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION IS DOLPH ZIGGLER!
I think it would be good if there was a double turn. Ziggler wants to prove himself, Vickie is against it, he doesn't care, cashes in at the beginning of the Show/Sheamus match, and wins clean.

I think it'd be nice to see a turn/title change all at once. Sheamus could even look down at Dolph as he's sitting in the ring clutching the belt, extend his hand, help him up, and shake his hand and hold it high for the crowd if they wanted to add more of a touch.

After the in-ring split up of Dolph and Vickie on next night's Raw, Vickie ends up enlisting Randy Orton to enact revenge on Dolph. This would solve two things: one, Dolph's turn would be bigger when it's against the heat magnet Vickie, and two, Orton's heel turn would be solidified by teaming up with Vickie. Nobody better to get him instant heel credibility.

Then you turn Dolph into a fighting, underdog type champion who has the confidence in the face of adversity and ends up beating the odds, sometimes by the skin of his teeth. Kind of like a combination of Mr. Perfect and Bret Hart, with just a dash of HBK rolled in the mix.

If done right, the crowd would eat it up, and Dolph could immediately cement his spot in the main event picture.
Why is the IWC so high on this dude? All he can do is flop around the ring and come out asking how damn good he is. Anyone who constantly asks how good he is isn't too good. He's a glorified Billy Gunn who gets no crowd reaction without being attached to Vickie's hip. I wouldn't do shit with Ziggler, have him cash in the MITB briefcase and lose. Then back to midcard status for him. He doesn't steal any shows and isn't putting anyone's ass in a seat period.
Why is the IWC so high on this dude? All he can do is flop around the ring and come out asking how damn good he is. Anyone who constantly asks how good he is isn't too good. He's a glorified Billy Gunn who gets no crowd reaction without being attached to Vickie's hip. I wouldn't do shit with Ziggler, have him cash in the MITB briefcase and lose. Then back to midcard status for him. He doesn't steal any shows and isn't putting anyone's ass in a seat period.

I couldn't agree more. You're one of the 4 people in this country who agree that Ziggler is overrated. I mean, let's start with his name - Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler. Wtf is up with that? Second, he is always with his death-deserving mother Vickie Guerrero (Don't hate her cuz shes a heel - she just gets under my skin I want her out of WWE that annoying brat). I think that Vickie is part of the reason why I hate Dolph. Anyway, yeah, Dolph Spaghetti hair Ziggler does not steal any shows nor does he "put anyone over by selling moves." Every WWE superstar sells moves and I can think of 10 right of the bat who sell moves better than little ziggy. I think he needs more time to develop. You can't just make a random buffoon the next Shawn Michaels! WWE doesn't get it. Nor do these fans who are so high on people like Ziggler , Cesaro, that idiot sandow, and cody rhodes. THey're all buffoons.
No point in doing anything now. They hampered Ziggler with the stupid case that hasn't been interesting or meant anything in years. They also have too many main eventers that will return between now and WM to the point a Ziggler face turn would make any money off of it. If they are going to turn him they should wait until after WM season.

Here is a summary:
1. Don't cash the case
2. Change his name to something that isn't a parody of a porn star
3. Make him noble
4. Have Vicky lose her shit over it
5. Have Vicky feud with Dolph by sending guy after guy after him for a few months
6. Have Dolph tame Vicky
7. Have Dolph win the title with Vicky in his corner

Dolph has never been that interesting, he is occassionally entertaining but he is rarely interesting. The only time he was interesting was when he beat Swagger in order to keep Vicky. It was a nice little story with terrific execution that the fans ate up. They need to do this on a larger scale. Dolph turning in the ring or against other talents is pointless. He is not that good of a story teller. His one card that he has to play to win fans and make some money for WWE is to do a Taming of the Shrew story with Vicky.
Dolph has never been that interesting, he is occassionally entertaining but he is rarely interesting.

Completely agree.

Dolph is a guy that struggles to get a good reaction by himself (aka without Vickie screaming) as a cocky heel, I doubt that he can get the crowd to cheer for him on a consistent basis. If he does turn on Vickie, he will get cheered as the "guy opposing Vickie". Once he moves past that he will struggle as a face.

Let him continue as the annoying show-off.
.... I doubt that he can get the crowd to cheer for him on a consistent basis. If he does turn on Vickie, he will get cheered as the "guy opposing Vickie". Once he moves past that he will struggle as a face.

Agreed, and that's why most performers want to be heels; it's easier to get people to hate you than to love you....all you have to do is some rotten deeds to people and the crowd will boo. Getting people to cheer takes more doing.

With Dolph, I'm not sure whether they should try face-dom or not. He's been a heel a long time, never having been anything else. It seems as if he's been with Vickie forever, and an acrimonious split with her would surely launch him toward being a good guy. So far, while she can't really accompany him to ringside anymore since she's "management," there hasn't been any sign of the two being at odds.

Still, having him turn on her would be such as easy thing to do (having anyone turn on her is easy) and we'd quickly learn whether Dolph could cut it as a face or not.

As I see it, every post on this forum in which a member expresses a preference as to whether a character should be heel or face......they choose heel.

But, hey!.....someone's got to play the good guys, no? After all, we couldn't conceive of ever cheering for Sheamus, could we? Look at him now.

WWE management is determined to give us as much Dolph as they can. Given that, I wouldn't mind seeing him give it a try as a babyface.
I think a go as a face for Dolph is a good idea. It would freshen him up, and be a good transition into the main event for him. A way that I think would be for him to do it is go against Vickie's wishes and have him challenge Big Show to a title match one on one cashing in the case that way. The tension could build between him and Vickie over Dolph not listening to her advice not to so it this way, and sometime before the match he could break from her and go on to defeat Big Show clean. I think the fans would get behind him through this. Could he keep the momentum going as a face after that? I am not sure, but I would like to see Ziggler get a chance as a face.

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