Dolph Ziggler Gets A Bodyguard

Reason 1. Dolph Ziggler is over. Sorry if some Raw shows that are filled with kiddies can't grasp the concecpt of showing reaction for someone who isn't John Cena. Watch wrestlemania 28. Dolph Ziggler was cheered by the audience. His entrance got a face reaction. He got the same reaction the following night on raw. Watch Summerslam 09. A good portion of the fans were chanting let's go ziggler in his match with rey mysterio. So in my statement, two HUGE venues. one being wrestlemania. ziggler was cheered for while being a heel.

So you're only examples of him being over as a face are from Summerslam 2 and a half years ago in a smark crowd of LA, Mania where he was by far the biggest star on Johnny's team besides Miz in a smark crowd, and Raw the night after with an even smarkier crowd?

Reason 2. Being shoved down our throats. He's fucking jobbing to that suck ass fat dinosaur brodus clay. clay is being shoved down our throats.

Because he consistently gets cheered by the audience every week, which is more than Ziggler can say.

john cena is shoved down our throats.

He's the biggest full time star on the roster. You're an idiot.

when orton beat christian 2 real days after he won his first hw title in wwe. orton was shoved down our throats.

It led to what was arguably WWE's best fued of 2011, and established Orton as SmackDown's top face and showed Christian has what it takes to be a main event heel. Also, the matches were nothing short of awesome.

when there's a money making program, hhh is shoved down our throats. he couldn't even put punk over last summer. he just HAD to win. that's an ultimate throat shoving.

PLEASE get this through your head: you don't have to win a match to be put over. Punk kicked out of MULTIPLE Pedigrees, and lost due to tons of interference after having the match won several times. Look where Punk is now and tell me it matters so much that Hunter won.

Dolph Ziggler can wrestle. He was a great collegiate wrestler so he has an amateur background. He is the best seller of moves in the company.

Ziggler oversells EVERYTHING. He makes moves look great, but so does Heath Slater.

His mic skills are getting better... but so what? Bret Hart was awful on the mic. Brock Lesnar sucks ass on the mic.

Brock Lesnar is a killing machine and Bret Hart is a great user of phsycology. They don't need mic skills. Ziggler does.

Hell Blandy Boreton sucks on the mic.

No..NO WAY. You like, totally made fun of his name with hurtful words! You're sooooo cool dude! Also, lack of catchphrases =/= boring.

Has Brodus Clay ever cut a promo?

Why does he need to?

NO he dances horribly and shakes his fat. And he's beating former world champs for the past month.

Again, because he's over. And what former World Champs? Swagger, who's been a glorified jobber for nearly a year and Ziggler who was World Champion for less than 2 hours in February 2011? Please.

kevin nash recently was quoted saying ziggler reminded him of curt henning. so i think his opinion is way more qualified than yours.

Kevin Nash is also most of the most deceiving guys in wrestling history. I wouldn't believe a single thing he says.

the only guy who have better in ring skills than ziggler right now would be daniel bryan and cm punk. and maybe jericho.

No, they're all WAY superior.

ziggler is better in ring that randy orton,

He wishes.

john cena,


brodus clay, big show, definitely khali, ryback. all guys who constantly suck up my tv time when i want to see wrestling matches. i don't wanna watch brodus dance. randy orton is not a snake. ryback looks like an idiot. if i was his size i could beat up a skrawny kid too. why is khali even on tv?

Do these guys not come down to the ring and have wrestling matches every week? Clay's over, Big Show's an over veteran that can still go, you obviously don't get Orton's gimmick, Ryback debuted a fucking month ago, and Khali's there for the Indian fanbase.

and the thing about the flair and ziggler. one trait they have in common is they both put people over very well.

That's also the only thing they have in common.

i can't think of anyone in wwe right now that does it better other than d bryan

Then you must not be thinking.
If they were using this as a way to split Dolph and Vickie up quietly I would like this because I did prefer Mason Ryan when he was playing the enforcer role in the New Nexus.

And also, this could be Dolph's path back to the main event and back into a program with Punk, because hanging out with Vickie and Swagger isn't doing him any favours at the moment.
So you're only examples of him being over as a face are from Summerslam 2 and a half years ago in a smark crowd of LA, Mania where he was by far the biggest star on Johnny's team besides Miz in a smark crowd, and Raw the night after with an even smarkier crowd?

Because he consistently gets cheered by the audience every week, which is more than Ziggler can say.

He's the biggest full time star on the roster. You're an idiot.

It led to what was arguably WWE's best fued of 2011, and established Orton as SmackDown's top face and showed Christian has what it takes to be a main event heel. Also, the matches were nothing short of awesome.

PLEASE get this through your head: you don't have to win a match to be put over. Punk kicked out of MULTIPLE Pedigrees, and lost due to tons of interference after having the match won several times. Look where Punk is now and tell me it matters so much that Hunter won.

Ziggler oversells EVERYTHING. He makes moves look great, but so does Heath Slater.

Brock Lesnar is a killing machine and Bret Hart is a great user of phsycology. They don't need mic skills. Ziggler does.

No..NO WAY. You like, totally made fun of his name with hurtful words! You're sooooo cool dude! Also, lack of catchphrases =/= boring.

Why does he need to?

Again, because he's over. And what former World Champs? Swagger, who's been a glorified jobber for nearly a year and Ziggler who was World Champion for less than 2 hours in February 2011? Please.

Kevin Nash is also most of the most deceiving guys in wrestling history. I wouldn't believe a single thing he says.

No, they're all WAY superior.

He wishes.


Do these guys not come down to the ring and have wrestling matches every week? Clay's over, Big Show's an over veteran that can still go, you obviously don't get Orton's gimmick, Ryback debuted a fucking month ago, and Khali's there for the Indian fanbase.

That's also the only thing they have in common.

Then you must not be thinking.

Well said on each point! But on here Drew and Ziggler are the cream boys. When you point out the truth they don't care and don't want to hear it. It's always some new excuse. In another 2-3 months when he doesn't get over once again everyone will be crying Ryan blah blah blah Ziggler carried him blab blah blah.

The only thing I disagree with you on is that Swagger being a glorified jobber for nearly a year. Swagger has been a glorified jobber for about 80% of his career.

Face facts Ziggler failed not the WWE. He was given soo many chances and each and every time no one CARED about him off of this board. Hell the Brooklyn Brawler and Hacksaw sold moves also but you didn't see them world champs.
This is a terrible idea in my opinion.. Dolph Ziggler should seriously drop vickie guerrero. He does not need Mason Ryan. Weren't they like feuding months back? I don't think it makes absolute sense having Mason Ryan being dolph's bodyguard. For Mason Ryan huge mistake for WWE discontinuing his push.. And Im pretty sure WWE gave that push to Brodus Clay. I dislike Brodus Clay that much, as Mason Ryan deserves that spot more. Mason needs to have a championship run as a face. Maybe a U.S Champion, or a World Title Reign. For Dolph, he needs to have bigger feuds now, maybe with cena or Orton. He needs a push as well. Im just hoping WWE Scratches this Idea of Mason Ryan being a bodyguard. At least there doing something with Mason but god awful terrible..
I'm liking this stable more and more..if tho i hate vicki so much Jack Swagger Dolph Ziggler and Mason Ryan hell of team just sayin...Dolph can Cut Promo's so he do alot of the talking and vicki will talk for Jack and Mason...if this was to happen Once Dolph wins enough matches to get higher in the wwe title race and his head gets to big i see vicki sending Mason and Jack to squash only make Dolph A face later when he comes back...if they had to bring one more person i would love to see Alex Riley or Curt Hawkins in there acting as a tag member...But overall Good Move
I'm guessing that Ryan will be to Ziggler what Diesel was to HBK. I'm liking the sounds of this, but we'll have to wait until RAW.

My thoughts exactly. As soon as I heard about Ryan, Diesel and HBK came to mind. It could be very good for both men if they go through with it. Watching raw on dvr now so hopefully they keep it going.
Dolph Ziggler has always reminded me of Billy Gunn. Looks are simular, they sell moves well, thier body weight is roughly the same, they also have very simular move sets.

Billy Gunn was never a main eventer, why should Dolph Ziggler be? i don't see what Dolph has that Gunn never had.

Billy Gunn was part of one of the greatest Tag Teams in WWE History (The New Age Outlaws) Perhaps this is telling us something about Dolph Ziggler?

I don't think Ziggler is anywhere near getting over as a singles competitor anytime soon.
Fuck, this cunt couldn't get more like Shawn Michaels if he wanted to.

Narcissistic, talents and athletic. Started off as a tag wrestler and won the tag titles.

Got an annoying female manager.

Won a midcard title.

Got a huge dude to be his insurance policy.

Went on to be one of the greatest of all time.

Wait what?

Nah, Dolph Ziggler seems to be treading water right now, and this is their lame idea of giving him something to do before he gets the huge push later in the year. He earned it though.
Dolph Ziggler has always reminded me of Billy Gunn. Looks are simular, they sell moves well, thier body weight is roughly the same, they also have very simular move sets.

Billy Gunn was never a main eventer, why should Dolph Ziggler be? i don't see what Dolph has that Gunn never had.

This right here is fantastic logic. Michael McGillicutty reminds me of Mr. Perfect because, you know, that's his son. Let's give him a strap! Jack Swagger reminds me of Kurt Angle because he wears red, white, and blue attire sometimes. Let's give him the World title and have him headline pay-per-views!
To be honest, I can't really think of a better role for Mason Ryan given the fact that his face character completely flopped and he very quickly fell into obscurity. I suppose pairing him up with Ziggler can't hurt. At the very least, it'll make him relevant again since Ziggler is featured on television just about every week anyway. All that needs to be done is to have Ziggler break away from Vickie. I think he's more competent on the mic now than he was a year ago and is capable of cutting his own promos. And it sure can't hurt to have a big, intimidating presence like Ryan watching his back.
Not sure it's a great idea given as I don't think it's that wise to invite more HBK comparison's. I also have my doubts about Ryan in the bodyguard role, it requires presence and a degree of menace, he just looks like a big juiced up bodybuilder but has the same docile facial expressions as Lashley.
if this means they're going to be splitting him up from vicki, then i say it's definately not a good idea! even though ryan looks better with his new long hair, i can't take him and that high pitched accent serious....ziggler needs the heat vicki creates until he betters his mic skills imo.
This is a pretty good move for both Dolph and Mason. Dolph needs to move on from Vickie. It has been fun but they have done everything that could have possibly been done with Vickie on his side. Ultimately for Dolph to become a big star, he would need to break out and this is the first step in the process. He would now cut his own promos and be his own boss which is a huge step forward from being ordered around by Vickie. I do feel that while managers are sometimes needed for performers who aren't all that good, they sometimes even hold back performers who can do a good job all by themselves. That is what was happening with Vickie and Ziggler, in my opinion. It's alright to cheat, every heel does that, but Dolph at least needs to come across as a guy who is thinking for himself and not having others to strategize for him.

This could lead to big things for Ryan too. Remember, muscleheads like Batista, Psycho Sid and Diesel were all bodyguards before they became world champions. In fact, this move has HBK/ Diesel written all over it. In any case, Ryan was finding it difficult to get over as a babyface and this is really the perfect role for him. All he would need to do is to give a spinebuster and make angry expressions.
I always thought the whole key to this whole wrestling thing was to get ratings..... So then why is it that when ol' Spirit Squader Nicky shows up on tv, I throw up and have to change the channel? When he can do something on his own thats memorable, ok, then I may take him serious. But until then, its only a matter of time before he's "future endeavored", which couldn't happen quick enough. Batista #2 there is simply a joke...... Kahli moves around the ring better than Batista's Mini Me.

And I'll say it again....... How dare that weak male cheerleader sully the good name of rolling papers and blunt wraps with a goofy damn finisher. Almost as goofy as Santino's Cobra.
All Dolph has been doing lately is job to the funkasaurus..... a rather disappointing turn of events as Dolph is one of the wwe's best wrestlers right now. He is more then over as a heel, he needs to drop Vickie, the idea of a enforcer at this point in the game kinda takes away from Dolph, it could very well hurt him to some degree. I think it's about time the wwe gave him a real push, he could be the guy to end CM Punks long wwe title reign. I mean, that would get him even more over, a Dolph - Punk feud would be a great one to say the least. They are both great wrestlers (so we can expect a good match up), they are both good on the mic (given that could be Dolph's weakness cause he isn't strong on the mic like a cena/Jericho/Punk level but he is good), and someone has to end Punk's reign at some point, and I think Ziggler is that guy. As for Mason Ryan, I honestly don't know, I mean, it would take a shit load of effort to get this guys career going anywhere, and I don't foresee the wwe bothering to try..... But him being an enforcer, in my opinion, could hurt Ziggler's credibility to some degree, and that is never a good thing.
So you're only examples of him being over as a face are from Summerslam 2 and a half years ago in a smark crowd of LA, Mania where he was by far the biggest star on Johnny's team besides Miz in a smark crowd, and Raw the night after with an even smarkier crowd?

Because he consistently gets cheered by the audience every week, which is more than Ziggler can say.

He's the biggest full time star on the roster. You're an idiot.

It led to what was arguably WWE's best fued of 2011, and established Orton as SmackDown's top face and showed Christian has what it takes to be a main event heel. Also, the matches were nothing short of awesome.

PLEASE get this through your head: you don't have to win a match to be put over. Punk kicked out of MULTIPLE Pedigrees, and lost due to tons of interference after having the match won several times. Look where Punk is now and tell me it matters so much that Hunter won.

Ziggler oversells EVERYTHING. He makes moves look great, but so does Heath Slater.

Brock Lesnar is a killing machine and Bret Hart is a great user of phsycology. They don't need mic skills. Ziggler does.

No..NO WAY. You like, totally made fun of his name with hurtful words! You're sooooo cool dude! Also, lack of catchphrases =/= boring.

Why does he need to?

Again, because he's over. And what former World Champs? Swagger, who's been a glorified jobber for nearly a year and Ziggler who was World Champion for less than 2 hours in February 2011? Please.

Kevin Nash is also most of the most deceiving guys in wrestling history. I wouldn't believe a single thing he says.

No, they're all WAY superior.

He wishes.


Do these guys not come down to the ring and have wrestling matches every week? Clay's over, Big Show's an over veteran that can still go, you obviously don't get Orton's gimmick, Ryback debuted a fucking month ago, and Khali's there for the Indian fanbase.

That's also the only thing they have in common.

Then you must not be thinking.

:lmao: I LOVE the comment about the smark crowd. Man that's awesome. So you have wrestlemania, the smark crowd, cheering for ziggler. WRESTLEMANIA. The money machine that makes wwe go from year to year. You sir are the fucking idiot.

Dude, get it. Brodus Clay may be over... which is less and less each week if you'll listen. People are obviously getting tired of him sucking ass in the ring each week. And he's beating former world champs.

When Brodus Clay is beating former world champs every week, then wwe is in huge fucking trouble in years to come.

Think with your little pea brain. WWE will bury swagger ziggler and miz into oblivion with brodus clay and santino.

Cean is approaching 40. Punk has said he wont wrestle into his 40's. Taker will be gone. HHH won't wrestle anymore. Christian will likely be done.

So...wwe in about 5 years...

In all likelihood...

Aging cena. If no cena.
No punk.
Aging orton.
No christion.
Aging del rio.
Aging bryan....del rio and bryan both in thirties
No kane.
No big show.
No taker.
No hhh.

Hmmm...brodus clay. ryback. santino.
damn that sucks.
yeah they'll make stars in between those times. but can they wrestle?

clay sucks in ring. ryback bores me just along with every crowd he's performed in front of. santino? lol okay

hell might as well let brodus destroy cody rhodes and wade barrett for good measure.

make sure the fat guy who dances crushes former world champs and some guys with an actual WRESTLING background in ziggler and swagger...

i forgot though. it's entertainment not wrestling.

guess i'm in with dusty rhodes on this one because it is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING.

:disappointed: so, next time before you try to go all vocabulary anaylist on me, do this first :banghead: and go fuck yourself.
I like this idea. It puts Ziggler back into contention and also gives Mason Ryan something to do. Win-win. I just hope they don't copy the whole HBK/Diesel thing verbatim. It's nice to do throwback storylines occasionally, but, outright plagarism shows how little "creativity" the "creative team" has in them.
Gonna throw my lot in at this "vocabulary analyst" or "idiot-shooter-downer" thing.

Dude, get it. Brodus Clay may be over... which is less and less each week if you'll listen. People are obviously getting tired of him sucking ass in the ring each week.

Brodus is virtually undefeated, how does that make him an ass-sucker? And I doubt you've been taking decibel meters to every Raw show since his debut so I'm not convinced that his reaction is waning.

And he's beating former world champs.
When Brodus Clay is beating former world champs every week, then wwe is in huge fucking trouble in years to come.

Jack Swagger is hardly on the level of Hogan, Austin, Rock or Cena is he? For crying out loud Khali is a former world champ.

Think with your little pea brain. WWE will bury swagger ziggler and miz into oblivion with brodus clay and santino.

Swagger and Ziggler are booked on the card for the upcoming PPV. Clay and Santino will likely be shoehorned in as a comedy segment at the last minute. You didn't think that one through, did you?

Cean is approaching 40. Punk has said he wont wrestle into his 40's. Taker will be gone. HHH won't wrestle anymore. Christian will likely be done.

Taker and HHH haven't been full time for years. Christian hardly carries the company.

So...wwe in about 5 years...

In all likelihood...

Aging cena. If no cena.
No punk.
Aging orton.
No christion.
Aging del rio.
Aging bryan....del rio and bryan both in thirties
No kane.
No big show.
No taker.
No hhh.

Your clairvoyant skills are piss-poor.

Look at the roster 5 years ago.

Edge, Batista, Flair, RVD, Benoit, Lashley, Umaga, World's Greatest Tag Team, The Hardys, MVP, I could go one.

2 dead, 1 retired to injury, the rest jumped ship. The company survived without them.

Hmmm...brodus clay. ryback. santino.
damn that sucks.
yeah they'll make stars in between those times. but can they wrestle?

The greatest of all time were never the best technical wrestlers.

Furthermore, who in 2007 could've predicted Punk vs. Bryan for the WWE championship would be headlining a PPV. And what about Del Rio and Sheamus? Oh yeah, that's right, they hadn't debuted in WWE 5 years ago. And now they're contesting over the other major title. Isn't that crazy? No, it's not because WWE will always make new stars.

clay sucks in ring. ryback bores me just along with every crowd he's performed in front of. santino? lol okay

For a big guy Brodus is incredibly quick and agile.
Ryback has had 10 minutes of TV time, just how short is your attention span?
You know who Santino draws comparisons with? Mick Foley. You know why? Because he was given a goofy gimmick but stuck with it and embraced it. He ended up becoming one of the most popular WWE superstars of all time, despite being relatively mediocre as a wrestler.

hell might as well let brodus destroy cody rhodes and wade barrett for good measure.

make sure the fat guy who dances crushes former world champs and some guys with an actual WRESTLING background in ziggler and swagger...

i forgot though. it's entertainment not wrestling.

guess i'm in with dusty rhodes on this one because it is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING.

:disappointed: so, next time before you try to go all vocabulary anaylist on me, do this first :banghead: and go fuck yourself.

And by now you're just nonsensically rambling.

I think the point of your post is that you don't like babyfaces with fun gimmicks, especially when they beat the heels.

Whatever, I bet you'll be marking out when Brodus beats Santino for the WWE championship in 2017.

Regarding Dolph, I'd much rather see him fly solo and see how he handles that.

If he really is going to be the next huge breakout star, he won't do it whilst tethered to various managers, bodyguards or tag-team partners.

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